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The Shofar, Vol. XXV, No. 3, November 1949
This newspaper contains articles reporting the activities of BBYO organizations (B'nai B'rith Girls, B'nai B'rith Young Women, Aleph Zadik Aleph, and B'nai B'rith Young Men) around the country. It includes information about officers, community service and philanthropy, events, alumni, and conventions.
Date/Date Range:
Active Leadership
Aleph Zadik Aleph (AZA)
B'nai B'rith Girls (BBG)
B'nai B'rith Young Men (BBYM)
B'nai B'rith Young Women (BBYW)
Community Service
The Shofar (Publication)
20th Century
The Shofar, Vol. XXV, No. 3, November 1949
Official Publication of the B'nai B'rith Youth Organization
1424 16th St. N.W. Washington 6. D.C.
Send address changes to The Shofar.
BBYO Begins
Preparing for YM, YW Conventions
YM, YW Name
Four Seminar
New Forms Developed
To Simplify Procedure
Seminar moderators for the
Registration of BBYO mem-
National BBYM and BBYW
bers for the calendar year 1950
Conventions have been an-
is now getting under way in
nounced by BBYM, BBYW
many areas. In order. to facili-
Presidents Nate Rosen and
tate and expedite registration,
the National office has devel-
Ruth Cohen. The Conventions
oped new forms and a simplified
will meet concurrently at he
Hotel Roosevelt, Pittsburgh
procedure which will save many
additional hours of work on the
Dec. 25-27. The seminar leaders
are: Structure, Nathaniel Na-
part of individual chapters as
well as BBYO offices.
son, BBYO Director of Field
Operations; Social Action, Al
The official registration forms
for 1950 are being distributed to
Balzer, Director of District 1;
all local offices and should be se-
Service to the Community, Miss
cured from them in order to
Ethyle Simon, Director of the
complete chapter registrations
Chicago Region, and Our Rela-
at an early date, One major
tionship to Israel, Tzvi H. Po-
difference in the registration
rath, former Director of Dis-
trict 3.
procedure from previous years
will be the elimination of in-
The plans thus far allow for
dividual registration cards (ex-
committee structure to follow
cept that such cards will be used
closely that of the seminars. In
for registering new numbers).
burgh December 25-27. Seated
Standing from left to right are:
the seminars, the participants
vention Planning Committee in
from left to right: Mel Pitler (co-
Hymie Hafner, Goldie Green,
A membership roster sheet,
Pittsburgh gets together to map
will strive to develop trends of
chairman), Anna Frances Stark
Lewis Greenstein, Dorothy Gord-
on which there is space for the
out plans for the 1949 concurrent
(co-chairman), Morris Shutzberg,
don, Laura Jacobs, Ruth Cohen,
thought that can be applied in
names and other important data
conventions to be held in Pitts-
Marvin Margolis, and Betty Kline.
and Sam Bass.
committee meetings. Each dele-
about chapter members, is being
gate and guest will participate
used as the basis for registra-
in a seminar and in the respec-
BBYO Launches
AZA Alumnus D. Goldman
tive committee deliberations.
Roster Change
Lieberman Book
Space was provided on the
To further simplify the pro-
convention registration forms
cedure, a "Change of Roster
Review Program
Form" will be used in order to
To Head BB Grand Lodge
for everyone attending to indi-
cate his preference of seminar
make any necessary changes in
As part of the Jewish Book
and committee. The form was
An AZA alumnus, David Goldman, has been elected president
the original registration form.
Month Program to be observed
of the District 4 Grand Lodge of B'nai B'rith and will thereby
printed in The Shofar which ap-
These changes will be as fol-
throughout the country, BBYO
peared in November. Additional
serve on the Executive Committee of the Supreme Lodge. Mr.
lows: registration of new mem-
will launch its Jacob J. Lieber-
copies of the form are availa-
Goldman was a member of the
bers, separations, and changes
man Book Review Program this
ble from regional and district
of address.
month with the inauguration of
Pasadena AZA chapter 48 until he
BBYO offices.
became an alumnus in 1929. He
A detailed list of instructions
its Book Review Contest.
