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The Shofar, Vol. XXXII, No. 9, November 1955
This newspaper contains articles reporting the activities of BBYO organizations (B'nai B'rith Girls, B'nai B'rith Young Women, Aleph Zadik Aleph, and B'nai B'rith Young Men) around the country. It includes information about officers, community service and philanthropy, events, alumni, and conventions.
Date/Date Range:
Active Leadership
Aleph Zadik Aleph (AZA)
B'nai B'rith Girls (BBG)
B'nai B'rith Young Adults (BBYA)
Community Service
The Shofar (Publication)
20th Century
The Shofar, Vol. XXXII, No. 9, November 1955
AZA Marks 30 Years Of Affiliation With BB
see page 2
Official Publication of the B'nai B'rith Youth Organization
32nd YEAR
Office of Publications, Baltimore, Md. Send address changes
to The Shofar, 1129 Vermont Ave., N.W., Washington 5, D.
BBYO Gives
To Date For Monsky
Home Opens
Headquarters Fund
In Israel
Beit V'gan, Israel
A total of some $832,000 in cash and pledges has already
A long-time dream became
been received for the B'nai B'rith Henry Monsky Foundation
reality here last month as a
Building to be erected in Washington, it has been announced
delegation of top leaders of
by Maurice Bisgyer, Secretary of B'nai B'rith and a member
the B'nai B'rith Women's Su-
of the B'nai B'rith Youth Commission.
preme Council, accompanied
Almost $4300 of this total has
by two alephs now touring Is-
been raised by BBYO chapters.
rael on Jewish Agency schol-
BBYO's final contribution to the
Building Fund will be at least
GAG Ready For
arships, took part in impres-
sive ceremonies dedicating
$5900. The three orders had pledged
Whirlwind Tour
originally to raise $5000 - $1666
CUTTING A RIBBON TO ONE of the pavilions of the new B'nai
the beautiful new Children's
B'rith Children's Home in Israel, Lewis Bernhardt (center) and
Home in Israel.
each. But BBYA, which has al-
ready subscribed to its goal, is
A four-day whirlwind swing
Ernest Freedman played prominent roles in the ceremonies dedicating
World leaders rubbed elbows with
contributing, in addition, a $900
the new Home. Both alephs, in Israel on one-year Jewish Agency
through New York and east-
the children who will be housed in
Four Freedoms Library Fund,
scholarships, were invited by the B'nai B'rith Women to participate
which has been held in a special
ern Canada, is planned by
in the ceremonies in recognition of BBYO's outstanding work on
the Home as a ribbon was cut sym-
account since its creation several
GAG Leon Ginsberg during
behalf of the Home.
bolically opening the edifice's doors.
The new structure has been built
years ago. A check for $2500
the Thanksgiving holiday
Mrs. Perlman To Address YA
to include the most advanced arch-
BBYA's total contribution-wi be
itectural improvements.
presented at the Young Adult con-
vention in Chicago next month.
The high-flying GAG will leave
BBYO Share $10,000
AZA-BBG Contributions
San Antonio by plane early Thurs-
Parley; Prayer For Middle
Part of the funds for construct-
AZA and BBG's goals are al-
day morning, Nov. 24, arriving be-
ing the new Home here was pro-
ready at the halfway mark. As of
fore noon in New York,
East Peace To Be Offered
vided by BBYO which, since 1953,
October 31, 1955, AZA's total con-
Ginsberg will go from there to
has contributed a total of $10,000
Montreal, Ottawa and Toronto in
to the Home. At its international
tribution to the Building Fund was
$897.79. BBG's contribution for the
that order, meeting with as many
Final plans for the BBYA 8th International Convention
convention this past summer, BBG
voted to continue the Home as a
same period was $810.79. BBG's
total is expected to swell consid-
BBYO groups as possible on the
here Dec. 25-30 are virtually set as members of the Chicago
fund-raising project, setting a
erably in the next few months as
way. He is slated to address the
B'nai B'rith Young Adult Council have organized a special
$2000 goal for the purchase of
registrations are recorded in the
Eastern Canadian Council of B'nai
committee to serve as unofficial hosts for the parley.
playground equipment.
National Office. Five cents from
B'rith which will meet in Ottawa
BBYA'er Ed Merkin is serving
On hand for the dedication cere-
each member's dues is being ear-
on Nov. 26.
Mrs. Perlman To Speak
monies were American Ambassa-
as chairman of the Chicago Com-
marked for the Building Fund.
Plans also call for his participa-
dor to Israel Edward Lawson, who
mittee which is now busily engaged
Meanwhile, BBYA president
In addition to this dues check-
tion in an Oneg Shabbat in Mon-
praised the role of the B'nai B'rith
off system, BBG is planning a big
treal with BBYO groups there, a
in planning a series of socials for
Mort Freedman has announced in
Women "in creating a healing
fund-raising drive in February
meeting with Ottawa AZA chap-
convention participants and guests.
Los Angeles that Mrs. Louis Perl-
place for emotionally disturbed
which has been designated as
ters and a brief meeting with To-
One of the high spots of the par-
man of Chicago, president of the
children"; Mrs. Isaac Ben-Zvi, Is-
"Henry Monsky Building Month.'
ronto AZA chapters.
