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The Shofar, Vol. XXVI, No. 3, December 1950
This newspaper contains articles reporting the activities of BBYO organizations (B'nai B'rith Girls, B'nai B'rith Young Women, Aleph Zadik Aleph, and B'nai B'rith Young Men) around the country. It includes information about officers, community service and philanthropy, events, alumni, and conventions.
Date/Date Range:
Active Leadership
Aleph Zadik Aleph (AZA)
B'nai B'rith Girls (BBG)
B'nai B'rith Young Men (BBYM)
B'nai B'rith Young Women (BBYW)
Community Service
The Shofar (Publication)
20th Century
The Shofar, Vol. XXVI, No. 3, December 1950
Is Your Chapter
for 1951 began
in September.
Send Yours In
Official Publication of the B'nai B'rith Youth Organization
1424 16th St. NW. Washington 6. D. C.
Send address changes to The Shofar
Alumnus Receives Award
A call to AZA to "Fill in the Ranks" has been issued by
Grand Aleph Godol Ronnie Weiss in a statement to all AZA
members. With the draft of young men into the armed forces,
AZA faces a depletion in older members comparable to that
suffered during World War II.
Weiss warned chapters that
unless each member who goes
Select Chicago
into the service is replaced,
AZA will face a major member-
For Meetings
ship problem. Two phases of an
all-out membership drive were
The national executive com-
delineated in his statement.
One is to replace each member
mittees of AZA and BBG will
leaving for service. The second
meet in Chicago during the first
is to increase the size of small
weekend in February, Feb. 2-4.
chapters to 25.
Their meetings will overlap one
"Once again the world sit-
ED ROMAN, alumnus of Balfour AZA, receives a
day in order for the executives
from left to right are: Stewart Engel, chairman of
uation awakens us to the prob-
plaque from the New York BBYO Committee as an
the BBYO Committee; Roman; S. Arthur Glixon.
of both organizations to meet
lem of membership," said
outstanding BBYO alumnus. Roman is co-captain of
president of the New York Metropolitan B'nai B'rith
together to discuss subjects of
Weiss. "For the first time since
the CCNY basketball team, which won the National
Council; and Mrs. Lester Waldman, co-chairman of
mutual interest.
World War II, AZA is issuing
Collegiate Basketball Championship. In the picture
the BBYO Committee.
Chapters who wish to have
a call for an all-out membership
Alumni Award
specific matters studied at the
AZA Begins National
meetings are asked to inform
Wartime Program
their district officers, or should
is Presented
The GAG warned that AZA
contact national BBG President
Free Throw Contest
may again be called upon to
Marion Litinetsky or GAG Ron-
develop a program scaled to
nie Weiss. Ample time has
wartime situations. He con-
Rules for the National AZA Free (or Foul) Throw Tourna-
been allotted at the meetings
The co-captain of the City
cluded, "The record of our
ment have been announced by Ralph Lupin, national AZA
for discussion on topics brought
College of New York basketball
Order in times of war is one
athletic chairman. The contest begins this month and will
forward by the districts.
to which we may point with
team, the team that last year
continue until Feb. 15. The chapter with the highest number
District Problems
pride. During these times of
won the national collegiate bas-
of points scored during a chap-
Particularly is this true of
crisis, we must keep strong."
ketball championship, is Ed Ro-
Varied Plans
ter tournament will be named
the national BBG executive
Despite the call for an exten-
man, former member of Balfour
the national winner.
committee, which will base its
sive membership campaign
AZA in New York City. Roman
Mark YM, YW
agenda on district problems as
little increase in the number of
The contest is designed to de-
recently returned from a trip to
presented in the opening session
chapters now in existence is
Israel where he played on the
Israel Drive
termine prowess on the basket-
by the district presidents. From
contemplated. Limited staff
American team that won the
ball court, especially in throw-
this will be developed almost all
and funds prevent a large in-
basketball championship in the
New York Metropolitan Re-
ing free or foul shots. Each
the matters to be considered in
crease in membership. However,
Israeli Maccabiad.
