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The Shofar, Vol. XX, No. 12, April 1945
This newspaper contains articles reporting the activities of Aleph Zadik Aleph (AZA) chapters around the country. It includes information about chapters, officers, community service and philanthropy, events, and activities.
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Active Leadership
Aleph Zadik Aleph (AZA)
Community Service
The Shofar (Publication)
20th Century
The Shofar, Vol. XX, No. 12, April 1945
Let's Make History!
Plans For
of AZA
Official Publication of AZA of the B'nai B'rith Youth Organization
ACH day history is being made in the
APRIL 1945-NISAN, 5705
Send address changes to The Shofar,
1003 K St., N. W. Washington 1. D. 0
world. but we do not always have the
opportunity of contributing our share
for the books of the next generation to
record. Let's not dream. There were
opportunities we might have taken in
years gone by if we had been around
then. Perhaps we could have been alephs
during those crusading years of AZA
infancy. Today we would be able to
look back on the progress of 21 years
and pop the buttons off our vests.
But look here. Who can say what any one
time in the history of our organization was
more eventful or more important? AZA life
has always been colorful and exciting. with a
different twist to the founders probably, but
nevertheless a wonderful experience.
TAKE today. We're living in an epic
era. The largest step in the direc-
tion of progress was taken recently by
our leaders when the AZA program was
given to Jewish youth of all ages, both
boys and girls. The implementation of
this new scope of organizational activity
SPONTANEOUS continent-wide
is now in process, and on our shoulders
tribute from the B'nai B'rith
rests the success of our organization.
Youth Organization marked the death
We have the "know how" and we have
of President Roosevelt. Chapters and
the spirit and stuff to see it through be-
cause We know that we are going to
aleph clubs throughout the United
really make of our order a spirited youth
States and Canada held immediate
movement with no equal on earth.
memorial services and initiated pro-
Before the war we were on our way towards
that goal. We had become an international
jects in memory of the late president.
organization with Alephs singing "Up You
Many groups applied to rename them-
Men" all over the world Now we have our
second wind and we are going to hit our stride
selves, several on the day of his death.
with such speed that well just watch our
"The world and its people have
YOU want to make history? O. K.
suffered an irreparable loss," said
here is what we have to do. The
war period is such that if we set in a
Henry Monsky, chairman of B'nai
solid groundwork now we will reap a
Henry Monsky, B'nai B'rith Youth Commission chairman, presents the first
B'rith Youth Commission. "The fore-
fruitful harvest in years to come. The
BBYM charter to Fred Colton, president of Omaha (Nebr.) Chap. 1 of BBYM. At
most champion of human dignity, who
implications, opportunities and interpre-
LEFT is Advisor Sam Turkel.
will be recorded in history as one of
tations of our position are now clear.
We are at the crossroads of AZA his-
the immortals of all time has been
tory. The first thing we have to do is
World's First BBYM Chapter
called from his labors to eternal rest.
arrange for our national organization
We were enriched by his life as we
to meet. Your national executive com-
mittee did just that and there will be a
have been bereft by his death.'
national AZA conference this summer.
Installed By Monsky In Omaha
"It is with the deepest sorrow it
Our next step is the election of leaders to
is with a sense of personal loss, that
represent us at this important meeting. This
conference will be the most important for
ters 1, 7, 100 and the Council. Jack
we record the death of our great
long time to come so we must be certain that
we get the right delegates.
Omaha, Nebr.-Charter for the
Katz of Mother Chapter assisted mm.
President," said Julius Bisno, admin-
DECAUSE we are abiding to the gov-
Albert Feldman also of Mother Chap-
istrative secretary, B'nai B'rith Youth
ernment ruling of only 50 delegates,
first BBYM chapter in the world was
each district will be entitled to a num-
presented by Henry Monsky to Fred
ter was chairman of the installation
Commission. "It is hard to believe
ber of delegates determined by the num-
that stout fighting heart is stilled,
her of alephs residing therein. You will
Colton, the chapter president. The
After the ceremony, Henry Mon-
that buoyant spirit quenched. We can
have to elect these men to their jobs
event was the installation of officers
sky, B'nai B'rith president and B'nai
but register at this moment the grief
and any aleph who meets the qualifica-
tions should be considered.
of Omaha and Council Bluffs AZA-
B'rith Youth Commission chairman
we feel, the grief millions of Ameri-
Get full details about the conference agenda.
BBG Council, in conjunction with
gave a talk on what B'nai B'rith and
cans and millions abroad share. Roos-
Discuss your chapter meetings the recom-
Omaha B'nai B'rith.
its sponsored organizations have done
evelt's personal courage will forever
mendations of the G.A.G.'s executive com-
mittee and the national committee reports.
