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The Shofar, Vol. XXI, No. 12, September 1946
This newspaper contains articles reporting the activities of Aleph Zadik Aleph (AZA) chapters around the country. It includes information about chapters, officers, community service and philanthropy, events, and activities.
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Active Leadership
Aleph Zadik Aleph (AZA)
B'nai B'rith Young Men (BBYM)
Community Service
The Shofar (Publication)
20th Century
The Shofar, Vol. XXI, No. 12, September 1946
Message from the Grand
Aleph Godol
Dear brother Alephs:
Amidst the sounding of
the Shofar and solemn
prayer, Jews
Official Publication of AZA and BBYM of the B'nai B'rith Youth Organization
the world
will in just a
Send address changes to The Shofar,
1746 M St.-N. W., Washington 6. D a.
few short
weeks join in
Rosh Has-
hanah, the
Jewish New
Year. To each it should be
day of worship and rever-
ence, of self-recollection and
self-analysis, of casting
Takes Boys' Post;
aside our shortcomings of
Rabinowitz Leaves
the old year and concentrat-
ing on the new.
Rabbi Amram Prero has
To the eleven thousand
been appointed National
Alephs of our international
Director of Boys' Work to
order, Rosh Hashanah has
Dr. Isaac Rabinowitz, Na-
succeed Dr. Isaac Rabi-
particular significance. For
tional Director of Boys
nowitz. Rabbi Prero comes
it presents an opportunity
Work, has resigned from
and an obligation unequalled
to BBYO from Winnipeg,
this position. He is succeed-
in our history. Never before
Manitoba, where he was di-
in these past twenty-two
ed by Rabbi Amram Prero.
rector of the Hillel Founda-
years has there been such a
Dr. Rabinowitz has ac-
tion at the University of
crying need for dignity, re-
cepted a position in which
Manitoba and director of
sponsibility, and faith with-
he will direct several Jewish
Youth Work for the
in the American and
centers in a crowded area of
Canadian Jewish Commu-
Canadian Jewish Congress.
Brooklyn. He will be able
nities. Never before has
Born in Palestine, Rabbi
there existed such an ex-
to bring to thousands of
Prero came to the United
igency for awareness of and
young people the oppor-
States as a child. He was
service to our European and
tunity to develop their Jew-
Palestinian brethren. Never
educated in the Chicago
ish and community interests
before has there been such
schools and ordained a Rabbi
in a healthy atmosphere.
a vital necessity for knowl-
by the Hebrew Theological
edge and sober thinking on
Dr. Rabinowitz brought to
College. For two years Rabbi
the part of youth-both Jew
the BBYO a scholarly back-
Prero was the Jewish re-
and Gentile alike-to aid in
ground and a sincere interest
ligious representative at the
constructing a world torn by
in Jewish youth at a time
chaos into a world perme-
Mayo Clinic fn Rochester,
when BBYO was passing
ated by peace. In short,
Minn. He later served as
never before has a genuine
through many changes. In
Rabbi in Lexington, Ky., and
five-fold-and-full program
announcing Dr. Rabinowitz's
organized a statewide youth
been so essential.
resignation, Dr. Sachar
program and was one of the
However, my brother
praised his contributions to
leaders in having built a
Alephs, we cannot content
the growth and content of
ourselves with merely belief
community center which
the B'nai B'rith Youth Or-
this program. Nor can we
could serve the young people.
ganization movement.
rely too heavily on the past
Before serving at the Uni-
distant future for its ful-
versity of Manitoba, Rabbi
fillment. Although we shall
Prero was Hillel Director at
constantly draw warmth
Debate, Oratory
the University of Florida.
from our traditions and ac-
Besides having an excel-
complishments and must
continually look forward to
Topics Chosen
lent Jewish background and
group-work training and ex-
greater things, we can
perience, Rabbi Prero is a
neither rest on our laurels
The topics for AZA debate and
oratory for the coming year have
former handball champion
nor postpone our action.
been chosen. Start getting ready
of Chicago, a former bowl-
NOW-th month of Sep-
now, you debaters and orators
ing champion of Kentucky
tember-is the time to plan
The topics were chosen by the na-
carefully the program of our
tional staff on the basis of their in-
The B'nai B'rith Youth
presented the civilization
and is now an outstanding
chapters and chapter asso-
terest and the opportunity they
Organization is going to
and culture our ancestors
tennis and ping-pong player.
ciations for the coming year.
would give orators and debaters to
publish a set of volumes
produced and which we
Rabbi Prero will make his
headquarters at the national
NOW-as Rosh Hashanah
gain success on the basis of their
knowledge and talent,
which will provide American
carry on.
draws near-is the time to
The plan for this encyclo-
office in Washington but is
The topic for debate is:
begin carrying out those
Jewish youth with all avail-
pedia is being prepared by
making plans to visit as
RESOLVED: "That there be es-
plans with renewed vigor
able information on Jewish
Dr. Abram L. Sachar who
many areas of the country
tablished in America a central
and AZA spirit.
