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The Shofar, Vol. 11, No. 20, June 15, 1936
This newspaper contains articles reporting the activities of Aleph Zadik Aleph (AZA) chapters around the country. It includes information about chapters, officers, community service and philanthropy, events, and activities.
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Active Leadership
Aleph Zadik Aleph (AZA)
Community Service
The Shofar (Publication)
20th Century
The Shofar, Vol. 11, No. 20, June 15, 1936
ol. XI
June 15, 1936
No. 20
Summer Program
Guilty Conscience
Feiga Is Elected
Is Sent to Godols
Earns a New Book
District President
For A.Z.A. Library
Features Plans For Summer
Will Head District One Cov-
Quite somewhile ago, Ed. Cohen
Socials and Athletic
ering New England, New
of Milwaukee, international Se-
nior Deputy borrowed Allman's
York, Ontario, Quebec
"A Unique Institution" (telling
"Plans for Summer Activity" is
all about the National Farm
At the annual convention of Dis-
the feature of the latest issue of
School) from the A. Z. A. Free
trict Grand Lodge No. 1, held re-
the A. Z. A. Monthly- Program
Circulating Library. When the
cently at Worcester, Mass., Wilfred
booklet, which was sent to Aleph
book was long past due, head-
B. Feiga, long-time representative
Godols and Advisory Board Chair-
quarters sent Ed a "gentle re-
of that district on the Supreme Ad-
men last week. This booklet is
minder." The tardy book was im-
visory Council, was elected Grand
to aid the chapter in maintaining
mediately forthcoming, and along
an intensive program of activity
with it a copy of Brod's "Reu-
Mr. Feiga is a well known at-
during the summer months when
bini-Prince of the Jews" which
torney of Worcester, and an out-
Organizations are prone to dis-
he sent as a contribution to the
standing leader in Jewish and
and. The special suggestions for
Circulating Library. The book is
non-Jewish affairs.
summer activities include "Sum-
a valuable acquisition since it is
Other members of the Supreme
mer Tournaments," "Hop Off to a
now out of print.
Advisory Council who have served
Unique July Hop," "Coming of Age
in a similar capacity are Mr. Si-
Party," "How to Entertain Friends
mon Heller of Denver, former
of Another Club or Chapter,"
S. A. C. Discusses
When some of the Seattle
president of District 2; Sam Beber,
'What A. Z. A. Can Do For Scout-
Alephs traveled recently with the
of District 6, and Leo Bearman of
ing This Summer."
Work in Palestine
Executive Secretary to Portland,
District 7. Jacob J. Lieberman
The regular outline of activities
they stopped off on a railway plat-
of Los Angeles is at present First
form enroute, to demonstrate
the five major committees, Re-
Vice-President of District Grand
ligious, Social Service, Cultural,
Action towards extending the
"thumbs up!" for the International
Lodge No. 4.
Social and Athletic is given to-
Palestinian activities of Aleph Za-
Convention in Southern California,
gether with "Let's Talk" or cur-
dik Aleph was one of the impor-
this summer. Twenty Alephs trav-
rent Jewish events and "Hints to
tant results of the meeting of the
eled to Portland and a greater
Coins Given To
Executive Committee of the Su-
Aleph Godols and Advisors." The
number expect to take the trip
Aleph Godol is expected to distrib-
preme Advisory Council held in
further south, next month.
ute each of the various sections
Omaha May 24.
The Alephs are, from front to
to the appropriate committees, and
After a lengthy discussion on
rear: Bobby Friedman, Irving
the importance of Palestine to the
Broches, Lawrence Jacobson, Mil-
Mr. Nicholas Brazy, chairman of
to turn the undistributed material
over to the newly elected Aleph
Jewish youth of today, the mem-
ton Weis, Lawrence Brown and
the Lapidus Forest Memorial, has
bers of the Executive Committee
Gene Mosler.
just advised national headquarters
unanimously voted to establish a
that the Jewish National Fund of
committee to work with the Ex-
America, in charge of tree-plant-
Goldberg Heads
ecutive Secretary to carry into
Judge Fromberg
ing in Palestine, has contributed
effect the motion with reference
2,000 Palestinian coins to the Lapi-
Dist. 1 Committee
to Palestine that was adopted by
Lauds A.Z.A. Aims
dus Forest Memorial. These coins
the Supreme Advisory Council at
will be sold by A. Z. A. Chapters
last year's meeting in the Ozarks.
"Escape from our troubles lies
and the money will go towards
Since the last
At that time the S. A. C. approved
in organization and with the youth
establishing a memorial of 1,500
issue of The
the recommendation of the Ozark
of today, and the A. Z. A. is lay-
trees in Palestine, in the memory
Shofer, District
convention for an incorporation of
ing the foundation for such a
of Harry H. Lapidus, former treas-
Grand Lodge No.
the study of Palestine into the A.
urer of the Supreme Advisory
1 of the B'nai
Z. A. program.
That was the gist of the ad-
Council. If your chapter wishes
B'rith, consist-
dress delivered by Judge Joseph
to sell these coins, please get in
Approve Charters
ing of New Eng-
Fromberg of Washington, D. C.,
touch with Mr. Nicholas Brazy,
Besides drawing up final plans
land, New York,
for the California Camp Conven-
on the occasion of the Parents'
113 West Wayne, Fort Wayne, In-
Ontario and
tion the Executive Committee
Day observance of the Simon
Quebec, has an-
voted its approval of temporary
Atlas Chapter. Hyman Goldstein,
nounced the ap-
charters for six Aleph Clubs. The
former member of the Supreme
pointment of
new Aleph Clubs are New York
Advisory Council, also spoke.
Julius Berch, Seattle Chapter 73,
Mr. Joseph Gold-
257, New York City; Nashville 258,
Leonard Letvin presided at the
and Isadore Levine of Jacob Schiff
berg, attorney,
Nashville, Tenn.; North Shore 259,
program with William Dickens
Chapter 18 of Fargo, were the
oseph Goldberg of Worcester,
Chicago; Easton 260, Easton, Pa.;
serving as chairman in charge of
first two Alephs to send in cor-
ass., as chairman of the District
and United 261, Ottumwa, Ia.
arrangements. Hyman Kipnis sang
rect solutions of the cross-word
Z. A. Committee.
Permanent charters were
"Just a Little Home for the Old
puzzle contained in the May 1st
Mr. Goldberg has long been in-
awarded to Mt. Scopus 160, Taun-
Folks," while Henry Rubin ren-
issue of THE SHOFER. Both
erested in Worcester Chapter 52.
ton, Mass.; Pottsville 193, Potts-
dered "My Mom" and "Dear
have been sent autographed copies
(Continued on Page 8)
(Continued on Page 8)
Mother Mine."
of "Moor's Gold" by Ben Aronin.
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The Shofar, Vol. 11, No. 20, June 15, 1936
This newspaper contains articles reporting the activities of Aleph Zadik Aleph (AZA) chapters around the country. It includes information about chapters, officers, community service and philanthropy, events, and activities.