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The Shofar, Vol. XXIII, No. 8, April 1948
This newspaper contains articles reporting the activities of BBYO organizations (B'nai B'rith Girls, B'nai B'rith Young Women, Aleph Zadik Aleph, and B'nai B'rith Young Men) around the country. It includes information about officers, community service and philanthropy, events, alumni, and conventions.
Date/Date Range:
Active Leadership
Aleph Zadik Aleph (AZA)
B'nai B'rith Girls (BBG)
B'nai B'rith Young Men (BBYM)
B'nai B'rith Young Women (BBYW)
Community Service
The Shofar (Publication)
20th Century
The Shofar, Vol. XXIII, No. 8, April 1948
Official Publication of the B'nai B'rith Youth Organization
APRIL, 1948
Send address changes to The Shofar,
1746 M St. N. W., Washington 6, D. C.
Our Order has been con-
fronted for a long time with
Round-and Round
the problem of obtaining a
sufficient number of compe-
tent advisers for our chap-
ters. We have found that
mature leadership is neces-
YW's Ease District
sary for sound chapter ac-
Reports; National
Of Aims Stressed
tivity. Although we have
been fortunate enough to
Funds Discussed
For YM Members
have many volunteer AZA
advisers, to whom great
A summary of the major de-
A summary of the major de-
cisions reached by the national
tribute should be paid, AZA
cisions reached by the national
BBYW Executive Committee
BBYM Executive Committee
had to take several note-
appears on Page 10.
appears on Page 10.
worthy steps to obtain more
The National Executive
Meeting at BBYO head-
First, appeals were made
Committee of BBYW met in
to sponsoring B'nai B'rith
quarters in Washington,
Washington, D. C., to
D. C., the national Execu-
lodges and then the experi-
evaluate the progress and
tive Committee of BBYM
ment of maintaining fellow-
activities of the organiza-
devoted the weekend of
ship advisers
tion since the last conven-
March 6-7 to consideration
was tried.
tion and to make plans for
Both of these
of problems and progress of
the future. The meeting was
methods suc-
the organization since their
DANCING THE HORA was an intermission treat during
held at the national office on
last national convention in
ceeded to a
recent BBYO social and forum in St. Louis, Mo. Those who
March 6 and 7.
certain de-
July, 1947.
knew the dance taught the novices under the guidance of
gree, but
Reports of committee
The chief matter for dis-
Leonard Sova, St. Louis BBYM, and Gitti Umansky, America
they still fell
chairmen and district presi-
BBYW. These two BBYO'ers will participate in the National
cussion at this meeting was
dents were considered and
far short
Folk Dancing Festival which will be held in St. Louis this month.
the means which could best
of supplying
preliminary convention plans
strengthen the organization
made. It was decided to
enough ad-
as it entered its third year
Final Plans Made for AZA
hold a concurrent conven-
visers for our
as a national organization.
tion with BBYM with the
The executives agreed that
Recognizing AZA's need,
Annual Basketball Meet
first week in July set as a
the greatest current need
tentative date. The mem-
BBYM is now preparing to
was an intensive campaign
bers decided on Montreal as
aid us by promoting a Na-
of discussion and indoctrina-
After a long interruption caused by the war and subse-
first choice in possible con-
tional AZA Adviser Project,
tion on the basic aims of the
quent reorganization, the AZA National Basketball finals
vention sites. Detroit and
through which BBYM will
will be resumed with a gala tournament in St. Louis on
organization as expressed in
Toronto were the second and
strive to instil within its
April 17-18. The championship teams from the seven
the preamble to their consti-
third choices respectively.
members a desire to serve
tution. The understanding
districts into which the United States and Canada are
as AZA advisers. BBYM
A new rebate system for
which would follow such a
divided will meet in play-
also will provide them with
delegates to convention,
period of orientation, they
offs which will determine
the necessary training by
the championship of the en-
Salomon AZA Urges
which would tend to equal-
felt, would produce a sound
holding advisers' clinics
ize the personal expenses of
program of well-rounded
tire organization.
All BBYO'ers to Write
throughout the country.
each, was adopted. The
activity, an achievement of
This project is viewed
Truman About Palestine
country will be divided into
B'nai B'rith Youth objec-
A statement on this tourna-
with great anticipation by
equal geographic zones
tives, and a greater reten-
ment by Grand Aleph Godol
your National Organization,
Seeking a way to do
starting at the convention
tion and acquisition of mem-
Myron Teitelbaum appears on
for we feel that BBYM
something positive in re-
point. Those in the zone
Page 2.
should prove to be a fertile
lationship to Palestine, the
farthest from the convention
Plans were made to hold
source of advisers. Since
Haym Salomon AZA chapter
point will receive a greater
a three-day national conven-
Excellent gymnasium fa-
many members of BBYM
of Dorchester, Mass., came
percentage of the round trip
tion during the first week
cilities were secured for the
now are AZA alumni, in the
up with something special.
coach fare than those in the
in July simultaneously with
tournament through the as-
role of advisers they will be
Their first idea was to start
zones nearer the convention
the convention of BBYW. On
more able to serve AZA.
sistance of Mayor Aloys P.
