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The Shofar, Vol. XVII, No. 5, October 31, 1941
This newspaper contains articles reporting the activities of Aleph Zadik Aleph (AZA) chapters around the country. It includes information about chapters, officers, community service and philanthropy, events, and activities.
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Active Leadership
Aleph Zadik Aleph (AZA)
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The Shofar (Publication)
20th Century
The Shofar, Vol. XVII, No. 5, October 31, 1941
Official Organ Aleph 3adik Aleph of B'nai B'rith
OCTOBER 31, 1941
No. 5
SET NOV. 11-16
Ten Goals for
American Youth
Are Proposed
Klutznick and Bisno Attend Washington
AZA to Cooperate
Conference on Defense Called by Mrs. FDR
Washington, D. C.-On Thursday, October 23, representatives. of
Washington, D. President
some thirty national youth and youth-serving organizations met here
Roosevelt has proclaimed the
in the Department of Labor at the invitation of Mrs. Franklin D.
week of November 11-16 as Ci-
Roosevelt, Assistant Director of the Office of Civilian Defense, for
vilian Defense Week. Its purpose
the purpose of considering the role of youth organizations in the
will be three-fold:
Civilian Defense program. Philip M. Klutznick, President of the
1. To stimulate the people to
This choir, composed of members of Portland 65 and City of Roses
Supreme Advisory Council, and Julius Bisno, Executive Director, at-
an awareness of the need for civ-
360 received high praise for its performance during the High Holi-
tended the all-day conference on behalf of Aleph Zadik Aleph of
ilian defense and the many spe-
day services. Reading from left to right, the members are: Arnold
B'nai B'rith. Mrs. Roosevelt presided at the sessions and had the
cific ways in which people can
Borda (who sounded the Shofar), Irving Potter, Marvin Schnitzer,
representatives as her guests at a White House luncheon.
Milton Carl, Earl Horenstein, and Hymie Felvara. (See Story,
Miss Jane Seaver, the youth
2. To inform the people as to
Page 7.)
representative of the Volunteer
how local civilian defense groups
are being organized and how a
Participation Committee of the
O. C. D. and in charge of youth
civilian can enroll and serve.
3. To stimulate the establish-
work, presented the following ten
AZA Chapter for
ment of Volunteer Offices SO that
goals for young American volun-
Every Chicago
teers in order to strengthen Civil-
active civilian protection and com-
ian Defense:
munity service programs can pro-
1. To assume the responsibility
ceed promptly
The theme of the week will be:
for increasing production on
Chicago, III. - William X.
our own jobs.
The only effective answer to total
war is total defense.
Kaplan, Director of A. Z. A.
2. To learn necessary skills.
for this city, has announced
3. To achieve physical fitness.
General plans for the week have
that every one of the city's 17
Outstanding Speakers
4. To educate ourselves for to-
been formulated by the Washing-
day's needs.
B'nai B'rith lodges sponsor one
ton office of Civilian Defense and
Bids Coming In
or more A. Z. A, chapters.
5. To increase community serv-
cooperating governmental and
Chicago, Ill. - Beginning at
private groups. The responsibility
10:30 a. m. and lasting until
6. To provide services for young
for carrying out and adapting na-
Washington, D. C. Chapters
midnight, the Chicago A. Z. A.
people in the armed forces
tional plans will fall to the re-
throughout the country and Can-
Council sponsored a conclave and
and in defense industrial
gional directors of the Office of
ada are preparing for the annual
rally on October 19 at the Sky-
Civilian Defense and their staffs.
winter tournaments, m any of
line Athletic Club. The program,
7. To take part in civilian pro-
Urge A.Z.A. Cooperation
which will take place between
under the direction of Manny
tection programs.
now and the end of the year. The
Robbins, Past Aleph Godol of Dis-
The A. Z. A., in furthering its
8. To contribute to war relief
first events scheduled are in Dis-
trict 6. included an advisor's sem-
and to save for defense.
theme of cooperating with na-
trict Four. with Oakland 42 and
inar, a school for A. 2. A. offi-
tional defense efforts. is endors-
9. To conserve resources
Pacific 364 cosponsoring the Cen-
cers, a membership smoker, an
eliminate waste.
ing this week wholeheartedly and
tral Regional tournament on Nov-
evening inspirational program and
will make every effort to give
10. To insure the participation of
ember 14, 15 and 16. Seattle 73
a dance. This was the fourth an-
the maximum of assistance.
youth of all ages, races, and
and Evergreen 350 will be hosts
nual event of this kind sponsor-
faiths in the defense pro-
Chapters are urged to appoint
to the Northern Regional tourna-
ed in Chicago.
special committees for this pur-
ment in Seattle on November 21,
pose immediately, calling special
Advisors Seminar
22 and 23. The Southern Region-
Announce Defense Work
meetings if necessary. These com-
mittees should be composed of
al tournament has not yet been
The advisor's seminar featured
an address of welcome by William
Mr. Gill of the Office of Civil-
scheduled. but indications are
members who will dedicate them-
that it will be announced within
X. Kaplan, Director of Chicago
ian Defense announced the proc-
selves to lending the greatest as-
the next few days. The District
A. Z. A.: a talk on "Looking at
lamation by President Roosevelt
sistance toward working out a sat-
for Civilian Defense Week to ex-
Four finals will be held in Santa
the Youth of Today" by Jack El-
isfactory program of cooperation
der. Athletic Director of the
tend from Armistice Day, Tues-
Monica, Calif., on December 26
between A. Z. A. and the local
day, November 11, through Sun-
to 28.
