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The Shofar, Vol. XVI, No. 20, June 13, 1941
This newspaper contains articles reporting the activities of Aleph Zadik Aleph (AZA) chapters around the country. It includes information about chapters, officers, community service and philanthropy, events, and activities.
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Active Leadership
Aleph Zadik Aleph (AZA)
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The Shofar (Publication)
20th Century
The Shofar, Vol. XVI, No. 20, June 13, 1941
Official Organ Aleph 3adik Aleph of B'nai B'rith
JUNE 13, 1941
No. 20
Meet the Future
Defense Experts
Mrs. Ben Barkin
Of U. S. Government
To Be Featured
Washington, D. C. - With a
Washington," D. !-Final plans
nation-wide finals, to be held as
goal of fifty summer tournaments
are shaping up for the 18th Na-
part of the program at the Kerr<
set for the coming immer
tional Convention of the fratern-
ville convention.
months, A. Z. A.'s largest summer
Washington, D.C.-Sam Beber.
ity to be held at Kerrville, Tex.,
President of the Supreme Advis-
G. A. G. at Work
activity got underway when more
July 12-18. All present indica-
than a hundred boys from the Bay
ory Council, has today announced
tions point to this convention be-
Grand Aleph Godol Irving Kal-
Area gathered in San Francisco
the selection of Mr. A. C. Horn
ing not only one of the most
er has completely recovered from
to compete in a tournament spon-
of New York City as a member-
unique, but the most worthwhile
his recent appendectomy and is
sored by the Golden Gate Chap-
at-large of the Supreme Advisory
in the history of the A. Z. A.
at work on his Grand Godol's
ter 195.
Council, to fill one of the two ex-
Headquarters is at work lining
message. As delegates are re-
listing vacancies.
Thousands of Alephs will com-
up a group of outstanding speak
ported to Headquarters, they will
Mr. Horn, who is President of
pete in all types track and field
ers which should make this con-
be assigned to the special conven-
the A. C. Horn Paint Company of
events, swimming, baseball, golf
ference one of the most outstand-
tion Work Groups which will
Long Island City,: New York, has
and tennis, before the champions
ing youth meetings of this type
operate this year in place of the
of the various regions will be
held this year in America
customary convention commit<
crowned. The Supreme Advisory
Dan Hoan Speaker
Coûncil will award first place
One of the big features of this
medals to the winners in the va-
Mr. Dan Hoan, one of the key
year's convention will be the six
rious events. In order to avoid
officers in the United States gov-
seminars held Sunday, Monday,
ernment's Civilian Defense setup,
some of A. Z. A.'s Jesse Owens
and Tuesday mornings. The lead-
Photo by Glander.
and Johnny Weismuellers from
has tentatively agreed to address
er of the institute on "Propagan<
the convention on "Youth
Manitowoc, Wisc.-Mr. and
walking off with all the awards
da" will be provided by the In-
only three first place medals will
Civilian Defense," the opening
stitute of Propaganda Analysis, a
Mrs. Israel Axel recently an-
be given to any single individual
evening, Saturday, July 12. Mr.
non-profit organization to help
nounced the engagement of
their daughter, Shirley Hinda,
participating in track and field
Hoan is the associate director of
citizens detect and analyze prop-
pictured above, to Ben Barkin,
events. A similar maximum num-
State and Loan Co-operation in
aganda. Paul Kulick of Houston,
assistant executive director of
ber of medals wll be given in the
the Office for Emergency Man-
Tex., will take charge of the
agement of the Council for Na-
the S. A. C. They are to be
swimming events.
seminar on "Vocational Guid-
tional Defense, which operates di-
married in the early fall.
Tournaments already held and
ance;" Rabbi Morris Kertzer of
rectly under President Roosevelt.
those which are now being
the Iowa Hillel Foundation will
Today, Headquarters received
planned are listed below by dis-
lead the seminar on "Inter-Group
word from George Marshall, chief
Relations;' Rabbi Harry Kaplan
of staff of the United States army,
of the Ohio Hillel Foundation will
District -Medway and Millis (Au-
gust 10): Chelsea (June 22); Syracuse
through Congressman Samuel A.
lead the seminar on "Inter-Na-
(June 29) Springfield (July 27)
Weiss, that the commanding of-
tional Conflict:' Rabbi J. Mar-
C. (June 22) Long Island (June 29)
ficer of Randolph Field, near
Brooklyn (held May 25) Other tourna-
shall Taxay of Terre Haute, Ind.,
ments for District One are planned for
Gerrville, had been requested to
and Dr. Abe Greenberg of Omaha,
Burlington, for the District Camps
assign one of the most prominent
to be held near Pittsfield and Montreal.
