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The Shofar, Vol. XVI, No. 21, June 27, 1941
This newspaper contains articles reporting the activities of Aleph Zadik Aleph (AZA) chapters around the country. It includes information about chapters, officers, community service and philanthropy, events, and activities.
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Aleph Zadik Aleph (AZA)
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The Shofar (Publication)
20th Century
The Shofar, Vol. XVI, No. 21, June 27, 1941
Official Organ Aleph 3adik Aleph of B'nai B'rith
JUNE 27, 1941
No. 21
We ll Meet You in Texas!
Kansas City Invites
The Greeting Line Forms at the Right
Alephs En Route
Kansas City, Mo. There
will be a Rally of all Kansas
City Alephs on Wednesday eve-
ning, July 9th, at which Leon-
ard Belove, A. Z. A. Director,
Kerrville, Stan-
formerly Kansas City Director,
ton T. Smith, commanding offi-
will be the guest speaker. Mar-
cer of the United States Air
vin Levin, present Kansas City
Washington, D. C.-As this
Director, has extended an invi-
Corps Advanced Flying School at
issue of THE SHOFAR goes to
tation to all Directors, Advisors
Brooks Field, Texas will address
press, all is in readiness for the
and Alephs who are traveling
18th National Convention of the
the 18th National A. Z. A, con-
through Kansas City on their
fraternity at Schreiner Institute
vention here on Monday evening,
way to the Convention to stop
in Kerrville, Texas, opening Sat-
July 14, on the subject "Our Air
over and attend the Rally as
urday with supper, July 12th.
guests of the community. When
Corps and What It Means to
The Grand Aleph Godol sighs
in Kansas City, call Marvin
with relief as he puts the finish-
Levin at 4226 Harrison St.
ing touches on his "G. A. G. Mes-
Major Smith, who has been in
the Air Corps since 1918 and is a
The Executive Director groans
former commander of Schoen
with satisfaction as he checks off
Field, Ft. Benjamin Harrison, In-
diana, and also a former com-
his list: convention speakers,
okay; housing, okay; annual re-
mandant of the 46th School
port.. okay: S. A. C. agenda.
Squadron, Randolph Field, Texas,
okay; convention seminars and
will explain to the A. Z. A. boys
work groups, okay; supplies or-
the workings of the U. S. Air
dered, okay; checks for delegate
Corps and discuss the meaning
allotments.. okay; convention
of this branch of teh armed serv-
menus, okay; etc., etc., etc.
ice to young Americans.
The National Cultural Director
Major Smith, who has one of
completes the lineup and judges
the most important posts in the
for the debating and oratorical
Air Corps, was obtained for the
finals, and is now back on his six
Kerrville, Tex.-Mr. Dan Hoan,
convention through the coopera-
book schedule for lunch.
associate of Mayor La Guardia in
tion of Congressman Samuel A.
The S. A. C. members are run-
the U. S. Civilian Defense pro-
Weiss of Pennsylvania and Gen-
ning a mile daily getting in trim
gram, will deliver the opening
eral Marshall, Chief of Staff of
for that annual softball game with
address of the 18th National A.
the United States Army.
the alumni, and that battle over
Z. A. convention, Saturday eve-
"A. Z. A. Policy for 1941-42.
ning, July 12th, when he will
The thirty convention staff
San Antonio Alephs
speak on "Youth and Civilian
members have worked out all the
answers on how to let veeryone
Welcome Delegates
What young people under mili-
play on the first team.
tary age can do to further the
San Antonio-Above is pictured lovely Miss Sarah Forbes, the
And Sam Beber has finally con-
After Convention
national defense effort will be the
San Antonio chapter's "Sweetheart" elected at their recent Anni-
sented to letting little son Harley
keynote of the convention, the
versary Dinner and Dance. She will personally greet all Alephs
come along.
first national Jewish assembly to
and alumni to the post convention to be held here in San Antonio
Everything is ready!
meet in Texas. Mr. Hoan, a for-
on July 19.
Benny Alephs from coast to
mer mayor of Milwaukee, a past
San Antonio. Texas- Final ar-
Now we would like to give you her telephone number but
coast, we'll be waiting to greet
president of the United States
Sarah would much rather greet you in person. As a matter of
rangements have been completed
Conference of Mayors and until
for the post-convention activities
fact, she has promised to date all single delegates and visitors.
recently associate director of the
that will be held in San Antonio
(Too bad for Bisno and Barkin.)
division of state and local coop-
New Castle Purchases
on July 19, 1941. A real south-
eration of the Council of Nation-
ern welcome has been arranged
al Defense, will outline the gov-
Opper Wins Title
by the San Antonio Chapter 152.
B M B. Sponsors
Defense Saving
ernment's program of civilian de-
You will find in San Antonio a
fense and indicate the specific
combination of Hispanic atmos-
spheres in which the services of
Sacramento, -Sacramen-
Community Census
phere, Western friendliness and
youth will be required.
to 87 recently held their inter-
Southern hospitality, and we feel
The evening programs to fol-
chapter bowling tournament. Sy
New Castle, Pa New Castle
that your attendance at the post-
low will be the national oratorical
Chapter 248 is aiding in the De-
Opper averaged 136 to take first
convention will be worth while.
fense program of the United
finals. Sunday; Major Stanton
place. Aleph Godol William Ar-
Our most beautiful southern
New York, N. Y. -Carrying on
States by buying Defense Postal
Smith, Monday; "Town Hall,"
onson took second place. In the
belles will be there to greet all
one of the most commendable
Saving Stamps. The Alephs are
Tuesday; National Debate finals,
recent Gallen Kamp tournament
visiting alephs and alumni.
