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The Shofar, Vol. XXVII, No. 7, April 1952
This newspaper contains articles reporting the activities of BBYO organizations (B'nai B'rith Girls, B'nai B'rith Young Women, Aleph Zadik Aleph, and B'nai B'rith Young Men) around the country. It includes information about officers, community service and philanthropy, events, alumni, and conventions.
Date/Date Range:
Active Leadership
Aleph Zadik Aleph (AZA)
B'nai B'rith Girls (BBG)
B'nai B'rith Young Men (BBYM)
B'nai B'rith Young Women (BBYW)
Community Service
The Shofar (Publication)
20th Century
The Shofar, Vol. XXVII, No. 7, April 1952
Fill in the Ranks
Replace Every
Who Enters
The Armed Forces
Official Publication of the B'nai B'rith Youth Organization
1424 16th St., N.W. Washington 6. D.C.
APRIL, 1952
Send address changes to The Shofar
AZA, BBG Designate Michigan State College
As Site Of National Conventions In August
Oakland Chapters Install Officers
AZA Conclave
Dates Are
Standards Put
AZA, 18-22,
On Agenda
Standards for all AZA con-
BBG, 25-29
ventions will be among six
The national AZA and BBG con-
major agenda topics submit-
ventions will be held at Michigan
ted to the international AZA
State College, East Lansing, Mich.,
Grand Aleph Godol Peter K. Rose-
convention at Michigan State
dale and National BBG President
College this summer, Peter K.
Renee Romick, have announced.
Rosedale, grand aleph godol of
AZA's convention will begin after
lunch on Monday, August 18 and
AZA, has announced. His an-
end after lunch on Friday, August
nouncement followed a meet-
ing of the international exec-
The BBG convention will be held
utive committee in Washing-
the following week. BBG delegates
will arrive the afternoon of Mon-
ton, February 23-24.
day, August 25, and leave after
The agenda topics will be
lunch on Friday, August 29.
submitted to district conven-
The site and dates were approved
by the national executive commit-
tions in workbook form and
tees of both organizations at their
discussions in the districts
February meetings in Washington.
Three AZA and three BBG chapters of Oakland,
by a reception and dance. The Sidney Sommer
will direct their delegates to
Word from the university that fa-
Calif., held a combined installation of officers at a
AZA initiation team is shown above performing
the international meeting,
cilities would be available at the
the First Degree. Chapters installed were Oakland
August 18-22.
appropriate times confirmed the
huge gathering sponsored by the B'nai B'rith
AZA 42, Nathan Harry Miller AZA, Pacific AZA,
The theme of the 1952 con-
men's and women's groups of East Bay. Over 1500
Oakland BBG 2, Henry Monsky BBG and Berkeley
Both AZA and BBG have held
vention will be "AZA Rededi-
people attended the impressive ceremony, followed
previous conventions on campuses
cates Itself to Its Seven
of universities. The facilities are
Cardinal Principles." Dele-
ideal for meetings, sleeping quar-
Six Districts Announce Sites
BBG Releases
gates will elaborate on the
ters and athletic facilities. Michi-
theme at the annual Talent
gan State offers a greater advan-
Night Show, where each dis-
tage than universities where for-
And Dates Of Conventions
Agenda Topics
trict will dramatize one prin-
mer conventions were held because
ciple of the seven.
it affords a compact unit for sleep-
ing, eating, and meetings SO that
The sites and dates for district conventions in six dis-
District assignments for the
delegates will be within comfort-
tricts have been announced. All will be held in the late spring
For Convention
show were determined by lot
able walking distance of all their
during the executive commit-
and early summer.
BBG has released the topics
tee meeting, when each dis-
Michigan State College, fast be-
District 1 AZA will meet at Camp High Point, near
that will be under discussion
trict aleph godol drew from a
coming one of the foremost univer-
Kingston, N.Y., May 23, 241
at the national convention at
hat. The assignments follow:
sities in the country, is particu-
ing of June 25. AZA's will
and 25. BBG will convene at
Michigan State College, Aug-
District 1, Purity; District 2,
larly famous for its undefeated
arrive the evening of June 24
football team in 1951. It is located
Festival House, Lenox, Mass.,
ust 25-29. The topics will first
Patriotism; District 3, Fra-
approximately 200 miles east of
and will leave on the morning
May 9, 10 and 11. BBYM-YW
be submitted to districts, who
(See AZA, Page 2)
of June 27. The sight is Camp
(See SITE, Page 8)
has scheduled their conven-
will take action on them at
Akiba, Stroudsburg, Pa.
tion for Singer's Lakeside
their district conventions.
