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The Shofar, Vol. XVII, No. 2, August 29, 1941
This newspaper contains articles reporting the activities of Aleph Zadik Aleph (AZA) chapters around the country. It includes information about chapters, officers, community service and philanthropy, events, and activities.
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Aleph Zadik Aleph (AZA)
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The Shofar (Publication)
20th Century
The Shofar, Vol. XVII, No. 2, August 29, 1941
29, 1941
Official Organ Aleph 3adik Aleph of B'nai B'rith
AUGUST 29, 1941
No. 2
Give Blood for National Defense
ime getting
re, for be
Washington, D. C. - George
ion routine
Shendelman, 27, of M emphis,
all mighty
Tennessee, and field secretary of
gs over as
District 7 since 1934, has been
appointed as an Administrative
Assistant in the national head-
Washington, D. C. Henry
quarters of the A. Z. A. Shendel-
Monsky, charter member of the
man is a graduate of the Univer-
Supreme Advisory Council and
sity of Tennessee Law School and
president of
has been actively identified with
the Supreme
many prominent organizations in
Lodge of B'nai
nd-and his
his local community, has served
B'rith, has
kee Hilltop-
of that fall
as president of the Baron Hirsh
been named
by President
ever turned
Junior Congregation, and secre-
tary of Sam Schloss B'nai B'rith
Roosevelt to
ingman. He
ng on de-
the National
is pointed
Mr. Shendelman has had an
of defensive
outstanding record in A. Z. A.
having served three times as
o m m i ttee
937, served
Aleph Godol of Memphis Chapter
which will act
an coach at
71 and as Aleph Godol of District
as an advisory and planning sec-
e last three
7 A. Z. A. organization.
tion in the Office of Civilian De-
n charge of
Mr. Shendelman's duties at
fense headed by Mayor La Guar-
grid ma-
headquarters will be concerned
has assisted
with publications and tourna-
The committee has already held
lette's suc-
one meeting at the White House
ch. and has
and is now engaged in complet
the intra-
ing services of existing organiza-
artment in
al campus
Portsmouth, Va.-Portsmouth Chapter has become the first A. Z. A. Chapter in the Order to
his fellow-
institute a Blood-bank as part of the national defense program. Under the leadership of Advisor
athletes un<
Mel Crockin, the Alephs of the Chapter have all had their blood tested and bottled for immediate
player at
use in cases of emergency operations, The above picture shows one of the Alephs donating his blood
et, 1/4 inch
to the Bank,
2 pounds.
still ad-
Twenty-three Aleph
Sid Jacobs Attends
those fig-
California Boy's State
Clubs Get SAC
Debate, Oratory
in success
Okey for Charters
Subjects Announced
the ranks,
Los Angeles, Calif.- Jacobs,
Z. A. rep-
representing Los Angeles Jewry,
For 1941-42 Contest
Washington, D. C.-At the re-
had the high honor of attending
r order to
Boy's State at Sacramento, Cali-
cent SAC meeting, the following
Washington, D. C. - Irving
fornia. Boy's State is held for the
Levitas, National Educational
twenty-three Aleph clubs were
purpose of learning State Govern-
Director, today announced the
granted their permanent charter:
ment and its functions.
official wording of the 1941-
Orlando, Florida: Cyrus Adler of
Sid, who is also the Aleph Maz-
42 debate and oratorical con-
kir of Huntington Park Chapter
Houston: Sigmund Freud of
170, was elected to act as judge
The debate subject is:
Cleveland; Charlotte; Los FĂ©liz
of the City of Judah,
George Shendelman
RESOLVED, that provi-
of Los Angeles; Judah Touro of
sion should be made in the
At the present time District 7
St. Louis: Dr. Paul Ehrlich of
is looking for a part time Dis-
Cleveland: Benjamin Cardozo of
Ben Barkin Departs
public schools of the United
Henry Monsky
States by whatever means
tions and facilities, B'nai B'rith
trict Director to succeed Shen-
Brooklyn; Isaac Joseph of Chi-
For Home and a
necessary for released time
for religious education.
and A. Z. A. are engaged in num-
cago; Rabbi Lasker of Lynbrook;
erous National Defense activities
Covenant of Los Angeles; Bloom-
New Career
By "Released Time" is
meant time taken from the
and in cooperating with the Unit-
Santa Monica Aids
ed States government and other
field. N. J.; Yor.K Pa.: East Chi-
regular school hours, with
agencies. Therefore, this appoint-
Aluminum Drive
cago, Ind.: Richmond Hill: Sons
excused absences upon the
ment comes as a welcomed recog-
of Utopia of Montreal, and Mon-
request of the parents or
nition by the President.
