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The Shofar, Vol. XXI, No. 1, July 1945
This newspaper contains articles reporting the activities of Aleph Zadik Aleph (AZA) chapters around the country. It includes information about chapters, officers, community service and philanthropy, events, and activities.
Date/Date Range:
Active Leadership
Aleph Zadik Aleph (AZA)
B'nai B'rith Young Men (BBYM)
Community Service
The Shofar (Publication)
20th Century
The Shofar, Vol. XXI, No. 1, July 1945
Convention Delegates Try Their Luck at Farm School
Grand Aleph
was a warm and sunny after-
prove it. LEFT: Earl Shrago,
don't seem to mind one bit. That
Godol's Report
noon-just the kind of a day
Mother Chap. 1, Omaha, and Har-
brown and white cow gives choco-
for adventure. So two delegates
ry Mirvis, Rex Chap. 309, Detroit,
late milk, said Earl. RIGHT: Earl
at Farm School
to the Farm School national con-
try their hands at baling hay with
soloes on a hay-rake. Oh, well, as
vention thought they'd give this
the help of a Farm School stu-
we said before, it was a warm and
THE Shofar is now the official
farming business a whirl. They
dent. CENTER: Harry and Earl
sunny afternoon. Any way you
publication of both AZA
(Continued from Page 4)
did-and here are pictures to do a spot of milking and the cows look at it, alephs will be alephs.
and BBYM, it was announced
of their comradship keenly. There
following a B'nai B'rith Youth
is a sense of being adrift on the
Commission executive meeting.
ocean of life when we realize that
Day by Day Summary of 22nd Convention
Members of BBYM, largely
we shall no longer have the bene-
AZA alumni, have been receiv-
fit of their wise and sincere coun-
ing The Shofar right along and
Saturday, July 7
Monday, July 9
ernoon. Second convention ses-
this action merely makes it of
Though they will never return
Delegates and staff arrive in
Following the eclipse, the morn-
sion in evening.
ficial. As in the past, The Sho-
to us in body not one of us can
Philadelphia and report to Bruno
ing program featured two semi-
Wednesday, July 11
far will give widest possible
deny that they have never left us
nars. "The Jewish Community of
The entire morning was devoted
coverage to BBYM activities.
in spirit. They are here in this
Aron, District 3 Director. Hous-
Tomorrow' was led by
to a convention session. After
Reporters of all BBYM are
meeting room right now, over 250
ing, sightseeing and weiner roast
Gershtenson, and Bernard Postal
lunch committees met to prepare
asked to submit news items
of them and they are proud
are sponsored by Philadelphia
discussed the implications of the
reports. Workshop groups met
and also to write to the editor
proud of what their brother
San Francisco conference. Late
during late afternoon and those
for a BBYO press card.
alephs have done and plan to do
in the future. These men have
Sunday, July 8
morning was devoted to work-
not scheduled played softball, ten-
shops on dramatics and the camp
nis, table tennis and went swim-
left us a heritage, a deep convic-
Forty delegates and staff arrive
newspaper. The afternoon ses-
ming. The evening program in-
East Takes West
tion that what we are fighting for
at National Farm School, Farm
sion was taken up with sports, led
cluded dramatic presentations.
is right. Let us prove to them
School, Pa. at noon to begin AZA's
by Bill Kaplan, and a camp-fire
Thursday, July 12
that our honored dead have not
In Softball Game
second wartime conference and
died in vain. Let us make our
program was held in the evening.
Business sessions from 8 a. m.
22nd national convention. Follow-
The dramatic workshop presented
to noon. East vs. West baseball
Jewish youth movement a living
ing registration and lunch, the
several short humorous skits, in-
game in afternoon refereed by
FARM SCHOOL, Pa.-Sports ant
memorial to their names. In mem-
grounds are toured. First confer-
cluding a dramatic review of the
"Honest Sid" Kusworm. East
recreational activity at the
ory of these alephs and the sol-
ence session convenes to hear
life story of Bisno. Ice cream and
won, 7-6. Memorial service held
22nd national AZA convention was
diers of all the United Nations
Grand Aleph Godol Harold Rhein
cookies were served.
for AZA war dead.
limited due to the heavy schedule
who have given their all for free-
deliver his annual report. Rhein
Friday, July 13
of business sessions. The only
dom's sake let us all stand for a
receives tremendous ovation. Ses-
Tuesday, July 10
Final business session. Presen-
competitive activity was an East
moment of silence.
sion of introductions and sing-
Seminar led by Max Baer, Na-
tation of resolutions. Election of
vs. West softball game, won by
have been your grand aleph
song followed by first committee
tional Director, B'nai B'rith Vo-
new officers. Installation by Sid
East, 7-6. Umpire was "Honest
godol since October 1, 1944.
meetings in evening. First issue
cational Guidance Bureau. News-
Kusworm. Executive committee
Sid" Kusworm, Youth Commis-
During that time I have carried
of camp paper appears with head-
paper and dramatic workshops.
meeting. Convention officially
sioner, and familiar figure at AZA
out my duties to the best of my
line: "City Slickers Arrive."
