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The Shofar, Vol. XXV, No. 9, June 1950
This newspaper contains articles reporting the activities of BBYO organizations (B'nai B'rith Girls, B'nai B'rith Young Women, Aleph Zadik Aleph, and B'nai B'rith Young Men) around the country. It includes information about officers, community service and philanthropy, events, alumni, and conventions.
Date/Date Range:
Active Leadership
Aleph Zadik Aleph (AZA)
B'nai B'rith Girls (BBG)
B'nai B'rith Young Men (BBYM)
B'nai B'rith Young Women (BBYW)
Community Service
The Shofar (Publication)
20th Century
The Shofar, Vol. XXV, No. 9, June 1950
Official Publication of the B'nai B'rith Youth Organization
JUNE. 1950
1424 16th St. NW.. Washington 6. D.C.
Send address changes to The Shofar
Tennessee Is Site of AZA Conclave;
Convention of BBG To Be In Jersey
BBG Selects Aug. 30-Sept. 3
BBYO Adopts New
Mid-Century Theme Planned
As Dates of Camp Conclave
Registration Year;
For AZA Meet Aug. 20-24
Camp Pokono-Ramona, in Sussex County, N. J., has been
Begins September
This year's National AZA Convention will be held at the
selected as the site of this year's National BBG Convention by
Castle Heights Military Academy, Lebanon, Tenn., Aug. 20-24,
the National BBG Executive Committee. BBG President Jewel
Because BBYO chapters plan
GAG Dick Brownstein has announced. The time and place of
Gordon has announced that the convention will begin after lunch
their programs, enlist new mem-
the meeting, which is to be known as the Mid-century National
on Aug. 30 and will close after lunch on Sept. 3.
bers, and usually consider their
AZA Convention, were unanimously selected by the National
The camp is located 75 miles from either New York or
year begun in September, mem-
Executive Committee of AZA. The academy is approximately
Philadelphia, high up in the Kitta-
bers will register with the na-
30 miles east of Nashville.
tiny Mountains. It is situated two
tional office in September also.
miles from Bushkill, Pa. As a de-
AZA Stresses
The new registration year will
BBYO Members
Weary AZA delegates who re-
parture from last year, visiting
member the long hikes to and
BBG's as well as delegates will be
run from September through
BB Cooperation
Are Pictured
from meeting rooms at last
welcome to take part in the four
August, rather than from Jan-
days of frolic, sports, meetings and
uary through Deecmber as was
In Seventeen
year's convention will find the
compact facilities at Castle
The national AZA-B'na B'rith
the custom. The new plan will
Special features are being planned
A recent issue of Seventeen mag-
Heights a welcome change. No
co-operation committee is con-
go into effect this fall.
for the convention that will in-
azine carried an article on a teen-
facility the delegates will use at
clude a well-known speaker, en-
tinuing to carry out its policy
Old members (who have al-
age activity in Chicago in which
the military school is more than
tertainment, and the story-telling
and program of intergroup ac-
ready paid dues through Dec.
BBYO members were active partic-
two minutes away from another.
program recently inaugurated by
tivity by emphasizing the fol-
31, 1950) will receive credit
ipants. The activity was Teen
BBG Each district will send one
for having paid dues for the
Town, a city-wide youth program,
Meetings, seminars and other
lowing two points: (1) Joint
story-teller to the convention. The
held during Youth and Government
activities will be based on the
planning of ABC (AZA-B'nai
fall months. Therefore, they will
story-tellers will weave their tales
Mid-Century theme. The key-
before a blazing campfire during
B'rith Cooperation) programs. by
pay approximately two thirds
Youth Mayor of Chicago Goldie
note address will be entitled, "A
an evening program at the con-
the individual chapters and lodges;
of their regular national dues
Lipschutz, a member of the Lawn-
(2) Informality in type of program,
dale BBG chapter and national
Half Century of Progress." It
in September. This registration
will run through August 31,
BBG treasurer, is pictured in the
will review the advance of civil-
that is concentration on small, in-
magazine with Sinclair Kossoff,
Thirty-five cabins, housing four
formal seminars, religious services,
ization in the last half century
president of Kern AZA, and Mar-
girls each. will be available to the
athletic and social affairs, etc.
