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The Shofar, Vol. XXIV, No. 6, February 1949
This newspaper contains articles reporting the activities of BBYO organizations (B'nai B'rith Girls, B'nai B'rith Young Women, Aleph Zadik Aleph, and B'nai B'rith Young Men) around the country. It includes information about officers, community service and philanthropy, events, alumni, and conventions.
Date/Date Range:
Active Leadership
Aleph Zadik Aleph (AZA)
B'nai B'rith Girls (BBG)
B'nai B'rith Young Men (BBYM)
B'nai B'rith Young Women (BBYW)
Community Service
The Shofar (Publication)
20th Century
The Shofar, Vol. XXIV, No. 6, February 1949
Official Publication of the B'nai B'rith Youth Organization
Send address changes to The Shofes
1746 M St. N. W. Washington 6. D.
BBYO Answers SOS Call
YM, YW Meet
To The Amel And
Transfer Of AnyPerson
Plans on Executive
Executives to Plan
Thou Press
Committees' Agenda
Policy for Future
Plans for the next Na-
Plans for the National
tional Conventions of AZA
BBYM and BBYW Execu-
and BBG were to hold
tive Committee meeting that
prominent positions on the
were to be on their way in
agenda of the National Ex-
Pittsburgh on Feb. 12 and
ecutive Committee meetings
13 included discussions of
of the two groups. Both
present policies of the organ-
committees are meeting at
izations and planning for the
the BBYO office in Chicago
future. The two committees
as The Shofar goes to press.
were to meet concurrently
Full reports of action taken
with the agenda calling for a
there will be printed in
joint luncheon meeting on
The Shofar.
Sunday and other joint
Although the two meet-
ings were scheduled to be
An outline for the district
concurrent, they are not
BBYW presidents to use in
joint meetings, except for
Typical of the response of BBYO
in SOS collections are these
preparing their reports to
several sessions at which the
Washington, D. C., BBYO mem-
BBG Founders' Day
BBYM Sabbath
the National Executive Com-
Executive Committee mem-
bers. Standing in a musty, cold
mittee was sent to each one.
bers will discuss business
warehouse, the boys and girls
A similar outline was mailed
relevant to both organiza-
kept their spirits up by singing
To Be February 23
To Be March 5
to each national chairman
while they sorted and packed
so that reports would cover
Besides making plans for
the canned food. Other BBYO
Many chapters from other
On March 5, BBYM chap-
all pertinent material. The
the Conventions, both Com-
members were busy on the
BBYO units are planning to
ters throughout the United
outlines covered such topics
trucks and in cars, canvassing
mittees plan to hear reports
join with BBG groups in
States and Canada will be
as membership, cooperation
the Jewish homes in the city for
from the national officers
celebrating BBG's fifth
the supplies.
observing the National
received, accomplishments,
and committee chairmen, as
birthday. The celebration
BBYM Sabbath. On this date
and problems. Particular
well as district reports. Both
will be on February 23, the
organizations, too, will be
Max Kroloff Will Head
BBYM chapters sponsor
emphasis was placed in the
anniversary of the first na-
services in local synagogues
outlines on the problems
concerned with the celebra-
tional conference of BBG
and temples with the mem-
facing the committees and
tion of the Silver Anni-
Anniversary Committee
and its organization on a na-
bers themselves conducting
districts so that they might
versary of AZA.
Max N. Kroloff has been
tional scale. The designa-
the services, leading the re-
be discussed at the meeting
Convention Sites
appointed Chairman of the
tion of February 23 as BBG
sponsive reading and sing-
and recommendations for
In discussing plans for the
AZA Silver Anniversary
Founders' Day became offi-
ing, and delivering the ser-
alleviating them might be
next National Conventions,
Committee. Mr. Kroloff has
cial upon action by the 1947
long been associated with
BBG Convention.
the Committees are to in-
In many instances, AZA,
Joint Luncheon
vestigate the various pos-
B'nai B'rith, having first af-
Plans for observing the
BBYW, and BBG chapters
At the joint luncheon of
sible sites for the meetings
filiated in his teens when he
birthday include parties,
will join the young men in
BBYM and BBYW Execu-
in relation to convenience
joined Sioux City, AZA 12.
banquets, forum discussions,
the observance. It has been
tive Committee members,
for the delegates. Considera-
Since that time he has
speakers and birthday cakes.
customary for BBYM chap-
such topics as affiliation with
tion will be given to the
actively participated in
Many chapters are inviting
ters to invite other organiza-
other youth groups, the Aid
amount of time necessary for
B'nai B'rith activities, both
their parents to participate
tions and individuals in the
to the People of Israel
as a lay leader and as a
in the celebration. The birth-
traveling, the distances to be
community to participate in
project, and joint national
traveled and the expense in-
member of the staff. His ap-
day will be observed in some
the Sabbath services. Local
conventions were to be dis-
volved for the organizations
pointment was announced by
chapters as a time to take
rabbis, cantors and other
cussed. Plans for the Na.
and the individual delegates.