Jack Brown, Council founder and
for the war effort, and what the Jews
stand as a shining example for the
Elect qualified delegates to represent your _dis-
member of the GAG's executive com-
youth of our movement."
trict. we do this we shall have taken the
can do in the post-war era to establish
first step on that wonderful road of progress.
Let's make history, men.
mittee, installed officers from Chap-
a Jewish national home.
[ T I C A Chap. 325 was the first
AZA group applying to re-name
itself after the late President On the
Roosevelt sent this message from the
night of his death, the chapter wired
White House, dated June 14, 1937,
headquarters requesting that their
to Julius Bisno:
new name be Franklin Delano Roose-
"I gladly send hearty greetings to
evelt Chap. 325.
the members of the Aleph Zadik
ULGARIA'S AZA members are
From Detroit, Mich. came the first
Aleph on the occasion of the inter-
alive and well, says a message
AZA staff today recalled in-
national camp convention to be held
tribute from B'nai B'rith Young Men.
from Past Aleph Godol Boris Con-
spiring messages sent by Presi-
at Port Jervis, New York. I trust
"In homage to our great departed
dent Roosevelt to two national con-
forty of Sofia, in his first communica-
that the forthcoming convention will
President, we request that our name
tion to this country in four years.
inspire all who participae with re-
be changed from Pioneers to Frank-
"During German
On the occasion of AZA's bar-mitz-
newed zeal to make their lives con-
lin D. Roosevelt Chapter.
occupation it was
vah convention, at Port Jervis, N. Y.,
(Continued on Page 4.)
A new chapter in Brooklyn 13
not possible to com-
the first BBG group to apply for the
municate with you,"
name of the late President. "Today
Conforty said. "You
Canadian BBYO Plans Memorial
we were all shocked and deeply
probably know that
moved by the news of our President's
it is pure luck that
we, the Jews in Bul-
For Late American President
death," wrote Evelyn R. Scholder
vice-president, to Mrs. Beatrice Chap-
garia, were not mas-
man, national girls' work director.
sacred. After all
"The girls in our chapter will cherish
that happened here,
OOSEVELTS death shocked
taken as a token of the high esteem
the honor of bearing his illustrious
Boris Conforty
members of the BBYO through-
in which this great man was held in
many of the boys of
the Dominion of Canada.
this Dominion, where he was consid-
our Ploydiv Chap. 275 have decided
Members of the Shofar staff at-
Typical reaction was expressed at
ered as one of us;" said Herb Caplan,
to go to the . S."
director for Eastern Canada.
(Continued on Page 2)
Conforty, who last visited the U.
two chapter meetings in Montreal on
In Toronto, Saul Sigal, president
S. as a delegate to the Port Jervis
the night of Roosevelt's passing. Her-
of the AZA council, announced the
Roosevelt Named
convention in June, 1937, is now a
bert Wolfe Aleph Club and Altros
formation of a Franklin D. Roosevelt
Chap. 271 devoted greater portions
1st AZA Executive
doctor. He and his brother, Nissin,
pledge class of ten Toronto high
also a doctor, look forward to coming
of their meetings to discussing this
school boys. Following their proba-
To Government Post
to this country soon.
tragic loss to the United States and
tionary period, the pledges will join
Canada. A two-minute silence was
Toronto Chap. 103,
AZA was honored on May 3. 1944
observed with alephs expressing their
-the exact date of its 20th anniver-
BBG Memorial
Sigal told the Shofar that the
sary-when President Roosevelt ap-
deepest sympathy for their American
sudden passing of the President left
pointed Philip Klutznick as Commis-
NAI B'RITH Girls war conference
the AZA of this community in a sad-
sioner of the Federal Public Housing
at St. Louis, Mo., May 5-6, will
OURTEEN older members of Al-
dened condition. "It is still hard to
Administration, in Washington.
hold a Roosevelt memorial meeting.
tros chapter called a special
Klutznick, second grand aleph
realize that one of our best friends
The life of Roosevelt will be sug-
godol of AZA and its first national
meeting on April 15 and voted to ap-
gested as a subject for the 1946 BBG
has departed," he said. "A suitable
executive secretary, is today a mem-
essay contest.
ply for Franklin Delano Roosevelt
memorial project will be initiated
ber of the B'nai B'rith Youth Com-
charter in BBYM, "This action was
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The Shofar, Vol. XX, No. 12, April 1945
This newspaper contains articles reporting the activities of Aleph Zadik Aleph (AZA) chapters around the country. It includes information about chapters, officers, community service and philanthropy, events, and activities.