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The Shofar, Vol. XVIII, No. 19, May 28, 1943
This newspaper contains articles reporting the activities of Aleph Zadik Aleph (AZA) chapters around the country. It includes information about chapters, officers, community service and philanthropy, events, and activities.
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Aleph Zadik Aleph (AZA)
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The Shofar (Publication)
20th Century
The Shofar, Vol. XVIII, No. 19, May 28, 1943
Fill in the
Start a
Hymie Epstein
Pledge Class
Official Organ A-B'nai B'rith Youth Organization
May 28, 1943
Alephs Will Be Able to
Brager to Take Over as
Adelson Leaves for Army
Join In Home Community
A. Z. A. Members 14
body the "CDV" emblem with the
Dist. Three Director Is
and 15 Years Old
words "Junior Service" in a white
at the time of his leaving completes
band surrounding the blue field.
Feted for Service Record
the longest period of professional
Are Eligible
service of any of the field men. Adel-
The decision to establish the Jun-
Philadelphia, Pa.-Harry E. Bra-
son first entered A. Z. A. in October,
Washington, D. C.-Establishment
ior Service Corps was reached, Mr.
ger, former Director of the Bronx
1933, as a member of Oakland Chap-
of a Junior Citizen's Service Corps to
Landis said, in response to thousands
B'nai B'rith Youth House of New
ter 42, and subsequently represented
give Federal recognition to boys and
of letters from boys and girls asking
York City and field worker for Bronx
his Chapter in forensies and athletics
girls under the age of 16 participat-
for ar organized place in civilian war
and Manhattan, has been appointed
and as delegate to many conventions.
ing in organized civilian war services
services and upon the recommenda-
was announced to-
tion of representatives of most of the
G. A. G. at Eighteer
Less than two years after taking
day by James M.
major youth serving organizations
Landis, Director of
and Federal agencies working with
his first degree, he was elected Grand
young people.
Councillor for District 4 at the first
Civilian Defense.
national camp convention in Hol-
A. Z. A. members
"In establishing the Junior Citi-
lister, Mo., in July, 1935. The follow-
16 years of age and
zen's Service Corps for boys and girls
ing year he was elected Grand Aleph
over, may belong
under 16," he said, "the United States
to the Citizen's
Office of Civilian Defense is respond-
Godol at the national camp conven-
tion held at Pacific Palisades, Calif.;
Service Corps.
ing to the voices of many thousand
and the year following, in July, 1937,
Authorization of the Junior Serv-
American boys and girls expressed to
he was elected as a Junior member of
ice recognition is embodied in regu-
the President, to the Office of Civil-
lations just issued by OCD covering
ian Defense and to other Federal
the S. A. C. at the national camp con-
membership in both the junior and
agencies in a daliy flood of letters.
vention in Port Jervis, N. Y.
At the 18th national campus con-
senior Citizen's Service Corps, estab-
Likewise it is responding to an ap-
lishing minimum rates of volunteer
peal from youth-serving organizations
vention held in Kerrville, Tex., in
July, 1940, Adelson was honored by
work for continuance of membership,
for a nation-wide framework which
and prohibiting use of the familiar
represents their united service to win
election to the A. Z. A. Legion of
"CDV" insignia of the Citizen's Serv-
the war."
Honor, which is A. Z. A.'s highest
ice Corps by any but authorized mem-
No National Organization
award. At that time Adelson was
bers. The regulations became ef-
The Junior Citizen's Service Corps
only 23, and is the youngest person
fective May 15.
will not be "another national organ-
ever honored by election to the
The purpose of the Junior Citi-
ization,' as such, Mr. Landis empha-
Harry Brager
gion of Honor.
