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The Shofar, Vol. XXIV, No. 10, July 1949
This newspaper contains articles reporting the activities of BBYO organizations (B'nai B'rith Girls, B'nai B'rith Young Women, Aleph Zadik Aleph, and B'nai B'rith Young Men) around the country. It includes information about officers, community service and philanthropy, events, alumni, and conventions.
Date/Date Range:
Active Leadership
Aleph Zadik Aleph (AZA)
B'nai B'rith Girls (BBG)
B'nai B'rith Young Men (BBYM)
B'nai B'rith Young Women (BBYW)
Community Service
The Shofar (Publication)
20th Century
The Shofar, Vol. XXIV, No. 10, July 1949
Official Publication of the B'nai B'rith Youth Organization
JULY, 1949
1424 16th St., N. W., Washington 6. D. C.
Send address changes to The Shofar.
Alumni to Join AZA at Anniversary Meet;
BBG Conclave to Stress Leader Training
Folk Dancing Team
AZA Pioneers to Attend Convention
Beber, Klutznick,
Will Demonstrate
Kusworm to Speak
Steps for BBG
At AZA Meeting
The delegates to the Na-
Alumni and members of
tional BBG Convention will
B'nai B'rith will join with
be doing Jewish folk dancing
AZA in its celebration of the
under the leadership of a
Silver Anniversary at the
professional dance team, ac-
National Convention, to be
cording to Vivian Brown, Na-
held Aug. 22-26 at the Uni-
tional President of BBG. The
versity of Indiana. Besides
team will demonstrate
the 160 delegates at the con-
dances for the girls, teach
vention, accommodations are
them the dances and then
available for 240 more
will demonstrate simple tech-
guests, including AZA mem-
nics for teaching a dance to
bers who wish to attend.
a group. A member of the
Three top leaders in AZA
staff will demonstrate square
will be featured speakers.
dancing the same evening.
They are Philip M. Klutz-
This is only one part of the
nick, first Executive Secre-
varied program that will
tary of AZA; Sam Beber,
greet the girls upon their ar-
founder of the organization;
rival at Camp Achim on Aug.
"Honest" Sid Kusworm
Meet the Founder
"The Builder"
and Sidney G. Kusworm, who
28. During the four day
for 13 years was a member
convention, which will end
TRIBUTE will be paid Sam Beber,
OPENING THE Silver Anniver-
of the Supreme Advisory
after lunch on Sept. 1, the
game between AZA members and
Founder of AZA, at the Silver
sary Convention of AZA with
Council of AZA and the
girls will complete national
the staff is promised by the pres-
Anniversary Convention of AZA
speech the first night will be
business and participate in
ence of Sidney Kusworm at the
at the University of Indiana. Sil-
Philip Klutznick, a member of the
B'nai B'rith Youth Commis-
National AZA Convention. It is
ver Anniversary Night has been
Executive Committee of the Su-
sion which succeeded it.
six different workshops in-
anticipated that he will act as
set aside for a testimonial to Mr.
preme Lodge of B'nai B'rith.
John Stanley Grauel, a dy-
volving leadership technic,
umpire as he has in the past. Mr.
Beber, who organized AZA 25
Known as a forceful and eloquent
namic Christian minister who
B'nai B'rith and BBYO, Is-
Kusworm, Treasurer of the Su-
years ago. Max N. Kroloff, Chair-
speaker, Mr. Klutznick will set
took part in Israel's fight for
rael, public speaking and so-
preme Lodge of B'nai B'rith, will
man of the Silver Anniversary
the tenor of the Convention with
cial action.
freedom, will speak at a spe-
be the principal speaker at Silver
Committee, will preside at this.
his topic, "AZA in Retrospect and
Anniversary Night.
