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The Shofar, Vol. XXV, No. 7, March 1950
This newspaper contains articles reporting the activities of BBYO organizations (B'nai B'rith Girls, B'nai B'rith Young Women, Aleph Zadik Aleph, and B'nai B'rith Young Men) around the country. It includes information about officers, community service and philanthropy, events, alumni, and conventions.
Date/Date Range:
Active Leadership
Aleph Zadik Aleph (AZA)
B'nai B'rith Girls (BBG)
B'nai B'rith Young Men (BBYM)
B'nai B'rith Young Women (BBYW)
Community Service
The Shofar (Publication)
20th Century
The Shofar, Vol. XXV, No. 7, March 1950
y, 1950
airman of
Official Publication of the B'nai B'rith Youth Organization
entions in
ng lunch-
MARCH, 1950
1424 16th St. N.W. Washington 6. D. C.
for them-
Send address changes to The Shofar.
rds they
ned, Mr.
AZA, BBG Will Establish
nt organi-
Equipment for Israeli Schools
goals be-
Overseas BBYO Contact
Campaign Launched by AZA
AZA's Discuss Sites
BBG Executive Plans
nding op-
For Next Convention
ewish life
Seminar Programs
Understanding Is
and thus
The National Executive Com-
In addition to establishing a
are truly
Campaign Stress
mittee of AZA, meeting Feb.
joint committee with AZA to
tically or-
lly main-
4 and 5 at the Hotel Sherman,
increase contact between Amer-
Fund-raising through care-
Chicago, III., authorized the
ican and overseas BBYO chap-
fully organized and planned col-
your work
GAG to create a committee to
ters, the BBG National Execu-
lections and resale of various
establish contact with BBYO
tive Committee outlined pro-
kinds of "second-hand" mate-
rith what-
chapters outside America. In a
grams for seminars at next
rials has been authorized by the
joint session with the Na-
summer's National Convention.
national AZA community serv-
tional BBG Executive Commit-
The BBG committee met con-
ice committee in launching its
tee, which met concurrently
currently with AZA at the Hotel
AZA School Supplies to Israel
east. Up-
with AZA, it was decided that
Sherman in Chicago, Feb. 4 and
campaign for this year.
ntions he
this should be a cooperative
5. National President Jewel
In line with the thinking of
praise the
venture for the two organiza-
Gordon, New York City, pre-
the national creative culture
tions. The national BBG Presi-
program, the campaign calls for
ng of the
New York
(See AZA, Page 2)
Noting the success of the sem-
a study of Israel through dis-
h Council
inars and workshops held at last
cussions, motion pictures, in-
wing eve-
Parents, Founder
year's convention, the Commit-
vited speakers, or reports by a
al gather-
tee selected as tentative topics
panel of chapter members, so
the BBYO
to discuss at the next conven-
Photo Courtesy Mizrachi Women
that AZA members will better
with the
ers of the
Honored In May
tion: Membership and the Mit
RECIPIENTS of school supplies sent by AZA in America to Israel will
understand the need for the
be youngsters like these. AZA members will be providing the funds for
Program; Creative Jewish Liv-
the supplies through the sale of scrap.
school supplies drive. In a state-
men and
The month of May offers all
ing; and "How to Get Our Story
ment in the new combined na-
he Metro-
BBYO groups an opportunity to
Across," a discussion on how to
tional release which will reach
B'rith and
plan one of the most significant
inform the community on what
Passover Is for Reflection
chapters this week, the national
the Dis-
nittees of
programs of the year. While
BBG is.
committee suggested that chap-
May 14 is traditionally observed
Both AZA and BBG will have
On Democracy, Freedom
ters deal with such problems as
as Mother's Day throughout the
representatives on the special
"What Is the New Israel Like?"
country, BBYO chapters use
committee to contact overseas
"Liberation," "freedom," and "democracy" are words that
"Who Are Israel's New Immi-
this occasion to pay homage to
chapters. The committee mem-
have been used so much in the last few years that they have
grants "How Is B'nai B'rith
both parents. For many years
bers will be named by the GAG
become fixtures in our vocabulary. So firmly established are they
Helping Israel?" or "What Is
AZA chapters have set aside the
(See BBG, Page 3)
that they have been taken com-
Education Like in Israel?'
