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The Shofar, Vol. XXII, No. 1, November 1946
This newspaper contains articles reporting the activities of Aleph Zadik Aleph (AZA) chapters around the country. It includes information about chapters, officers, community service and philanthropy, events, and activities.
Date/Date Range:
Active Leadership
Aleph Zadik Aleph (AZA)
B'nai B'rith Young Men (BBYM)
Community Service
The Shofar (Publication)
20th Century
The Shofar, Vol. XXII, No. 1, November 1946
A Message From the
Grand Aleph Godol
Dear brother Alephs:
at the
This month we commemo-
est is an
rate the twenty-ninth anni-
joke and
versary of the Balfour
Official Publication of AZA and BBYM of the B'nai B'rith Youth Organization
Declaration, a statement by
dience is
the British Government
to him.
pledging itself to facilitate
Send address changes to The Shofar,
nd if he
1746 M St. N. W., Washington 6, D. C.
the establishment in Pales-
tine of a National Home for
said, is
the Jewish people. Today,
soon a3
when Britain has virtually
entered into
open war-
fare against
our Palestin-
Sponsoring a fund for the
Grand Aleph Godol Earl
Once again AZA is re-
AZA in this project. Every
ian brethren
and the Jew-
Paris Chapter of AZA, the
Pollock announced this
sponding enthusiastically to
chapter has been asked to
a call for brotherly help. In
collect such materials and
ish people as
national organization of
month the seven national
reply to a message m
send them to Hungary for
a whole,
B'nai B'rith Young Men has
committees to serve this
was told
Hungary that Jewish boys
the use of students there as
a friend
undertaken its first National
year. They include: Com-
and girls there are in urgent
quickly as possible.
seem the
ar away.
Project. The drive has al-
munity Welfare; Jewish
need of school supplies with
The packages are to con-
d: "Too
promises 01
ready started and will con-
Education: Intercultural Re-
which to pursue the educa-
His Majes-
tain such items as paper,
tinue until November 30.
tion of which they were
ty's Govern-
latons; Palestine;
notebooks, pencils, pens,
deprived so long, AZA has
ment! To-
B'rith - BBYO Cooperation;
crayons, chalk, compasses,
undertaken to send pack-
day, as British arch-
rulers, etc. A bulletin giving
The national officers of
Athletics, Contests, a d
ages of such materials to
it is that
reactionaries, hiding behind
specific instructions has been
BBYM, learning of the
Awards: and Membership
these students.
the facade of "liberalism,"
sent to the Aleph Godol of
plight of Paris AZA which
and Social.
Earl Pollock, Grand Aleph
every AZA chapter. Chap-
trample upon their past
was in dire need of funds if
vows, upon the declarations
it were to continue activities
In announcing the com-
Godol, expressed his confi-
ters have also been asked to
dence that every AZA
report to the national office
of 51 other nations, and
for the next year, immedi-
mittees, Earl stated:
chapter would respond
on the packages they send
ced that
upon the few remaining
ately sent out a Ayer for a
"I have long felt that in
quickly and enthusiastic-
so that the total contribu-
und and
Jewish survivors of Nazi
mail vote of the entire
the past the value of na-
ally to this urgent call for
tion of AZA may be
him and
Europe, we cannot help but
BBYM membership. A
tional committees has been
tabulated and reported.
feel righteous indignation at
unanimous vote of approval
greatly underestimated.
The appeal for help was
Reports have already
this crowning injustice.
for such a drive was re-
believe that these commit-
sent by the Jewish Student
been received in the national
to give
Today, in 1946, 29 years
Federation of Hungary to a
office of chapters that are
after Sir Arthur Balfour af-
This is the first national
tees comprise a great un-
former member of that or-
well advanced in completion
fixed his signature to the
project of `BBYM and they
tapped source of genuine
ing from
ganization now an American
of this project.
document, and 26 years
are exerting themselves to
achievement for both AZA
citizen employed by the
Any aleph godol who has
after Britain was allotted
do a good job. The organ-
and the World Jewish Com-
U. S. government. The ap-
not received his bulletin of
Palestine as a mandate, with
ization has proceeded to
when you
munity. Such a committee
peal was transmitted to the
detailed instructions should
the express purpose that it
action in a short time after
system demands the right
BBYO headquarters a
write at once to Manheim
should eventually become a
its first convention.
after consultation with the
Shapiro in the national
Jewish National Home, His
In accordance with the
committees, efficient ma-
Grand Aleph Godol, it was
office, and a copy will be sent
poor mall
Majesty's Government
wishes of the chapters, no
chinery, members of the
decided to enlist the entire
to him.
evidently chosen a different
specific assessment is being
highest caliber and capable
course. To the million a
made on chapters. Although
a half Jews remaining in
the amount to be con-
"The seven committees,
ously not
District 1 Alephs
Europe whose bodies a d
tributed by each chapter is
several of them new to AZA,
no found
ns it.
souls have been ravaged by
decided by itself, the organ-
deal with phases of activity
Visit Shrine
the violent anti-Semitism of
ization agreed to a minimum
deeply rooted in our Order.
