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The Shofar, Vol. XVI, No. 15, March 28, 1941
This newspaper contains articles reporting the activities of Aleph Zadik Aleph (AZA) chapters around the country. It includes information about chapters, officers, community service and philanthropy, events, and activities.
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Aleph Zadik Aleph (AZA)
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The Shofar (Publication)
20th Century
The Shofar, Vol. XVI, No. 15, March 28, 1941
Official Organ Aleph 3adik Aleph of B'nai B'rith
MARCH 28, 1941
No. 15
McKeesport A.Z.A.
Henry A. Wallace and Chaim
Organizes Negro
Weizmann to Address Meeting
McKeesport, Pa.-How the
McKeesport AZA chapter be-
came responsible for organiz-
National Conclave to Act on Questions of
ing this community's first Ne-
gro youth group came to light
Defense, Refugee Aid, War Relief, Youth
in connection with the recent
AZA-sponsored youth and de-
Welfare and Jewish Problems
Leo Levine Made Dis-
mocracy rally. When the AZA
members began making plans
dealing with national defense,
trict Four Field
for their youth and democracy
Chicago Delegates represent-
Americanism, dult education,
rally, they sought to invite a
ing 150.000 B'nai B'rith men and
youth welfare. war relief, refugee
Negro youth group to be among
women from every state in the
aid and matters of special con-
the co-sponsors, but found that
Union are gathering here for the
cern to the American Jewish
San Francisco, Calif. Sey-
McKeesport had no organized
opening session tomorrow night
community. Convention decisions
mour Holtzman, Field Secretary
colored youth group.
at the Drake Hotel of the nation-
of AZA District Four has just
The AZA then called on
al triennial convention of B'nai
been appointed office manager
adult Negro leaders and
B'rith, oldest and largest nation-
through them arranged a meet-
al Jewish service and fraternal
ing with a number of Negro
organization, whose five-day as-
boys. At that meeting it was
sembly will be addressed by the
learned that the pastor of the
Hon. Henry A. Wallace, Vice-
Negro church had died, and
Persident of the United States.
there was no one else in the
Dr. Chaim Weizmann, president
little colored community who
of the World Zionist Organiza-
would accept the responsibil-
tion and of the Jewish Agency
ity for organizing and guiding
for Palestine, and Irving Kaler
their young people.
of Atlanta, Grand Aleph Godol of
At that point the B'nai B'-
A. z. A.
rith youth stepped in and be-
gan organizing a Negro boys
Henry A. Wallace
Mr. Wallace will address the
national inspirational session to
group. Until a number of adult
be held at the Chicago Civic
Negroes have been trained to
Opera House on Sunday evening,
serve as advisers to the color-
March 30th, while Dr. Weizmann,
ed youngsters, the AZA mem-
who flew here by Clipper plane
bers are serving in that capa-
from London, will speak at the
city. The committee represent-
March 30th luncheon session at
ing AZA is composed of Wil-
the Drake Hotel.
liam Keller, Harry Wechsler
and Harry L. Kohn,
Atlanta, Ga. - 450 people were
To Broadcast Address
present at the recent Youth and
Henry Monsky, president of
Democracy Rally sponsored by the
B'nai B'rith, who is to present
Atlanta Chapters 134 and 357.
the Vice-President, will speak
Chaim Weizmann
The prinicpal speaker of the eve-
with him on a program to be
broadcast by the Columbia
on these questions will be guided
ning was former Governor John
Broadcasting System from 10:05
by the recommendations to be
Seymour Holtzman
M. Slaton.
to 10:30 P. M., Central Standard
made in the presidential report
and assistant to Eddie Zeisher,
The color guard of the Girl
Time, and rebroadcast via short
of Mr. Monsky. who will appraise
secretary of District Grand Lodge
Scout troop presented the colors,
wave to Latin-America. Alfred
the record of B'nai B'rith activ-
No. 4 of B'nai B'rith. Seymour
and Captain Everett Thrift, Area
M. Cohen of Cincinnati, past
ities since 1938, when he was
will be succeeded by Leo Levine,
president and now honorary pres-
first called to the leadership of
past Aleph Godol of Seattle Chap-
Commander of the American Le-
ident of B'nai B'rith, will pre-
the organization.
ter 73 and prominent alumnus
gion, presided over the program.
side. Mr. Wallace's subject is
Governor To Speak
('38) of the Pacific Northwest
Harold Yudelson of Gate City 357
"Democracy and the Dignity of
The opening session of the
Levine has already moved to
and Teddy Levitas, also of 357
convention on Saturday night,
St. Louis. Mo. With the
gave addresses on this occasion.
