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The Shofar, Vol. XXIII, No. 2, October 1947
This newspaper contains articles reporting the activities of Aleph Zadik Aleph (AZA) chapters around the country. It includes information about chapters, officers, community service and philanthropy, events, and activities.
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Active Leadership
Aleph Zadik Aleph (AZA)
B'nai B'rith Young Men (BBYM)
Community Service
The Shofar (Publication)
20th Century
The Shofar, Vol. XXIII, No. 2, October 1947
Official Publication of AZA and BBYM of the B'nai B'rith Youth Organization
Send address changes to The Shofar,
1746 M St. N. W., Washington 6, D. a.
Another page has been
written in the yearbook of
207 Attend 24th AZA Conclave
our Organization and we
now look forward toward
celebrating AZA's 25th
anniversary. Our Grand
Lieberman Elected
AZA Elects Teitelbaum, Three
Delegates Up Dues
Order has been expanding
steadily in activities and
To Chairmanship
Other Experienced Leaders
Plan Tourneys, Ask
membership until now it
stands foremost among
By Commission
More Education
Jewish youth organizations.
Meeting for the 24th AZA Con-
Our Five Fold and Full
Elected by the B'nai B'rith
vention, 157 delegates and 50
Program was established SO
Youth Commission as its Chair-
guests from all parts of the United
that all Jew-
man, Jaccb J. Lieberman will
States and Canada jammed the fa-
ish youth
draw on more than 20 years' ex-
cilities of Camp High Point, Sho-
might find
perience with BBYO in his leader-
kan, N. Y., from Aug. 29 to Sept.
some field of
ship of that body.
1. The schedule of activities in-
interest in
Mr. Lieberman had served as
cluded business sessions at which
AZA and
acting Chairman of the commission
then through
plans were made for the coming
since the death of Henry Monsky
contact with
year of activity, religious services
in May. Under Mr. Monsky he
our entire
conducted by AZA members on
was Vice-Chairman Before the
gr a m
organization of the Youth Com-
Friday evening and Saturday
they would
mission, Mr. Lieberman served as
morning, seminars, finals in the
soon de-
First Vice-President of the AZA
national debate and oratory tour-
velop an interest in all
Supreme Advisory Council for
naments, a campfire program,
aspects of Jewish life. In
more than 18 years. He also heads
swimming and other athletic
this manner AZA has taken
the BBYM Advisory Board.
a positive approach to the
A native of Denver, Mr. Lieber-
The opening Friday evening
question of our youth stray-
man is now a Los Angeles attor-
ing from Judaism. By means
ney. He has been President of his
services, led by Alephs Al Wolf
Denver B'nai B'rith lodge, chair-
of our program Jewish
and Sid Shapiro, of Philadelphia,
man of the Board of Trustees of
were held outdoors. Following the
young men have found that
Los Angeles Lodge 487, and
services, the delegates heard an
spirit of fraternalism and
member of the General Committee
address by J. J. Lieberman, Los
love which binds them to
of the District 4 Grand Lodge.
Angeles, Chairman of the B'nai
Mr. Lieberman was graduated
B'rith Youth Commission. The
Besides giving our mem-
from the University of Denver
evening ended with an oneg Shab-
bers an understanding of
Law School and was city and
bat program including community
their cultural and religious
county attorney while living at
Myron Teitelbaum of Lima, Ohio, was elected to be Grand Aleph
singing of Hebrew songs and the
Denver. He was a member of the
Godol of AZA for the coming year.
reading of a Sabbath story by
heritage, AZA has another
Masons there Mr. Lieberman was
Manheim S. Shapiro, Program Di-
important aim-that of in-
Although there were three candidates for the office at the conven-
also a special writer for The
rector of BBYO.
stilling within Alephs
Denver Republican and The
tion at Camp High Point, Myron won a clear and overwhelming
Monsky Eulogized
feeling of responsibility to
Rocky Mountain News. He edited
majority on the first ballot. For-
The services on Saturday morn-
the Jewish community. Un-
The Jewish Outlook.
mer Aleph Godol of his chapter,
for the ensuing year, needs no in-
ing were devoted to the memory
less the younger generation
After moving to the West Coast
region, and district, Myron has
troduction to
of Henry Monsky, late President
assumes this responsibility,
in 1924, Mr. Leberman continued
been awarded the Shield of David
AZA members.
of B'nai B'rith. Grand Aleph
Jewish community life in
his activity in civic, legal, and
for Leadership and Activity and
Winner of the
Godol Earl Pollock delivered the
America will inevitably de-
service work He was special
was a finalist in this year's nation-
1946 oratory fi-
sermon eulogizing Mr. Monsky.
teriorate. Through our ac-
nals, he was
The services were planned by
al debate tournament. During the
elected as
tivities AZA attempts to
Aleph Nate Feinstein under the
past year, he served as chairman
Grand Aleph
guidance of Rabbi Tzvi Porath,
give Alephs this sense of
of the national Committee on
Godol, and has
District 3 BBYO Director.
