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The Shofar, Vol. 43, No. 14, September-October, 1968
This newspaper contains articles reporting the activities of BBYO organizations (B'nai B'rith Girls, B'nai B'rith Young Women, Aleph Zadik Aleph, and B'nai B'rith Young Men) around the country. It includes information about officers, community service and philanthropy, events, alumni, and conventions.
Date/Date Range:
09/00/1968 - 10/00/1968
Active Leadership
Aleph Zadik Aleph (AZA)
B'nai B'rith Girls (BBG)
B'nai B'rith Young Adults (BBYA)
Community Service
The Shofar (Publication)
20th Century
The Shofar, Vol. 43, No. 14, September-October, 1968
Official B'nai B'rith Youth
Organization Newspaper
44th YEAR
Delegates Vote Changes
To Build Membership
Streamlined BBG
AZA Convention
An Interracial
Delegates' Aim
Sets Plans For
At Camp Conclave
Chapter Growth
spontaneous interracial "hap-
Streamlining the BBG from
pening" took place aboard a
A series of resolutions
chapter to international level
ferry boat when 20 AZA and
strengthening the structure of
was a prominent feature of the
BBG members from Brooklyn
the was at
organization's convention this
escorted 17 visiting members
organization's AZA international approved the
year at Camp B'nai B'rith, held
of Noar Lenoar on a trip to
vention held at Camp B'nai
concurrently with that of the
Staten Island.
B'rith inaugurating the 1968-69
AZA. All BBG business sessions
On the way back to Man-
were conducted separately from
hattan during the half-hour
New officers elected at the
that of the boys group, but
boat ride, the Israelis and
BBYO members gathered on
five days of business, education-
many joint activities were fea-
al, cultural and recreational
the top deck and began to
sessions were: Art Schaefer,
BBG approved a resolution
dance the hora and sing Israeli
Sierra Madre, Calif.. grand
condemning the Soviet invasion
songs. This attracted a group
aleph godol; Albert Hiller, Hou-
of Czechoslovakia which had OC-
of Negro and Puerto Rican
ston, Tex., grand aleph s'gan
In one of the most moving programs of the 1968 conventions, members of AZA and
curred just prior to the arrival
youngsters. One of the Negro
BBG gather at the Memorial Grove for a silent vigil as an expression of sympathy
rishon; Larry Lipton, Durham,
for the Jewish people of the Soviet Union, living under spiritual duress. The dele-
of the delegates at the camp.
boys shouted "let's show these
N.C., grand aleph s'gan shey-
Ironically, a resolution had ear-
cats how to dance". The Ne-
gates fasted throughout the day, walked silently behind "barbed wire" and watched
nee; Sid Schwartzberg, Ardsley,
the burning, above, of the Symbol of Brotherhood, signifying the Soviet's attempted
lier been planned commending
groes and Puerto Ricans
Y., grand aleph mazkir and
destruction of the Jewish religion.
the Czech government for its
formed a circle around the Is-
Edward A. Zelinsky, grand
democratic trend and urging it
raelis and BBYO members.
aleph kohen godol. Ed is im-
Talks Spur Cooperation
to resume relations with Israel,
Before long, the two circles
mediate-past Grand Aleph Go-
which had been broken off dur-
merged into one and soon
ing the Six-Day War. The
other passengers, young and
As BBYO, Negroes Meet
altered resolution linked the in-
old, black and white, joined in
Three temporary chairmen
vasion with other inhuman facts,
a rousing interracial demon-
were named. They are: Steve
including Soviet suppression of
stration of singing and danc-
Neiditch, Dumont, N. J., mem-
STARLIGHT, Penna.-Teen-
of black teenagers-climaxed
Russian Jewry.
bership evaluation; Rickey
age Negro-Jewish understanding
the discussion with a final meet-
Patricia Ellen Giniger, Deca-
Continued on Page 2
is at least a step closer to reality
ing and a consensual report.
tur, Ga., was elected 1968-69
as the result of one of the most
New White Role
N'siah (International Presi-
dramatic joint programs ever
dent). She succeeds Randy
held at Camp B'nai B'rith.
