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The Shofar, Vol. XXVI, No. 6, March 1951
This newspaper contains articles reporting the activities of BBYO organizations (B'nai B'rith Girls, B'nai B'rith Young Women, Aleph Zadik Aleph, and B'nai B'rith Young Men) around the country. It includes information about officers, community service and philanthropy, events, alumni, and conventions.
Date/Date Range:
Active Leadership
Aleph Zadik Aleph (AZA)
B'nai B'rith Girls (BBG)
B'nai B'rith Young Men (BBYM)
B'nai B'rith Young Women (BBYW)
Community Service
The Shofar (Publication)
20th Century
The Shofar, Vol. XXVI, No. 6, March 1951
ry, 1951
Fill in the Ranks
Replace Every
Who Enters
The Armed Forces
Official Publication of the B'nai B'rith Youth Organization
MARCH, 1951
1424 16th St. NW. Washington 6. D. C.
Send address changes to The Shofar
'Take Home
School Bell Rings
Value" YM,
YW Theme
Conclave Geared
Brochure Printed on BBYO
For Action; Aid
Aid to Maladjusted Children
ce and re-
To Mobilization
rtment Ci-
Materials have already been shipped by BBYO chapters to
er first big
"Take Home Values" for
the B'nai B'rith Children's Home in Israel and funds for the
rith was as
delegates will be the feature
project are arriving at the national BBYO office.
a clothing
f. Her ga-
of the BBYM-YW Convention
A brochure on the Children's
to be held at Camps Achim and
ter shipped
Home is being published and
Zahavo at Watervliet, Michi-
will shortly be available from
the offices
ding secre-
gan, from June 25 to June 29.
Size Is Issue
regional and district BBYO of-
and third
Both business sessions and
fices. An album of records is
workshops will be focussed on
For BBG's
also available from the national
preparing representatives to re-
Mrs. Aron
A reapportionment of delega-
BBYO office to enhance chapter
ive Director
turn to their chapters ready
to carry out the RES (Recrea-
tions to the national convention
programs devoted to the Chil-
eo N. Levi
e has also
tion, Education, Service) pro-
has been discussed by the Na-
dren's Home.
ctor for the
tional Executive Committee of
gram of the Association.
cil and was
BBG. After considering the pur-
Committees will be organized
The AZA chapters in the Tri-
who met to
poses of the national conven-
s Supreme
to make a searching analysis of
State Region. of District 1 have
tion and the functions it per-
president of
the current YM-YW program,
raised a total of $441.18 for the
rith and of
The children at the B'nai B'rith Children's Home in Israel attend
forms, the Executive Commit-
and others will create an addi-
Children's Home during a spe-
en's Grand
school right at the Home itself. The school supplies and art
tee is asking the districts to
tional group of activities to
cial campaign. The chapters, all
materials sent by BBYO members will facilitate their instruction
consider the advisability of
leader in
organization for
and provide additional activities for their recreation periods.
equalizing the size of the dis-
from Massachusetts, which par-
and is
greater participation in the de-
ticipated in the campaign and
fense efforts of the country.
trict delegations.
interest in
the amounts they have contrib-
affairs. A
Still another convention group
tackle the problem of the
AZA Contest
YM Ace Dies
The action would require an
uted are:
ed the prin
amendment to the national BBG
nited States
Manual J. Weiner, Chelsea,
e received a
membership of the organization
In Training
constitution. At present, the
$25 Sefirah, Beverly, $34.53;
g service
and make extensive plans for
S among the
an intensive membership cam-
Values To Be
number of delegates from each
district is determined by the
Fred Ginsberg, Everett. $10;
youth work
paign. Workshops will deal with
Ship Crash
membership of the district: the
Brandeis, Peabody, $110; Lynn,
nstant inter
Agenda Issue
$100; Ocean, Winthrop, $81.40:
larger the district, the more
s delegate
methods for implementing
these activities on the chapter
News of the first BBYO member
delegates it has. The amend-
Constitution, Cambridge,
h Conference
killed while in service has been
$43.50; George Gershwin, Dor-
general com
ment would allow each district
The future of the oratory and
chester, $22.25; and Louis Nee-
received. He was Air Force Cap-
the same number of delegates
debate contests will be a major
del, Dorchester, $14.50.
regardless of size, and these
Another important step being
issue at the National AZA Con-
7 Women's
delegates would be officers and
Additional funds have come
taken at this convention will
vention this summer. The Na-
other district leaders.
also from two other AZA chap-
Irriam Weiss
be the election of new officers
tional AZA Executive Commit-
ember of the
ters. Bobert Tobakin AZA in
on the third instead of the last
tee, in drawing up an eight-
th Women
Brooklyn, N. Y., sent a check
day of the program, to allow
point agenda for the national
The 'matter is being referred
for $35. A donation of $32 came
rs, its repre
time for the organization of an
convention, emphasized the need
to the district organizations for
from Charlotte, N. C., AZA 556.
