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The Shofar, Vol. 11, No. 7, December 1, 1935
This newspaper contains articles reporting the activities of Aleph Zadik Aleph (AZA) chapters around the country. It includes information about chapters, officers, community service and philanthropy, events, and activities.
Date/Date Range:
Active Leadership
Aleph Zadik Aleph (AZA)
Community Service
The Shofar (Publication)
20th Century
The Shofar, Vol. 11, No. 7, December 1, 1935
to be scrt
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1 be run
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be permit
t hands
nament ch
December 1, 1935
No. 7
ter from
buncil, stat
A. C. ind
d that all
eligible. Ch
ed with S
S. A. C. he
sno Organizes
Executive Secy. In Des Moines
Brazy Will Head
S the tour
hich was
New Aleph Clubs
Special Committee
Mazkirs, is
The erst
A. Z. A. Group in State
To Raise $1,500.00 for Pur-
A. C. he
an Decem
of Virginia to Apply
chase of Thousand Trees
hust be re
For Charter
In Palestine
ona fide m
Decemberlefini progress in the organ-
The final drive in the campaign
in regiolion of several Aleph Clubs in
to raise $1,500 for the planting of
eld in Dectricts 5 and 7 is reported by
a thousand trees in Palestine as
g their Idus Bisno, Executive Secretary,
a memorial to the late treasurer
er than is at present on a tour of
of the Supreme Advisory Council,
ber. Rem Southland.
Harry H. Lapidus, will begin after
ut for bash very much handicapped in
the first of the year. Nicholas M.
efforts by the general lack of
Brazy, Ft. Wayne, Ind., who has
wish community spirit in this
been named chairman of the spe-
tended to
of the country," Bisno re-
cial campaign committee, has an-
nt possess
"However, we should even-
nounced that every Aleph Godol
e of the
succeed in extending our
will be placed on his committee
the print
into most of these com-
and will be made personally re-
here is a
sponsible for the campaign in his
fifteen ce
ormal application is expected
local community. The drive will
n from Mobile, Ala., where
terminate February 8, on the -
eting in
esident Sol Seches of the local
casion of Chamisho Osor B'Shvat,
ontest are
ai B'rith lodge arranged a meet-
the Jewish New Year for Trees.
copies of
for the Executive Secretary.
Two-Fold Purpose
ations and
hold Jacoby, who was interest-
The campaign is motivated by
C. headqt
in A. Z. A. in New York City,
two vital interests of the A. Z. A.:
June 1.
serve as Advisor.
It will be A. Z. A.'s way of honor-
ures" or
Norfolk Very Promising
Julius Bisno Being Greeted by a Delegation of Alephs Upon His
ing a man whose inspiring leader-
ngs, may
Although Norfolk, Va., is highly
Arrival in Des Moines, la.
ship in Jewish life, lofty character
C. headqui
anized, A. Z. A. was SO attrac-
and contributions to the Order
one copy,
presented by the Executive
(Continued on Page 4)
1.00 for tell
(Continued on Page 3)
Twelve Regional Tournaments
cts 1, 2,
ew Orleans 118
Are Scheduled For December
Long Beach Aleph
ested to
ence and
Club Is Installed
to their
Gets Trust Fund
Twelve out of the sixteen re-
On December 25 the chapters in
ries. Natio
ports and
gional tournaments in basketball,
the states of Connecticut and
Long Beach, Calif., Aleph Club
are now under way to es-
debate and oratory will be held
Rhode Island will meet at Hart-
Chapter 250 was formally installed
1 commun
lish a $500 trust fund for the
during the latter part of Decem-
ford under the sponsorship of
by J. J. Lieberman, First Vice-
cted to efit of New Orleans Chapter
ber in virtually all sections of the
Ararat Chapter 90. The general
President of the Supreme Advisory
United States and Canada. For
chairman is William Silver, 34
Council, on November 3. The prin-
Donors of the fund are the mem-
the first time in the history of
Enfield Street, Hartford, Conn.
cipal speaker for the evening was
of the former J. K. Guthem
the Order advisors' conferences
District 2
Mr. P. Allen Rickels, president of
B'rith Lodge, which has
will be held simultaneously with
Heights Chapter 177 will be host
District Grand Lodge No. 4 of the
united with other New Or-
the tournaments.
to the chapters of the Eastern
B'nai B'rith, who gave an inspir-
lodges to form a single lo-
"Resolved, That the Principle of
Ohio Council when they meet in
ing address on A.Z.A. ideals and
Public As Opposed to the Private
Cleveland December 27, 28 and 29.
the need for Jewish unification.
Ownership of Land in Palestine
Sid Caplan, 3208 Tulamore Road,
Officers for the Aleph Club are
Be Encouraged," will be the sub-
Cleveland Heights, Ohio, is general
Bernard Baines, Aleph Godol; Mor-
Chanukah Baskets
ject of the debates. Orators will
timer Stein, Aleph S'gan; Maynard
speak on the subject, "A Notable
December 29, 30 and 31 are the
Sarvas, Aleph Mazkir; Ed Wein-
Jewish Figure of Recent History."
dates of the K. I. O. tournament
stein, Aleph Gisbor; Arthur Jam-
active social service program
District 1
to be held in Dayton, with the
polsky, Aleph Shotare Godol; Wal-
being followed Cleveland
including by Cha-
The chapters in the states of
local Chapter 68 as host. All groups
lace Rodecker, Aleph Shotare Ko-
distribution of
Maine, New Hampshire and Massa-
in Indiana and Kentucky and Cin-
tone; Morris Klein, Aleph Kohen
baskets and contributions to
chusetts will compete at Worces-
cinnati, Dayton, Toledo and Co-
Godol; Milton Sarvas, Aleph So-
Community Fund and the Jew-
ter December 28-29, with the local
lumbus will participate. The general
Consumptive League.
Chapter 52 as host. Marston
chairman is Milton Marks, 27 Po-
The new Aleph Club plans an
chapter is rehearsing the
Becker, 127 Winfield Street, Wor-
tomac Street, Dayton, Ohio.
inaugural dance for the middle
Maccabee Playlet.
cester, Mass., is general chairman.
(Continued on Page 3)
part of January.
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The Shofar, Vol. 11, No. 7, December 1, 1935
This newspaper contains articles reporting the activities of Aleph Zadik Aleph (AZA) chapters around the country. It includes information about chapters, officers, community service and philanthropy, events, and activities.