"Petition for Palestine"
the basis of information re-
Kaufman of St. Louis. After
These young men, who are
campaign. They then de-
After hearing district
ceived from various cities
the Tournament Committee
familiar with the aims and
cided that mimeographed
president reports, the Ex-
the convention will be held
had made several unsuccess-
activities of our Order,
petitions sent to President
(See YOUNG WOMEN, Page 10)
(See YOUNG MEN, Page 10)
ful attempts to secure ade-
should be able to provide
Truman would just be
the best type of leadership
quate facilities, Mayor Kauf-
glanced at and put aside.
man put his office at their
for our chapters.
They felt that the most ef-
Crafts Class Never
disposal and through this
The real spirit of co-
fective method would be for
operation that exists be-
source the gymnasium of the
individuals to write separate
Dull; Small Boys Show
Some of the recreational ma-
De Andreis Catholic High
letters to the President:
terial and toys collected by Daugh-
tween our two fraternal or-
School was obtained for the
ganizations is demonstrated
Once they had arrived at
ters of Rebecca BBG, Minneapolis,
by this project of BBYM,
The three preliminary
paign urging people to write
Aptitude for Lessons
Minn., was not in the best con-
the decision to run a cam-
dition for use by the children in
but we must realize that
the Paris Children's Home, to
cooperation works two ways.
games will be held at the
such letters they sought to
There is never a dull moment
which District 6 collections are
If BBYM is to furnish our
De Andreis Gymnasium on
expand this drive as far as
in the arts and crafts class AZA
sent. Instead of refusing to accept
Organization with a suffi-
Saturday evening April 17.
they could. On further
the broken toys, the members of
cient number of trained ad-
Semi-finals will take place
thought they decided, in the
5 in Grand Rapids, Mich., has
this chapter organized a workshop
on Sunday morning and the
words of aleph Herbert
taken over at the Brough Commu-
to make repairs.
visers, it can only succeed if
AZA extends its full support
finals at 4:15 p. m. on Sun-
Katz, "why search any
nity Center. The art students are
The girls meet at the home of
day. A consolation game will
Negro and white boys from the
Mrs. William Gordon, their ad-
to the program.
farther than this organiza-
precede the finals.
ages of seven to ten. Their
viser, where they mend torn doll
We must understand that
tion of which I myself am a
teachers are alephs from Chapter
dresses, repair broken wagons and
here is an opportunity which
The tournament week-end
5. The AZA members have had
clean paint boxes they have col-
must not be lost because of
will be concluded with
They then took it upon
to devise many projects that will
lected. They have found that their
our own failure. For the
banquet in honor of the par-
themselves to write to lead-
keep the interest of the small
collections are greater because they
duration of this project we
ticipating teams, which will
ers of every existing BBYO
boys, but they feel that their ef-
are willing to make repairs on
consist of eight players and
chapter requesting that they
forts are repaid when they see the
items that could not be used by
should endeavor to work
a coach. Tickets will be sold
fine craft work the boys are doing.
the children otherwise.
very closely with the local
urge their chapter members
In their chapter meeting, the
Other chapter meetings are be-
BBYM committees in organ-
to the public in St. Louis and
to write individual letters to
AZA members recently heard a
ing devoted to talks by prominent
izing these leadership train-
large crowds are expected to
President Truman on the
discussion of the Palestine situa-
women on various subjects im-
ing clinics and in further
U. S. abandonment of the
tion presented by Mr. IIy Shane,
portant to girls. The marriage
implementing the AZA Ad-
All arrangements are in
partition plan.
president of the Grand Rapids
counselor from the League for
viser Project.
charge of a committee head-
Zionist Organization of America.
Planned Parenthood, spoke re-
With the traditional AZA
ed by Stan Sokolik under the
All communications as to
Other meetings have been con-
cently on "Boy Meets Girl." A
verted into rehearsals for a dram-
future talk will be given by a
spirit let's go all out in
direction of national AZA
arrangements should be ad-
atization of the history of AZA
fashion coordinator who will talk
rendering 100% participa-
Athletics Chairman Milt
dressed to Sokolik at 1388
5 that will be presented at a B'nai
to the girls about planning ward-
tion in the program!
Lipsman of Davenport, Iowa.
Belt Avenue, St. Louis, Mo.
B'rith Lodge meeting.
robes for different occasions.
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The Shofar, Vol. XXIII, No. 8, April 1948
This newspaper contains articles reporting the activities of BBYO organizations (B'nai B'rith Girls, B'nai B'rith Young Women, Aleph Zadik Aleph, and B'nai B'rith Young Men) around the country. It includes information about officers, community service and philanthropy, events, alumni, and conventions.