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The Shofar, Vol. 11, No. 2, September 15, 1935
This newspaper contains articles reporting the activities of Aleph Zadik Aleph (AZA) chapters around the country. It includes information about chapters, officers, community service and philanthropy, events, and activities.
Date/Date Range:
Active Leadership
Aleph Zadik Aleph (AZA)
Community Service
The Shofar (Publication)
20th Century
The Shofar, Vol. 11, No. 2, September 15, 1935
Vol. XI
September 15, 1935
No. 2
A. Z. A. Day"
Woonsocket Aleph
Over Five Hundred Compete in
Set For Oct. 27th
Holds Two Offices
Summer Tournaments; Greatest
Joseph Sho-
Season in the History of A.Z.A.
Date Change Due To Simchath
lovitz of
Torah Conflict On
Eleven Cities in United States Hosts
R.I., has the
October 20
distinction of
heading two
Competition Includes Track and Field Events, Baseball, Tennis,
of the lead-
Basketball, Swimming, Bridge and
ing youth or-
Even Ping-Pong
International A. Z. A. Day will
of his city.
be observed Sunday, October 27,
With the spirit of summer tour-
Dallas, Detoit and Des Moines.
Sholovitz is
instead of October 20, as previ-
naments set aflame by the success
They are all vibrating with the
ously published in The Shofer. The
ly holding the
of almost 200 participants in the
success of their affairs and the en-
change in the date has been made
offices of Aleph Godol of Woon-
"A, Z. A. Olympics" at the 12th
thusiasm of the Alephs who at-
necessary because of a conflict
socket A. Z. A. Chapter 147 and
International Camp Convention,
tended. The next issue of The
with Simchath Torah.
Master Councillor of the Woon-
eleven sectional summer tourna-
Shofer will have a report of the
socket Chapter, Order of De
ments, attracting over 500 partic-
tournaments held at Newark,
The A. Z. A. Monthly Program
booklet for October, featuring A.
ipants, will have been held by the
Chester and Youngstown.
Z. A. Day, is now in the hands of
end of September. Never in the
history of A. Z. A. has the frater-
Aleph Godols and Advisors. The
At Minneapolis
issue contains complete information
Plan 18 Winter
nity maintained the interest and
Winning first in swimming, ten-
on A. Z. A. Day for the benefit of
active participation of the Alephs
nis, ping-pong and several minor
the chapter A. Z. A. Day commit-
as it has by virtue of the activity
events, the Dr. Deinard Chapter 8
tees. The deadline for out-of-town
stimulated through this summer
of Minneapolis won the tourna-
speaker requests of S. A. C. Head-
program. Fresh from the success
ment at Minneapolis September 1
quarters is set at October 1.
Tentative Regional Alignments
of the competitions, the chapters
and 2. Eighty Alephs from Ra-
and Prospective Hosts
are going right into our Fall pro-
A. Z. A. Day, the most impor-
cine, Wis., Gary, Ind., Fargo, N.
tant event on the calendar of the
gram, preparing for International
Dak., Winnipeg, Can., Duluth,
A. Z. A. Day on October 27th.
Junior B'nai B'rith, has a two-fold
Minn., Minneapolis and two St.
Tournament reports have already
purpose; it marks the rededication
Paul chapters registered.
As this issue of The Shofer
been received from San Francisco,
Competition winners were as
of the membership to the ideals of
goes to press, district and national
Minneapolis, Cincinnati, Pottsville,
(Continued on Page 4)
the order and it serves to acquaint
headquarters are in the midst of
the community with A. Z. A. aims
plans and preparations for the
and achievements.
arrangement of 18 regional and
district tournaments in basket-
Detroit Jumper Over The Top!!
ball, oratory and debate, which
will be held in strategic sections
of the country, between December
and March. Under the united su-
pervision of state and district
Funds Now Available for Part-
B'nai B'rith committees, Grand
Time Work for High School
Councillors, Deputies, Field Secre-
taries, it is hoped that the 1935-
and College Students
36 tournaments will result in the
widest participation on the part
TO SPEND $50,000,000
of chapters, in the history of our
(Continued on Page 7)
Ever since President Roosevelt
created a National Youth Admin-
istration on May 6th Sam Beber,
Beber Announces
President of the Supreme Ad-
visory Council, has been in close
communication with Washington
Appointments of
headquarters in the interest of
benefiting A. Z. A. members to
Deputies, 1935-36
the greatest extent. In a recent
communication, President Beber
The President of the Supreme
'edged the co-operation of the
Advisory Council, Sam Beber, with
aternity in propagating and as-
the approval of the representa-
ting the administration in its
tives on the Supreme Advisory
gram to spend $50,000,000.00 in
Council for each respective dis-
interest and welfare of youths
trict, announces the following ap-
Bill Steller of Detroit Chapter 63 wins the high jump at the
een 16 and 25 years of age.
pointments of international re-
Detroit tournament. The host chapter was the meet winner. Aleph
(Continued on Page 8)
(Continued on Page 7)
Louis Goldenberg of Detroit took the picture.
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The Shofar, Vol. 11, No. 2, September 15, 1935
This newspaper contains articles reporting the activities of Aleph Zadik Aleph (AZA) chapters around the country. It includes information about chapters, officers, community service and philanthropy, events, and activities.