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The Shofar, Vol. XXIV, No. 5, January 1949
This newspaper contains articles reporting the activities of BBYO organizations (B'nai B'rith Girls, B'nai B'rith Young Women, Aleph Zadik Aleph, and B'nai B'rith Young Men) around the country. It includes information about officers, community service and philanthropy, events, alumni, and conventions.
Date/Date Range:
Active Leadership
Aleph Zadik Aleph (AZA)
B'nai B'rith Girls (BBG)
B'nai B'rith Young Men (BBYM)
B'nai B'rith Young Women (BBYW)
Community Service
The Shofar (Publication)
20th Century
The Shofar, Vol. XXIV, No. 5, January 1949
Official Publication of the B'nai B'rith Youth Organization
Send address changes to The Shofax,
1746 M St. N. W. Washington 6, D. O.
Dow Submits Winning Youth Leaders Meet; Executive
Sermon for Contest
The winner of the 1948 annual National AZA Sermon
Committees Confer in February
Contest was that delivered on the subject of "The Re-
sponsibility of American Jewish Youth" by Bernard Dow,
AZA, BBG Meetings
Leaders Compare
YM, YW to Meet
AZA member of Houston, Tex. Dow will receive the
To Be February 19
Notes; Decide
In Pittsburgh
Sidney G. Kusworm Award, which is presented each year
to the aleph who delivers the best sermon in the observ-
The National Executive
Future Activity
The National Executive
ance of the annual AZA
Committee meetings of AZA
Meeting, in Washington,
Committees of BBYW and
Sabbath during November.
and BBG will be on Feb. 19
D. C., on Dec. 19, the lead-
BBYM will meet in Pitts-
In his sermon, W
Brotherhood Subject
and 20. Although the site
ers of AZA, BBG, BBYM
burgh, Pa., on Saturday eve-
emphasized the idea that
of the meetings has not been
and BBYW compared notes
ning and Sunday, Feb. 12-13,
the future of Judaism de-
Suggested for AZA
decided upon, they will
on the progress of their
Ruth Cohen, National Presi-
dent of BBYW, and Alvin
pends on the assumption by
probably be in Chicago.
organizations and paved the
Jewish youth of its three-
The most economical plan-
way for cooperating during
Booker National Presi-
fold responsibility to the
To Use at Meetings
ning will be considered
the remainder of the year.
dent of BBYM, have an-
home, the community and
in making the decision on the
The youth leaders set the
nounced. Each committee
their overseas brethren.
In the spirit of cementing
dates for their National Ex-
will meet separately with
While pointing out that the
The two Executive Com-
ecutive Committee meetings
the young men and women
good relations among all
expressed program of AZA
mittees will meet concur-
and discussed the various na-
convening jointly for an
would serve to intensify this
peoples that prevails during
rently. The agenda have not
tional projects now under-
oneg Shabat and a luncheon
sense/ of responsibility, he
Brotherhood Week, AZA
been prepared for the meet-
way and those planned for
on Sunday.
added the warning that:
chapters are urged to set
ings as yet, but the two
the future.
The two groups will dis-
"The most complete sched-
aside one meeting for this
Committees are expected to
Representing the four
cuss mutual projects at
ule of a club is merely a
purpose. The suggestion is
meet jointly for. discussion
units were Vivian Brown, Na-
their joint meetings and
counterfeit if not upheld by
of topics that are mutually
made by Stanley Tobin, Na-
tional President of BBG
will hear reports of their
the individual member."
pertinent to both organiza-
Ruth Cohen, National Presi-
joint committees, the Aid to
tional Chairman of the AZA
"As youths," he wrote,
dent of BBYW: Alvin
Israel Committee and the
"we must read Jewish his-
Cultural Committee, that
Much discussion at the
Booker, National President
Social Action Committee.
tory. We must participate in
each chapter should discuss
AZA Executive Commit-
of BBYM; and Nate Fein-
They will also discuss the
Jewish community life and
the topic, "What We, AZA,
tee meeting will concern
stein, Grand Aleph S'gan of
possibilities of joint national
study our ethics and religion.
Can Do To Create a Better
the celebration of the
AZA. This was the first
conventions and their affilia-
As John Mill, the English
Silver Anniversary of
Understanding Among the
meeting of these four lead-
tions with national Jewish
philosopher said, 'The worth
AZA. The Committee will
ers and they took advantage
youth councils.
of a state in the long run
Youth of All Peoples."
survey progress made in
of the opportunity to become
Much of the discussion at
is the worth of the indi-
In suggesting the theme to
the first half of the year
(See LEADERS, Page 10)
the BBYW meeting will
viduals composing it.
be discussed at the meeting,
and will lay plans for con-
center around the plans for
Dow's sermon was selected
Stan left it to each chapter
tinuing the celebration
Ginsberg AZA Studies
the National BBYW Conven-
as the winner by the judges
to decide the form the meet-
through the rest of the
tion next summer. The com-
out of fifteen sermons sub-
ing should take. He sug-
year. BBG Executive
Hebrew; Class Held
mittee chairmen and repre-
mitted to the national office
gested that a chapter might
Committee members are
sentatives from the districts
by alephs from all parts of
invite other BBYO chapters
expected to discuss the
During Each Meeting
will report on their ac-
the country. Sermons were
and non-Jewish groups to
celebration with AZA.
tivities and plans will be
The members of Dr. William
received from the Northeast,
participate in the discussion.