gion chapters have found varied
entrant will be allowed 30 tries
the BBG meeting.
an increase in the size of small
Top on the agenda for both
existing chapters, and the
Last month, the New York
methods to plug the BBYM-YW
for the basket. The total num-
groups is the discussion of na-
ber of baskets he scores will be
maintenance of the membership
Metropolitan B'nai B'rith Youth
national drive of aid to the
tional convention sites, program
now in AZA will be stressed.
Committee presented an award
recorded in the contest.
B'nai B'rith Children's Home in
and dates. Much of this discus-
to Roman as being an "out-
(See FREE THROW, Page 8)
Enlarge Chapters
standing New York alumnus of
Israel. In many cases the ad-
(See AZA, BBG, Page 2)
The GAG disclosed that the
BBYO." The award will be pre-
mission charge to a program of
sented annually by the BBYO
Camp Cot Committee
average AZA chapter now num-
special interest was one of the
bers approximately 20 members.
Committee to the BBYO alum-
small items that are SO desper-
He affirmed that the best
nus in New York City who has
ately needed at the home. When
working size for a chapter is
secured a position of merit in
a sufficient number of small
around 25, thus allowing most
the community since graduating
school supplies and art aids are
chapters a comfortable margin
from BBYO.
collected, they will be shipped
for increase in membership.
This is the first time the
directly to the home.
The two-fold program of re-
award has been made. The
Israeli Night
placing members who have been
award was presented to Roman
Al Weiner BBYW was cogni-
called to service and increasing
by S. Arthur Glixon, president
zant of the phase of the pro-
the size and strengthening the
of the Metropolitan Council of
B'nai B'rith, at an all-day 'con-
gram devoted to informing
chapter will be a major objec-
members here of Israel's needs
tive of AZA this year. Material
ference of B'nai B'rith the
when that chapter sponsored
on programming for such a
BBYO Hotel on Nov. is now 12. at devel- The
"Israeli Night." Special empha-
membership campaign will be
sis was given to learning more
forthcoming through the com-
oping a record of the accom-
about Israel as the members de-
bined National Release.
Plishments of other alumni to
posited coloring books and cray-
The full text of the GAG's
be consulted for future awards.
ons as the admission price.
statement will be found on Page
As a member of Balfour AZA,
The program was held in con-
3 of this issue.
Roman led its team to the na-
junction with Chanah Szenish
tional AZA championship in St.
Louis in 1948. The same team
BBYW. The film, "Behind the
Alumni Organized
Blockade," narrated by John
A committee of alumni will help
ships both in 1948 and 1949.
the District 1 champion-
Carradine, was shown. The film
arrange the 21st anniversary
Roman was a member of AZA
also includes songs by Richard
alumni reunion of Freed-Goldberg
Tucker. The chapter secured the
AZA in New Orleans. Label A.
The busy constitution and resolu-
honor student at CCNY and is
three years. He is now an
the usual pressure of wording con-
film from the Jewish National
Katz, third vice-president of Dis-
tions committee at the national
vention resolutions. The girls chose
trict 7 B'nai B'rith Grand Lodge,
BBG convention last summer was
the most comfortable spot they
is chairman of the alumni com-
junior year.
busy with all the details of revising
could find for their long delibera-
(See ISRAEL, Page 5)
mittee. The celebration will be a
the national constitution as well as
tions-their cots.
three-day affair on Feb. 16-18.
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The Shofar, Vol. XXVI, No. 3, December 1950
This newspaper contains articles reporting the activities of BBYO organizations (B'nai B'rith Girls, B'nai B'rith Young Women, Aleph Zadik Aleph, and B'nai B'rith Young Men) around the country. It includes information about officers, community service and philanthropy, events, alumni, and conventions.