arch of Richmond,
The following were granted
By "Religious Education"
Santa Monica, Calif. To wind
is meant attendance for re-
their charter subject to either the
up the local aluminum drive. San-
ligious education at the
Cedar Rapids Is Host
payment of financial obligations
ta Monica Chapter sponsored an
or the acquisition of additional
house of worship of the re-
ligious faith of the student.
to Summer Tournament
members: Benton Harbor, Kala-
drive dance
By "Public Schools" is
mazoo, St. Catharines, Cyrus Ad-
Friday, Au-
ler of New York, Crescent City
meant all schools wholly
gust 1, the
of New Orleans and Clover of
supported by the taxes of the
Cedar Rapids, Ia. 1-The recent-
price of ad-
citizens of the community.
ly installed Cedar Rapids Aleph
mission being
A Debate Manual is being
Headquarters has already con-
club was host to an officially
pay m ent of
made up at this time, and will
tacted these new chapters, and
sanctioned Summer Tournament
one genuine
as soon as the charter member-
be mailed to each chapter from
in Cedar Rapids.
and sizeable
the national office.
ship lists are verified, the char-
Chapters represented included
The subject for the oratori-
piece of alum-
ters will be sent.
Tri-Cities 40. Waterloo 367. Des
cal contest is:
inum. Danc-
ing was to the
America: A Symphony of
Moines 4, and the Cedar Rapids
music of popular recordings, and
Birmingham Has
Aleph club. Competition was held-
refreshments were served to
Bowling League
A suggested Bibliography is
in tennis, golf and softball. Mel-
being made up, and will also
vin Kaplan won the tennis singles,
those attending the affair, which
be sent out of the national of-
Kaplan and Milt Greenstein cap-
was held at the Bay Cities Be-
Birmingham, Ala. Birming-
tured the doubles. Golf was
nevolent Hall. After the dance
ham's Bowling League is entering
The National Book-Review
taken by Junior Rubin. All are
the alephs lugged the pots
its eighth week of play. The
pans, toys, and curlers (donated
contest is being continued, and
members of the Waterloo chap-
league consists of four four-men
-Photo by Nate Fine.
ter. The feature attraction was-
by the girls) down to the nearest
the lits of books from which
teams. Two teams bowl against
one or more are to be chosen
the softball tourney, with the Tri-
collection bin on Ocean Park Pier.
each other every Wednesday
Washington, D. Julius
will be sent out. The Hebrew
Cities defeating Cedar Rapids In
Up at 0:30 in the morning and
night. A. Z. A. has four alleys
Besno tried to look happy as
away to North Hollywood Park
Letter Writing contest subject
the finals, 15-7. However, the
reserved at a prominent bowling
he bid farewell the other day
is left to the discretion of the
Iowans are looking for a return
was the reason for all the Sunday
alley of Birmingham. At the pres-
morning commotion on August 3,
ent time the "Blues" team of Sid
to "his right arm" Ben Barkin,
engagement, it is reported.
as the Alephs and Girls Auxiliary
as the latter boarded the plane
Chapters are advised to be-
Preceding the ball game, a pic-
Mazer, Alvin Tenenbaum, Robert
were the guests of the Santa Mon-
gin choosing their teams and
nic luncheon was held in the pa-
Lidell, and Robert Fishkind is
for his home in Milwaukee.
ica Mothers' Council at their an-
leading the league. The "Blues"
individual contestants now, so
vilion. Approximately 60 Alephs
Barkin, who has served as as-
attended the tournament from the
nual picnic, Full of energy and
practically have the crown cinch-
that ample time can be pro-
pep after recovering from a party
ed. Medals will be presented to
sistant executive director since
vided for those Alephs who
four represented chapters.
at the Casino Gardens the night
each member of the winning team
want to enter the National
Election of officers was held
1937, recently resigned to enter
before. the fellows, girls, and some
at 41's annual barbecue. Also a
the business world. Bisno in-
Forensic and Literary contests.
in July by the Cedar Rapids Aleph
club. Marvin Berg was re-elected
B'nai B'rith men played several
medal will be presented to the
innings of "hectic" baseball. The
sisted that this was only a tem-
Aleph Godol, and Bernie Kozberg
Aleph with the highest average.
idea of "hectic" baseball is to pre-
porary farewell as he has
advanced from Gisbor to Mazkir.
Birmingham will hold its an-
Bring a friend to the next meet-
vent a player from getting from
nual all day barbecue August 31
plenty of plans in mind for
Bernie Kozberg was elected of-
help build a bigger, bet-
base to base after getting a hit.
ficial delegate to the District 6
at Pineview Beach.
Barkin as a volunteer.
ter A. Z. A.
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The Shofar, Vol. XVII, No. 2, August 29, 1941
This newspaper contains articles reporting the activities of Aleph Zadik Aleph (AZA) chapters around the country. It includes information about chapters, officers, community service and philanthropy, events, and activities.