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The Shofar, Vol. XVIII, No. 4, October 16, 1942
This newspaper contains articles reporting the activities of Aleph Zadik Aleph (AZA) chapters around the country. It includes information about chapters, officers, community service and philanthropy, events, and activities.
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The Shofar, Vol. XVIII, No. 4, October 16, 1942
Keep Your
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on Page Two.
Official Organ A.3.A.-B'nai B'rith Youth Organization
October 16, 1942
No. 4
Newark B. B. Leaders
First Winter Tournament
Form Advisory Council
Held by Miami Chapters
Group Will Supervise AZA Activities;
Speakers Outline War Service; Miami 322
Wins in Oratory, Debate and Basketball
Also to Obtain and Train Advisors
New York, N. Y. -Kalman L.
Miami, Fla.-Alephs of the
Levitan of this city has been em-
Florida Region of District Five
N. J.-Resolving
ployed as Associate Director of
attended the first A. Z. A. 1942-
themselves into a "Newark A. Z.
New York A, Z. A. it was an-
1943 Winter Tournament. This
A. Advisory Council," some 15 lo-
nounced today by Philip M. Klutz-
affair sponsored by Miami Chap.
cal B'nai B'rith and communal
nick, president of the Supreme
322 and Royal Palm Chap. 396
leaders have banded for the pur-
Advisory Council.
took on the semblance of a min-
pose of supervising A. Z. A. ac-
Louisville, Ky.-The first mem-
Mr. Levitan, an ordained mem-
iature National Convention with
tivities in Newark, organizing
ber of Louisville A. Z. A. to lose
ber of the rabbinate, wil work as
War Service as its theme.
new chapters, obtaining and
his life in the service of his coun-
an associate of Hyman H. Haves,
Speakers of the war panel were
training adult advisors, sponsor-
ing promotional activities of a
local City Dirrector.
try was Pfc. Gilberg Rosenberg,
Rep. Pat Cannon, Capt. Elmer E.
21, alumnus of Louisville 107. He
Tiedt, army chaplain, and Bryan
city-wide nature, and generally
was one of seven men killed in a
C. Hanks, chairman of the Dade
assisting the individual chapters
plane crash near Blairstown, New
County Defense Council.
in the implementation of their
Santa Monica, Calif.-Gene
Jersey, Saturday, September 19.
programs of activities.
Hirsch, 24, alumnus of Santa
Enlisting in the Air Force in
Emerging victorious in the ora-
Monica Chap. 53. was killed in
January, 1942, Rosenberg trained
tory contest was Marvin Goldman
At the preliminary meeting of
at Bowman Field, Louisville, and
of Miami Chap. 322 who defeated
the body Dr. Isadore Asen. Past
the recent bomber crash in the
President of the North Jersey
Arizona mountains. Hirsch at the
in Boston. Later he became a
Ed Gleich of the Sigma Rho
B'nai B'rith Counci, was selected
time of his death was a navigator
flight mechanic at Florence, N. C.
Aleph Club of Miami. Goldman
While a member of the Louisville
teamed with Paul Silverman to
as President of the Advisory
in the U. S. Army Air Corps.
Council. Herbert E. Greenstone,
Four years ago Gene Hirsch
A. Z. A. Rosenberg starred on his
take the regional debate cham-
National A. Z. A. Deputy, was
left his position as Aleph S'gan
chapter baseball and basketball
pionship. The basketball finals
were also won by Miami Chap.
elected Executive Secretary, and
of the Santa Monica A. Z. A. to
join the Air Corps. As an Aleph
The large Army plane crashed
John J. Unterman, 3rd Vice-Pres-
ident of the District 3 B'nai
into the side of Blue Mountain in
Milton A. Friedman, Miami at-
he was one of the outstanding
B'rith Grand Lodge, accepted the
a sparsely settled section and
torney, national deputy of the or-
members of his chapter. As a sol-
treasurer post.
dier he carried the same creed
burst into flames. A military fu-
ganization for Florida, reported
The Advisory Council has em-
neral was given Aleph Rosenberg.
that the St. Petersburg chapter
given to him by A. Z. A. Patriot-
barked upon a survey of local
ism- To live for his country
(P. F. C. Gilbert Rosenberg.)
had raised $30,000 for War
Bonds and Stamps atone event
Jewish insttuitions wherein A. Z.
but, if need be, to die for it.
A. chapters may be organized.
The survey is being conducted by
Two Chapters Install
and members of the Miami chap-
ter had pledged $6,000 within the
New Haven Chapters
last few weeks.
Saul Schwarz, Chairman of Ex-
Officers and
tention and Expansion, Mr.
Schwarz is the North Jersey B'nai
Start Season of
B'rith Vocational Guidance Direc-
"Within the next few months,
surely before the end of this cal-
Joint Programs
endar year, I may be one of the
Recruiting and training of new
congressmen who will be called
Advisors is being handled by
Chicago, III -Lake View Chap.
upon to send you into the service
New Haven, Conn. New Haven
Samuel Grobman, veteran Advis-
377 and the Hatikvoh Chap. 462
regardless of your age," Cannon
A. z. A. began its fall season
Mr. Levitan, who is 25 years
or of Ezekiel Chap. 230 M.r Je-
of Chicago joined hands in a joint
told the Alephs, referring to the
with the first in a series of
of age, has for the past two years
rome Kessler is in charge of pub-
installation of officers. Ten
proposed extension of the draft to
planned winter programs. This
served as Executive Director of
licity and promotional. activity.
pledges were also given their
youths 18 and 19 years old.
event was the long awaited
Junior and Intermediate Activi-
Programing will be handled by a
first degree by the Chicago Coun-
"Most of you are going to have
committee headed by Mr. Allan
Fourth Annual Y o m Kippur
ties for the National Council of
cil degree team at the gathering.
to bo. You might as well know
Krim, member of City of Newark
dance, held jointly by George A.