Manor, Spring Valley, N.Y.,
Attendance at both District
Thus delegates to the national
BBYO Varies Observances
April 25, 26 and 27.
3 conventions is limited to two
convention, where final decisi-
District 2 AZA and BBG
delegates per chapter plus in-
ons on BBG's national pro-
are holding a joint convention
coming council officers and
gram will be made, will be
Of Brotherhood Week
district board members. In ad-
at Park College, about fifteen
guided by discussions previ-
miles west of Kansas City,
dition, the district BBG con-
ously held at district meet-
What began in Cincinnati as an AZA party to introduce
Kansas, June 19-22. Attend-
vention permits the attend-
old members became an intergroup rally and laid the ground-
ance of retiring council offi-
ance is limited to one delegate
The agenda topics were
work for the organization of a youth brotherhood council.
cers, council story-telling con-
and one alternate per chapter,
considered by the national
test winners and one panelist
Other intergroup affairs in which BBYO participated during
four orators and four discus-
executive committee of BBG
Brotherhood Week had differ-
from each council. The regis-
sants and district executive
at its meeting in Washington
tration fee for each conven-
ent origins, but all were de-
youth working together. The
on February 16-17. Six areas
tion is $30.
signed to create strong bonds
two weeks preceding the pro-
of discussion were submitted
District 3 AZA and BBG
of friendship among youth
gram were spent in meetings,
The District 4 AZA conven-
by the committee to the dis-
conventions will overlap one
groups in their communities.
contacting clergymen and the
tion was held in December.
tricts. One, national-district
evening. The BBG convention
Cincinnati AZA 490 quickly
National Conference of Chris-
will start on June 22 and the
BBG will meet at Camp Roose-
structure, will be a district
got cooperation from AZA 54
tians and Jews for aid, and in-
velt, Idylwild, Calif., June
issue only, since the executive
girls will leave on the morn-
and BBG 226 when they sug-
inviting other youth groups to
committee sees no need to es-
gested a Brotherhood pro-
No May Issue
District 5 AZA and BBG are
tablish mandatory national
gram. Six non-Jewish groups,
The program took place at
sponsoring their first joint
policy on the subject.
There will be no May issue of
including one Negro, respond-
the Rockdale Temple, Febru-
The Shofar. Under our mailing
convention sometime in the
Under this topic, BBG is
ed to an invitation to an AZA
ary 23. It included a panel of
permit, The Shofar is published
latter part of June, probably
attempting to clarify the roles
Council meeting. When plans
University of Cincinnati stu-
monthly except May and July.
June 15 to June 20. The site
of national and district in the
for the special Brotherhood
dents, group singing, a movie,
The next issue will be published
is expected to be Camp Blue
program area principally. The
Week affair got underway, the
"Make Way for Youth," and a
on June 1. Its deadline is May
Star, Hendersonville, N. C.
national executive committee
responsibility was shared
group discussion on "Barriers
10. Address news material to
District 6 AZA and BBG
feels that national committees
equally by all the groups.
to Fellowship." Entertain-
The Shofar, BBYO, 1424 16th
will again meet at Camps
should focus on specific na-
St., N.W., Washington 6, D.C.
The committee developed
ment, refreshments, S quare
(See DISTRICTS, Page 8)
(See BBG, Page 4)
theme of peace, fellowship and
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The Shofar, Vol. XXVII, No. 7, April 1952
This newspaper contains articles reporting the activities of BBYO organizations (B'nai B'rith Girls, B'nai B'rith Young Women, Aleph Zadik Aleph, and B'nai B'rith Young Men) around the country. It includes information about officers, community service and philanthropy, events, alumni, and conventions.