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B'nai B'rith Youth Group Founder, Newspaper Clipping, August 28, 1976
B'nai B'rith
Youth Group
Founder, 75
Sam Beber, 75, founder of the B'nai
B'rith Youth Organization, died of
pneumonia Wednesday in Chicago.
In 1924, he organized a Jewish boys
group in Omaha, which he named
Aleph Zadik Aleph. Two years later
as the youngest member of B'nai
B'rith's national board, he persuaded
it to sponsor the youth program.
It became the B'nai B'rith Youth
Organization. A girls' counterpart was
added in 1944. More than 650,000
youngsters have participated in its
programs and the current enrollment
is more than 40,000.
Born in Omaha, Mr. Beber gradu-
ated from Creighton University law
school there. He was in business in
Omaha and later became a partner in
American Community Builders, which
developed Park Forest, Ill., in 1946.
An early planned community, it is
now a city of 50,000.
Mr. Beber maintained his home in
Omaha, where he was active in many
civic and philanthropic affairs. He
also served on the national boards of
the Boy Scouts, the Jewish Welfare
Board and the United Jewish Appeal.
He is survived by his wife, Helen
Riekes Beber, of the home; a son, Har-
ley Beber, of Rockville; two daugh-
ters, Mrs. Floyd Abramson, of Chi-
cago, and Mrs. Jerald Kattleman, of
San Diego, and a sister, Mrs. Paul
Landres, of Los Angeles.
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B'nai B'rith Youth Group Founder, Newspaper Clipping, August 28, 1976
This obituary describes the life and accomplishments of Sam Beber, including his contributions to AZA.