Hitler and who cry out SO
of $5.00 per chapter. How-
In addition to making a
Services at the Touro Synagogue,
desperately for Eretz Yis-
ever, most of the contribu-
thorough survey and report
tions so far received amount
recently declared a National Shrine
A nationwide BBYM drive
rael, Britain offers only an-
appraising the present situa-
to start immediately was an-
ething to
other concentration camp in
to $10.00 per chapter. Con-
tion of each particular
by the United States Government,
ring of
Cyprus and more barbed
tributions to this fund have
aspect of the AZA program,
were included in the schedule of
nounced today by Sandy
wire at the ports of Pales-
also been received from
the duties of the committees
events at the New England AZA
Ziff, chairman of the na-
ife came
AZA chapters and from
will include:
Summer Tournament at Newport,
tional membership commit-
as. The
"Community Welfare- to inves-
R. I., attended by 150 alephs from
tee. All BBYM chapters
Whether a Zionist or not,
Checks or money orders,
tigate new paths that AZA might
have been notified of this
there can be no Jew, no
all of New England and from New
un after
American, no human being
payable to B'nai B'rith
follow in giving aid to our more
campaign and pledges of co-
unfortunate brethren; to strength-
York. The convention was held
that values at all the prin-
Young Men, should be
operation have been re-
en our local, national, and world
over the Labor Day weekend and
mailed to the national presi-
ceived from chapters
night up
ciples of justice and humani-
Jewish communities; to direct this
the first event was this service at
dent, Harold Rhein, 6408 N.
throughout the country.
tarianism, who can remain
year at least two national social
Glenwood Avenue, Chicago
the Touro Synagogue on Saturday,
service projects.
Sandy has asked that each
aloof from the present
Palestinian situation. Each
26, Illinois.
(Continued on Page 2. Col. 1)
August 31.
chapter appoint a member-
Aleph and chapter of our
During the course of the tourna-
ship chairman to coordinate
ment the alephs enjoyed beach
the efforts of individual
International Order must re-
spond to this crisis and to
parties, a dance at the Easton
members in recruiting. It
this challenge. What shall
Beach Casino, a softball tourna-
was suggested that each
AZA's reply be?
chapter sponsor member-
one be-
ment and a banquet.
ship smokers, dances, and
First, we must remove the
Winner of the softball tourna-
athletic affairs for prospec-
evil, but
cloud of misinformation and
A call to all AZA chap-
Palestine. The soil ero-
ment was the team representing
tive members.
ignorance that separates
Blackstone-Narragansett. This out-
a man's
ters to raise funds for the
sion caused by centuries of
many of our Alephs from
fit beat Brooklyn (not the Dodgers)
"Invite these candidates
planting of trees in the
neglect can be stopped and
Eretz Yisrael. Through our
by a score of 19-8.
to religious and cultural
the ability of the country to
chapter programs and our
Lapidus Forest in memory
On the morning of Labor Day,
meetings, too," said Sandy
support more people can be
of alephs who gave their
increased in this way.
the visiting alephs were taken on
"Let these new men see
own personal initiative, we
to bark
lives in the war has been
The drive for funds is to
a special tour of America's oldest
BBYM in action and their
must strive for a better
understanding of Palestine.
issued by Earl Pollock,
continue through the months
synagogue. Reverend Eli Katz led
response will boost oux
its meaning to American
the visitors through Touro Syna-
Grand Aleph Godol. At the
of November and December
Jews, and its potential role
gogue and showed them a Torah
last National AZA Conven-
and every chapter is urged
Ziff pointed out that thret
in the world crisis. I feel
of deerskin brought by Marranos
tion, the delegates decided
to raise its quota. The sum
months ago BBYM had 60
apter 274
that our National Commit-
escaping from the Inquisition, the
that AZA should honor
of $1.50 provides for the
chapters and 1,400 mem.
entrance to the secret tunnel pre-
tee on Palestine. appointed
these men by creating a liv-
planting of one tree. Each
pared by the founders of the syna-
bers: today there are 83
70 aleph$
for the first time this year.
ing memorial in the forest
tree will be another living
gogue in case persecution came to
chapters with 2,000 mem-
the soft
will aid greatly toward the
All chapters were called
sign of our respect for our
their community, and the seat of
bers. The membership com.
nents, ten-
realization of this aim.
upon by the convention to
heroic members.
honor prepared for George Wash-
mittee has set a goal of
S tourna-
But as valuable as they
undertake the costs of plant-
Chapter contributions
ington. Outside the synagogue
135 chapters 4,000
eet. The
may be. understanding and
ing at least five trees for this
should be sent by check or
they saw the monument to reli-
members by April 15, 1947.
knowledge are not enough.
money order, made out to
gious liberty which was the first
New membership applica-
Consequently, second, we
B'nai B'rith Youth Com-
such monument in the world.
tion forms have been mailed
The Harry Lapidus
must respond in a material
Memorial Forest in Pales-
mission, to Harold Levy,
Host AZA chapter was Newport
to every chapter.
way, in something tangible
1746 M Street, N. W., Wash-
129. Among the honored guests
tine was created in honor of
that will signify our stub-
ington 6, D. C. A note ex-
were Murray Goldfield, assistant
"Every member of BBYM
the South
the late Harry Lapidus as an
Boys' Workers of the Greater
must consider himself an
born determination and un-
AZA contribution to the
plaining that the money is
Boston Area: Julius Schaffer of
individual membership com-
ion build
quenchable spirit. can
development of Palestine.
your chapter's contribution
B'nai B'rith, and Drs. Aaron
mittee," said Sandy. "Come
think of no better wav than
The planting of trees is a
for the Lapidus Forest
Nemtzow and B. C. Friedman, ad-
on, men, and let's reach our
to build even larger AZA's
necessity for increasing the
should a the
visers. Aleph Merton Audinoff
goal of 135 chapters and
(Continued on Page 2. Col.
fertility and productivity of
was general convention chairman.
4,000 members by April 15!"
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The Shofar, Vol. XXII, No. 1, November 1946
This newspaper contains articles reporting the activities of Aleph Zadik Aleph (AZA) chapters around the country. It includes information about chapters, officers, community service and philanthropy, events, and activities.