second Sunday in May in order
pletely for granted even to mak-
Sermon Selections
Cooperative action in cities
to celebrate Parents' Day. There
BBG Sets April As
ing many of us complacent to
with more than one AZA chap-
was the feeling expressed by
the point that we think they
To Be Published
ter is urged by the national
the members that the celebra-
Scholarship Month
have always existed. The Pass-
committee. This will avoid du-
Selections from sermons
tion should honor both parents
over season with its story of
plication in canvassing neigh-
together since that is the true
BBG chapters throughout the
great importance for all of us
meeting standards of excellence
borhoods, and simplify the prep-
spirit of Jewish family life as
country will be engaged in plan-
is a proper period to take some
in the Sidney G. Kusworn Ser-
aration and distribution of lit-
well as the real interest of the
ing and carrying out a variety
time out in order to reflect its
mon Writing Program will be
erature publicizing the drive.
youth. This observance program
of special programs during the
significance to us in the world
found on pages 6 and 7 of this
Chapters have been cautioned to
has been adopted by all groups
month of April centering around
of today.
issue of The Shofar. One more
collect only items which will
in the BBYO family.
the Perlman Scholarship
Perhaps never in the history
sermon delivered during the Na-
bring a reasonable return in
Are your parents and friends
of our people has the festival
tional AZA Sabbath has been
local "scrap" or "junk" shops.
forever asking you what in the
The award was established in
of Passover had as much mean-
added to the list published in
Old clothes, newspapers, soda
on of the
world you do at the various
honor of Mrs. Anita Perlman,
ing as it does at this time.
the January issue of The Shofar.
pop bottles, scrap metal and
ice, Cyrus
chapter, committee and council
chairman of the BBG Advisory
For in our own time we have
It is Judaism and Americanism
clothing hangers have been sug-
Tex., com-
(See PARENTS, Page 8)
(See PESACH, Page 7)
written by Maurice Corson,
rojects in
nival was
Hagannah AZA, Philadelphia.
Turn Your Partner
Selections from all sermons
Chapters may choose to pur-
ung alike
eeds were
meeting the requirements in the
chase some of the smaller items
sermon program will be printed
such as pencils, crayons, foun-
orial For
in this and forthcoming issues
tain pens, writing pads, erasers,
ble chap
of The Shofar. They will also
(See ISRAEL, Page 8)
be published in a booklet dedi-
used to
cated to Mr. Kusworm that will
the chil-
Trygve Lie Talk
manage in
be a companion to the Sabbath
To Be Broadcast
was fur-
manual in the Program Guide
lowed by
Series, The booklet, which is
BBYO members will be able to
nts. The
being prepared by Sam Lubin,
hear part of the B'nai B'rith
nted with
Assistant Program Director,
Supreme Lodge Convention re-
broadcast in their own homes. A
will contain in addition to se-
al feeling
speech by Trygve Lie, Secretary-
lected sermons, a history of the
General of the United Nations,
is exepri-
development of sermons in Jew-
will be recorded at the final
ish life and the relationship of
banquet® of the Supreme Lodge
Convention and rebroadcast
the sermon to the traditional
through the facilities of the
Sabbath observance. It will con-
National Broadcasting Co. on
tain also hints to sermon writers
March 21. On the radio program
and suggestions and references
with the Secretary-General will
go, Ill., is
for the preparation of Sabbath
be Frank Goldman, President of
ogram of
B'nai B'rith. The broadcast can
terests of
be heard over NBC at the fol-
kers have
In order to avoid duplication
dowing times:
and to emphasize the impor-
8:30 p.m. Pacific Standard
ts figures
tance of certain sections of the
9:30 p.m. Mountain Standard
sermons submitted in the ser-
ride gave
mon writing program, only the
10:30 p.m. Central Standard
ties while
TURN YOUR PARTNER for "Histovaivee." This
most valuable selections from
le to pro-
ventions enjoyed during an evening of dancing and
y in the
was one of the Palestinian dances the delegates
skits. The Conventions were held at the Hotel
each sermon are being pub-
11:30 p.m. Eastern Standard
and guests at the National BBYM and BBYW Con-
Roosevelt in Pittsburgh.
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The Shofar, Vol. XXV, No. 7, March 1950
This newspaper contains articles reporting the activities of BBYO organizations (B'nai B'rith Girls, B'nai B'rith Young Women, Aleph Zadik Aleph, and B'nai B'rith Young Men) around the country. It includes information about officers, community service and philanthropy, events, alumni, and conventions.