Community Service projects in
purchasing the stamps individual-
Wednesday, and Fun Nite and
Aleph Sol Schockett bowled 216
Places of interest in San An-
its history, the Boys Manhattan
ly, and then turn them over to
movies. Thursday.
to annex high honors.
tonio are many, including the
Beach Chapter is ever bustling
the Aleph Gisbor, who puts them
ivy-clad Alamo, famous all over
to complete a Manhattan Beach
in the regulation Stamp-book. As
the world as the "Shrine of Tex-
Community Census before the
soon as each book is filled, it will
as Liberty," which is a favorite
Moskowitz, Weisenthal,
summer interrupts its work. Un-
be turned over for a regular De-
objective of tourists and conven-
der the very capable leadership
fense Bond, which will later be
tion delegates, as are the four
of Aleph Burton Cohn of the B.
deposited in the Chapter's name.
Missions not far from the cen-
Finkelstein Win District
M. B. the members of the chap-
The Alephs of the Chapter re-
ter of the city, particularly Mis-
ter B. M. B.'s Scout Troop and
cently participated in a Flag Day
sion San Jose. with the famous
the other youth groups and the
Parade in the community by help-
"Rose Window. and Bracken-
authorities at Temple Beth El
ing build a Float representing
ridge Park, which is one of the
Seven Forensic Titles
are all cooperating to make this
B'nai B'rith and A. Z. A. On this
outstanding parks in the south.
census a worthy source of infor-
Float were displayed the Men-
Also, the Governor's Palace, with
orah, the Ten Commandments and
its garden and wishing well of-
The members of the B. M. B.
various other designs. Alephs
fers a restful spot and the San
Memphis, Tenn: The District
was held at the Hotel Claridge in
deeply felt a need for an accur-
Sandy Hall and Morton Love rep-
Fernando Cathedral which takes
Seven Finals in debating and ora-
their honor. and that even they
ate Community Census in Man-
resented the Chapter in this
its name from Ferdinand of
tory were held in this city on Sun-
were guests at a dance atop the
hattan Beach for in the last few
Spain who made it a royal chapel
day, June 8th. Competing in the
Magolia Roof of the Hotel Cla-
years the population of this tiny,
At a joint meeting with its
in 1744, is always of much in-
contests were Jules Finkelstein,
ridge. The contests were held in
well-knit community has almost
sponsoring Lodge, the New Castle
terest to visitors.
Isaac Winick Chapter (Knox-
the Hotel Claridge also.
doubled. But more than that,
Alephs inducted nineteen boys
Outstanding is Fort Sam Hous-
ville), representing the Eastern
The two Memphis A. Z. A. chap-
however, the boys felt that only
into a Junior A. Z. A. Group. Dis-
ton. established in 1877, head-
Region in oratory against Ralph
ters, Memphis 71 and the Israel
a very small percentage of this
trict Three Grand Councillor Sey-
quarters of the Eighth Corps
Kaplan, Waco Chapter 312, rep-
Peres Aleph Club, were hosts for
increase in population was being
mour Mendelssohn was the guest
Area and home of the famous
resenting the Western Region.
the occasion, Arrangements were
tapped for the various clubs and
speaker on this occasion. with
Second 'Division, and Randolph
The debaters were Abe Wise and
in charge of George Shendelman.
religious organizations existent
Lodge President Samuel Schwartz
Field which contains some 400
Mark Spector. Adolph Ochs Chap-
District Director of A. Z. A.
in the community. Therefore, this
giving the welcoming remarks.
buildings, accommodating 5,500
ter 252 (Chattanooga, Tenn.), of
census not only was to find out
persons and 500 planes, which
the Eastern Region and Charles
Hold First Social
ages, names, etc., but more prac-
the community of Manhattan
is rightfully called the "West
Moskowitz and Sam Weisenthal,
Chicago, Ill.-The Simon Hell-
tically, to find out what organiza-
Beach. The B. M. B. feels that
Point of the Air." The conclud-
Houston 136 of the Western Re-
er Aleph Club staged its first so-
tions they belonged to, what in-
their census will be unique in
ing highlight of the post-conven-
gion. Winners were Jules Finkle-
cial event with a Dance. Under
terests they had, and was direct-
many respects but mainly in that
tion activities will be a dance in
stein in oratory and Charles Mos-
the chairmanship of Aleph S'gan
ed especially at the children.
it will be a census of the youth
the beautiful, spacious, air-con-
kowtiz and Sam Weisenthal in de-
Fred Ornstein, a great crowd
Although the census is being
in the community. This census,
ditioned ball-room of the Plaza
turned out for the affair. The
run by A. Z. A. and other Jewish
the B. M. B. believes, will al-
Hotel. Do not forget that con-
The guests were entertained at
Alephs have contributed heavily
groups, the census information
waya be a valuable source of pro-
vention headquarters at San An-
an informal affair on Saturday
to the clothes drive of the local
will be available to all groups
spective A. Z. A. members and
tonio will be the Plaza Hotel.
evening. On Sunday a luncheon
Charity Fund.
and religions residing in or near
Jr. A. Z A. members.
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The Shofar, Vol. XVI, No. 21, June 27, 1941
This newspaper contains articles reporting the activities of Aleph Zadik Aleph (AZA) chapters around the country. It includes information about chapters, officers, community service and philanthropy, events, and activities.