Jewish agency in which shall
life, thought and experience.
will be in charge of this
as possible so that he can
be represented every Jew-
This set of books, an encyclo-
become acquainted with
This then shall be my first
and central aim as your
ish organization and every
pedia, is to be written for
Work is beginning at once
BBYO members all over the
Jew and which shall demo-
young people. It is to be
Grand Aleph Godol-the
SO that the first volume may
cratically lead, coordinate and
edited by the ablest editor,
embodiment of the AZA
be published by the Spring
represent Jewish community
written by the best writers,
of 1948. The other volumes
five-fold-and-full program in
action on all matters of public
and illustrated with the
the activities of each chap-
will follow in rapid suc-
Lipman Directs
Jewish interest."
finest illustrations.
ter and Aleph. My other
The topic for oratory is:
Here, you will have in ex-
goals are merely supple-
"My responsibility to My Peo-
When the set is completed,
District 2 BBYO
citing form all the material
you will have on your book-
mentary and the means by
The national office is now pre-
about Jews and Jewish life.
Newly appointed to the position
which such a program might
shelf all that you may want
of BBYO director of District 2 is
be achieved.
paring material to guide the ora-
Here will be described ali
to know about the world
Isaac Lipman, a veteran who has
tors and debaters in preparing for
the glories of our back-
Secondly, I pledge close
called Judaism. And you
just returned from four years
competition. These will be mailed
ground. Here will be
will have the understanding
contact and co-operation at
service in the Army.
to each chapter in sufficient time
recorded all the deeds and
all times with our staff mem-
to help you take your place
Before entering the Army, Mr.
to allow the competitors to pre-
ideas that have made Juda-
bers throughout the nation
and responsibility in the life
Lipman spent four years as direc-
pare for the winter tournaments.
ism what it is. Here will be
Manheim Shapiro, Program Di-
and future of your people.
tor of recreational and social ac-
in working for a better
tivities at the Jewish Youth Cen-
AZA. We shall deeply miss
rector, pointed out that the alephs
Dr. Rabinowitz, who has
could begin to prepare by them-
chaplain, quickly became popular
ter in Far Rockaway, N. Y. He
given much as National AZA
selves by referring to books and
in District 5.
was in charge of all phases of
periodicals on Jewish life. Such
club programs for young people
Director. But as we sorrow-
The District 5 members say,
material can be found in public li-
between the ages of 14 and 24.
fully bid "shalom" to Dr.
"Our loss is District 3's gain."
braries and the libraries of Jew-
Lipman is a graduate of the
Rabinowitz, we are some-
Rabbi Tzvi H. Porath, BBYO
Rabbi Porath is not only a trained
ish organizations.
College of the City of New York
what consoled that his suc-
administrator with a full back-
"These topics have been special-
Director for District 5, was named
and of the New York School of
cessor is Rabbi Amram
ly chosen," he said, "because they
to take over the position of District
ground of Jewish knowledge, he
Social Work of Columbia Univer-
Prero, whose striking per-
make it possible for the alephs to
3 Director. He replaces Bruno
is also an understanding person
sity. He also studied for four
sonality and ability I am
prove their superiority by present-
Aron, who has resigned his posi-
with a quick sense of humor.
years at the Hebrew Teachers'
ing their own thinking The com-
tion with BBYO.
Rabbi Porath will assume his
sure will soon endear him
petition should be strong and the
Rabbi Porath, who became a
new duties on September 1 in time
Mr. Lipman served in the Pacino
to the entire Order.
clearest thinkers should come out
BBYO Director immediately after
to take part in the planning for
Area with the 77th Infantry Divi-
(Continued on Page 4, Col. 3)
on top."
completing his service as an Army
the coming year.
sion. He is unmarried.
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The Shofar, Vol. XXI, No. 12, September 1946
This newspaper contains articles reporting the activities of Aleph Zadik Aleph (AZA) chapters around the country. It includes information about chapters, officers, community service and philanthropy, events, and activities.