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The Shofar, Vol. XXIV, No. 8, April 1949
This newspaper contains articles reporting the activities of BBYO organizations (B'nai B'rith Girls, B'nai B'rith Young Women, Aleph Zadik Aleph, and B'nai B'rith Young Men) around the country. It includes information about officers, community service and philanthropy, events, alumni, and conventions.
Date/Date Range:
Active Leadership
Aleph Zadik Aleph (AZA)
B'nai B'rith Girls (BBG)
B'nai B'rith Young Men (BBYM)
B'nai B'rith Young Women (BBYW)
Community Service
The Shofar (Publication)
20th Century
The Shofar, Vol. XXIV, No. 8, April 1949
Official Publication of the B'nai B'rith Youth Organization
1746 M St N W. Washington 6 D O.
APRIL, 1949
Send address changes to The Shofar,
Forest Fund
Reforestation Results
Final Evening at Meeting
Marked for Observance
The final evening of the National AZA Convention will
Trees Are Necessary
be set aside for the special observance of the Silver Anni-
In Land Conservation
versary of AZA and will include a testimonial banquet
for Sam Beber, founder of AZA. The Convention will offi-
The Lapidus Memorial
cially begin the celebration of the Anniversary which will
Forest fund will be revived
continue throughout 1949, Max N. Kroloff, Chairman of
this year as an added feature
the Silver Anniversary Committee has announced.
of the Silver Anniversary cel-
This and other plans for
the celebration of the 25th
dus Forest is a reforestation
Parents', Founders'
birthday of AZA were made
project in Israel which was
at a meeting of the steering
started by AZA in 1933. The
Days Fall in May;
committee of the Silver An-
emphasis on the need for
niversary Committee in
continued support of the
Washington. The members
Forest is a result of a resolu-
tion passed by the National
AZA to Honor Both
of this committee, represent-
Executive Committee of
Two significant occasions
alumni and B'nai B'rith, met
AZA at its recent meeting.
Needs Greater
for AZA will be observed by
on March 26 at the National
Because of the greater
most chapters in May. Often
BBYO Office.
combined into one celebra-
This body will serve as the
needs of Israel for improving
tion, AZA Founder's Day
central executive committee
the land, the Jewish National
will be on May 3 and Par-
of the larger Silver Anniver-
Fund is intensifying its con-
cern for the planting of trees.
ents' Day falls on May 8.
sary Committee that is being
The first of these will take
That organization is cooper-
appointed. The seven mem-
ating with BBYO in its cam-
on added importance this
bers of the steering com-
paign for trees for the Lapi-
year as marking the 25th
mittee are Max Kroloff,
dus Forest. All BBYO
birthday of AZA.
Chairman; Nathan Feinstein,
Many chapters will utilize
Chairman of the Silver An-
chapters are encouraged to
contribute to the fund and to
these occasions for paying
niversary Committee for
learn more about the JNF's
special tribute to their par-
AZA; Harry Brenner, Chair-
activities in reclaiming the
ents and alumni. The Na-
man of the Silver Anniver-
once useless land in Israel.
tional AZA Convention last
sary Committee for BBYM;
Each tree costs $1.50.
year indicated a desire to
Aaron Tollin, former GAG
Every chapter is urged to
make Founders' Day a high
of AZA: Dr. Max F. Baer,
purchase at least two trees.
point in the observance of
Acting National Director of
The planting of trees is
the Silver Anniversary cele-
BBYO; Maurice Bisgyer,
just one phase of the work of
RESULTS of the reforestation program undertaken in Israel are
Secretary of the Supreme
the JNF. It purchases land
shown in this photograph. Tree planting projects such as the
There will be dinners, pub-
Lodge of B'nai B'rith; and
one shown above are some of the main functions of the Jewish
for settlement and encour-
lic meetings, outings, dances
Hyman Goldstein, member
National Fund. Similar scenes can be found in the Lapidus Me-
and teas for these occasions.
of BBYC.
(See FOREST, Page 8)
morial Forest which is an AZA project.
Programs presented at these
The National Presidents
affairs will serve to demon-
of AZA, BBG, BBYM, and
BBG Will Be Chicago
Helping Others Near
strate to the parents and
BBYW and one other repre-
friends of chapter members
sentative from each organi-
Home Is BBG Plan
the program implemented
(See AZA, Page 6)
"Mayor" on Youth Day
by AZA and BBYO. They
will serve, too, to acquaint
The BBG chapters in Mil-
members and their friends
In Chicago, Ill., the interest of the AZA and BBG chap-
waukee, Wisc., have a rec-
with the history of BBYO.