In the report, the two groups
Glassman, Everett, Mass., who
The New Officers
AZA and BBG, interrupting
stated, in effect, that any white
was elected Madricha (coun-
their intensive separate busi-
person who sincerely wants to
selor). Pat is the daughter of
ness sessions, joined forces for
help black people today must
Morton Giniger, director of
a day of recreation and sharp
do SO "anonymously". Negroes,
BBYO's North Carolina office.
discussion with 29 Negro boys
the young people agreed, after
Carol Allen, Birmingham,
and girls from the Camden.
centuries of oppression, are
Ala., was elected s'ganit rish-
N. J.-Philadelphia area. The vis-
deeply resentful of the "great
onah, first V.P. Sue Shendelman,
itors were members of the Na-
white father" role supposedly
Memphis, Tennessee, was elect-
tional Association for the Ad-
assumed by some would-be ben-
ed s'ganit sh'niah (2nd V.P.).
vancement of Colored People,
International BBG chairmen
Congress of Racial Equality,
Another conclusion was that
had not been appointed at press
Black Power Militant Union and
integration is no longer a top
time and will be announced at
the Young Men's Christian As-
priority objective of Negro as-
a later date. Chosen as 1968-69
pirations. "If it comes, fine", the
contest topics were BBG ora-
Observers and participants
report stated, "but the main
tory "The Price of Silence":
agreed that the black-white con-
issue now is full equality, de-
BBG story-telling: "The Good
frontation was no routine inter-
cent housing, adequate educa-
Jewish Woman"; BBG original-
change of polite platitudes. At
tional facilities and equal jus-
ity plus "Beauty is
group meetings, bunk sessions
BBG delegates were deeply
and informal one-to-one conver-
The "task force" also took on
concerned with reinforcing and
sations, both sides bluntly ex-
the generation gap, when it was
improving internal organization,
pressed their real feelings, hos-
agreed that white youth cannot
as indicated in resolutions ap-
tilities and grievances. This, in
be held responsible for the op-
pearing on Page 6. It was felt
the opinion of Jerry Diggs, an
pression of the Negroes for 350
that current social trends and
adult advisor and NAACP offi-
years; nor, could today's white
widespread turmoil among
cial, brought forth a definite
young people be blamed for
youth make it incumbent for
"clearing of the air", some mu-
anti-Negro attitudes of their
BBG to adopt new approaches
tual understanding, and re-
and programs to reach greater
newed resolve by both groups
Quest For Pride
numbers of young people. There
to take practical action to ease
was great stress on the need for
racial tension.
The Negro's quest for "self-
Judiac education and expanded
An interracial program of
pride", his effort to foster appre-
athletics and arts and crafts
ciation for black contributions
was followed by intense and
to American and world civiliza-
often bitter discussion, particu-
tion was applauded in the re-
In This Issue
larly of the problem of urban
port, which compared current
violence. No-holds-barred debate
emphasis on this aspect of Ne-
Selections from BBYO lit-
was characterized by raised
gro life with concern for the
erary and oratory contest
voices and blazing candor. To
teaching of Jewish history and
winners, feature page on
help to clarify differences-if
values to Jewish young people.
Noar Lenoar delegations' vis-
ABOVE: Newly-elected Grand Aleph Godol Art Schaefer, right, confers with fellow
officers, from left: Grand Aleph S'gan Rishon Albert Hiller; Grand Aleph S'gan Sheynee
not to resolve them- "task
Concerning urban riots, the
it to the U.S., feature stories
Larry Lipton and Grand Aleph Mazkir Sid Schwartzberg.
force" of AZA and BBG mem-
report insisted that one root
on the ILTC and Kallah pro-
BELOW: N'siah Pat Giniger, right, with S'ganit Rishonah, Carol Allen, left, and
bers-and of an equal number
Continued on Page 2
grams at Camp B'nai B'rith.
S'ganit Sn'niah Sue Shendelman.
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The Shofar, Vol. 43, No. 14, September-October, 1968
This newspaper contains articles reporting the activities of BBYO organizations (B'nai B'rith Girls, B'nai B'rith Young Women, Aleph Zadik Aleph, and B'nai B'rith Young Men) around the country. It includes information about officers, community service and philanthropy, events, alumni, and conventions.