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The Shofar, Vol. XXVIII, No. 6, February 1953
This newspaper contains articles reporting the activities of BBYO organizations (B'nai B'rith Girls, B'nai B'rith Young Women, Aleph Zadik Aleph, and B'nai B'rith Young Men) around the country. It includes information about officers, community service and philanthropy, events, alumni, and conventions.
Date/Date Range:
Active Leadership
Aleph Zadik Aleph (AZA)
B'nai B'rith Girls (BBG)
B'nai B'rith Young Men (BBYM)
B'nai B'rith Young Women (BBYW)
Community Service
The Shofar (Publication)
20th Century
The Shofar, Vol. XXVIII, No. 6, February 1953
uary, 1953
Have You Moved?
Send Your
New Address
ional presi-
The Shofar
region. She
er chapter,
nale" vice-
Official Publication of the B'nai B'rith Youth Organization
a fur shop.
me student
chology. He
Send address changes to The Shofar, 1761 R St., N.W.
In his ten
Washington 9, D. C., Office of Publication, Baltimore, Md.
s active in
helped or-
A. He was
M and YW
of District
AZA Initiates National Leadership Institute
s also vice-
n. He has
ngeles Jew-
ewish Cen-
Alumnus Receives AZA Award
Boy Scouts
First to Be
Elected to 7th
iser is re-
Y.C. Term
YM in Chi-
lawn Manor
was presi-
This Summer
two terms
J. J. Lieberman, Los An-
ne. His in-
geles, was re-elected to his
A first step towards estab-
ight years.
seventh term as chairman of
lishing National AZA Leader-
sky has re-
the B'nai B'rith Youth Com-
ship Training Institutes at the
will devote
mission, BBYO's national gov-
future BBYO Encampment
al life, still
erning body, at the commis-
was made by the National Ex-
of BBYM-
sion's meeting in Washington,
ecutive Committee at its an-
elor is a
D.C., January 26-28. Mr. Lieb-
ecretary at
nual meeting in Washington,
erman, who has just com-
February 6 and 7 when it de-
us Farber
pleted his twenty-fifth year in
signed a new kind of format
onding sec-
B'nai B'rith youth work pre-
and program for the August,
sided at the sessions of the
1953, National Convention. At
commission which considered
the same session, the Commit-
the BBYO budget for 1953,
tee reviewed the development
reasurer of
of the national program up to
AZA and
this point in this season, and
eant Louis
Robin, as-
made plans for the remainder
of the year.
hues on the
rd having
The two-day meeting,
Leo Cherne, well-known economist, lecturer aand TV personality, receives the distinguished AZA
chaired by Grand Aleph
Alumnus Award in New York City. Philip M. Klutznick, AZA's second grand aleph godol and last year's
Godol, Don Newman, was at
BBYW and
recipient of the award, looks on a Sam Beber (left), founder of AZA, makes the presentation.
tended by the national officers
and representatives of every
BBG Executive
district of the order, and was
o stand up
Average Aleph Is 16.8 Years Old,
primarily focused on the next
National Convention. The
the Hydro-
we are in
Plans August
BBG Average Is 16, Report Shows
committee also discussed the
ey not too
forthcoming chapter program
ch the ag-
ld we not
The average age of an AZA member is 16.8 years and
survey being conducted under
BBG's average a few months younger, just 16, according to
the chairmanship of grand
use them
aleph S'gan, Morris Kross; the
things over
The National BBG Execu-
a study made this year from BBYO membership registra-
your prob-
tions. BBYM members average 22 and BBYW's 20.7.
convention study being under-
tive Committee made plans
taken by the convention sur-
well as my
for its national convention to
The figures were released
S fight for
be held at the University of
by the national director of
vey committee under the
was revealed in the director's
ders of us
Illinois this August, approved
BBYO, Dr. Max F. Baer in his
report. AZA, since its found-
chairmanship of grand aleph
forget that
a working budget for the re-
annual report to the B'nai
mazkir, Sidney Stahl: and the
ing in 1924, has had a grand
an words.
recommendations of the AZA,
mainder of the year, and out-
B'rith Youth Commission
total of 108,331 members and
work of the community serv-
sent peace
BBG and BBYM-YW conven-
in Korea.
