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The Shofar, Vol. XXV, No. 1, September 1949
This newspaper contains articles reporting the activities of BBYO organizations (B'nai B'rith Girls, B'nai B'rith Young Women, Aleph Zadik Aleph, and B'nai B'rith Young Men) around the country. It includes information about officers, community service and philanthropy, events, alumni, and conventions.
Date/Date Range:
Active Leadership
Aleph Zadik Aleph (AZA)
B'nai B'rith Girls (BBG)
B'nai B'rith Young Men (BBYM)
B'nai B'rith Young Women (BBYW)
Community Service
The Shofar (Publication)
20th Century
The Shofar, Vol. XXV, No. 1, September 1949
Official Publication of the B'nai B'rith Youth Organization
1424 16th St. N.W.. Washington 6 D.C.
Send address changes to The Shofar.
BBG's Choose
BBG's New Leaders
Truman Message
Jewel Gordon
For President
Commends AZA
Jewel Gordon, New York City,
former National Youth Commis-
Letter Is Added
sioner for BBG, was elected Na-
tional President of BBG at the
To Testimonials
Brownstein Is
National BBG Convention held
To Sam Beber
Elected GAG
at Camp Achim in Watervliet,
Mich., Aug. 28-Sept. 1. With
A letter from President Har-
Dick Brownstein, Portland,
her on the slate of new officers
ry S. Truman congratulating
Ore., was elected Grand Aleph
are Betty Hirsch of Los An-
AZA on its 25 years of service
Godol of AZA at the Silver An-
geles, Vice-President, and Gol-
to youth sparked the celebra-
niversary Convention. He was
die Lipshutz of Chicago, Treas-
tion of the AZA Silver Anni-
urer. Jewel has named Ferne
versary at the National Con-
Lester of New York City, Secretary.
vention, Aug. 22-26, at the Uni-
Vivian Brown, who presided at all
versity of Indiana, Bloomington,
delegate sessions as National Pres-
Ind. The letter was read on
ident, was elected a member of the
THE NATIONAL OFFICERS of BBG, elected to serve in the coming
year, pose for the photographer following their installation. In the front
Silver Anniversary Night and
B'nai B'rith Youth Commission.
row on the left is Betty Hirsch, vice-president. To her right is Jewel
was enclosed in a bound volume
The seventy-five delegates, chosen
Gordon, the new national president. Standing from right to left are
especially for their potential leader-
of testimonials to Sam Beber,
Ferne Lester, secretary, Vivian Brown, youth commissioner, and Goldie
ship ability, had a program of sem-
AZA founder, presented to him
Lipschutz, treasurer.
inars, discussion groups, speakers,
at the Silver Anniversary Night
films, and music. The six seminars,
devoted to techniques of leadership,
B'nai B'rith Girls and B'nai B'rith
Nason Named Field
Arriving at a time when 285 AZA
delegates and guests were in the
structure and topics pertaining to
midst of their annual activity of
the general Jewish community,
business, study groups and infor-
were so arranged that each girl
mal creative activity, the Jetter ex-
could attend them all.
Operations Director
pressed the President's concern for
Palestinian dancing followed an
Nathaniel Nason, Boston, Mass., has been appointed Director
the future of the nation's young
evening program of cantorial Jew-
of Field Operations of the B'nai B'rith Youth Organization, it has
people. It said that if the ideals of
sh folk, and secular music by Can-
tor Burton Kaplan of Chicago. The
been announced by Jacob J. Lieberman, Chairman of the Youth
democracy are "to take root, they
General Convention Chairman was
must become part of the very
thinking of young people, part of
Sally Lipschitz of Chicago.
Dick Brownstein
Mr. Nason, formerly field secretary of the New England Sec-
their education during the years
In their business sessions, the
tion of the Jewish Welfare Board,
when their minds are plastic and
Grand Aleph Mazkir in 1947-48
girls made recommendations to the
comes to his new position as direc-
and chairman of the Community
BBYC that they felt would be
tor of fiscal operations and super-
The letter was addressed to J. J.
Service Committee. During the
valuable in carrying out the BBG
visor of the field staff of BBYO af-
Lieberman, chairman of the B'nai
program. Among these were rec-
ter many years in Jewish commun-
last year, he was chairman of
At Conventions
B'rith Youth Commission. Here is
commendations that BBG dues be
ity work as a member of the Na-
the interim committee. Elected
its text:
increased, that a program of edu-
tional Jewish Welfare Board staff.
with him were Grand Aleph S'gan
cating new members about the or-
Delegates to both the National
"My dear Mr. Lieberman:
Mr. Nason served as an associate
Elliott Levitas, Atlanta, Ga. Grand
ganization, Mit, be instituted and
AZA and BBG Conventions devoted
"I am happy to take this occa-
of Dr. Oscar I. Janowsky in the
Aleph Mazkir Leon Dolnick, Mil-
that BBG attempt child care proj-
an evening to Israel. Their speaker
sion to congratulate the leadership
widely publicized JWB Survey and
waukee, Wisc., and former GAG
ects in their separate communities.
was Murray Aranoff, a crew mem-
of the AZA of the B'nai B'rith
as Field Secretary-at-Large in the
Orrin Kabaker, Los Angeles, who
The new officers were installed
ber on the ill-fated "Exodus 1947,"
Department of Small Communities.