Both Committees will be
made to carry out the re-
Ginsberg AZA in St. Paul, Minn.,
Southeast, Midwest, South-
concerned with making plans
mainder of the recommenda-
The topic can be utilized
wanted to learn Hebrew. The re-
west and Far West. Al-
in a panel or round table
for the forthcoming National
sult is a short Hebrew class held
tions made at the last BBYW
though Dow's sermon was
discussion for everyone, or
Conventions. They will de-
during the regular chapter meet-
considered as the outstand-
in a debate. A speaker, too,
cide upon the preferable
ing. By having the class at each
The BBYM discussions
ing oration submitted in the
could be invited to present
sites and dates for the
meeting, every member has an
will be similar to those of
contest, the judges also
several aspects of the topic
Conventions as well as dis-
opportunity to participate without
BBYW, but will be directed
issued special commenda-
and to clarify its facets be-
cuss the form the Conven-
giving up another evening in the
toward the specific concerns
week for the project.
tion to two others: "The
fore the group discussed it.
tions will take.
of their own organization.
New Role of Jewish Youth"
Stan has indicated that it is
The class is conducted by chap-
The meetings will also
ter members. Each lesson centers
by Sheldon Gordon of Cleve-
up to the individual group
give the national officers of
around one phase of Hebrew
land Heights, Ohio, and
to decide how the topic
BBYO Plans Studied
AZA and BBG an oppor-
grammar, with a review of pre-
"AZA - An Integrating
should be approached and
tunity to become acquainted
vious discussions. Following each
Force in Jewish Life" by
whether or not the entire
with the new Acting Na-
lesson, a member of the chapter
During Stewardship
Bill Novit of Charleston,
topic is discussed or a single
tional Director of BBYO.
prepares a speech on some current
phase of it is developed.
(See AZA, BBG, Page 12)
topic. A different member is the
Committee Meeting
speaker at each meeting and his
presentation is followed by an
The Stewardship Commit-
Shofar Literary Issue Deadline Nears;
open discussion.
tee of the B'nai B'rith Youth
Some of the topics that have
Commission met at the Na-
been discussed are "Israel- the
tional BBYO office in Wash-
Members Are Urged to Submit Material
Days of the Maccabees and Now"
ington, D. C., on Dec. 19.
and "Should Arab Palestine Be
The Stewardship Committee
The deadline for submit-
to BBYO or with more gen-
and other articles may be up
Allowed to Combine with Another
was designated by the Presi-
ting material for the literary
eral topics of interest to
to 750 words in length.
Arab State." This combined He-
dent of the Supreme Lodge
issue of The Shofar is Feb. 1.
Jewish youth.
Drawings should be in black
brew class with current topic dis-
of B'nai B'rith and the Chair-
All BBYO members who
Anniversary Plan
and white. News articles and
cussions was unanimously estab-
man of the Youth Com-
are interested in submitting
As another feature of the
reports of activities will also
lished by the chapter and has met
original compositions for this
AZA Silver Anniversary, the
enthusiastic support. Upon noting
mission to act in matters
be accepted, according to
the success of the Ginsberg AZA
relating to BBYO until a new
issue should have their ma-
plans for this issue have
present plans.
project, another St. Paul chapter
National Director was ap-
terial at the national office
been revived this year. This
adopted a similar program. The
pointed. It relinquished its
by that date.
was an annual event before
Material received after
plans of the North Star chapter to
position upon the acceptance
The material will be com-
the war and was not insti-
Feb. 1, 1949, will not be ac-
begin such a program are being
by Dr. Max F. Baer of the
piled for the April issue of
tuted in recent years. The
cepted. All entries are to be
completed now.
post as Acting National Di-
The Shofar. This issue will
talents of BBYO members
typewritten, double-spaced
Ginsberg AZA has an unusual
be devoted entirely to the
are expected to be revealed
and should include the name
mascot, a golden hamster brought
At the meeting, the Stew-
literary productions of mem-
in the material submitted
of the author, his or her
to the University of Minnesota
bers of BBYO, according to
address, BBYO chapter of
laboratories. The hamster is a
arship Committee concerned
for the literary issue.
present plans.
Literary productions, other
gopher-like animal native to the
itself with the details of
which he or she is a member
and the name of the chapter
Near East that was brought to the
maintaining a smooth func-
The material that can be
than those listed above, will
used for this issue includes
United States from Israel for use
tioning national office and
be accepted for this issue.
as a guinea pig. After the animal
considered ways to continue
stories. essays, poems,
They include plays, radio
Entries should be mailed
was used for experimental pur-
the BBYO program in order
articles, photographs and
skits, orations, sermons, and
to The Editor, The Shofar,
poses, it was given to the Ginsberg
to offset any possible lag in
drawings. These may deal
other forms of literary
1746 M Street, N. W., Wash-
chapter because of its Palestinian
activities. The Committee,
either with subjects related
composition. Stories, essays
ington 6, D. C.
(See STEWARDSHIP, Page 12)
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The Shofar, Vol. XXIV, No. 5, January 1949
This newspaper contains articles reporting the activities of BBYO organizations (B'nai B'rith Girls, B'nai B'rith Young Women, Aleph Zadik Aleph, and B'nai B'rith Young Men) around the country. It includes information about officers, community service and philanthropy, events, alumni, and conventions.