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The Shofar, Vol. XXV, No. 5, January 1950
This newspaper contains articles reporting the activities of BBYO organizations (B'nai B'rith Girls, B'nai B'rith Young Women, Aleph Zadik Aleph, and B'nai B'rith Young Men) around the country. It includes information about officers, community service and philanthropy, events, alumni, and conventions.
Date/Date Range:
Active Leadership
Aleph Zadik Aleph (AZA)
B'nai B'rith Girls (BBG)
B'nai B'rith Young Men (BBYM)
B'nai B'rith Young Women (BBYW)
Community Service
The Shofar (Publication)
20th Century
The Shofar, Vol. XXV, No. 5, January 1950
Official Publication of the B'nai B'rith Youth Organization
1424 16th St. N.W. Washington 6. D. C.
Send address changes to The Shofar.
Chanukah Story
Future Status
J. J. Lieberman
Has Counterpart
To Set Keynote
In New State
Is on Agenda
Special Entertainers
The Festival of Chanukah-
sometimes called the Festival of
The future status of BBYM
Promised for Dance
Lights or Festival of the Mac-
and BBYW will be the main
John Stanley Grauel, the dy-
cabees-and all the wonderful
item of business at the ap-
namic Christian minister who
traditional ways in which we
proaching national conventions
took part in Israel's fight for
commemorate this season have
freedom, will speak at the Na-
special meaning at this par-
of the two organizations in
tional Conventions of BBYM
tieular time.
Pittsburgh, Pa., on Dec. 25-27.
and BBYW which will take place
The thrilling story of Chanu-
According to BBYW President
at the Hotel Roosevelt, Pitts-
kah has its counterpart in the
Ruth Cohen and BBYM Presi-
burgh, Pa., Dec. 25-27. Dele-
rise of the new republic of Is-
dent Nate Rosen, the agenda
gates and guests will hear the
rael today. We recall the heroic
will include specific study of the
Reverend Grauel describe many
fight and victory of the Macca-
organizations' needs and future
of his experiences on the Jewish
bees, and we are reminded that,
status in B'nai B'rith as well as
refugee ship, the "Exodus,"
need be, a Jew can be a sol-
plans for the carrying out of
PICTURED above are the two principal speakers for the National
which was turned back from
dier and fight for the things in
next year's program.
BBYM and BBYW conventions to be held in Pittsburgh on Dec.
25-27. At the left is J. J. Lieberman, chairman of the B'nai B'rith
Haifa by the British at the time
which he believes.
At the same time, Abe Kan-
Youth Commission, who will set the keynote at the opening luncheon.
that they banned Jewish immi-
terman, national office manager,
At the right is John Stanley Grauel, who will speak of his experi-
gration into Israel. Mr. Grauel
announced the final schedule of
ences in Israel at the closing banquet of the Conventions.
Back in 1912 Louis D. Bran-
will speak at the closing ban-
deis uttered these prophetic
delegate allotments that will be
quet of the convention on Tues-
words: "As part of the eternal
provided for the convention.
day Dec. 27.
world-wide struggle for democ-
The schedule, according to Mr.
Brotherhood Week Dates
The keynote address by J. J.
racy, the struggle of the Mac-
Kanterman, is based on the
Lieberman, chairman of the
cabees is of eternal world-wide
lowest round-trip coach fare be-
nterest. It is a struggle of the
tween any delegate's home and
Set for February 19-26
BBYC, will set the tenor of
thought for the entire conven-
News of today as well as of those
Pittsburgh. The percent of re-
Brotherhood Week this year will be observed beginning Feb.
tion. Mr. Lieberman will speak
of two thousand years ago. It
imbursement to be paid a dele-
19 and ending Feb. 26. This special observance, based on the
at the opening luncheon on Sun-
a struggle in which all Amer-
gate depends upon the amount
concept that men can live together in harmony despite differences
day, Dec. 25, on "Looking ahead
cans, non-Jews, as well as Jews,
of the coach fare. The com-
in their religions, social customs, and even color of skin, has be-
with BBYM and BBYW." In
should be vitally interested be-
plete schedules are on Page 5.
come an annual event. Sponsored by the National Conference of
this address, Mr. Lieberman will
cause they are vitally affected.
The B'nai B'rith Youth Com-
Christians and Jews, Brother-
touch upon the subjects that
mission will be represented at
"The Maccabees' victory
hood Week is intended to climax
the conventions by three of its
describing distinctive qualities
will later be taken up in sem-
roved that the Jews-then al-
year-around activity in this
members. They are J. J. Lieber-
of his own group) to more in-
inars, committee meetings, and
eady an old people-possessed
area and is a spark toward
plenary sessions.
man, Los Angeles, chairman;
achieving greater understand-
formal programs in which indi-
he secret of eternal youth: the
Dance Program
Mrs. Albert Woldman, Cleve-
ability to rejuvenate itself
ing in the coming year. Under-
vidual members of each group
A program of lively entertain-
land, chairman of the BBYW
hrough courage, hope, enthusi-
standing of other people can-
become better acquainted
ment is planned for the big
Advisory Board; and Lloyd
sm. devotion, and self-sacrifice
not be achieved, it is stressed,
Schwenger, Cleveland, chairman
through working and playing to
dance that will follow a buffet
the plain people."