B'nai B'rith Women's Supreme
rael's first lady; and Israeli Edu-
ley will be a dance on Sunday night,
Chapters are being urged to hold
Ginsberg is due back in San
Council, and past vice-chairman of
cation Minister Ben Dinur, who
special fund-raising affairs for the
Dec. 25, opening night of the con-
Antonio early Sunday morning-
the B'nai B'rith Youth Commission,
represented the government of Is-
benefit of the Building Fund. This
vention. Proceeds of the affair be-
just in time for classes at Trinity
will be one of the featured speak-
is being supplemented by a "Mile
College. He says he will be there,
ing planned by the Chicago Coun-
ers at the convention. Another
The B'nai B'rith Women's dele-
of Pennies Per Chapter" project
even though he may need tooth-
cil will go to the order's Three
prominent B'nai B'rith leader from
gation led by Mrs. Louis Perlman,
(see MONSKY, page 2)
picks to keep his eyes open.
Pillar Fund.
(see CHICAGO, page 7)
(see HOME, page 8)
Over 7000 To Participate At BBYO Regional Parleys
More than 7000 BBYO'er are expected to take part in regional conventions throughout tal of 250 participants are expect-
"Hitch Your Wagon To a Star."
the United States and Canada, a survey by Shofar this month showed. The survey indicated
ed to attend and the Missouri-
The "star" is the Mogen David. A
Kansas region which has also
feature of the convention will be
also that the school winter vacation in December remains as the most popular time for the scheduled a joint event in St. Louis.
a panel of 12 rabbis who will lead
traditional regional parleys.
Dec. 25-28. Seventy-five BBG's and
a discussion program entitled "Ask
With only a few exceptions, the large majority of AZA
an equal number of alephs are
The Rabbi."
BBG in January. The Connecticut
and BBG regions will convene in late December. One region-
The District's Northern Region
Valley Region was scheduled to
The Western Pennsylvania and
District 4 Southern BBG Region-has already held its con-
is planning a five-day co-ed event,
hold a co-ed convention in Hart-
West Virginia Region in District
Dec. 25-30, at Portland, Ore. About
vention. Some 150 BBG's, representing 50 chapters, met for
ford, Nov. 20. Some 200 BBG's and
3 will have three separate parleys.
alephs were expected.
125 delegates each from BBG and
three days in Los Angeles, from
The Southwest AZA and BBG
Honorary Chairman of the B'nai
AZA are anticipated.
Nov. 18-20.
Other Plans
B'rith Youth Commission, is one
Councils, with an expected 150 par-
District 5 Reports
Another convention which has
of the scheduled speakers.
Here is a rundown on the plans
ticipants, will meet Dec. 26-28 in
already been held was the co-ed
In District 5, the Southern Re-
Some 225 BBYO'ers in District
of other regions which was avail-
Southern Ontario BBG-AZA par-
Altoona, Pa. The Northwest AZA
able as this issue of Shofar went
(see REGIONALS, page 4)
ley, Oct. 28-30. Some 120 BBYO'ers
One's New England Region will
Council will meet in Sharon, Pa.,
meet Dec. 16-18 at Boston Univer-
to press:
Dec. 29-30. Some 150 participants
attended the convention-the first
sity's Hillel House for a three-day
In District 1, Brooklyn Region
are expected at this event. The
co-ed event in the region's history.
Where To Find It
University of BBYO. Participants
BBG and AZA are scheduled to
Pittsburgh AZA and BBG Coun-
Among its features were a series
will be members of Tri-State AZA,
hold a University of BBYO some-
cils parley January 27-29
Aleph Godol's Message Page 3
of seminars led by Professors Da-
vid Savan and Emil Fackenheim
Bay State BBG, New England
time late in December. Final plans
Pittsburgh, will have about 300
BBG President's
BBYA and Blackstone-Narragan-
have not yet been formalized. The
participants. The district's New
of the University of Toronto. Also
Page 5
featured was a Saturday afternoon
sett AZA and BBG. Theme of the
Upstate New York Region has
Jersey Region last month held an
BBYA President's
Institute of Judaism.
meeting will be "Living in the
scheduled a joint convention in
Officers Training Weekend, Oct. 14-
Page 7
Jewish Community," with Rabbi
Syracuse, Dec. 25-28.
16 at Lakewood, N. J., with 155
Calendar of Events
Page 6
Other Early Birds
David Leiber, Harvard University
In District 2, two regions have
chapter leaders in attendance.
Chapter Chatter
Page 4
The District 4 Southern AZA
Hillel Director, as keynote speaker.
reported on their plans-the Great-
In District 4, Central Region
Region is also among the early-
Other regions in the area have
er Ohio Council, which has sched-
has scheduled a joint convention
Names In The News
Page 8
birds. Its convention is scheduled
scheduled parleys for early next
uled a co-ed AZA-BBG three-day
in San Francisco which will be at-
On the Bookshelf
Page 8
for Dec. 9-11. About 130 alephs
year-Tri-State AZA in February,
convention from Dec. 26-28 at
tended by 250 alephs and 300
What Do You Think?
Page 6
are expected for the three-day
Bay State BBG in February and
Youngstown, Ohio's new Jewish
BBG's. The four-day parley, Dec.
World Datelines
Page 7
gathering. Jacob J. Lieberman, Blackstone-Narragansett AZA and
Community Center building. A to-
26-29, will have as its theme,
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The Shofar, Vol. XXXII, No. 9, November 1955
This newspaper contains articles reporting the activities of BBYO organizations (B'nai B'rith Girls, B'nai B'rith Young Women, Aleph Zadik Aleph, and B'nai B'rith Young Men) around the country. It includes information about officers, community service and philanthropy, events, alumni, and conventions.