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The Shofar, Vol. 11, No. 4, October 15, 1935
This newspaper contains articles reporting the activities of Aleph Zadik Aleph (AZA) chapters around the country. It includes information about chapters, officers, community service and philanthropy, events, and activities.
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Active Leadership
Aleph Zadik Aleph (AZA)
Community Service
The Shofar (Publication)
20th Century
The Shofar, Vol. 11, No. 4, October 15, 1935
October 15, 1935
No. 4
ews of Ethiopia
Calgary Chapter To
Three Groups
200 Chapters To
Debate B'nai B'rith
ovember Feature
Want Charters
Sponsor Programs
A debate between Calgary Chap-
apters Are Given Complete
ter 31 and a team representing
Philadelphia, New Castle and
S. A. C. Speakers To Travel
the B'nai B'rith lodge of Calgary
Data On Falashas In
Asheville Send In
Thousands of Miles For
is being arranged.
Program Bootlet
Open Meetings
The chapter is adding hockey to
its sports calendar this year, and
he Supreme Advisory Council,
will compete in hockey and bas-
The results of the past thirty
Approximately 50,000 people are
keeping with its policy to make
ketball tournaments during the
days show that the fraternity is
expected to attend open meetings
Cultural Program interesting
continuing that phenomenal growth
in observance of International A.
timely, offers for the feature of
which last year resulted in the
Z. A. Day throughout Canada and
November issue of the A.
installation of fifty-three new
the United States on Sunday, Oc-
A. Monthly Program, a
Aleph clubs. The Supreme Ad-
tober 27. Reports from chapters
-hour cultural program on
visory Council has before it for
in every district indicate that this
he Jews of Ethiopia."
consideration charter applications
year's celebration will surpass
n addition to the A. Z. A.
from New Castle and Philadelphia,
those held in previous years, both
gs, invocation and bene-
Pa., and Asheville, N. C.
as to the intensity of preparations
tion, Chairman's remarks
New Castle, located in western
and as to response from the Jew-
aling with the occasion
Pennsylvania, has active N. J.
ish public.
this particular program,
Love as President of its B'nai
address on "A Short His-
B'rith Lodge No. 609. Immediate-
A. Z. A. Day has a two-fold
y of the Falashas, Origin,
ly upon assuming office Brother
purpose: It serves to further
Love undertook, as one of his first
acquaint Jewish communities with
-discovery and Family
responsibilities, the formation of
the aims and activities of the Jun-
fe," another address on
a Junior lodge. As the result, six-
ior B'nai B'rith, and it affords
religion and Customs of
Jews of Ethiopia," an
teen fellows, most from the New
the members an annual occasion
dress on "The Present
Castle High School, have been
upon which they rededicate them-
ndition of the Jews in
meeting regularly for the past sev-
selves to their creed. The fact
hiopia," and an address on
eral weeks under the advisorship
that this important day on the
thiopian Jews in America."
of Brother Love. These prospec-
A. Z. A. calendar falls in the
tive members hail from all parts
month of the high holidays is of
The program sent to the
(Continued on Page 4)
special significance. A. Z. A. Day
eph Godols consists of an
is the Yom Kippur of the Order.
tline for all of the ad-
On that day the chapters view in
esses, together with a com-
New Haven Host
retrospect the activities of the
ete bibliography. Those
lapters whose members do
District One On
preceding twelve months and set
for themselves new goals of
t have sufficient time to
November 11-12
chievement. The Alephs look back
epare the program, may
rite to the A. Z. A. Head-
upon their strivings and failings
marters in Omaha, and ob-
Plans for the District 1 gather-
as members of the Order and re-
Dr. Tamaarat Emanuel, an Ethiopian
ing to be held in New Haven,
solve to live the next year more
addresses completely
Jew, educated in America, now teach-
Conn., on November 10 and 11
fully in accordance with A. Z. A.
ing at Addis Ababa.
are virtually complete, according
Newark Wins
Money Available
to the latest word received from
The open meeting programs
General Chairman Martin Schnit-
will consist of addresses by prom-
N. J. Tourney
From A. Z. A. Fund
man, New Haven.
inent speakers furnished by the
The program includes a smoker,
Supreme Advisory Council, the in-
The results of the Northern
two business sessions and a for-
itiation of special classes of new
Jersey Council tournament
A. Z. A. Scholarship Fund
mal ball on Sunday, and Armis-
members, and the exemplification
eld in Newark on September 8
Makes 1-Year Loan Up to
tice Day services, a tour of the
of the Second Degree to members
dicate that the sponsoring chap-
r achieved the highest standing
One Hundred Dollars
city, a final business meeting,
who have completed the proba-
banquet and dance on Monday.
tionary period. Other features of
the various events. The par-
New officers will also be elected
celebrations will include break-
cipating chapters and the total
As the school year gets under
at the conference. Retiring of-
fasts, luncheons, and dinners,
umber of points scored by each
way, the attention of the members
ficers are District Godol Joseph
dances, smokers and basketball
as follows: Newark, 38 points;
of our fraternity is called to the
Shorr of Woonsocket, District
Jersey 16 City, 21 points; Paterson,
A. Z. A. Scholarship Loan Fund,
S'gan Leon Greenberg of Worces-
Ezekiel A. C., 2 points. Indi-
Points: Montclair, 2 points;
which makes available funds up to
ter, District Mazkir Hyman Haves
This year A. Z. A. Day will be
$100 for scholarship purposes. This
of New Haven, District Gisbor
observed for the first time in
vidual high scores were won by
money is made possible by the
Nathan Shapiro of Middletown,
Gladstone of Newark with 18
about 50 communities that have
Supreme Advisory Council setting
District Sopher William Wheeler
points and Margolin of Jersey
aside one-eighth of all national
of Boston, District Kohen Godol
recently witnessed the installa-
City with 15 points.
dues collected from the chapters.
(Continued on Page 3)
tion of new A. Z. A. units.
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The Shofar, Vol. 11, No. 4, October 15, 1935
This newspaper contains articles reporting the activities of Aleph Zadik Aleph (AZA) chapters around the country. It includes information about chapters, officers, community service and philanthropy, events, and activities.