Neb., will lead the seminar on
officials to address the A. Z. A,
District Two Steubenville, (June 22):
"Boy-Girl Relations;' Sidney
Cheyenne, Wyo. Dayton Ohio (Labor day
A. C. Horn
Convention on National Defense.
Kusworm of Dayton, Ohio, and
Week-end) Several city tournaments
"Inter-American" Speaker
Wilfred B. Feiga of Worcester,
are being planned for Cleveland
been one of the most active mem-
Plans are also under way for
Mass. will lead the seminar on
District Three Wilmington (July 20):
bers and energetic workers in re-
having a representative of the of-
"The American Scene.
lehem (July 20) Other tourneys are be
vitalizing B'nai B'rith in the Met-
fice for Co-ordination of Com-
ropolitan New York area. He is
Work Group Appoint-
ing planned for Erie. Wheeling, Chester
mercial and Cultural Relations
Washington, D. C.-To assure
Philadelphia Irvington Pittsburgh, Ali
a member of the Advisory Council
quippa, Beaver Falls and at the District
between the American Republics,
A. Z. A.'s greatest convention in
Three camp convention at Kiski
of the Eastern Regional Office of
to make available one of its key
An Sunday, Morning and Tues-
history, the Supreme Advisory
District Four-San Francisco (May 18):
the Anti-Defamation League, mem-
ber of the National Americanism
speakers to address the conven-
day afternoons nine "work
Council will have a staff of thirty
tournaments are being planned for Los
Committee of B'nai B'rith, repre-
groups" will be conducted. Chair-
leaders to take charge of the con-
Angeles, Tacoma and Long Beach.
The District 7 finals in debat-
men for each of these work
vention meeting.
senting District Grand Lodge No.
District Five- Augusta (June 15) Balti
ing and oratory will be held this
groups will be appointed by the
Those serving on the convention
more (June
1. and serves as an alternate rep-
staff are: Dr. Abe Greenberg of
resentative of B'nai B'rith on the
week in Memphis, Tenn. to de-
Grand Aleph Godol as soon as all
Camp convention. Two tourneys were re-
Omaha, Medical Director: Dr. J.
General Jewish Council.
cide their representative in the
delegates are reported by- the
cently run off in Miami Beach and in
Mr. Horn is a member of Jor-
nation-wide finals. The other 18
chapters and Aleph clubs
Marshall Taxay of Terre Haute.
Indiana, Rabbi: Nate Wahlberg of
District Six-Bay City (August 2 and
dan Lodge of B'nai B'rith, and of
debators and orators representing
Hyman Haves, Dr. Nathan
Other conclaves are planned for Des
the Central Synagogue of New
the six other districts are fever-
Cohen and Maurice Bisgyer will
Milwaukee, in charge of registra-
Moines Sheboygan, Milwaukee Twin
York City. Recently he served as
ishly making preparations for the
serve as consultants for the work
tion and housing Irving Levitas,
Cities, East St. Louis and at the District
assisted by Dr. Glazer and Joe
Camp convention. The latter will be held
a member of the National Conven-
group dealing with the relation-
at Camp Indianola over the Labor Day
Borenstein, in charge of oratory
tion Committee of the Supreme
ship of the Z. A. chapters with
and debating and evening pro-
District Seven Memphis (Labor Day
Lodge Convention, held in Chi-
week-end) Chattanooga will play host
B'nai B'rith Lodges and the fos-
tering institution in which it
grams and seminars: Bernard Pos-
during the month of August.
Communications can reach Mr.
tal of Washington, D. C., in charge
of publicity; Grand Aleph Godol
Akron Doubles
Horn by being addressed to the
Lowell Adelson, Bob Friedman,
Irving Kaler, convention sessions:
A. C. Horn Building, Long Island
Philip M. Klutznick will serve as
Nathan Fine, Silver Springs, Md.,
Membership Roll
City, New York.
Mr. Horn expects to be present
consultants for the work group
camp photographer; Irving Falk.
dealing with the function and or-
Washington, D. C.. mimeograph-
at the next meeting of the Su-
ganization and administration of
Akron Ohio Boasting more
ing: Lawrence Rodson, Los An-
preme Advisory Council, at Kerr-
z. A. Councils, Regions and
than a 100% increase in mem-
geles, Calif., post-office: Harold
ville, Texas, July 12-18.
