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The Shofar, Vol. XX, No. 1, July 21, 1944
This newspaper contains articles reporting the activities of Aleph Zadik Aleph (AZA) chapters around the country. It includes information about chapters, officers, community service and philanthropy, events, and activities.
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Aleph Zadik Aleph (AZA)
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The Shofar (Publication)
20th Century
The Shofar, Vol. XX, No. 1, July 21, 1944
Official Organ A-B'nai B'rith Youth Organization
July 21, 1944
Rosh Chodesh, 5704
Send All Address Changes to THE SHOFAR
Vol. XX-No. 1
1003 K St., N. W., Washington, 1, D. c.
Grand Officer Nominations Must be in Aug. 11
Plan to Meet With AZA at
Chapters Will Have Chance
A Labor Day Tournament
To Vote for Major Officers
Chapters Urged to Take
Godol, S'gan, Mazkir and
Part in Week End Get-
2 Jr. SAC Members Will
Togethers and Tourneys
Be Chosen by Mail Vote
Washington, D. C.-The summer
Washington, D. C.-Each chapter
issue of the A. Z. A. PROGRAM
and Aleph Club has received c/o the
GUIDE carries a suggestion that
'Aleph Mazkir a letter from Grand
every Chapter and Aleph Club par-
'Aleph Godol Edward Grause to which
ticipate in some tournament over the
was attached five copies of the "Nome
Labor Day week end. It is the hope
ination Form" for grand officers.
of the Supreme Advisory Council that
This will allow each chapter and
all Alephs will take this opportunity
'Aleph Club to nominate democratic
to meet with their brother Alephs for
ally the candidates for Grand Aleph
the purpose of "physical fitness fra-
Godol, Grand Aleph S'gan, Grand
ternity and fun".
'Aleph Mazkir and two of the fourteen
Reports have already been re-
candidates for the two junior posi<
ceived from District 1, 3 and the
tions on the Supreme Advisory
Montreal A. Z. A. Council telling of
Labor Day week end tournaments to
All chapters wishing to make nomi<
be held. The District 1 A. Z. A.
Pictured above are
nations fill out the form and mail is
tournament and convention will be
the principles who
to Philip M. Klutznick, President of
held at Sharilawn Sherwood Camp in
participated in presentation of a placque by the Menorah B'nai 'rith Lodge
the Supreme Advisory Council, 1003
Ware, Mass. (story in this issue of
of Baltimore to honor the A. Z. A. members who entered the service. The
K St., N. W., Room 307, Washington
THE SHOFAR). The Montreal A.
placque bears 76 names of members of the 6 Baltimore A. Z. A. chapters
1, D. C. Nominations must be in Mr.
Z. A. Council convention and tourna-
who are in the service of their country. Shown left to right are Rabbi Ben-
Klutznick's hands by midnight, Frie
ment will be held at Camp B'nai
jamin Axelman, Spiritual Advisor of the Baltimore A. Z. A. Council; Maj.
day, August 11, 1944. If necessary.
B'rith, Laurentian mountains, and the
Jack Dunn, main speaker at the presentation affair; Rabbi Abraham Shaw.
your chapter or Aleph Club should
District 3 tournament will be held at
president of the Menorah Lodge and P. A. G.: Robert Leavit, co-chairman
call a special meeting and return the
Camp Canadensis in the Pocono
the Lodge war service committee; Gerson Thiman, Aleph Godol of the
forms via special delivery air-mail in
Mountains (story in this issue). How-
Baltimore A. Z. A. Council; Dr. Jesse Trager, Baltimore A. Z. A. Advisory
order to meet the deadline. A com-
ever, every chapter will not be able
Chairman; and David K. Davidson, Baltimore A. Z. A. Director.
mittee on nominations and elections
to send a large representation to these
consisting of alumni and former grand
tournaments and conventions. For
officers now residing in Washington,
that reason, it is proposed that every
District set up tournaments over the
Frisco AZA-BBG Bond Rally Nets
D. C., is being appointed by the Grand
Aleph Godol. This committee will sea
Labor Day week end on Council and
lect a maximum of seven candidates
Regional lines.
$80,000 in Sales in Single Night
for office and a maximum of fourteen
How to Run Tourney
for Jr. S. A. C. Member.
