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The Shofar, Vol. 53, No. 1, January 1977
This newspaper contains articles reporting the activities of B'nai B'rith Girls, B'nai B'rith Young Women and Aleph Zadik Aleph, and B'nai B'rith Young Men chapters around the country. It includes information about officers, community service and philanthropy, events, alumni, and conventions.
Date/Date Range:
Active Leadership
Aleph Zadik Aleph (AZA)
B'nai B'rith Girls (BBG)
Community Service
The Shofar (Publication)
20th Century
The Shofar, Vol. 53, No. 1, January 1977
Israel Victim of Hypocrisy
B'nai B'rith Youth Organization
January, 1977
tion and
buld take
ters and
have the
come. If
g Alephs
Need material for a term paper?
we can
How about a speech in your public
d be as-
speaking class? Or arguments for a
ure. That
debate project? This article can do
the trick.
m Beber
hmit our-
Or, use it in combatting Arab
propaganda in your school or as the
basis for a Chapter discussion
Every year, a few outstanding
play was on the many questions raised by
by Harris O. Schoenberg,
programs are recognized as wor-
the trial, including the question of whether
deputy director for UN affairs of the
thy of receiving the BBYO "Pro-
the fear of communism was SO strong as to
B'nai B'rith International Council
gram of The Year" award. Winners
execute people based upon questionable
are selected from both AZA and
evidence. During the discussion groups, al-
The African, Arab and Communist countries
dustry in the same manner on a smaller scale.
BBG Chapter programs; BBYO
most all of the "juries" found the Rosen-
most vocal in their condemnation of Israel
When industries cannot be transported to
Chapter programs; combined pro-
bergs innocent.
for ties with South Africa, themselves main-
neighboring countries, as in the case of
grams with an AZA and a BBG
Following the play, the two Chapters sold
tain extensive commercial relations with the
mining, black African laborers are sent to
Chapter; and Council, Region, or
posters and pins calling for the re-opening of
land of apartheid. These relations are built
work in the gold mines of South Africa, in-
District programs in both AZA
the Rosenberg case. As a follow-up to the
on a thriving trade which includes strategic
cluding 100,000 from such a militant state as
and BBG.
Convention program, many Chapters had
materials, investments in industries, and the
Mozambique. Under the terms of the agree-
d proud
Beginning with this issue, The
similar programs, such as the presentation of
export to South Africa of hundreds of thou-
ment between the two states, 60% of the
v of our
publishing details
movie on the Rosenberg trial.
sands of black African laborers.
miners' wages are transferred directly to the
ally live
of some of last year's winning pro-
For more information on the program,
Next to Great Britain, South Africa's larg-
Mozambique government in the form of gold
ng can-
grams. Along with each program
write to Jill Stanger, 32 Hopewell St.,
est trading partner is the rest of Africa. South
bullion. The payment, however, is computed
er is not
description is a name and ad-
Albany, N.Y. or Scott Metzner, 22 Milner
Africa's exports to other African countries
at the old "official" gold price of $42 an
dress of the person in charge of
Ave., Albany, N.Y.
have been growing during the 1970's at an
ounce, rather than the current market value
ery ob-
the program or someone to whom
annual rate of almost 40%. Black African
which is almost three times as much. Mozam-
interested BBYO members can
AZA Chapter Program
states seek loans and credits from South
bique thus realizes substantial profits when it
S to this
write for information.
The members of Herzl AZA, of San
pays the miners in Mozambique currency. A
Applications for the 1976-77
American financial and general publica-
South African government official claims this
al lead-
Antonio, Tex., were interested in a com-
al prob-
Program of The Year competition
munity service project. They met with a
tions reported in June and July, 1976, that
form of subsidy is worth each year about
can be found in the BBYO Con-
such as
representative of the Jewish Family Center
South Africa exports an estimated $635 mil-
$120 million - more than aid from the Unit-
test Manual available from local
and narrowed the choice down to one of
lion worth of goods to some two dozen Afri-
ed Nations or the Soviet Union. South Africa
BBYO offices.
three possibilities. Finally, they decided that
can states. "There are many other black Af-
sends technicians and workers to Mozam-
us with
the Kenwood Community Center would of-
rican countries that want to trade with us,
bique; the latter's ports are largely depend-
AZA-BBG Chapter
fer them the greatest challenge and the best
but we discourage it because of government
ent upon them. Mozambique has switched
instability, foreign exchange shortages or
from Portugal to South Africa for many of its
(Combined Program)
A committee of the Chapter paid a visit to
payment problems," a South African com-
consumer goods because of cheaper trans-
k not of
When faced with the problem of finding
mercial representative is quoted as saying.