Washington, D. C.-During the
bership in the past six months,
Weiss of Detroit and Burt Weit-
Other members at large on the
past week, two alumni of the A.
Aaron Zucker and Joseph Her-
Akron Chapter 114 is today one
horn of New York City, in charge
S. A. C. are Alfred M. Cohen of
Z. A. have been moved to prom-
bach will serve as consultants for
of the largest groups in the fra-
of sales of Balfour jewelry and
Cincinnati. Honorary President of
inent executive positions in B'nai
the work group on membership
ternity with an active membership
A. Z. A. supplies.
B'nai B'rith; Philip M. Klutznick
of 60 alephs and a pledge class
Bernard Postal and George
Bill Kaplan; of Chicago, assist-
of Omaha Nebraska, who is Pres-
At the District 2 Convention,
Shendelman will consult with the
of 16. As a result of the fine pro-
ident of District Grand Lodge No.
held at Columbus, Ohio, Lou Sut-
ed by Sol Marshall of Atlanta, will
gram of activities being carried
work group on A. Z. A. publica-
6, and former Executive Secretary
tin of Terre Haute, Indiana, an
take charge of the recreational
on by the chapter, it has become
program. Under them. Sid Frank-
of the Supreme Advisory Council,
alumnus of Kansas City Chapter
so swamped with applications for
and Sidney G. Kusworm of Day-
2 was elected second vice-presi-
Bernard Goldstein, Joseph
lin of Cleveland, and Saul Dizen-
membership, that tentative plans
ton. Ohio, treasurer of the B'nai
dent. and at the District Grand
Borenstein and Wilfred Feiga will
feld of Ambridge, Pa., will take
are being formulated for the or-
Lodge 3 convention, held in At
serve as consultants for the work
charge of tennis; Hy Haves of
B'rith Supreme Lodge.
ganization of a second chapter in
lantic City, A. David Epstein of
group on special A. Z. A. observ-
New York City and Leonard Be-
the city.
Camden, New Jersey, was elected
love of Detroit in charge of field
Akron observed National A. Z.
Glassberg to Wed
a member of the General Commit-
Fred Weiss and Milton Mehl
and track events; Lowell Adelson
A., Parent's and Founder's Day on
will serve as consultants for the
of Philadelphia, Bernard Goldstein
May 12 with a program of talks.
Los Angeles, Calif.-Samuel P
Lou Suttin will have the dis-
work group on contests and
of Louisville, in charge of volley
readings, and music before an
Glassberg, Field Secretary of the
tinction of being the second A. Z.
ball, badminton, pool, bowling,
audience of 200 members, parents,
Southern Region of District Four
A. alumnus to head a Grand
Leonard Belove and Leo Le-
etc.; Fred Weiss of Philadelphia,
and friends of Akron A. Z. A.
will be married to Doriseda Herz-
Lodge of the B'nai B'rith, and
vine will serve as consultants for
in charge of horse-back riding;
Akron's own A. Z. A. quartet per-
berg. daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
will serve in 1943 during the
the work group on summer and
Bob Friedman, Leo Levine in
formed brilliantly for this occa-
Nathan Herzberg, Sunday, June
100th anniversary of the founding
winter tournaments
charge of softball tournament
sion. The features of the program
15 at 2 p. m. at the Rodef Sholem
of Senior Order.
Larry Rodson, Nick Brazy and
'Aaron Zucker in charge of equip-
was an address by Aaron Zucker,
Synagogue, at 2003 W Jefferson
Phil Klutznick, currently serv-
Sid Franklin will serve as con-
ment: Bernard Cohen of New
District 2 A. Z. A, Director. Moth-
Blvd., Log Angeles, California.
ing as President of District Grand
sultants for the work group on
York City, George Shendelman of
ers were presented with flowers,
Lodge 6. and also an alumnus of
starting a Junior A. Z.
Memphis, Tennessee, Marv Levin,
and the fathers in attendance
Be a Booster Increase the
Kansas City Chapter 2. is the first
Saul Dizenfeld and Hyman
of Kansas City will serve as utility
were given "a good five cent
membership of your A. Z. A.
graduates of A. Z. A. to hold such
Goldstein will serve as consult=
an honored position.
(See "Convention," Page 8.)
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The Shofar, Vol. XVI, No. 20, June 13, 1941
This newspaper contains articles reporting the activities of Aleph Zadik Aleph (AZA) chapters around the country. It includes information about chapters, officers, community service and philanthropy, events, and activities.