cial Israeli Night. His topic
Convention arrangements
will be the "Israel and Its
are being made under the di-
Impact on American Jewish
rection of Sally Lipschitz, of
Chicago, general chairman
BBYM, YW Bids Requested
Jewish National Fund
Youth." After his talk, del-
egates and guests will see the
of the convention. Approxi-
For National Conclaves
Expresses Appreciation
dramatic motion picture,
mately 67 delegates will at
"Tomorrow Is a Wonderful
tend the convention, which
For Lapidus Fund Check
was purposely kept small in
BBYM and BBYW chapters are urged to submit bids
The four-day convention
order to intensify the more
serious aspects of the pro-
for the sponsorship of the National Conventions of the
Upon receiving a check for
will take place at the Uni-
organizations. Ruth Cohen, National President of BBYW,
$2,000 from AZA toward
versity of Indiana, Blooming-
gram. The theme of this
ton, Ind., from after lunch
meeting will be the training
and Nate Rosen, National President of BBYM, are eager
the Lapidus Memorial For-
to learn which communities will be able to entertain the
est, Mendel N. Fisher, Exec-
(See AZA CONCLAVE, Page 2)
of future leaders on the dis-
trict level.
utive Director of the Jewish
delegates to the meetings.
Haganah Veteran
National Fund, wrote a let-
Anniversary Celebrated
Although the dates for the
BBYO Staff To Meet
ter of appreciation to the
The workshops are one as-
National Conventions
Youth Commission. The
With Varied Activities
pect of this theme. A simi-
not been set, it is expected
BBYO staff members will
JNF is handling the funds
lar project will be a forum
that they will be held the lat-
be conferring in Chicago the
for the forest and is planting
The first six months of
on the "Relationship of the
ter part of December. The
week before the National
the trees in Israel in AZA's
1949 have shown varied ac-
Staff and Youth Members
tivities carried out in cele-
Conventions. The staff will
and Officers." There will al-
two conventions will be/con-
In his letter, Mr. Fisher
bration of the Silver Anni-
SO be a speaker on "Israel
current, with delegates to
review BBYO policies and
said, "The Jewish National
versary of AZA. With the
and Its Impact on American
both getting together for so-
activities in committee ses-
Fund expresses its deep ap-
national celebration concen-
Jewish Youth.' The speak-
cial and educational pro-
sions. Their conclusions will
preciation to the Commission
trated in the last three
er will be a young man who
grams. The business sessions,
take the form of recommen-
and to all those who have
months of the year, chapters,
fought with the Haganah
however, will be separate,
dations to the B'nai B'rith
contributed towards the Lap-
regions and districts of
and who recently returned
unless the business under
Youth Commission which
idus Project. We have also
BBYO have already begun
from Israel.
consideration is of interest
will meet early in 1950. The
informed our office in Jeru-
their celebrations.
Despite the concentrated
o.both. The principal busi-
National Staff Conference
salem that an additional
Such was the case of the
serious program, ample pro-
ness to be acted upon there is
will last six full days, from
$2,000 has been made avail-
Metropolit New York area
(See BBG MEETING, Page 5)
(See YM, YW. Page 3)
Aug. 14 to Aug. 19.
able for this project.
which all year long has fol-
"To the officers of the
lowed the policy of attuning
View of Lake Paw Paw: Scene at BBG Meeting
AZA and to the members of
most of its events to the cele-
the B'nai B'rith Youth Com-
bration. The climax of the
mission, we send our deepest
program came with three im-
appreciation for the interest
portant affairs; an all day
manifested in the cause for
AZA and BBG meeting, the
the redemption of the soil
presentation of a musical and
and particularly for this ef-
(See SILVER, Page 8)
fort to perpetuate the mem-
ory of Mr. Lapidus."
No August Issue
The presentation of the
There will be no August is-
check by AZA marked an in-
sue of The Shofar. The Shofar
tensification of the Lapidus
appears monthly, except June
Memorial Fund project. AZA
and August. The next issue
has set a goal to complete
will be published in Septem-
WATER SPORTS are a few of the
vention delegates will gather Aug.
tions of the camp, located near
the forest by 1950. Thus
ber. The deadline for receiv-
outdoor activities offered by Camp
28-Sept. 1. This is a view of Lake
Watervliet, Mich., are hiking, ten-
ing stories for this issue is Au-
far, about half a forest; or
Achim where National BBG Con-
Paw Paw. Other outdoor attrac-
gust 15.
nis and other sports.
(See LAPIDUS, Page 4)
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The Shofar, Vol. XXIV, No. 10, July 1949
This newspaper contains articles reporting the activities of BBYO organizations (B'nai B'rith Girls, B'nai B'rith Young Women, Aleph Zadik Aleph, and B'nai B'rith Young Men) around the country. It includes information about officers, community service and philanthropy, events, alumni, and conventions.