(See TRUMAN, Page 8)
is now Youth Commissioner.
by Mrs. Anita Perlman, chairman
which was turned back from the
His experience in the latter two
Dick Brownstein has been a
of the BBG Advisory Board. Jewel
shores of Haifa to France at the
assignments especially brought him
AZA's Founder
member of Portland AZA 65 since
and Vivian seem to have switched
time when Britain restricted im-
in contact with many of the prob-
1944 and has held most of the chap-
jobs, because Jewel was the Na-
migration to Palestine. His topic
lems related to BBYO practices.
ter's offices. He has been Aleph
tional Youth Commissioner last
was "Israel and Its Impact on
For several years, Mr. Nason was
Paid Tribute
S'gan of his region and Aleph Go-
year. Jewel has also been an ardent
American Jewish Youth."
connected with the National Jew-
dol of District 4. This last conven-
Tributes paid to Sam Beber.
participant in district and local
Mr. Aranoff dramatically related
ish Welfare Board USO operations,
tion was the fourth national con-
Founder of AZA, were bound to-
activities. She was formerly Dis-
the story of the 4.000 Jewish dis-
first` Director at Fort Devens and
vention he attended. Dick, who is
gether in a leather volume and pre-
trict 1 President, President of her
placed persons cramped on an ordi-
then the Southeast Region and
sented to him as the climax to an
19, is a sophomore at Reed College
in Portland and is a BBYO area
(See BBG ELECTS, Page 5)
(See ARANOFF, Page 6)
(See NASON, Page 6)
inspiring program on Silver Anni-
supervisor for two AZA chapters
versary Night at the National AZA
and one BBG chapter in Portland.
Kusworm Principal Anniversary Night Speaker
Convention. Seated in the beauti-
A national AZA debate winner is
ful auditorium of the Indiana Thea-
Elliott Levitas. the newly elected
ter, the 285 delegates and guests
Grand Aleph S'gan. Elliott. who"i is
listened to tributes paid to AZA's
18 years old, is
pioneers which led up to the pre-
a member of
sentation of the volume to the
Morris Lichten-
Omaha lawyer.
stein AZA in
The principal speaker- was Sidney
Atlanta, He is
G. Kusworm of Dayton, Ohio,
now Aleph Go-
Treasurer of the Supreme Lodge,
dol of his re-
who although seriously ill, left his
gion and Aleph
bed in order to be present for the
S'gan of District
occasion. He encouraged the boys
5. At this con-
to continue the work of AZA to-
vention, he was
ward the high goals set for it and
chairman of the
to strive to develop those traits
Elliott Levitas awards tradi-
personally which represent the ma-
tion and ritual committee. He is
ture, well-rounded individual.
vice-chairman of the Southern Sec-
The presidents of AZA, BBG, and
tion of the National Jewish Youth
BBYW, Orrin Kabaker, Vivian
Conference and a sophomore at
Brown, and Ruth Cohen, respec-
Emory University in Atlanta. At
tively, began the evening program
the University, he is secretary of
by expressing the appreciation of
the B'nai B'rith Hillel Foundation.
their organizations for the efforts
A member of Milwaukee AZA 39,
of Mr. Beber in founding AZA.
(See BROWNSTEIN, Page 5)
They were followed by leaders in
B'nai B'rith who elaborated on this
YM, YW Conventions
theme and encouraged the boys to
To Be in Pittsburgh
continue the fine work that has
The National BBYM and
been done in AZA. Max N. Kro-
BBYW Conventions will be held
loff, Atlanta, Chairman of the AZA
in Pittsburgh, Dec. 25-27. Regis-
Silver Anniversary Committee, was
tration blanks for delegates and
This program climaxed the Silver
man, chairman of the BBG Ad-
chairman of the program.
was highlighted by an inspiring
guests are available at regional
Anniversary of AZA at the Uni-
visory Board, Sam Beber, AZA's
Mr. Beber had difficulty recover-
and district offices.
talk by Sidney G. Kusworm, Treas-
versity of Indiana, Bloomington,
founder, and J. J. Lieberman, chair-
ing from his overwhelming emotion
Preliminary plans for the con-
urer of the Supreme Lodge, who
August 22-26. Mr. Kusworm is pic-
man of the B'nai B'rith Youth
in order to respond upon receiving
current meetings are given on
left his hospital bed to be present
tured as he spoke. Looking on from
the bound volume presented by J.
Page 8 of this issue.
at AZA's 25th birthday celebration.
left to right are Mrs. Anita Perl-
(See FOUNDER, Page 7)
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The Shofar, Vol. XXV, No. 1, September 1949
This newspaper contains articles reporting the activities of BBYO organizations (B'nai B'rith Girls, B'nai B'rith Young Women, Aleph Zadik Aleph, and B'nai B'rith Young Men) around the country. It includes information about officers, community service and philanthropy, events, alumni, and conventions.