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The Shofar, Vol. XIX, No. 10, January 14, 1944
This newspaper contains articles reporting the activities of Aleph Zadik Aleph (AZA) chapters around the country. It includes information about chapters, officers, community service and philanthropy, events, and activities.
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Aleph Zadik Aleph (AZA)
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The Shofar (Publication)
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The Shofar, Vol. XIX, No. 10, January 14, 1944
Is Your
ing a
See Page 2
Official Organ A. 3.A.-B'nai B'rith Youth Organization
January 14, 1944
Tebet 18, 5704
Vol. XIX-No. 10
, wish to
house sta-
Chapters Urged to
Alephs and Alumni Stationed In
avy, Pvt.
Take Part In 4th
S who is
ting ent-
War Loan Drive
England Meet for A. Reunion
Certify Your Campaign
NT: Pfc.
Three English Chapters
Now to Buy Equipment
Jacksonville Alumnus
AZA Asked to Back
Host to 35 Soldiers at
G. of his
from the
Washington, D. C.-Many letters
Receives Air Medal
War on Home Front,
Celebration in Leeds
has been
have been received at National Head-
of his 20
quarters from A. Z. A. chapters
throughout the country indicating
For Bombing Record
Leeds, England-Word has been
Holding Paper Drives
received at National Headquarters
their readiness to take part in the
that history was made in Leeds, Eng-
0 qualify
drive to sell bonds during the 4th
Jacksonville, Fla.-Lt. William
Washington, D. C.-The Decem-
land, on December 19th at the first
War Loan. The goal of 100 pieces of
Katz, well-known Jacksonville resi-
ber 24, 1943, issue of the Shofar her-
reunion of American and Canadian
fighting equipment set by National
dent and alumnus of Jacksonville
alded the call to the A. Z. A. chap-
alumni on duty in the United King-
im Chap.
Headquarters will probably not only
Chap. 272, is a member of the 8th
ters to aid in the salvaging of waste
dom. The reunion affair was spon-
as sworn
be met but exceeded by the men of
"Army Air Force in England that is
paper. The critical need of waste pa-
sored by the three A. Z. A. chaptera
its 168th
A. Z. A.
making quite a record on bombing
per which was brought to the atten-
of England, Leeds Pioneer Chap. 481,
was re-
The story printed in the Decem-
missions over enemy territory.
tion of National Headquarters was a
Leeds Mooretown Aleph Club and
the Birmingham Centennary Aleph
Zieve of
ber 24th, 1943, issue of the SHOFAR
challenge that the A, Z. A. accepted.
is fellow
carried a complete account of the
Already a number of A. Z. A.
onal and
procedure to be followed in the 4th
chapters who have read of this crit-
Festivities for the reunion began
gards to
War Loan Campaign. The War De-
ical shortage in their local newspa-
on the morning of the 19th with the
and espe-
partment has agreed to allow plaques
pers and in the Shofar have joined
installation of the Mooretown Aleph
ers who
to be affixed to various types of Army
the Boy Scouts and the school chil-
Club, the second A. Z. A. chapter cre-
nonth of
dren of the nation in the drive to
ated in England within the last three
equipment (price list appeared in the
eve was
December 24, 1943, issue of the SHO-
"Get in the Scrap.' All A. Z. A.
months. A degree team from Pioneer
ime and
FAR) in order to let American sol-
chapters are urged to utilize their
Chap. 481 presented the first degree
ng the
diers who use the equipment know
complete resources and man-power in
to the new Alephs and A. Z. A. Depu-
far away
that your Chapter or Aleph Club is
answering this call set forth by Don-
ty of Great Britain, Louis Wigoder
tes, "my
helping them by keeping the mate-
ald Nelson, Director of the War Pro-
presented the temporary charter.
oys and
rials of war rolling up to the fight-
duction Board.
Wigoder was assisted by Mr. Ray-
mond Ellis, a member of the Execu-
ing and
ing fronts.
It is interesting to note that the
tive Committee of District Grand
In order to get your chapter's
salvaging of this material will play
Lodge No. 15 of Great Britain.
plaque on a piece of fighting equip-
an important part in bringing about
ment, or name on an Army plane, it
a speedy cessation of hostilities. One
Luncheon was served for the re-
union at Addlemans Hotel. Rev. Cohen
is necessary that your campaign be
of the most important emergency
certified by the Chairman of your
problems faced by our government
of Leeds invoked the blessing on the
State War Finance Committee. (List
today is that of transporting war ma-
assembled gathering of A. Z. A. alum-
terials to battle fronts. Every bullet,
ni and B'nai B'rith men. Toasts were
of the State War Finance Committee
Chairmen appeared in the December
bomb, parachute, flare, article of
drunk to President Roosevelt, their
24th issue of the SHOFAR, on
clothing, and food product must be
Majesties King George and Queen
page 2).
wrapped in a paper container. The
Elizabeth, and Prime Minister Win-
ston Churchill. A minute of silence
acute shortage in pulp-wood has al-
Julius Bisno, Executive Director
ready restricted the supply of these
was observed in memory of the
L. Z. A.
of the A. Z. A., received a letter from
Lt. William Katz
vital items. This deficiency can only
Alephs and alumni of the A. Z. A.
of the
William C. FitzGibbon, Chief of the
Lt. Katz was the recent recipient
be overcome through the salvaging of
who had made the supreme sacrifice.
