Altenberg, Judy

From collection Person List

Altenberg, Judy
Judy Altenberg has dedicated her life to philanthropic work. An alumna of the United Jewish Community’s National Young Leadership Cabinet, she served as International N’siah from 1982 to 1983.
After graduating from Georgetown University Law Center, Altenberg pursued philanthropic endeavors, serving in a number of roles. She has held several high-level volunteer fundraising positions with Jewish Federations of North America, including as a trustee and board chair of the JFNA’s National Women’s Philanthropy. She has also been a past chair of Women’s Philanthropy at JEWISHColorado, as well as a commissioner on the Colorado Commission on Higher Education. She also chaired the National Lion of Judah Endowment’s 25th anniversary campaign.

Most recently, Altenberg has worked with the Rose Community Foundation in Denver, Colorado. The Rose Foundation is dedicated to advancing inclusive, engaged, and equitable communities through values-driven philanthropy, both within the Jewish community and in the Greater Denver region.

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