Young Israel and has served sev-
Bill Kaplan, who presided de-
it now.'
Kohut Chap. 330 and Joseph H.
eral years as lecturer in group
Recreational Department.
livered a talk to the incoming
Hanks stressed the necessity
Ullman Chap. 110. The dance re-
work at the Yeshivah College,
Harold Herman, Executive Di-
Alephs and pledges. Bernie Pes-
for sacrifice on the part of young
rector of the local Y. M. H. A.
turns were far above expectations
He received his B. A. in 1937
kin of the Chicago A. Z. A. Coun-
civilians as well as adults, list-
as well as David Bonder, Activi-
with more than ninety couples
at Yeshivah College and sub-
cil also addressed the gathering.
ing specific ways in which boys
ties Director of the same institu-
sequently graduated from its
Stan Goldberg was presented
and girls can help the war effort
tion, are members of the new
This joint affair is intended to
Teachers' Institute. He has had
with a past Aleph Godol pin from
by buying war bonds, taking part
A. Z. A. supervisory body.
be a fore-runner to a term of
three years of law school work.
his Lake View chapter during the
in the salvage program and par-
The Advisory Council serves as
close co-operation between the
one at Harvard and two at the
course of the meeting. Phil Ader,
ticipating in civilian defense ac-
the agency of the two local B'nai
two New Haven chapters in order
New York Law School. He was
former Aleph Godol of the Hatik-
B'rith Lodges in the promotion of
to accomplish the most in their
ordained in 1940.
voh chapter, who is now lending
Cap. Tiedt said he witnessed
their A. Z. A. activities. It is
War Effort work. A second scrap
Mr. Levitan will maintain of-
his services in the Armed Forces
innumerable acts of heroism dur-
planned to require all Jewish in-
drive and first aid instruction
fices at the New York A. z. A,
of this country, received an hon-
ing the attack, including feats of
stitutions in which A. Z. A. Chap-
program is already beyond plan-
headquarters, 11 West 42nd St.,
orable mention for his service to
courage by men who were in the
ters may meet to appoint repre-
ning stages.
New York, N. Y.
A. Z. A.
guard house for minor infractions
sentatives to the Advisory Coun-
when the Jap bombs began fall-
(Continued on Page 4, see
Augusta, Ga.-Augusta Chap.
192 held its second annual recog-
nition banquet in honor of hav-
Washington, D. C.-In a letter
ing won honorbale mention in the
to Julius Bisno, Executive Direc-
national A. Z. A. Chapter Contest
tor of A. Z. A., Jerry Lash, Grand
This event climaxes a year's ac-
Aleph S'gan, announced that he
tivities which saw the chapter
had enlisted as a member of the
capture, for the second consecu-
U. S. Coast Guards.
tive year, national honors and
"I have to say farewell to the
awards in competition wiith more
finest memories the last four and
than 500 chapters throughout the
one-half years have given me
Memories of A. Z. A. The services
Speakers on the program were
I have possibly rendered to our
Greeting Capt. Elmer E. Tiedt, Army Chaplain
Irving Kaler of Atlanta, P. G. A.
orgganization do not begin to bal-
at Miami Beach, who spoke at the Florida Re-
G.: Sol Briebart, Chairman of the
lance the load of reciprocal joys
District Five A. Z. A. Committee
gional Tournament, is Milton A. Friedman, A. Z. A. National Deputy. This tourney, the first held
I have received in my years of
for the District Grand Lodge of
anywhere in the country, was sponsored by Miami Chap. 322 and Royal Palm Chap. 396. Pic-
A. Z. A."
B'nai B'rith, and Herman Popkin,
tured above from left to right are: Milton A. Friedman, Bryan C. Hanks, the chairman of the Dade
Thus wrote Jerry Lash, one of
former advisor of Savannah Chap.
County Defense Council, Congressman Pat Cannon and Capt. Tiedt.
the most active as well as liked
Alephs in the order.
206, and Corp. Irving Levitas.
the chapter's activities for which
former National Educational Di-
activity to Alephs William Wal-
Steinberg. This young member of
Mr. Bisno announced that
they received national recogni-
lace, Ben Popkin, Bernard Wolff,
rector of A. Z. A.
the chapter, now a student at
Jerry Lash will continue to hold
Benedict Goldberg and Sanford
Georgia Tech, was second place
the office of Grand Aleph S'gan
Master of Ceremonies for the
One of the features of the pro-
Goldberg. The highest individual
winner in the national A. Z. A.
until further notice. On behalf of
occasion was Bennie Bolgla, a
gram was the presentation of the
honor to be received by a mem-
Book Review contest. He received
the entire A. Z. A., the Supreme
past P. A. G. of Augusta Chap.
Shield of David Awards for out-
ber of the chapter during the
a medal from National Headquar-
Advisory Council Jerry "Good
192. He and Ben Popkin directed
standing leadership, ability and
past year went to Aelph M. K.
ters during the ceremonies.
Luck and God Speed to Victory."
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The Shofar, Vol. XVIII, No. 4, October 16, 1942
This newspaper contains articles reporting the activities of Aleph Zadik Aleph (AZA) chapters around the country. It includes information about chapters, officers, community service and philanthropy, events, and activities.