National Fraternal Section of the
of the coveted Air Medal and has
waste paper of all kinds.
Speakers at the affair included
War Finance Division, after the bond
three Oak Leaf Clusters in recogni-
Your chapter can get into the war
Howard Chapnick, P. A. G. of Rayim
onal of-
campaign appeared in the last issue
effort 100 per cent by doing its part
Chap. 374 of New York and Past Jr.
gene J.
tion of his ability as a pilot of a fly-
of the SHOFAR. Mr. FitzGibbon
to collect this vitally needed material.
S. A. C. member, Louis Wigoder, A.
ing fortress. It was announced sev-
o wrote
writes in part "12,600 members of
eral weeks ago that he had set the
Contact your local O. C. D. for coor-
Z. A. Deputy, Rudolph Lyons, Pres-
the A. Z. A., B'nai 'rith Youth Or-
goal for raids on enemy targets for
dination of the drive sponsored by
ident of the Leeds B'nai B'rith
t the A.
ganization, can be organized into a
Lodge, Raymond Ellis, District Grand
25 missions and at that time had only
e syna-
mighty Army under your generalship
Lodge Representative, Maxwell Saun-
7 to go as his objective.
Continued on Page 8
to campaign for the success of the
ders, Aleph Godol of the Mooretown
e to the
4th war loan drive. Will you accept
Aleph Club and Ronnie Colwyn,
lay Eve-
this command and enlist every di-
Aleph Godol of the Birmingham
e A. Z.
vision and member of your great or-
Grand Aleph Godol's Executive
Aleph Club.
You will
ganization to volunteer for active
Malcolm Black Aleph Godol of
I gave
Service with National, State, County
and I
and local War Finance Committees?
Committee to Meet In Washington
Pioneer Chap. 481 presided over the
program. The affair was concluded
We shall appreciate your accept-
with a Tea and Dance in the evening
once of this high commission to lead
Appointees from Each Dist. to Meet Jan. 29-30
ice con-
your fraternal friends to victory in
Washington, D. C.-It was an-
155, Columbus, Ohio, District 2, Mem-
Continued on Page 8
and re-
the 4th War Loan Drive by continu-
nounced by Grand Aleph Godol Ed-
bership Chairman,
ward A. Grause that the first meet-
Harry Cooper, Fidelity Chap. 264,
ould be
Continued on Page 8
ing of the Executive Committee of
Los Angeles, Calif., District 4, War
Editor's Resolution
h Holi-
the A, Z. A. will be held in Washing-
Service Chairman.
ton, D. C., on Saturday evening and
Harold Rhein, A. L. Sachar Chap
Whereas Aleph Zadik Aleph of
Sunday, January 29th and 30th. This
eat loss
Attention Community
305, Chicago, III., District 6, B'nai
B'nai B'rith has nearly 500 chap-
meeting will bring together National
B'rith Girls Chairman.
one of
War Service Chairmen
Committee Chairmen who are repre-
Teddy Sakowitz, Miami Chap. 322,
ur com-
Whereas to date (January 14,
sentatives of all Districts to discuss a
Miami, Florida, District 5, B'nai
'44) the editor has received ap-
e in the
As soon as your chapter or
program of action for the coming
B'rith Cooperation.
proximately 250 stories on newly
Aleph Club has its campaign for
Sam Lichtenstein, Har Sinai Chap.
elected officers; And Whereas to
the purchase of a piece of fighting
Letters of appointment to Na-
60 Alumnus, Philadelphia, Pa., Dis-
print same it would take many
equipment certified by the Chair-
tional Committee Chairmen have been
trict 3, Lapidus Fund Chairman,
extra pages of "rationed" paper;
man of your State War Finance
sent out to the following Alephs who
Arthur Gilbert, Frankford Chap.
Therefore, the editor resolves
Committee, please have your Aleph
will meet in Washington :
289, Philadelphia, Pa., District 3, In-
that this issue will carry no news
Sopher send a report to the editor
Moe Weisberg, Reuben Brainin
ter-Group Relations Chairman.
om the
of chapter elections except to wish
of The Shofar stating the amount
Chap. 459, Montreal, Canada, District
Joe Parker, Adolph S. Ochs Chap.
one and all our heartiest congratu-
of your campaign goal, the type
1, Canadian War Efforts Chairman,
252, Chattanooga, Tenn., District 7,
n Chap.
of equipment that you plan to pur-
William V. Suckle, Alumnus Oak-
Boy Scout Cooperation Chairman.
lations and best wishes upon being
p. 488,
elected to the offices you
a Chap.
chase, and the dates of your cam-
lane Chap. 363, Philadelphia, Pa., Dis.
At this meeting the Executive
hold! We hope you fully realize
paign. This information will be
trict No. 3, Post War Planning Chair-
Committee will select all District
published as received.
Chairmen who will act on the various
your duties to America, Judaism,
Isaac Cohen, Heart of Ohio Chap.
National Committees.
A. Z. A. and yourself.
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The Shofar, Vol. XIX, No. 10, January 14, 1944
This newspaper contains articles reporting the activities of Aleph Zadik Aleph (AZA) chapters around the country. It includes information about chapters, officers, community service and philanthropy, events, and activities.