J. J. Lieberman, Chairman
stock of past experiences
individuals connected with
tional Conventions, the site,
Other topies that were ex-
of the B'nai B'rith Youth
and to plan for the future.
the synagogues are asked to
the date and the program,
pected to be discussed were
Although the first chap-
assist the BBYM members in
were to be drawn up at the
future program policies and
Mr. Kroloff will appoint
ter of BBG was organized in
preparing for the service and
plans for further carrying
a Silver Anniversary Com-
San Francisco in 1927, it was
in arranging for conducting
Further discussion was to
out recommendations made
mittee to work with him. An
sponsored by local B'nai
the Sabbath rituals in th e
revolve around plans for the
at past conventions. The
executive body of this com-
B'rith Women units until
remainder of the year.
1944 when it became a na-
(See AZA, BBG, Page 6)
mittee will meet sometime
Parents, friends and rela-
BBYM Committee members
in March to begin plans for
tional organization. After
tives are invited to attend
were to study BBYM, BBYO,
the celebration. The observ-
the first chapter was formed,
the services and the occasion
and B'nai B'rith relations
ance of the Anniversary will
many other BBG chapters
(See SABBATH, Page 3)
(See YM, YW, Page 6)
All chapters are reminded
be concentrated in the last
sprang up all over the coun-
that registrations for the year
three months of 1949.
try. Some were sponsored
1949 must be in the National
As an AZA member. Mr.
by B'nai B'rith Women chap-
Kroloff served as Grand
ters, while others grew up
Intergroup Committee Establishes
office of BBYO by March 31.
Any member or chapter not re-
Aleph Godol in 1927-28. He
as sister groups to AZA
registered by that date is not
had previously served as
chapters, with the name
Calendar of Suggested Activities
eligible to participate in na-
aleph godol of his chapter
tional conventions or tourna-
and twice won the National
When in 1940, Mrs. Louis
A year-round program of chapter activities relating to
ments. Registration cards and
L. Perlman of Chicago be-
dues must be submitted in or-
AZA Oratory Contest. His
intergroup cooperation has been prepared by the National
der to complete registration.
interest in public speaking
came BBG Chairman for the
AZA Intergroup Committee under the chairmanship of
is evident since he was a na-
Women's Supreme Council,
Martin Robbins. The program is in the form of a calendar
The registration cards are
available at each regional or
tional finalist in high school
steps were taken under her
of possible events and is the result of AZA convention
district BBYO office.
oratory on the United States
guidance to organize BBG
resolutions stressing that brotherhood should be a full-
The registration cards and
Constitution and again in his
on a national scale. When
time activity and should not be
dues must be submitted DI-
the B'nai B'rith Youth Com-
sophomore year at the Uni-
observed merely during "Brother-
intergroup relations when others
mission was formed BBG be-
hood Week."
versity of Chicago was na-
are invited to participate.
FICES. Those chapters without
came a part of BBYO.
The Intergroup Committee em-
tional finalist in a similar
In releasing the calendar to the
a regional director should reg-
phasizes that the most effective
collegiate oratory contest.
chapters, the Intergroup Chairman
ister with the DISTRICT DI-
Dimes Collected
intergroup understanding grows
points out that it is merely a
RECTOR. Chapters in District
Upon becoming an alum-
5 will continue to register di-
nus of AZA, Mr. Kroloff
Members of Chicago, Ill., AZA
out of cooperative ventures in
skeleton. He says that more de-
chapters have been actively work-
every area and cannot be fully
tails and suggestions can be ob-
rectly with the National Office.
joined the Adolph Kraus
Care should be taken that
B'nai B'rith lodge in Chicago,
ing for the March of Dimes cam-
realized through the usually ac-
tained from the Anti-Defamation
forms and dues are submitted
Ill. He had the distinction of
paign in their city. The members
cepted notion of intergroup pro-
League, the National Conference
man collection booths in various
of Christians and Jews, and re-
for those only whose ages are
becoming the youngest
grams. The calendar suggests
sections of the city. They attend
gion, district and national inter-
within the age limits estab-
president of this largest
the booths after school each week-
many activities that could be un-
group chairmen.
lished by the B'nai B'rith Youth
lodge of all. He later became
day afternoon and evening and all
dertaken by a chapter alone, but
March has been designated in
(See KROLOFF, Page 2)
day on Saturday.
which become more meaningful in
(See INTERGROUP, Page 2)
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The Shofar, Vol. XXIV, No. 6, February 1949
This newspaper contains articles reporting the activities of BBYO organizations (B'nai B'rith Girls, B'nai B'rith Young Women, Aleph Zadik Aleph, and B'nai B'rith Young Men) around the country. It includes information about officers, community service and philanthropy, events, alumni, and conventions.