Maccaibiad sports program in aft-
over at noon.
ability. My time has been limited
A scheduled swimming party
I'm a student at Northwestern
was cancelled due to cool weath-
University and am employed full
every aleph, but in place of this
tional organization of AZA. In
Postal Describes
time after my classes each day.
I would have the delegates here
doing this many sections of the
er. Delegates, however, found
Over and above the large corre-
bring back to their respective dis-
Order have let their regional
Conference Aims
time to play softball, table tennis,
billiards and lawn tennis. Outdoor
tricts my heartfelt thanks for a
spondence I have carried on with
and district organizations disinte-
job well done.
grate. This is unhealthy as it
activity was supervised by Wil-
my brother alephs and the profes-
does away with a vital means of
FARM School, role of
liam X. Kaplan.
sional staff of BBYO I have had
IN APRIL of this year the peace-
the opportunity to travel to many
loving peoples of the world lost
strengthening the chapters and
Henry Monsky at the San
parts of the country and observe
a leader and a friend. We the
developing individual leadership.
Francisco conference was describ-
AZA in action.
If we are to maintain an active
ed by Bernard Postal at AZA's
Baer Leads Seminar
Jewish people also lost a great
program we must keep all parts
22nd national convention here.
Among the cities and commu-
benefactor when Franklin Delano
Postal, national director of infor-
On Post-War Jobs
Roosevelt passed away. After the
of our organizational structure
nities I have visited are Washing-
functioning. I recommend that
mation for B'nai B'rith, led a sem-
ton, Milwaukee, Detroit, Cincin-
shock had passed we began to re-
nati. Des Moines, New York,
within each district the district
inar discussion on "The Implica-
ARM School, Pa. - Extent of
member what he had accom-
officers together with the direc-
tions of San Francisco."
employment discrimination in
Philadelphia, Boston and Gary.
plished and the many decent
things he stood for and defended,
tor go about setting up every
Monsky, who was an official
the post-war period will depend
My tours have taken in many
even to the extent of making the
regional organization.
consultant to the American dele-
largely upon the general level of
communities of Districts 1, 2. 3,
supreme sacrifice for a world of
If there is no district organiza-
gation, planned and developed a
economic activity, Max F. Baer
and 7 including Canada.
justice, tolerance and respect for
tion then the director together
program of action by a United
told delegates to the 22nd nation-
Wherever I have gone I have
al AZA convention.
found AZA working hard to pro-
human rights. It is fitting and
with his staff should set up ways
Jewish Front. Postal said
ject the ideals of our people. The
and means for officers to be elect-
The two-fold objective of this
Baer, an alumnus of St. Joseph
proper that we. the Aleph Zadik
spirit is stronger than ever.
Aleph, should dedicate ourselves
ed. I further recommend that
program was: (1) to see that no
Valley Chap. 92. South Bend, Ind.
Among our membership there can
in some manner to carry on the
the next grand aleph godol ap-
action by the United Nations con-
and now national director of
be found a will to carry on the
ideals for which he stood. In the
point a national committee, whose
ference prejudiced Jewish rights
B'nai B'rith Vocational Service
work of our Order with a new
future when our BBYO set-up has
members may be delegates of this
in Palestine (2) to press for
Bureau, led a seminar discussion
forcefulness and aggressiveness. I
expanded sufficiently there will
conference, to aid in these revital-
amendments to the Dumbarton
on the economic status of the
spoken before approximately
be established a national B'nai
ization programs throughout the
Oaks proposals that would assure
post-war Jewish community
2,500 alephs and have had the
B'rith youth encampment. These
country and Canada.
observance of human rights by
"If we have relatively full em-
chance to talk intimately with
estates will be used to house the
THE PAST is behind us. The
member states of the United Na-
ployment, Jews will find jobs
most of them and they have in-
conferences and national meetings
future that lies before us is
tions organization.
along with others," he said
stilled me with a confidence that
of all the B'nai B'rith Youth Or-
full of promise. Never before in
"However, should we have mass
ganizations. Its facilities will ac-
the history of our Order has a
unemployment, Jews will be
our great work will continue to
flourish. The state of the Order
commodate hundreds of boys and
new term held so much promise
St. Louis, Mo. Fifteen volun-
among the last to be hired and
is healthy. The state of the
girls as well as the young men
of success. Working together with
teers of St. Louis Chap. 28 as-
the first to be fired.