Catholic Youth Organization: an
authorities in charge of this week.
address on "Boy-Girl Relation-
day, November 16.
Immediately upon the selection of
In Other Districts
ships" by Dr. Milton Saffir, Psy-
The theme of the week will be
this committee, it should present
Tournament bids are being re-
chologist, Bureau of Child Study,
that the only effective answer to
itself to the local offices of the
ceived from other chapters every
Chicago Public Schools, and a dis-
total war is total defense. The
Civilian Defense Committee and
day. Thus far the following chap-
cussion of "A, Z. A.-B'nai B'rith
program for the week has a three-
ascertain how best it may lend
ters have submitted bids to the
Cooperation" by Albert H. Jacob-
fold purpose; first, to stimulate
the resources of its chapter.
national office:
son, National Deputy for Illinois
the people to an awareness of the
Where there is no such organiza-
District 1. Toronto A. Z A.
and president of the Austin Lodge
need for civilian defense and the
(Continued on Page 6.)
Council for the Laurentian Re-
B'nai B'rith.
many specific ways in which peo-
gional tournament on December
Following a luncheon, the sem-
ple can participate; second, to in-
26-28. The District Finals are
inar was resumed under the di-
(Continued on Page 6.)
scheduled for Boston on Febru-
Are You Entering
Godol Izzy Wilk of Nathan Straus
rection of Jacobson. Speakers on
ary 21-23.
141 presents Miss Gloria Welsh
the afternoon program were
Oratory Contest?
District 2. K. I. O. Regional
with a trophy for winning the
Charles Dresser, Executive Direct-
Tournament in Indianapolis on
New Edition 'Inside
Yom Kippur dance beauty con-
or of the Young Men's Jewish
December 27-29; Rocky Mountain
Attention is called to the
Council of Chicago whose subject
Information' Soon
Regional Tournament in Pueblo,
was "The Purpose of a Social
rules for the 1941-42 oratori-
Colo.; Kansas Missouri Tourna-
Service Program in a Youth Or-
cal contest:
ment in Kansas City, Mo.: and E.
There shall be a six minute
B'nai B'rith-AZA
Featuring some 16 addition-
ganization." I. David Farber, In-
O. C. Tournament in Akron, Ohio,
al pages, including several new
prepared oration. Following the
structor, Crane High School and
sponsored by Portage Trail 114.
Banquet to Mark
sections, among which is a
delivery of the prepared ad-
Athletic Director of the Chicago
District 3. Philadelphia A. Z.
section on A Z. A. in National
A. z. A. Council discussed "The
dresses, the speakers will speak
A. Council Tournament from Oc-
Defense, the new edition of the
extemporaneously for four min-
B. B 40th Anniversary
Well Rounded Chapter Athletic
tober 19 to March 8: Constitu-
members' manual "Inside In-
utes on a subject which shall
Program." "How Can We Best
tion Regional Tournament in At-
formation" is now in the hands
have been handed to them 30
Present Jewish Culture?" was the
(Continued on Page 3.)
of the printers and will be
minutes before the contest be-
Braddock, Pa.-On November
theme of Oscar Nudelman, at-
available very shortly. The
3, Braddock's B'nai B'rith lodge
torney, and past president of the
constitutional changes since
The subject is: "America: A
Adelson Speaks at
will commemorate its 40th anni-
(Continued on Page 7.)
the, last edition was published
Symphony of Peoples.'
Recently some publicity was
Altoona Meeting
versary in a celebration in con-
have been added and many
sent to the chapters stating
junction with Braddock 58, hon-
Kohut Sponsors
sections have been revised.
This is the twelfth printing
that the rules for the contest
oring the chapter for the honors
could be found on pages 31-32
Altoona, Pa.-Lowell Adelson,
Oratory Contest
and will bring the total num-
of Inside Information. That
Director of District Three, ad-
it received at the past District 3
ber of copies thus far issued
was incorrect. The new rules
dressed Alfoona 352 at a special
camp convention.
New Haven, as
to 95,000. All new members
will appear in the new edition
meeting on October 15. Adelson
A banquet will be held for the
the topic "My Interpretation of
will be furnished copies upon
of the member's handbook
spoke on the "Five-Fold and Full
two organizations. Bernie Blum-
the Creed of the A. Z. A.." George
payment of their initiation fee.
which will be off the press
Program," and concluded his
enfeld. well-known alumnus, is
Kohut 330 sponsored its first an-
Copies will be available to the
speech by giving a summary of
the B'nai B'rith chairman, and
nual oratorical contest. All mem-
general membership at 15c
the District Three Camp Conven-
Marvin Ackerman is the A. Z. A.
bers of the contest were eligible
tion held at Kiski.
chairman of the affair.
to participate.
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The Shofar, Vol. XVII, No. 5, October 31, 1941
This newspaper contains articles reporting the activities of Aleph Zadik Aleph (AZA) chapters around the country. It includes information about chapters, officers, community service and philanthropy, events, and activities.