The information necessary for
Rules of Nomination and Election
San Francisco, Calif. - "Buy a
running a tournament of this sort
bond to save a life" was the theme
Clothing Drive By New
The following will explain the
was sent to the Aleph Godol of every
rules regarding nominations:
of the gigantic war bond sale rally
chapter and Aleph Club, and should
Aleph Club Nets 6 Tons
1. Your Chapter (or Aleph Club)
sponsored by the San Francisco A.
have been turned over to a commit-
may nominate one of its own Alephs
Z. A. Council. Over four hundred
tee for review. Your City and Dis-
For Russian War Relief
for only one of the offices. (In other
A. Z. A. boys, B'nai B'rith Girls and
words, if you nominate one of your
their friends attended this rally,
Continued on Page Two
which netted a total sale of $80,000
Roxbury, Mass.-Under the direc-
in war bonds.
tion of war service chairman, Bern-
Continued on Page Eight
The proceeds from the sale of
ard Kamenske, the Joseph Pulitzer
bonds in this rally are to be used for
Aleph Club conducted a Russian War
the purchase of five hospital cars for
Relief clothing drive which netted a
total of six tons of cloth-
the U. S. Army. Mr. Charles Rosen-
thal, coordinator of Fraternal Or-
ing. The committee on ar-
ganizations in California for the Unit-
rangements worked in co-
Des Moines, Iowa-A week end of
ed States Treasury Department, was
operation with Mrs. Her-
man Stein and Mrs. Jerome Bauer of
activity was the method by which
the main speaker at the rally. Mr.
the Boston Russian War Relief.
New London, Conn.-The heat of
Alephs of Des Moines Chap. 4 cele-
Ira Blue, popular radio commentator,
the summer has not interfered with
brated its 20th anniversary in the
acted as master of ceremonies for the
As a prelude to the clothing drive,
the Alephs of the chapter distributed
the war service activities of Milton I.
'A. Z. A. In honor of the 20 years
of Des Moines A. Z. A. program, the
He introduced Harry K. Wolf,
5,000 handbills announcing the inten-
Sherif Chap. 532. This group of
"IOWA JEWISH NEWS" presented
first Vice-president of the Supreme
tion of the chapter to collect the
Alephs is not only continuing on with
Lodge of the B'nai B'rith, who pur-
clothing. The Boston Police Depart-
its main project, but it has
an entire issue of A. Z. A. activities
chased the first $1,000 bond sold.
ment provided a sound car which
also just completed a scrap
and accomplishments of this chapter.
paper drive which netted
The activities were begun with a
The merchandise auctioned off for
cruised through the area to be can-
the sale of bonds was obtained by
vassed, making requests of the resi-
330,000 lbs. (15 tons).
Friday evening service and a sym-
posium on "Jewish problems and their
members of the A. Z. A. and B'nai
dents to have their bundles ready.
The Sherif Alephs achieved their
goal in this scrap campaign in the
solutions". On Saturday a "Proceeds
B'rith Girls in a campaign of solici-
Aleph Kamenske also contacted
short period of two months (working
for Palestine" dance was sponsored
tation. Many weeks of preparation
representatives of the Protestant,
only on days off from school). The
by the chapter. The money collected
for this bond rally were necessary
Catholic and Jewish clergymen in the
paper was sold, and the money ac
from this affair was presented to the
before all the merchandise needed
area and asked them to request their
quired from the sale of the paper
Jewish National Fund for the pur-
was obtained.
congregations to prepare clothing.
was put into the chapter treasury for
chase of land in Palestine.
One of the features of the eve-
Members of the war service commit-
war service work.
A father and son luncheon was
ning was the time allotted for small
tee also visited many womens' groups
Some of the money will be used
held on Sunday at the conclusion of
bond purchasers to come up to make
and other organizations to tell of the
for the main war service activity of
the three-day celebration. At this
their purchases. Almost every A. Z.
the chapter, that of supplying an anti-
time the program for the coming
'A. boy and B'nai B'rith girl present
Six trucks and ten automobiles
aircraft battery in New London with
year was outlined by Aleph Godol
arose at this time and went forward
worked with the Alephs of the chap-
magazines, periodicals and sports
Harlan Hockenberg.
to purchase a bond for themselves.
ter during the one-day drive.
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The Shofar, Vol. XX, No. 1, July 21, 1944
This newspaper contains articles reporting the activities of Aleph Zadik Aleph (AZA) chapters around the country. It includes information about chapters, officers, community service and philanthropy, events, and activities.