The conventions will convene
will accompany each registra-
Awards will be made for wir-
Ends in May
served the chapter as Aleph Godol
Sunday morning, Dec. 25, and
tion form with practically every
ners in each division: AZA,
and Aleph Gisbor. Since then, he
will continue through a final
has been president of the B'nai
question and problem that may
The celebration of the Silver
banquet on Tuesday evening,
B'rith Lodge in Pasadena twice,
confront a chapter answered in
Members are eligible to par-
Dec. 27. Although BBYM and
Anniversary of AZA will con-
the instructions: however, any
ticipate in the program merely
BBYW members will meet to-
tinue until May 25, 1950, ac-
gether for seminars and social
cording to Max N. Kroloff,
affairs, some plenary sessions
AZA Sets Goal of 100%
chairman of the national Silver
and committee meetings will be
Anniyersary committee. That
Re-registration by Jan. 31
date, Mr. Kroloff recalled, marks
The tentative schedule pre-
the 25th anniversary of the
pared for the convention is
One hundred per cent re registration by Jan. 31 is the goal
adoption of AZA by the Su-
Sunday, Dec. 25
preme Lodge of B'nai B'rith.
9 a.m.-12 noon: Registration and
set for each chapter by Leon Dolnick, chairman of the National
Executive Committee meetings.
AZA Membership Committee.
Spurred on by the recently
12 noon-2:15 p.m.; Luncheon (official
In his first nation-wide release, which will be distributed
published brochure on how
shortly, Dolnick indicates that special certificates will be given to
B'nai B'rith lodges and women's
2:15-3:15 p.m.: Separate plenary
sessions at which there will be
those chapters meeting require-
chapters can observe the AZA
be reports from the presidents,
ments. Members who graduate
Rubinger of Quebec, Canada
Silver Anniversary, B'nai B'rith
credentials committees, and rules
from AZA, who leave town, or
Mel Ein, Hammond, Ind.; Sid
youth chairmen are arranging
committees and appointments to
who pass away, are not to be
for AZA chapters to participate
seminars and committees.
Pavilack, Wheeling, W. Va.; Bob
counted in computing the regis-
in special programs at B'nai
3:30-5:30 p.m.: Seminars.
Leavitt, Los Angeles, Calif.:
7:30-10:30 p. m.: Seminars
tration percentage.
B'rith meetings.
David Goldman
Monday, Dec. 26
The new plan carries out the
Saul Feldman, Atlanta, Ga.:
Lodge and Chapter Youth
president of the Southern Cali-
9-10:30 a.m.: Joint committee meet-
1949 Convention program,
Jerry Reece, Chicago, III., and
Chairmen are being urged to
fornia B'nai B'rith Council and
which emphasized the real need
Isaac Gruber, Memphis, Tean.,
invite AZA and BBG members
first vice-president of the District
10:45 a.m.-12 noon: Joint plenary
for maintaining present mem-
Jan. 1 through May 31 will be
4 Grand Lodge.
session at which discussions in
to their meetings to help cele-
bership while adding to those
seminars and committee meet-
set aside for the membership
brate the Silver Anniversary,
As a lawyer in Pasadena, Mr.
ings will be summarized
chapters which were small in
drive to strengthen individual
and to make that activity part
Goldman has been active in the
2-5 p.m.: Separate committee meet-
sizes. In order to qualify for
chapter membership and Feb. 1
of a program of joint activi-
affairs of both the Jewish and gen-
the 100 per cent re-registration
through June 30 will be devoted
ties leading to mutual under-
eral community. He was president
5:15-7 p.m.: Separate plenary ses-
certificate, chapters should have
to chapter and pledge education
of the Temple B'nai Israel and an
their advisers attach a note to
p.m.: Buffet and supper and
in regard to membership prac-
The new brochure suggests
officer of the Pasadena Zionist Or-
the registration forms when
tices, history and future plans
that AZA members may be in-
ganization. He has been active in
Tuesday, Dec. 27
fees are sent to the local offices.
of the organization. In rela-
terested in conducting an inter-
the Pasadena Welfare Fund, was a
9 a.m.-12 noon: Separate plenary
According to the other plans
tionship to the latter period,
director of the Committee for Per-
chapter debate or oratory con-
of the Membership Committee,
sonal Service, a member of the
emphasis will be put upon estab-
test at lodge meetings, or in
1:30-5:30 p.m.: Separate plenary
Junior Chamber of Commerce and
which includes in addition to
lishing "Schools of AZA"
sessions and elections.
presenting one of four suggest-
the Chamber of Commerce, an
Chairman Dolnick, Garson
p.m.: Banquet, speaker, and in-
throughout the country.
(See SILVER, Page 6)
(See GOLDMAN, Page 7)
stallation of officers.
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The Shofar, Vol. XXV, No. 3, November 1949
This newspaper contains articles reporting the activities of BBYO organizations (B'nai B'rith Girls, B'nai B'rith Young Women, Aleph Zadik Aleph, and B'nai B'rith Young Men) around the country. It includes information about officers, community service and philanthropy, events, alumni, and conventions.