Order indicates strength and pro-
and women. Many leadership
all groups of the BBYO we can
sisted at a B'nai B'rith bond rally
gressiveness. We are making his-
training courses will be held at
reach the horizons that the found-
here by taking care of soldiers
Time Will Tell
this youth encampment.
ers of AZA dreamed of. We have
in wheel chairs who were guests
The landscape architect was showing a
THERE have been any suc-
the background, we have the
at the Auditorium show.
"What's that?" asked.
embark on an annual project
know how, we have the spirit,
The architect told her it was a sundial.
cesses during my term they are
First Farmer: "I suppose your daugh-
all due to the splendid co-opera-
to raise $1 per member per year
we have the program and we have
ter takes settin up exercises lot since
Whereupon her companion patiently ex-
tion and inspiration I have re-
to be contributed to the Franklin
the manpower. Our record proves
she came home from takin' that physical
plained how the sun, moving through the
that ours is the most active and
heavens. casts a shadow. which record-
ceived from my brother alephs.
Delano Roosevelt Memorial Fund.
Second Farmer: "I should say so. She
ed on the dial, indicating the time of the
Julius Bisno has set an example
This fund would supply the means
energetic Jewish youth movement
sets up all evening and with a different
in the world. With this as a
boy friend every night.
The woman beamed with interest.
of dynamic leadership, and Milton
of bringing leading educators to
'My What will they be thinking of
Cohen has been a guiding light.
the camp. They will give to our
springboard let us go forward to-
next?' she exclaimed
gether, a united Jewish youth on
The night-watchman in the pawn-shop
My closest source of inspiration
youth. leaders the benefits of
was startled by the sudden ringing of
and strength has come from Wil-
their extensive knowledge. It
a note of triumph.
the bell. He ran to the door, and looked
liam X. Kaplan, former Chicago
would also help defray the ex-
through the small opening
Farm School
director, whose co-operation and
penses of youth leaders attend-
"What do you want?" he demanded of
someone who stood the other side,
Who's Who
ing the training courses.
"I want to know what time it is, the
counsel have been invaluable. The
examples set by B'nai B'rith lead-
GODOL, 1945.
man replied.
This is an opportunity of a life-
"So you had to come here?'' the watch-
ers are heartwarming and thank
time-$1 per aleph per year, a
man cried.
JULIUS BISNO, Washington, D C. Ex-
You see. the other replied. "I've got
ecutive Secretary of B'nai B'rith Youth
these men from the bottom of my
voluntary contribution from the
my watch here. It's hanging right over
Commission and National Director of
membership of our Order to-
the counter.'
shop was startled by the sudden ring-
WILLIAM KAPLAN, Washington, D.
The members of my executive
wards the strengthening and the
ing of the bell. He ran to the door, and
Higher Education
Assistant National Director of Boys'
committee not only deserve the
eventual indoctrination of our
looked through the small opening.
The genius local man had carried
principles into every Jewish home
"What do you want? demanded of
him to big success in business without
thanks of the grand aleph godol
someone who stood on the other side.
the much education. He was asked
D National Educational Director.
but of every aleph in the Order
of the world. The purpose of the
"I want to know what time it is,
to distribute the prizes at school
BEN SUGARMAN, Washington, D.
for their unselfish contributions
fund is truly deserving of the
man replied
made the usual speech of good counsel.
Managing Editor of Publications
"So you had to come here?" the watch-
Now, boys," he said, 'always remem-
MILTON F. COHEN, Boston, Mass. Dis.
to the program and activities of
name, The Franklin Delano
man cried.
ber that education is great thing.
trict Director.
the Aleph Zadik Aleph during the
Roosevelt Memorial Fund will in-
"You see, the other replied. "I've got
There's nothing like education Take
BRUNO ARON, Philadelphia, Pa., District
watch here. It's hanging right over
arithmetic education in arith-
3 Director.
past term. I wish it were pos-
sure the future of Jewish youth.
the counter.
metic we learn that twice two is four.
sible for me to personally ac-
that is twelve, that sever times
New York City Director
knowledge the splendid work of
WE HAVE been placing much
A second look is sometimes the best cure
seven makes ah, er-and then there's
BERNARD POSTAL. Washington, D. C.
emphasis of late on the na-
for love at first sight.
B'nai B'rirth Director of Information
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The Shofar, Vol. XXI, No. 1, July 1945
This newspaper contains articles reporting the activities of Aleph Zadik Aleph (AZA) chapters around the country. It includes information about chapters, officers, community service and philanthropy, events, and activities.