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The Shofar, Vol. XVIII, No. 6, November 18, 1942
This newspaper contains articles reporting the activities of Aleph Zadik Aleph (AZA) chapters around the country. It includes information about chapters, officers, community service and philanthropy, events, and activities.
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Active Leadership
Aleph Zadik Aleph (AZA)
Community Service
The Shofar (Publication)
20th Century
The Shofar, Vol. XVIII, No. 6, November 18, 1942
Is Dec. 4-11
Let's All
Official Organ 3.A.-B'nai B'rith Youth Organization
November 18, 1942
No. 6
Chi-AZA Host to 3,000
To Counsel
Educators to Head AZA,
At Rally and Conclave
AZA and
Hillel Advisory Board
School of AZA and Advisor's Seminar Tops
Card; $1174 in War Stamps Sold at Dance
Nine Noted Educators Accept Membership
On National Educational Committee
Chicago, Ill.-Over three thou-
sand Alephs, Ben B'riths and
Washington, D. C.-Nine of the
friends of A. Z. A. helped cele-
outstanding Jewish educators in
brate the Fifth Annual Conclave
the United States have accepted
and Rally sponsored by the Chi-
membership on a national advis-
cago A. Z. A. Council. The en-
ory committee on education to as-
tire day's activity was held at the
sist in shaping the national poli-
Skyline Athletic Club. Twelve
cies of the B'nai B'rith Hillel
hundred Alephs and girl friends
Foundations and Counselorships
paid $1,175 in War Stamps, 100
and the Aleph Zadik Aleph, B'nai
packages of cigarettes and 25
B'rith youth organization, Henry
packages of razor blades to gain
Monsky, president of B'nai B'rith,
admission to the evening affair.
announced in making public the
At noon 40 advisors attended
names of the committee mem-
a luncheon as guests of the Coun-
bers, who have accepted his invi-
tation to serve.
cil and another 15 advisors joined
them at the regular Advisors'
They are: Dr. Leo/L Honor, ex-
Seminar The Seminar was
ecutive director of the Board of
opened by William X. Kaplan,
Jewish Education Committee of
Chicago City Director, and turned
New York: Dr. Emanuel Gamor-
over to the chairman, Al Jacob-
an, educational director of the
son. Illinois Deputy. The round
Union of American Hebrew Con-
table discussions were addressed
gregations; Ben Rosen, director of
by Manny Robbins, Past Aleph
the Association Talmud Torahs of
Godol of District 6, who led the
Philadelphia; Israel S. Chipkin,
discussion on "Developing Jewish
associate director of the Jewish
Education Committee of New
Consciousness Through a Club
Program's and "Cultural and Re-
York: Rabbi M. Blumenfield, di-
rector of the College of Jewish
ligious Programs for a Youth
Studies of Chicago; Dr. Philip L.
Seman, director of the Jewish Peo-
Julius Atinsky, District 6 Di-
ple's Institute of Chicago: Dr.
rector. discussed the "Methods of
Louis L. Kaplan, director of the
Developing the A. Z. A. Program,
Board of ewish Education of Bal-
the Work of the Executive Com-
timore; and Dr. Ben M. Edidin of
mittee, and Planning the A. Z. A.
the Jewish Education Committee
Program on a Six Months' Basis.
of New York.
Benjamin L. Morris, S. A. C.
The Hillel Foundations and
member and past president of Dis-
Counselorships operate on 76 col-
trict Grand Lodge 6, spoke on A.
lege and university campuses
z. A.-B'nai B'rith Co-operation
where they serve 35,000 Jewish
and "Plans for a Chicago Youth
students. The Aleph Zadik Aleph
has a membership of 13,000 in 500
School for A. Z. A.
chapters in 279 different tcommu-
The School for A. Z. A. Chap-
ter officers took over the entire
To Counsel Program
afternoon program. The follow-
Because of the influence of
ing classes were held: School for
these two B'nai B'rith programs
Aleph Godols and Pledge Cap-
reaches so many thousands of
tains, addressed by Joe Boren-
American Jewish young people of
stein. Past Grand Aleph Godol:
varied social and economic status,
School for Aleph S'gans and Na-
and with somewhat different relig-
tional Defense Chairmen, ad-
ious and educational backgrounds
dressed by Joe Deutsch, Assistant
Director of Chicago A. Z. A.;
Nine of the outstanding Jewish educators in the United States have accepted membership on a
and because of this rapidly de-
School for Aleph Mazkirs, ad-
national advisory committee on education to assist in shaping the national policies of the B'nai
veloping program and its import-
B'rith Hillel Foundations and the Aleph Zadik Aleph, B'nai B'rith youth organization. The mem-
ance to the American Jewish Com-
dressed by Ben Z. Glass. Execu-
bers of the committee are:
munity, B'nai B'rith felt it im-
tive Secretary of District 6 B'nai
TOP (left to right) Ben M. Edidin, Jewish Education Committee of New York: Dr. Emanuel
portant to have the benefit of the
B'rith; School for Aleph Gisbors,
Gamoran, Educational Director, Union of American Hebrew Congregations: Dr. Alexander M. Dush-
advice and counsel of a group of
addressed by Norman Green, Ad-
kin, Executive Director, Jewish Education Committee of New York; CENTER (left to right) : Rabbi
outstanding educators and leaders
visor to Auburn Park Chap. 376;
Samuel L. Blumenfield, Director College of Jewish Studies, Chicago; Dr. Leo L. Honor, Executive
in this field to assist in the shap-
School for Aleph Sophers, ad-
director, Board of Jewish Education of Chicago; Dr. Philip L. Seman, Director Jewish People's In-
ing of national policies.