Universally regarded as one of
March 29th. at the Drake Hotel,
San Francisco where he will have
much awaited District Convention
the most distinguished and crea-
at which Mr. Monsky will pre-
his office at 593 Market street,
and Tournament, combined with
Rabbi Harry Epstein gave the in-
tive Jewish personalities of mod-
side, is to be addressed by Gov-
where the B'nai B'rith offices are
the A. Z. A. 8th Annual Revue.
vocation and benediction.
ern times, Dr. Weizmann is ex-
ernor Dwight Green of Illinois:
Seymour Holtzman was prev-
rapidly approaching the deadline
Co-chairmen for the affair were
pected to bring a message of pro-
Mayor Edward Kelly of Chicago:
dates this week end, March 29-30-
iously active as Field Secretary
Bobby Ney of 134 and Frank Den-
found importance to American
Philip M. Klutznick, of Omaha,
for the Southern Region. This
31. St. Louis Chapter 28 is leav-
nington of DeMolay
Jewry in his address to the B'nai
A. Z. A. alumnus and president
past summer he succeeded Lowell
ing no stone unturned in order
B'rith convention. The famous
of B'nai B'rith's District 6: Ben-
Adelson as District Field Secre-
to make it "the best yet.
Save Razor Blades
Jewish leader will be presented
jamin Samuels resident Chicago
tary when the latter was trans-
Probably more than 100 alephs
by Dr. Solomon Goldman, rabbi
member of the B'nai B'rith Exe-
ferred to Philadelphia to head
from St. Louis alone will register.
Bronx, New York Irwin Ka-
of Chicago's Anshe Emet Syna-
cutive Committee and national
District Three
This large St. Louis enrollment
convention chairman: Jerome J.
combined with the fact that their
lik, Aleph Godol of Kahilath Is-
gogue, former president of the
Joins Career Men
rael, is sponsoring a drive to col-
Zionist Organization of America
Friedman, also of Chicago, Dis-
Holtzman joins a growing list
will be delegates and tournament
and now a member of the B'nai
trict 6 and Chicago convention
of AZA alumni who are making
contestants from all parts of the
lect old razor blades. After a suf-
ficient amount of blades have
B'rith Hillel Commission.
chairman; and Judge I. M. Gold-
their careers in the B'nai B'rith
district who are coming to partake
The major addresses by Mr.
en, of San Francisco, a national
of the famed St. Louis hospitality
been gathered they are sent to a
professional field. These include
Wallace and Dr. Weizmann will
"British Aid" station. From there
vice-president of B'nai B'rith.
Mx Baer, director of the Vocation-
and meet the beautiful St. Louis
it is sent to England to be melted
be followed by three days of de-
At this session. special awards
al Service Bureau: Jack Spitzer
women, promises to make the Sec-
and remade into new weapons to
liberation and action on problems
(See "B. B. Conclave" Page 8.)
and Ed Cohen, field men for dis-
ond Annual District 2 Convention
fight the Nazis,
tricts Seven and Six respectively;
and Tournament one long to be
Max Kroloff, Milton Senn and Is-
remembered in the annals of A. Z.
rael Boxerman with the Anti-
A. history
Defamation League; and Dr. I.
In anticipation of this large
Rabinowitz. Rabbi Ted Gordon.
turnout, St. Louis Chapter 28 is
Sheldon Gensler Wins
Rabbi Mordecai Brill and Rabbi
leaving no stone unturned in its
Sam Silver. who are Hillel Foun-
effort to provide a full round of
dation directors.
activity for the registering Alephs
National Hillel
Dances, luncheons, basketball
New Chapter in
games, sessions, forensic contests,
etc have all been arranged so that
they will be available to all.
Los Angeles
The sponsoring B'nai B'rith
Essay Contest
lodge, Missouri Lodge 22, is co-
Los Angeles, Cal. A new
operating with Chapter 28 as nev-
link will be added to the chapters
er before. The older men have
Washington, D. C.-Dr. Abram
in A. Z. A. for the past few years.
of the Los Angeles area when the
caught the spirit of fraternity and
Culver City Chapter will be in-
L. Sachar, national director of
The subject of the contest con-
convention and are helping in
cerned the life and works of
making arrangements for the ho-
the B'nai B'rith Hillel Founda-
stalled here. Jacob Leiberman,
Rashi, and Dr. Sachar said, in
first vice-president of the S. A.
tels, supplying automobiles. and
tion, announced today that Shel-
awarding the decision, "It is a
C., will install the Chapter. The
serving on the housing committee
Kerrville Texas
don Gensler of the University of
fine tribute to Sheldon that he
Degree Team of Highland Park
for the Convention.
Minnesota Hillel Foundation won
should have won the award
300 will officiate, with Sam Glass-
Something new in banquet pho-
the National Hillel essay contest
against the finest competition
berg. Southern Regional Director.
tography will be tried at the con-
Sheldon is Aleph Godol of District
from all the American univer-
installing the new officers.
No. 6, and has been very active
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The Shofar, Vol. XVI, No. 15, March 28, 1941
This newspaper contains articles reporting the activities of Aleph Zadik Aleph (AZA) chapters around the country. It includes information about chapters, officers, community service and philanthropy, events, and activities.