News of Alumni
ters has been focused on participation in Youth and Gov-
ord of service of which they
Special recognition will be
can well be proud. All their
As part of the Silver Anni-
ernment Week that will be in May. Chicago youth
given alumni who have
versary of AZA celebration,
groups, including the "Y's," Camp Fire Girls, Boy and
activities have given the girls
shown the value of their af-
the Silver Anniversary Com-
Girl Scouts, etc., are investigating local problems and will
a chance to express them-
filiation with AZA through
mittee desires to acquire news
present a report to the "Mayor" when the youth will gov-
selves and to do things they
community activity in later
of outstanding AZA alumni.
ern their own town on "Jun-
like. At the same time, they
life. Sam Beber, founder of
Each chapter is requested to
ior Officials Day."
cies and reads periodical lit-
are able to give pleasure to
AZA, and others, who with
compile biographical sketches
This year a BBG member
those less fortunate than
him made possible the or-
of its most outstanding alumni
erature on the subject and
will be "Mayor" and will
they. And, too, they found
ganization of the first chap-
and send them to the National
preside at Teen Town Hall.
then brings its findings to the
those who need help close to
BBYO Office.
(See PARENTS, Page 3)
group for discussion. After
home and can see the results
Stories about the most out-
Her name will be announced
in the next issue of the
the group decides what
of their efforts.
standing alumni will be fea-
Shofar. Some of the reports
should be done to alleviate
Every available date at
AZA, Episcopalians
tured in The Shofar, The Na-
tional Jewish Monthly and
she will receive will concern
a problem, it maps strategy
the Milwaukee County Or-
schools as community cen-
for achieving the solution.
phan home is claimed by
Debate Mercy Deaths
other publications. Since it is
impossible for the Committee
ters, adequate teen age inter-
The big day for delivering
BBG chapters. Each chap-
An unusual and vital topic
to compile such material with-
cultural relations, and prob-
the reports is May 11.
ter is taking the children out
formed the subject of debate when
out help, AZA chapters have
lems of city government.
luncheon with the "Mayor"
or entertaining them in some
Winston Salem, N. C., AZA met
been asked to provide this as-
Some of the topics chosen by
way at least twice. This is
with the Episcopolian Young Peo-
will be held the previous day.
ple's Group. The subject was
BBG chapters for their re-
becoming a regular Milwau-
A biographical sketch should
"Resolved: Mercy Deaths Should
ports are "The Tavern Situa-
"Road to Freedom"
kee BBG project. In June
include the name of the alum-
Be Made Legal If Consented to by
they are planning to have a
nus and the name of his chap-
tion" and "Dirt on the City
the Patient and Physician." Two
ter: the years ke belonged to
"On the Road to Freedom" was
BBG Day at the home when
debaters from each group dis-
AZA and his prominent posi-
Upon receiving a topic for
the title given their Third Seder
all the BBG chapters and the
cussed the topic.
tions in the organization and
research, the youth group
by the Los Angeles YM-YW Coun-
children will be together.
In preparing for the debate, the
B'nai B'rith; his present occu-
involved appoints a special
cil. The Seder was held at the
Those BBG's who will be
teams gathered information from
pation; a summary of his con-
investigating committee. This
Olympic Jewish Center and in-
home this summer will be-
doctors, ministers, newspapers
tributions to the American and
committee tries to learn what
cluded a program of entertain-
come playground supervis-
and magazines: The main argu-
Jewish communities; and
ment and a light supper.
other civic groups have done
ors. The playgrounds are
ment centered around the Ten
photograph, if possible.
Songs were provided by
Commandments, opinions of dif-
about the problem; what the
being arranged by the Junior
Send such information to the
pianist, an accordionist and
ferent religions, whether or not
city government has done;
singer. The BBYM-YW Drama
League Curative Workshop
Silver Anniversary Committee.
people in pain are capable of
for the children of its pa-
1746 M St. N. W., Washington
and what should be done.
Guild presented a Passover play,
choosing between life nd death.
6, D. C.
It consults with local agen-
"Monsieur Levy Passes On."
(See HELPING, Page 3)
and other related questions.
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The Shofar, Vol. XXIV, No. 8, April 1949
This newspaper contains articles reporting the activities of BBYO organizations (B'nai B'rith Girls, B'nai B'rith Young Women, Aleph Zadik Aleph, and B'nai B'rith Young Men) around the country. It includes information about officers, community service and philanthropy, events, alumni, and conventions.