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The Shofar, Vol. XXIII, No. 7, March 1948
This newspaper contains articles reporting the activities of Aleph Zadik Aleph (AZA) chapters around the country. It includes information about chapters, officers, community service and philanthropy, events, and activities.
Date/Date Range:
Active Leadership
Aleph Zadik Aleph (AZA)
B'nai B'rith Young Men (BBYM)
Community Service
The Shofar (Publication)
20th Century
The Shofar, Vol. XXIII, No. 7, March 1948
Official Publication of the B'nai B'rith Youth Organization
MARCH, 1948
Send address changes to The Shofar,
1746 M St. N. W., Washington 6, D. O.
At the recent National
Executive Committee meet-
ing numerous recommenda-
AZA, BBG Convention Plans Made
tions, which involved major
changes in our organization-
al structure and which re-
quired careful deliberation,
"Bring in Your Buddy' Month Inaugurates
BBG's to Separate
Efficiency Stressed
were brought to the atten-
tion of the Committee. The
BBYM Campaign to Increase Membership
Seminars, Business
By AZA Executives
talk which confronted your
The National Executive
representatives was not
A "Bring in Your Buddy" month will start the national BBYM
The National Executive
easy, for
campaign to increase membership to 7500. The month of March will
Committee of BBG, which
Committee of AZA, meeting
each recom-
be devoted to procurement of membership by individual members,
met in Washington on Feb.
in Washington on Feb. 21-
each being encouraged to bring in at least one friend during the
21-22, made plans to
22, authorized the athletic
change in
month. A nationally coordinated drive will be held from April 1 to
emphasize workshops and
committee to go ahead with
our Order
July 15.
seminars at the national
its plans to hold a national
would affect
Commission Executive
Alvin E. Booker, national sec-
convention by dividing the
basketball tournament on
Alephs in
retary-treasurer, has been ap-
convention program into two
April 17-18 in St. Louis, Mo.,
each district
Discusses Observance
pointed chairman of the member-
parts. Two days of the con-
and set up plans for the an-
in a different
ship committee, which is planning
vention, to be held at the end
nual convention to be held
Of 25th Anniversary
the campaign. His committee is
way; there-
of August or during the first
the first week of September.
composed of district membership
fore, we had
week of September, will be
In drawing up convention
to take into
The possibilities of tying
chairmen and several appointed
spent in business sessions,
plans, the Committee felt the
consideration the opinions
the establishment of a na-
of all Alephs and the effect
tional BBYO camp to the
Organizing and membership
brochures, which will be released
A digest of the minutes of the
A digest of the minutes of the
the various proposals would
celebration of the 25th anni-
BBG National Executive meet-
in time for the coordinated drive,
AZA National Executive meet-
have on them individually
versary of the youth pro-
are now being prepared by the
ing will be found on page 4.
ing will be found on page 10.
and on AZA in general.
gram and the founding of
committee. Each region and
Working on this basis,
AZA was discussed at the
chapter will be asked to organize
the other two days to be de-
necessity of keeping costs
your National Executive
Executive meeting of the
membership teams and regional
voted to training for ac-
down SO that money saved
Committee adopted various
B'nai B'rith Youth Com-
quotas will be set by the national
tivities of chapters and
could be applied to the gala
proposals which, if ac-
mission in Washington
committee. Fully aware that the
25th Anniversary Conven-
cepted, will greatly improve
Further recommendations
membership campaign annot be
The separation of busi-
tion Celebration which will
the structure and program
were made for observance
divorced from programing, the
committee is urging that every
ness from workshops was
be held next year. The Com-
of the Order.
of the anniversary in May,
caution be taken to uphold pro-
made in order to allow dele-
mittee members felt that
One decision of great im-
graming standards during the
gates to attend all activities.
every effort should be made
portance was that since we
The Executive Committee
In order to keep workshops
to provide adequate funds
are more than ever directing
decided that a committee
The plans for the drive are
small and to insure that all
for the Anniversary conven-
our own organization AZA
should be appointed to plan
based on the report on member-
delegates have the oppor-
tion so that it may be the
must become aware of the
the observance of the anni-
ship adopted at the BBYM con-
tunity to attend workshops
largest and most memorable
fact that we should endeavor
versary in cooperation with
vention last July. At that time the
and seminars, they will be
ever held by AZA.
to conserve AZA funds by
the camp committee. The
convention committee on mem-
assigned to these activities.
Other considerations in
limiting the number of dele-
chairman of the Commission
bership presented four basic reso-
The attendance at work-
making convention arrange-
gates to the national conven-
will appoint youth and
lutions which will be implement-
shops will also be divided
ments were that a smaller
adults to the committee to
ed during the present drive. The
tion. To apportion the
resolutions were:
according to whether the
body works more efficiently
expenses of delegates more
originate and recommend
1. That at the termination of
delegates come from large
and that the number of dele-
equally, the body adopted a
plans for the celebration of
this convention each of our seven
or small cities where the
gates should be kept at a
plan which will give to those
the occasion.
districts in coordination with a
approach and problems dif-
minimum in order to insure
Alephs who will have to
The combination of The
national membership drive should
smooth operations during
travel a longer distance a
Shofar and The Menorah
coherently solicit new members
Each district will prepare
business sessions. The Com-
greater percentage of their
was authorized in a resolu-
by a membership campaign. The
material for one seminar or
mittee members agreed that
coach fares.
