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The Shofar, Vol. XXIII, No. 3, November 1947
This newspaper contains articles reporting the activities of Aleph Zadik Aleph (AZA) chapters around the country. It includes information about chapters, officers, community service and philanthropy, events, and activities.
Date/Date Range:
Active Leadership
Aleph Zadik Aleph (AZA)
B'nai B'rith Young Men (BBYM)
Community Service
The Shofar (Publication)
20th Century
The Shofar, Vol. XXIII, No. 3, November 1947
Official Publication of AZA and BBYM of the B'nai B'rith Youth Organization
Send address changes to The Shofar,
1746 M St. N. W., Washington 6, D. C.
Since the discovery of
Chairman Announces Five
Book Review Contest
America, Jewish life has
prospered and grown with
National BBYM Contests
For All BBYO Members
amazing strides. For the past
two hundred years intricate
"Something for everyone" is the way Joe Abraham-
A book review contest open to all members of BBYO
son, BBYM Program and Activities Chairman, describes
has been announced by BBYO Headquarters. The reviews
systems of Jewish Com-
the five nationwide contests scheduled for BBYM for the
may deal with any book, of Jewish interest. Entries may
munity organizations have
ensuing year. The contests will include a bowling con-
be submitted at any time between November 7 and
been built until today we
December 15.
gress, oratory, one-act play, sermon and book-review
find that we have in the
Four first prizes will be awarded, one each for the
competition. First announcement of the plans for these
best review by a member of AZA, BBYM, BBG or BBYW.
United States one of the
contests was a bulletin dis-
The prize for each of the
strongest Jewish community
tributed to chapters during
structures that has ever been
AZA Sabbath
four winners will be a year's
membership in the Jewish
achieved during the five
The schedule begins with
Publication Society which
thousand years of Jewish
the Bowling Congress which
means that each of the win-
history In every field con-
is to be judged on the basis
of team scores submitted to
ners will receive a total of
nected with Jewish life we
have a multi-
the BBYM Committee in
six books published by the
plicity of
tenpins, candle pins, and
Society. Members may
five-pins. Scoresheets for the
choose any six books from
tions, each
chapter team are to be sent
the Society's book-lists. All
striving to
to the committee no later
advance its
than November 30, 1947.
the books published by the
program to
The Book-Review Contest
Society are in English.
better the
will be part of the BBYO
The BBYO Book Review
Jewish Com-
Book Review Contest which
Contest is scheduled to coin-
is announced in this edition
cide with Jewish Book
of The Shofar. Oratory will
out the Jew-
be based on competition
Month, which begins on
through chapter, regional
November 7. Members may
ish history utopian plans
were laid to unite together
and district levels, with the
enter in the national Contest
all the various organizations
district winners competing
taken during the 1947 AZA Convention, is typical of the scenes
reviews which have been
into one central agency
for the national champion-
that will be portrayed in hundreds of communities as members
presented at a chapter book
which could speak in the
ship. The Sermon Contest
of AZA take over services during AZA Sabbath on November
program or which have also
name of the Jewish People.
will be an outgrowth of na-
7 and 8.
been entered in local book
Although many central
tional BBYM Sabbath on the
review contests.
agencies arose, none alone
first Sabbath in March.
AZA Chapters Conduct Own
Entries may be between
was able to represent demo-
The national One-Act
300 and 600 words long, are
cratically the large majority
Play Contest is to be judged
first in each district and the
Services in Annual Sabbath
to be submitted in triplicate,
of Jews. Under the exigency
and must be postmarked no
of World War II the major
seven district winners will be
Jewish rganizations
entered in the final judging
For the twenty-second consecutive year, AZA chapters
later than midnight, Decem-
in the United States and Canada will mark their devotion
ber 15, 1947. They are to be
throughout the world did
for a national winner.
In announcing the con-
to Judaism by a continent-wide observance of AZA Sab-
accompanied by a statement
unite temporarily to express
the Jewish case before the
bath on November 7 and 8. On these dates alephs them-
giving the contestant's name,
tests, Abrahamson said the
address, age, chapter, and
plans had been made on the
selves conduct services in temples and synagogues, with
Peace Conferences, and they
an assurance that the review
did find that greater success
basis of the decisions
chapter representatives acting as rabbi, cantor, choir and
is the work of the con-
could be achieved when they
reached at the last national
testant (form on Page 11
were united.
BBYM convention. He
Although observance of
stressed the fact that these
the Sabbath and participa-
contests were not designed
tion in Sabbath services
may be used). Any con-
It is significant now that
testant may submit as many
upon the 3rd anniversary of
entries as he or she desires.
to replace, but rather were
regularly is part of the pro-
the joining together of the
Entries will be judged as
designed to supplement local
gram of AZA, this one
B'nai B'rith youth groups
soon as possible after the
activities such as basketball
Sabbath has become a tra-
into the BBYO, in order more
final date of the contest and
effectively to fulfill our
tournaments and panel dis-
ditional annual symbol of
announcement of the win-
such participation.