rans' Admin
executive committee and the
for re-evaluating the 26-year-old
action at their conventions be-
y Service
spital and
year. assignment hoped of tasks for the early new
contests in terms of the needs
fore the national convention is
funding at th
It is that this
and interest of the members
held at the University of Illi-
The Akron, Ohio, BBG chap-
ter for
nois, Urbana. The national con-
ter has added three more dollars
$, she advise
committee organization of result the executive in better
vention dates are from after
to the fund, all of which will be
The National AZA Convention
planning and quicker prepara-
will be held at the University
lunch on Monday, August 26,
used to purchase a major piece
tion of program materials for
distribution to chapters.
of Illinois in Urbana on August
until after lunch, Friday, Au-
of equipment for the home.
een publicity
The "Take Home Value" of
20-24. In preparation for a
gust 30.
Chapters who contribute to the
secretary an
ict. She is
streamlined business program
The proposed constitutional
fund may indicate what they
of Governor
program will be found in
wish their money used for. Such
with each delegate well versed
amendment was the result of
ome and
(See YM-YW, Page 3)
(See AZA, Page 2)
the listing by the National Ex-
major items as a movie projec-
trol buyer
tor, phonograph, records, cam-
o. Previous
ecutive Committee of the pur-
was associa
w Watchm
BBYO Registers 75%;
Captain Mel Farber
poses and functions of the na-
(See HOME, Page 8)
tional convention. These were
h weekly.
tain Mel Farber, a member of Ray-
stated as follows:
District 7 Still Leads
mond Katz BBYM in Washington,
worker, thre
Children's Home
D. C. Farber was pilot-instructor
y, member
1. To train members to do a
d teaching
of a bomber-trainer flying out of
Records Available
ligious School
BBYO registrations for 1950 have reached the 75 per cent
Vance Air Force Base in Enid,
better job on whatever level
mark. On February 28, registrations were three-fourths com-
Okla. He was one of three killed
they are active.
Records of a broadcast about
pleted. with District 7 still leading the way with a higher regis-
when his B-25 crashed near Sharon,
2. To suggest methods of im-
the B'nai B'rith Children's
tration than last year.
Home in Israel are available
A veteran of 58 World War II
plementing national policy by
from the National BBYO Office,
The percentages were com-
the districts.
other districts have registered
bomber missions. Farber joined
1424 16th St., N.W., Washington
puted on the basis of the num-
Katz BBYM while stationed at
3. To perfect and polish the
6, D. C.
has been
of members registered by
100 per cent or more, indicating
Bolling Field in Washington,
knowledge gleaned from the
The subject of the records is
e April
February 28 of this year com-
an increase of membership over
which was his home. He con-
lower levels and to aid in the
a Yemenite orphan's struggle
pared to registration figures on
last year in these areas. They
tinued to pay dues to the chapter,
against conversion and his sub-
proper application of this un-
repare all
August 31 of 1950. District 7's
are Atlanta and the non-metro-
even when flying the Berlin airlift.
sequent flight to Israel where
and later when he was transferred
derstanding in the districts.
he found a haven in the B'nai
eenth of
registration figure has been
politan areas of District 3.
to Enid.
4. To exchange valuable ideas
B'rith Children's Home.
ged to
computed at 104%.
OVER 75%
Farber, who was 25 years old.
among the districts.
Heard in the recording are
Several regions in the district
was married only four months ago.
5. To promote a unified BBG
Mrs. Hyman Weisman, Presi-
as soon
Districts 2 and 3 have passed
He joined the Army's Enlisted Re-
gard to
well over the 100 per cent
the 75 per cent mark. All the
serve in 1943. Farber was sent to
dent of the Women's Supreme
Council: and Mrs. Arthur Lauf-
They are New Orleans,
regions in District 2 (Ohio, St.
Italy in 1944 where he flew 58 mis-
It was felt that although the
man, B'nai B'rith Director of
uded in
Houston, and the non-metropoli-
Louis, Kansas City, and the
sions in B-24 liberator bombers. He
leaders of the district should
Women's Activities. Ben Grauer
areas. Several regions in
took part in the hazardous raids on
attend the convention, many
is narrator.
the Ploesti oil fields.
(See BBG, Page 5)
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The Shofar, Vol. XXVI, No. 6, March 1951
This newspaper contains articles reporting the activities of BBYO organizations (B'nai B'rith Girls, B'nai B'rith Young Women, Aleph Zadik Aleph, and B'nai B'rith Young Men) around the country. It includes information about officers, community service and philanthropy, events, alumni, and conventions.