through a once-a-year reminder
of the BBYM Advisory Board.
supper on Monday evening. The
Basically, and much more im-
without continued concern for
The discussion on the future
BBYO chapters will begin
music for dancing will ne pro-
ortant, we remember that
inter-group harmony at all
vided by Benny Benack's or-
of YM and YW will center
hanukah never reached the
planning now for an evening of
chestra. Mr. Benack is Assis-
around such questions as:
ace it holds in our lives mere-
bowling, a musical, a joint drive
tant Music Director at the Uni-
because it recalls the mili-
Shall BBYM and BBYW
have long recognized the effec-
for the March of Dimes, a holi-
versity of Pittsburgh who, with
strength of the Hasmone-
tiveness of joint gatherings with
day celebration, a dance or a
his orchestra, plays \for many
heroes. Chanukah is impor-
Should there be changes in
non-Jewish groups featuring ac-
panel discussion that they can
dances in Pittsburgh. The mas-
especially today-
age limits for the two organiza-
tivities which they both enjoy.
(See GRAUEL, Page 4)
join with a non-Jewish group in
because it commemorates the
Emphasis in recent years has
sponsoring. Topics for panel
ctory of a great moral cause,
Should BBYM and BBYW
been removed from the once
B'nai B'rith Policy
discussions, speakers, or de-
(See CHANUKAH, Page 6)
(See AGENDA, Page 5)
popular panel of speakers (each
bates need not be limited to the
Is Re-emphasized
brotherhood theme. Such topics
The following statement of
BBYO Registrations for 1950
as world government, the hous-
policy from the B'nai B'rith Su-
ing problem, federal aid to edu-
preme Lodge is printed here in
order to clarify for BBYO chap-
cation, or book reviews make
ters the role they may take in
Resume; AZA Has Campaign
stimulating subjects for all
social action programs
"The Executive Committee re-
affirms the established tradition
Further assistance in prepar-
Registrations of BBYO members
mation of all the chapter members
of B'nai B'rith that the author-
and problem that may confront
ing for a Brotherhood Week
1950 will be an important Jan-
has replaced the individual regis-
chapter is answered. However, if
ity for the determination and
activity in BBYO. Chapters
tration cards. The only time that
program can be obtained from
promulgation of B'nai B'rith's
the chapter has any questions
busy now filling out the new
individual registration cards will be
which are not answered on the in-
the National Conference of
policy on matters of national or
gistration forms that were de-
used is in the case of a new mem-
struction sheet, it should refer
Christians and Jews, 381 Fourth
international import, rests solely
loped this year in order to ex-
ber who has never been registered
them to its local BBYO Director.
within the province of the Su-
Avenue, New York 16, N. Y., or
the procedure. All forms
with the national organization be-
AZA Sets Goal
preme Lodge or its Executive
from the Anti Defamation
membership dues should be
fore. This new member will fill
In connection with the registra-
rned in immediately to the local
out an individual registration card
tion of chapters, AZA has set a
League of B'nai B'rith, 212 Fifth
"Resolutions on such subjects
BYO office. From there, they are
as well as have his name listed on
goal of 100 per cent registration of
Avenue, New York 10, N. Y.
passed by the subordinate units
ansmitted to the national office.
the membership roster sheet.
should be in the nature of me-
AZA members by January 31. The
Members and chapters must be
chairman of the National AZA
morializing the Executive Com-
At any time during the year that
sistered in order to receive ma-
Editor Shows Films
a change must be made in the orig-
Membership Committee, Leon Dol-
mittee or the Supreme Lodge.
rials prepared for BBYO mem-
inal registration of the chapter, all
nick, has announced that special
No publicity should be given to
Members of Glenville BBG in
and in order to participate in
the chapter need to do is -fill out
certificates will be given to those
such resolutions before the Su-
Cleveland, Ohio, braved a night of
eventions and tournaments,
preme Lodge or the Executive
a "Change of Roster Form." This
chapters who register all their
snow and sleet to attend a pro-
will be used in the case of regis-
members. Dolnick indicated that
Committee acts thereon. Only
gram entitled a "Night In Israel."
official registration forms
trations of new members after the
members who graduate from AZA,
after the Supreme Lodge or the
Held November 21, the program in-
been distributed to all local
chapter has been registered,
who leave town, or who pass away
Executive Committee acts fa-
cluded the showing of a film taken
and should be secured from
changes of address, and separations.
are not to be counted in computing
vorably upon such memorializa-
by the Foreign Affairs Editor of a
A membership roster sheet
A detailed letter of instructions
the registration percentages.
tion or formulates its policy,
local newspaper during a trip to
which there is space for the
accompanies each registration form
As was indicated in the action
should résolutions be imple-
Israel. The program ended with
and other important infor-
in which practically every question
mented by the Lodges.'
singing and dancing.
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The Shofar, Vol. XXV, No. 5, January 1950
This newspaper contains articles reporting the activities of BBYO organizations (B'nai B'rith Girls, B'nai B'rith Young Women, Aleph Zadik Aleph, and B'nai B'rith Young Men) around the country. It includes information about officers, community service and philanthropy, events, alumni, and conventions.