The female half of BBYO has
ideals, that representatives
ners made immediately after
"This is one step," he said,
Plans for local observance
started on a community service
of the major Jewish organ-
"in putting into action the
of the AZA Sabbath are
the judging. Winning re-
project to provide creative and
izaions will meet together
views will be published® in
decisions of the convention.
made by individual AZA
recreational materials to European
this month in Chicago to de-
The Shofar and The
We are out to make this a
chapters. In many instances,
Jewish children in institutions
termine in the sessions of
terrific year in BBYM. Every
other BBYO units from B'nai
there. Both BBG and BBYW
the American Jewish Con-
Entries are to be sent to
chapter in the United States
B'rith Girls, B'nai B'rith
adopted the same project at their
ference whether they should
and Canada should have at
Young Men and B'nai B'rith
national conventions this last sum-
the Program Department,
also continue in unity further
Young Women joined the
BBYO, 1746 M St., N. W.,
at least one entry in each of
to advance the ideals of the
these contests. That's the
AZA members in this serv-
Based on the desire to provide
Washington 6, D. C.
American Jewish Com-
these European children with some
way to build up BBYM
ice. Members of B'nai B'rith
Complete rules for the
means of having fun while at the
BBYO Book Review Contest
Lodges and Women's Chap-
same time learning new skills, the
As many of the repre-
ters are invited to attend
are printed on Page 11.
Rules for all the BBYM
girls of BBYO decided to collect
sentatives of the major
contests are given in detail
these Sabbath services so
and send abroad toys, drawing
Jewish organizations have
on Page 3.
that they may see in actual
materials, equipment for needle-
Boston BBYO Airs
already stated their desire
practise the activities of the
work, airplane model kits, etc.
for a permanent American
Each district has a separate
District 4 Starts
youth groups they sponsor.
home abroad to which all their ar-
Jewish Programs
Jewish Conference, we hope
In conjunction with AZA
ticles will be sent. These homes
that we can build that ideal
The BBYO Radio Players of
BBYO Newspaper
Sabbath, there is a Sermon
are operated by OSE (Oeuvre de
Greater Boston have started their
agency which will speak
Contest. Winner of the con-
Secours aux Enfants) a European
thirteen-week series of radio pro-
with one voice for all
The newest district newspaper
test, in which sermons de-
Jewish medical organization de-
grams, The Book of Life, on Sta-
American Jews.
is the Migdal Or (Tower of Light)
livered by AZA members
voted to the causes of child wel-
tion WCOP. Dealing with Jewish
Thus as we celebrate this
published by the BBYO of District
during AZA Sabbath are
fare, health and hygiene.
themes, the scripts are written by
month the founding of the
4. A four page, tabloid-size,
printed newspaper, Migdal Or is
judged, receives the Sidney
It is expected that many chap-
Elliott Silverstein and acted by
ters of the BBG and BBYW will
BBYO members.
BBYO, let us also express
jointly edited by Irwin Weinberg
G. Kusworm Plaque, named
request the assistance of their
This radio drama workshop is
our fervent desire that the
for BBYM, Ellen P. Mayer for
for the Treasurer of the
brother AZA and BBYM chapters
only one of several major under-
delegates to the American
BBYW, Lionel Fichman for AZA
International Order of B'nai
in working on this project.
takings by the BBYO of this re-
Jewish Conference arrive at
and Maureen Strom for BBG, all
B'rith. Winner of this award
gion. A Jewish youth orchestra
a common understanding
under the supervision of Eva M.
last year was Melvin Kitay,
will be conducted in some
under BBYO sponsorship is now
where all the Jewish organ-
Ballo, District 4 Director of Girls'
of Kearny, N. J., whose ser-
200 communities. Oneg
in the process of formation. The
izations in America can work
mon dealt with "The Re-
Shabbat programs after
BBYO choral group, already or-
The newspaper contains news of
together in harmony to
all activities in the district plus a
sponsibility of the Jew
services are a special feature
ganized, is being enlarged. It is
planned that these two groups to-
strengthen our Jewish way
page of program suggestions and
of many of the chapter
gether will present a Jewish Mu-
of life.
AZA Sabbath services
sic Festival in the near future.
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The Shofar, Vol. XXIII, No. 3, November 1947
This newspaper contains articles reporting the activities of Aleph Zadik Aleph (AZA) chapters around the country. It includes information about chapters, officers, community service and philanthropy, events, and activities.