tion based on a previous
goal of each district should be to
workshop to present at the
emphasis should be placed
The Committee also de-
understanding that the Ex-
increase its members and chap-
convention. The district com-
(See AZA, Page 2)
cided that in order to hold a
ecutive Committee would
ters by 100 per cent.
mittee would prepare
special, large 25th Anni-
make the final decision on
2. That a coherent six-phase
the merger in case the units
program be fully exploited by
(See BBG, Page 3)
versary Convention Celebra-
YW "Democracy Day"
tion, this year's convention
failed to agree. The resolu-
BBYM, and that this program be
the dynamic attraction for new
would be made smaller than
tion read:
Includes Folk Music,
members, as well as retaining our
that of last year so that the
New Hull AZA Chapter
"In view of the fact that
present membership.
money saved could be
Intergroup Discussion
three of the national Youth
3. That, wherever possible,
added to the budget of next
groups have requested
BBYM recruiting teams should
Organizes Sister BBG
A full and varied program of
year's convention.
merger of The Shofar and
visit local areas for the purpose
music and discussion was planned
It was also felt that na-
Menorah; in further view of
of establishing new BBYM units,
The fledgling AZA chapter in
by the Chicago Council of BBYW
tional conventions should be
the fact that a substantial
as well as other BBYO units.
Hull, Eng., had barely gotten its
made more efficient and
4. That all inactive and unreg-
in observing Brotherhood Week.
number of the AZA in na-
wings when it set about estab-
therefore the Committee
istered BBYM units be investigat-
The program, entitled "Democ-
tional convention (although
recommended that to future
ed by the Executive Committee
lishing a sister BBG in its city. It
racy Day," was presented in CO-
not the required number of
and, wherever possible, these
all started in an evening of fun
operation with other organizations
national conventions there
votes for this action) also
chapters be reactivated.
interested in intergroup activity
which followed the first formal
be sent a body of 75 work-
expressed. a similar desire
and was free for anyone who
initiation and installation held by
ing delegates.
wished to attend.
for this amalgamation, in
youth groups were con-
Hull AZA.
The holding of a national
Mexican folk dancers, garbed
terms of finances, avoidance
The AZA chapter held a dinner
basketball tournament in
in traditional costumes of their
of duplication, unification of
Mr. Benjamin I. Morris,
and dance for visiting Leeds AZA
accordance with the desire
people, presented dances of our
BBYO, the making available
vice-chairman of the Com-
and BBG chapters, who travelled
southern neighbors. Everyone
of the national convention
of all BBYO news to all the
mission presided over the
to Hull especially to welcome the
participated in square and round
was approved and plans
Youth groups; and in further
meeting in the absence of
new AZA into the BBYO family.
dances of the early settlers in this
were laid to make this first
view of the fact that the
Mr. J. J. Lieberman, chair-
Other guests at the affair were
tournament a memorable
Commission indicated sym-
girls from Hull and prominent
man of the Commission.
Two choruses, one from the
citizens of the city.
pathy for this action, the
Other Executive Committee
Catholic Youth Organization and
The Hull girls were so impressed
Executive Committee unani-
members attending the
one from the Woodlawn Young
by the program of the Leeds BBG
Cornbelt Region Sponsors
mously approves and author-
meeting were Mrs. Abram
People's group, also participated
and the AZA chapters that they
Book Review Contest
izes the combining of The
Orlow, president of the
decided that they would like to or-
in the musical portions of the pro-
Shofar and Menorah, the
Women's Supreme Council
ganize a BBG in their city. The
panel of four discussed the
The Cornbelt Region of District
name of the paper to be
Mrs. Louis Perlman, chair-
alephs quickly grasped the oppor-
problem, "Can American Youth
6 AZA is sponsoring a book re-
The Shofar, Official Organ
man of the BBG Advisory
tunity and called a meeting the
Implement the President's Report
view contest during the month of
of the B'nai B'rith Youth
Board; Mr. Maurice Bisgyer,
following week to which all the
on Civil Rights?" The panel had as
March. The review must be on a
Organization-AZA, BBYM,
girls interested in BBG were in-
secretary of the Supreme
moderator, A. A. Liverwright
book which deals with Jewish
vited. From this has grown a
problems in the present day, but
Lodge of B'nai B'rith; Sey-
from the University of Chicago.
BBG chapter in Hull.
unlimited as to the particular
The Shofar is published
mour Cohen, president of
Participants in the panel discus-
The BBYO family in England
problem discussed. The contest is
by the Youth Commission
BBYM: and staff members,
sion were representatives of the
is growing by leaps and bounds.
for the Youth Organization.
Urban League, a Negro organiza-
being held in connection with
Rabbi Amram Prero, Mr.
There are now BBYO groups in
tion: the United Christian Youth
Jewish Book Month, although
In making this decision, the
Victor Perlmutter and Mr.
London, Birmingham, Leeds and
Movement; the Japanese Citizens®
month later.
recommendations of all four
Harold Levy.
League and BBYO,
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The Shofar, Vol. XXIII, No. 7, March 1948
This newspaper contains articles reporting the activities of Aleph Zadik Aleph (AZA) chapters around the country. It includes information about chapters, officers, community service and philanthropy, events, and activities.