lined the work of its National
which met in Washington,
BBG since 1945 has served
ice, driver safety, publica-
January 26-28. Dr. Baer point-
tions, athletic and social com-
tions and general policies of
Committees for the remander
44,043. Figures are available
of the current administration
ed out that this information
for BBG only since the girls
Mrs. Louis Perlman, Chi-
at its annual meeting in
affects the program that
formed their national organ-
In deciding to develop a new
cago, was re-elected to one of
Washington on February 6
BBYO plans and should con-
ization. No figures are avail-
kind of convention, the group
voted to extend the conven-
the vice-chairmanships of the
and 7.
able on the number of girls
Other statistical material
tion from four to five days,
commission and Hyman Chip-
Workshops in Discussion
(See AVERAGES, Page 8)
(See LEADERSHIP, Page 2)
kin, New York, relinquished
Technique and Creative Dra-
his position as treasurer to
matics were given priority
assume the other vice-chair-
rating for the convention
manship. Jules Baylinson,
YM-YW and BBG Scholarship
program. Tentative plans call
Philadelphia, became treas-
u the
for a discussion program as
well as the participation by
Applications Due March 15
Alan Klein, professor of
the girls in business commit-
tee and seminar discussions.
group work at the Toronto
ing suggestions for special
Perlman Scholarships for the
time students are eligible for
University School of Social
In the second workshop, it is
fund-raising activities. Chair-
members of BBG and BBYM-
the $200 award, and part-
Work, opened the full commis-
anticipated that groups will
men of the Scholarship Com-
YW are due in the National
mittees which prepared the
time students may receive up
sion meeting (which was pre-
create cantatas, musicals and
BBYO office on or before
to $100 per year to cover their
ceded by a day-long executive
radio sketches for presenta-
material for the kits are
March 15. Candidates whose
tuition costs only. Students
committee meeting) with an
tion on "Talent Night" to re-
Margie Goldman, Greensboro,
address on supplying able
place the traditional district
applications are received by
are eligible to renew their
N.C., for BBG; and Emily
adult leadership for BBYO.
that date will be eligible for
Fleishaker, Louisville, Ky.,
scholarships only once by pre-
the 1952-53 awards which
senting a new application in
He illustrated his presen-
for YM-YW.
Seminars on Judaism and
tation with examples of stud-
will be announced this June,
direct competition with other
leadership training will also
By action of the YM-YW
ies he and others have made
according to releases issued
be included in this year's pro-
on volunteer leaders and their
this week by the national
Convention fund-raising
Funds for the YM YW
gram which will run for four
scholarship committee of the
workshop, and with the ap-
scholarship are raised
progress under skilled super-
days as it has in the past. Be-
proval of the Executive Com-
two organizations.
through contributions from chap-
cause the program will be held
mittee, their scholarship will
The B'nai B'rith Youth Commis-
over a week-end, preparations
Complete details on the pro-
ters throughout the country. Chap-
be available this year for the
ters usually contribute a minimum
sion is composed of adult B'nai
B'rith members from each of the
will be made for the presenta-
gram are given in the new
first time to part-time stu-
of $3.00 from their chapter treas-
Scholarship Kits which are
tion of a model Sabbath serv-
dents as well as full time stu-
ury or they may sponsor a special
seven districts, representatives of
being distributed to all BBG
the Men's Supreme Lodge and Wo-
ice and oneg Shabbat.
dents pursuing graduate or
scholarship fund-raising activity,
and Y W chapters
men's Supreme Council, and seven
Another vital task under-
undergraduate courses. Ap-
with the total proceeds being con-
through their regional BBYO
plications will be due on
tributed to the Scholarship Fund.
member-at-large which are elected
taken at the Executive Com-
offices. These kits contain
by the commission, New members-
March 1 in the future but the
From the proceeds of the funds
mittee meeting, which was
at-large elected at the meeting are
scholarship application forms,
chaired by President Phyllis Block,
deadline was extended to
received last year, three BBG Edu-
Sam Beber, Omaha, Julius Bisno,
chapter pledge cards, and a
cation Scholarships of $200 will be
was the study of national needs
March 15 this year because of
new scholarship folder ex-
the delay in distribution of
awarded this June to outstanding
(See LIEBERMAN, Page 8)
(See BBG, Page 3)
plaining the program and giv-
members who wish to continue their
scholarship material. Full
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The Shofar, Vol. XXVIII, No. 6, February 1953
This newspaper contains articles reporting the activities of BBYO organizations (B'nai B'rith Girls, B'nai B'rith Young Women, Aleph Zadik Aleph, and B'nai B'rith Young Men) around the country. It includes information about officers, community service and philanthropy, events, alumni, and conventions.