Jewish Education. Myron's elec-
become known
Among the more important ac-
On viewing the achieve-
to all members
tion was greeted by an ovation
tions taken by the convention were
ments in this field, we find
of the organiza-
from the assembled delegates.
the following:
tion through his
that we have a long way to
1. An increase in national dues
Chosen to complete the staff of
work as GAG.
go before we have the right
officers for the year were Louis M.
to $1.50 per member annually.
Lederman, Grand Aleph S'gan;
2. A decision to hold national
to celebrate our accomplish-
Dick Brownstein, Grand Aleph
Marshall AZA Gathers
basketball and bowling tourna-
ments. In our chapters,
Mazkir, and Earl Pollock, Jr.
regions, and districts more
Ton for Roumania
3. Recommendations urging
correspondence and activity
"Lou" Leder-
upon chapters the planning of
man, of Pitts-
is needed and committees
The largest single collection to
more programs which would in-
burgh, has also
crease members' knowledge of
must become more depend-
served as Aleph
date of religious and educational
Jewish background and the Pales-
Godol of his
articles in connection with the
tine issue.
able. We should realize that
chapter, region,
project to help rebuild the spirit-
our national officers are
Seminar Mandatory
and district and
ual life of Roumanian Jews has
elected to represent AZA
was chairman
4. A ruling_making mandatory
come from Louis Marshall AZA
of the national
seminar, panel discussion, or
and they cannot do this be-
J. J. LIEBERMAN, Chairman of
220, Syracuse, N. Y.
workshop on some subject of Jew-
the Youth Commission, speaks
tween the chapters and the
ish interest at all regional and
to the alephs at Sabbath serv-
Committee last
Approximately a ton of material
district tournaments and conven-
National Organization.
year. He is en-
was gathered by the chapter-far
tering the University of Pittsburgh
Therefore, during this
to take a pre-law course.
exceeding anything reported to the
5. Decision to continue Book
prosecutor of his county, Vice-
year before our silver anni-
Dick Brownstein, new Grand
national office. The religious arti-
Review and Sermon Contests.
President of the Los Angeles Jew-
versary, let us draw all
Aleph Mazkir, a member of Port-
cles were collected as a result of
6. Resolutions supporting un-
ish Community Council, Chairman
of the Bureau of Jewish Educa-
land AZA 65,
an organized campaign that COV-
restricted immigration to Palestine
segments of our Order into
has risen to na-
and the passage of the Stratton
tion of Los Angeles, and President
ered the whole city.
a more closely knit organ-
tional promi
Bill permitting displaced persons
of Temple Emanu El.
ization. Let us see that all
nence through
The drive was begun after the
to enter the United States
the ranks. He,
AZA Executive Committee re-
7. A decision to retain The Sho-
committees function and
St. Louis Plans Series
too, headed his
sponded to an appeal by Dr. Alex-
far in its present form and editor-
that the individual Alephs
chapter, region,
St. Louis chapters have laid
and district.
ander Shafran, Chief Rabbi of
keep in contact with their
plans for their third annual dis-
Roumania. Rabbi Shafran had
At the final session of the con-
and acted as
officers so that they can ex-
vention on Monday, Sept. 1, the
cussion series under the auspices
chairman of the
noted, while in this country, that
newly elected officers were in-
press the views of AZA
of the area council,
national Com-
Roumanian Jewry, while the larg-
stalled by Rabbi Amram Prero,
democratically and lead
Each program in the current se-
est community surviving the Nazis,
Director of BBYO, The incoming
ries will be sponsored by a chap-
Palestine when
was destitute in religious and edu-
our Order onward toward
officers for the year 1947-8 are
ter. Titles of the four programs
Bob Cohn was unable to serve.
cational material with which to
Myron Teitelbaum, Grand Aleph
the fulfillment of its ideals
planned for the series are: This Is
Dick is also president of the stu-
rebuild spiritual living.
Godol; Louis M. Lederman, Grand
-brotherly love, charity,
BBYO, What Is Judaism, What
dent body of Lincoln High School
Chapters of AZA were joined in
Aleph S'gan; Dick Brownstein,
Can We Do About Prejudice?, and
in Portland, Ore.
many communities by other BBYO
Grand Aleph Mazkir, and Earl
and harmony.
Intermarriage- Threat?
Earl Pollock, Jr. Commissioner
units in this drive.
Pollock, Youth Commissioner.
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The Shofar, Vol. XXIII, No. 2, October 1947
This newspaper contains articles reporting the activities of Aleph Zadik Aleph (AZA) chapters around the country. It includes information about chapters, officers, community service and philanthropy, events, and activities.