zen's Service Corps, Mr. Landis said,
sized. The corps is Federal recogni-
In October, 1935, when he was
to succeed Lowell Adelson, District
tion of work done by boys and girls
only 18 years of age, Adelson became
is to accord merited recognition to
the youngest A. Z. A. field secretary
the millions of boys and girls who
within the framework of their own
3 A. Z. A. Director, according to an
announcement by Joseph Herbach,
in the history of the Order when he
already have made significant volun-
local groups and organizations and
District 3 representative on the S. A.
teer contributions to the nation's war
will have no national aspect except
was appointed to serve for North
C., and A. David Epstein, Chairman
California and Utah, and continued
effort, to provide an orderly means
in uniformity of service to the war
of the District 3 A. Z. A. Committee.
of making their future efforts count
to serve until August. 1940, when he
On Sunday, May 16, the Philadel-
for the most, an to permit organ-
For A. Z. A. members to be elig-
moved East to Philadelphia to become
the full-time Director for Philadel-
ized participation in civilian war pro-
ible for membership in the Junior
A. Council and Board of
Advisors were hosts to a special rally
phia and District
grams by groups composed of boys
Corps, volunteer work must be done
at the Y. M.-Y. W.
and girls.
under the direction of a competent
H. A. in honor of
(Continued on Page 7.)
Insignia of the Junior Corps em-
Advisor and the Aleph certified to
Lowell Adelson and
the local Defense Council by the Ad-
Harry Brager. A
visor as one eligible for membership.
Qualifications are: 1-That the
panel of speakers
Aleph is fulfilling his obligations as
representing the
a good citizen; 2-That the Aleph has
Alephs, Advisors
contributed 10 or more hours of vol-
Supreme Advisory
unteer work to some recognized
Council and B'nai
civilian war service within the past
B'rith District Grand
year; and 3-That he agrees to con-
Lodge, paid tribute
tribute services to an activity ap-
Lowell Adelson to the magnificent
proved by his Chapter or Aleph Club
services rendered by Adelson and ex-
and by the local Defense Council at
tended to Brager, the incoming Di-
the rate of at least one hour per
rector, offers of co-operation.
week or 52 hours per year.
at the Y. M.-Y. W. H. A. in honor
Stresses Youth Leadership
of Lowell Adelson and Harry Brager.
"As a significant by-product of es-
A panel of speakers representing the
tablishment of the Junior Citizen's
Alephs, Advisors, Supreme Advisory
Service Corps," Mr. Landis said, "I
Council and B'nai B'rith District
hope that this action by the Federal
Grand Lodge, paid tribute to the
government will impress upon adults
magnificent services rendered by
the importance to the nation at this
Adelson and extended to Brager, the
time of youth leadership. of the very
incoming Director, offers of co-oper-
highest type, and will have the ef.
fect of developing an understanding
In A. z. A. 10 Years
that a group leader is not only ren-
Adelson, who will complete ten
dering war service but is in effect
years of A. Z. A. activity this Octo-
multiplying his service manyfold
ber, and eight as a professional di-
through the group he leads.
Another consignment of
rector, left this week for the West
"Our boys and girls, too young
warmth for the "fighting
Coast, where he expects to be induct-
to serve in the Army and Navy OI
Russians" was collected and made ready for shipment by the Alephs of
ed into the armed services some time
to become nurses, are as eager to help
Jacksonville (Fla.) Chap. 272. Added to the collection was 100 pairs of
during June.
our country as those who are fight-
women's shoes donated by Advisor Melvin Margol. Pictured above with part
ing at the front. It is the wartime
Lowell Adelson has had one of
of the clothes collected are, left to right: Advisor Melvin Margol, Leonard
the most outstanding careers in A. Z.
duty of those who have the ability to
Silver, Chairman of the drive, and Athletic Advisor, also named Melvin
provide adult leadership for these
A. in the history of the Order, and
(Continued on Page 7.)
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The Shofar, Vol. XVIII, No. 19, May 28, 1943
This newspaper contains articles reporting the activities of Aleph Zadik Aleph (AZA) chapters around the country. It includes information about chapters, officers, community service and philanthropy, events, and activities.