dressed by Jack Feldman, pub-
stitute of Chicago; BOTTOM (left to right) Israel S. Chipkin, Associate Director Jewish Education
The advisory committee on edu-
lieity director for the Chicago
Committee of New York: Ben Rosen, Director Associated Talmud Torahs of Philadelphia; and Dr.
cation is an outgrowth of a rec-
B'nai B'rith Council and member
Louis L. Kaplan, Director Board of Jewish Education of Baltimore.
commendation made by Julius Bis-
of the staff of the CHICAGO
no, executive director of Aleph
SENTINAL; and School for Aleph
Zadik Aleph, to the A. Z. A.\Su-
Shotare Godols and Shotare Ko-
bins. Past Aleph Godol of Dis-
trict 6.
Philadelphia Planning for
preme Advisory Council, the pres-
tones, addressed by Manny Rob-
ident of which is Philip M. Klutz-
nick, and by Dr. A. L. Saclar, na-
tional director of the Hillel Foun-
A late afternoon Membership
dations, to the National B'nai
(Continued on Page 6. See
First University of AZA
B'rith Hillel Commission, whose
chairman is Mr. Monsky.
Philadelphia, Pa.-The first an-
stein, Rabbi Alvin I. Fine, Ad-
delivered by "honor students"
nual "University of A. Z. A." will
visor Harry Schneeberg and Ad-
and Rabbi Alvin I. Fine, former
be conducted in this city for the
visor Frederick K. Weiss. All
National A. Z. A. Oratory cham-
benefit of Alephs, advisors and
Alephs, advisors and pledges pass-
pion and Field Secretary, will de-
ing their courses of instruction
pledges of some thirty-seven A.
liver a short address. Adjourn-
Chicago, III.-Sherman Le-
will be awarded "A. Z. A. Di-
Los Angeles, Cal. Henry
ment by "Dean" Joseph Herbach.
vine. one of the first Jewish
Z. A. chapters on Sunday after-
plomas" by Joseph Herbach, sec-
Silverberg, 21-year-old Fidelity
boys to give his life in de-
noon, November 15, at Temple
ond vice-president of the S. A. C.
A reception and dance-no
Chap. 264, Los Angeles, was
fense of his country in World
Rodeph Shalom, it was announced
The day-long event will begin
charge- be held Sunday eve-
cited last month for "splendid
today. This unique program,
ning at Congregation B'nai B'rith
performance of duty" while
War II. received a posthumous
at 10:30 a. m Sunday morning,
sponsored by Philadelphia A. Z.
Israel, D and Roosevelt Blvd., be-
serving with the submarine
decoration by the War Depart-
November 15, with an Advisors'
ginning at 8:30 p. m. George
ment on October 14. Mrs. Le-
A. Alumni Lodge of B'nai B'rith
Conference at the Lincoln Hotel,
vine received "The Order of
with the assistance of the local
1222 Locust street. "University"
Gray's Rhythm Men will supply
In a communication from
the music.
A. Z. A. Council, Board of A. Z.
Rear Admiral R. H. English,
the Purple Heart' for her son's
registration will begin at noon, at
distinguished bravery in the
A. Advisors, and District and Na-
Temple Rodeph Shalom, at which
Alumnus and former City Di-
submarine commander of the
service of his country on De-
tional Offices, is meant to assist
rector Fred Weiss is chairman in
Pacific Fleet, Silverberg was
time all students will matriculate.
cember 7. 1941, at Pearl Har-
in developing stronger chapter
charge of arrangements. Sam
praised for his part in the first
A short general session start-
ing at 1 p. m. will be followed by
Lichtenstein, District 3 A. Z. A.
war patrol of the U. S. S. Sil-
Professors include such person-
Treasurer, and Bertram Shatz are
versides, when she sank five
Sherman, prior to his en-
some twelve classes to be con-
trance into the U. S. Army
alities as Julius Bisno, Executive
in charge of arrangements for
enemy ships. "As a member
ducted simultaneously for the
was an Aleph of Baron Lionel
Director of A. Z. A.; Milton F.
various chapter officers, commit-
the "University Day.'
of the crew of the U. S. S.
Cohen, Administrative Assistant:
Silversides," the citation said,
de Rothschild Chap. 487. He
tee chairmen and advisors, each
was killed in action during the
Isidore Cooperman, National Edu-
under the direction of an A. Z. A.
Each A. Z. A. chapter should
"your performance of duty was
Jap's sneak attack on Pearl
cation Director: Lowell Adelson,
an important and material con-
make plans to appropriately ob-
Distriet 3 Director: Advisor Har-
"Graduation exercises" will be-
tribution to the success of this
serve Chanukah, which this year
ry Gilbert, Advisor A. David Ep-
gin at 3:30 m. Resumes will be
is December 4 to 11.
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The Shofar, Vol. XVIII, No. 6, November 18, 1942
This newspaper contains articles reporting the activities of Aleph Zadik Aleph (AZA) chapters around the country. It includes information about chapters, officers, community service and philanthropy, events, and activities.