Take ad-
an interesting program for Shabbat eve
the Center, found out that the Center serv-
portation costs.
the writ-
iced 42 children ranging in age from four to
Trade with black Africa is "much greater'
programming at the Upstate New York Fall
Convention, Chai BBG and Albert Sch-
14 years old - from low-income families.
than indicated by the official statistics, a high
Arabs Have Strong Ties
dies, the
South African government source said. In
ity of a
weitzer AZA. both of Albany, were con-
In discussing their desire to provide a service
In the vanguard of the attack on Israel for its
addition to trade, he said, "there has been a
cerned about the many questions raised by
to the Center, they agreed on a plan which
ties to South Africa are the Arab states. Yet,
lot of aid to many black African countries
would involve tutoring the children, helping
Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Jordan, Lebanon, Mo-
the execution in the 1950's of Julius and
that would not want this known." Tourism
rocco and the Persian Gulf sheikhdoms are
m Ohio
Ethel Rosenberg for spying. Recently, the
the Center's Boy Scout group, and assisting
with various sports activities and field trips.
from South Africa is another moneymaker.
all building commercial relations with South
issue has come into the forefront of public
"To re-
They then arranged for the specific dates
Mauritius, whose Prime Minister is currently
Africa, and the royal family of Kuwait con-
opinion with publication of a new book,
chairman of the Organization of African
trols extensive investments there. Most omi-
television appearances, etc., by the Rosen-
with the Center coordinator and agreed on
uture for
kicking the program off culminating with a
Unity, reportedly welcomes 50,000 South
nous are the military aid deal between Saudi
bergs' sons, and numerous newspaper
big Thanksgiving party for the children.
African tourists per year.
Arabia and South Africa reported in April,
her than
The subcommittee agreed that the goal
According to one correspondent, virtually
1975, and the sale of Jordanian tanks to
The BBYO members looked into the pos-
every black African country does business
sibilities of having the Meeropol brothers,
was a very simple one-developing the
South Africa, which have ended up in Rho-
o "fill in
the sons of Julius and Ethel Rosenberg,
skills of the children involved and, hopefully,
with South Africa. In many cases the pur-
desia, according to a story in a publication
improving their outlook on life.
chase of goods is direct, packages are la-
supportive of the United Nations. The Secu-
he chal-
speak to the Convention. When they found
beled in Afrikaans and their South African
in his
that was impractical, the two Chapters
About six weeks after their initial visit, the
rity Council committee which monitors the
Chapter had its first full day of involvement
origin is in no way disguised. "Direct" sales
UN embargo on Rhodesia has considered
decided to present a play. They found a
reportedly involve about a dozen African
at the Center. The children were arranged in
the sale of Jórdanian aircraft to Rhodesia,
good script, edited it, and then assigned
our pro-
countries on a regular basis, with another
parts. Rehearsals began. The cast went to a
three groups according to age and the
and, for three years, its inquiries regarding
Chapter members divided themselves ac-
dozen trading sporadically.
the shipment to Rhodesia of steel billets have
outh or-
local thrift shop to buy clothes from the
1950's to correspond to their characters,
cordingly. They accompanied the youngest
A Double Standard
been ignored by the Jordanian government.
group in dancing and singing, the middle
Until the Arab oil boycott of 1973-74,
borrowed clothes from relatives and friends,
an meet
Those states that do not wish to buy directly
group in art work and timetelling, and the
Saudi Arabia supplied about 25% of South
acquired the necessary scenery (a judge's
trade through intermediaries or purchasing
desk, American flag, defense and prosecut-
oldest group in gardening. These programs
Africa's foreign oil. Since then the names of
wed to
agents. In other cases, South African enter-
ing desks, doctor's clothing, etc.), built a
continued for sometime until the end of the
South Africa's foreign oil suppliers have been
s year's
witness stand, and then set up audio and
month when the members of Herzl held a
prises do 80% of the work on equipment and
classified. In addition to the military deal
r looked
finished goods. The almost completed prod-
lighting equipment.
Halloween party for the children complete
mentioned above, the same source reports
ng Katz
ucts are then shipped to members of the
with a decorating session early in the day,
that Saudi Arabia has been buying large
The Convention body was broken into 12
are win-
South African Customs on-Botswana
separate juries, each led by one person who
football and volleyball games in the after-
amounts of South African foodstuffs, pre-
Lesotho and Swaziland, or to Malawi-where
noon, gifts, and the breaking of a pinada.
fabricated materials, and "enormous" quan-
ned our
would be briefed by the chairpeople. The
they are finished, labeled and sold in African
Again, the Chapter continued visiting the
tities of gold, presumably in exchange for oil.
d that if
cast performed the play which dealt with the
markets without the South African name.
President Julius Nyere of Tanzania has
period from the time of the trial to the
ve hang
While this trade flourishes, Israel has been
Rosenbergs' execution. The emphasis in the
(Continued on page 2)
denounced for cooperating in the textile in-
(Continued on page 8)
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The Shofar, Vol. 53, No. 1, January 1977
This newspaper contains articles reporting the activities of B'nai B'rith Girls, B'nai B'rith Young Women and Aleph Zadik Aleph, and B'nai B'rith Young Men chapters around the country. It includes information about officers, community service and philanthropy, events, alumni, and conventions.