and point up goals for the next
BBG's at the camp. Delegate ses-
The schedule of national dues
shall Hartman, past president of
Past experiences in this kind of
half century.
sions and indoor programs will be
to be paid by old members in
Marcus AZA, who was chairman of
held in the auditorium and the
ABC programming have proved
September is as follows:
the Teen Town meeting.
The keynote speaker has not
conclusively that joint, informal
The activity was described in de-
recreation hall. The beautiful lake
yet been selected. However, his
tail in the March, 1950, issue of
on which the camp is situated pro-
participation by chapters and
address will develop three
vides boating and swimming. A
$1.00 $1.20 $0.70 $1.35
Seventeen. BBYO cooperated with
lodges lead to a wholesome spirit
qualified waterfront director will be
20 other youth-serving agencies, in-
phases of the convention theme
Members who register for the
on duty during boating and swim-
of cooperation on a level never be-
first time in September will pay
cluding the YWCA, the YMCA,
that will be carried through in
ming periods.
fore achieved by the two organiza-
Camp Fire Girls and Boy and Girl
seminars the following day.
the regular national dues that
Scouts, in investigating safety,
Bed linen, blankets and towels
tions. It is simply a case of taking
These are: Progress in the
the give-and-take situation existing
cover a year's registration. This
health and welfare conditions in
will be provided by the camp, so
Struggle for Human Rights;
in chapter and lodge programming
is as follows:
Chicago. Each of the groups re-
BBG's need not worry about trans-
porting heavy luggage. Kosher food
ported on studies made before the
Progress in Fulfilling the Hope
and applying it to chapter-lodge
is served at the camp, and meal-
entire group at the Teen Town
for Israel: and Progress Toward
$1.50 $1.50 $1.00 $2.00
Building a Lasting Peace.
time promises to be a happy, en-
It should be remembered that
New members who register
Joyable occasion.
the program must be adapted to
Health certificates will be re-
the facilities and needs of the in-
before September (in the inter-
Toys for Children
quired of those attending the con-
dividual chapters and lodges. How-
vening months of June, July
The beautiful academy cam-
El Paso, Tex., BBG collected and
vention. A doctor will be on duty
ever, the national committee is of
and August) will pay the pro-
pus affords splendid facilities
repaired toys for the children of
at the camp. Certificates must be
fering the following suggestions in
rated dues previously in effect.
for all the convention activities.
a local home. With the AZA chap-
submitted with the registration
connection with the implementation
Thus at re-registration time in
ter, the girls planned a party for
Meetings of the delegate assem-
blank, which is available at na-
of ABC programs: orphan's day
September, they will be consid-
the children where they were given
bly and evening programs will
tional, district and regional offices.
project, alumni day program, cof-
the toys. Again with the AZA's the
ered old members and will re-
be held in the MacFadden Foun-
fee hour meeting, and fund-rais-
girls were planning a box lunch
dation Auditorium. Committee
The registration fee for the con-
ing affair.
register with their chapters.
meetings and seminars will be
vention is $25. This includes lodging
for four nights, twelve kosher
held in smaller rooms in the
meals, use of athletic facilities, and
Cool Spot in Hot Weather
same building.
participation in all convention pro-
Delegates and guests will be
grams. The fee must be returned
housed in dormitories, two in a
with the completed registration
room. All bed linen, blankets and
towels will be furnished. In addi-
There will be 54 delegates elected
tion, the school is importing kosher
the districts, five national offi-
meat and serving full-course meals
cers, seven story-tellers, staff mem-
(including two-meal desserts) every
bers. some members of the Youth
Commission, and visiting BBG's at
In view of the splendid recrea-
the convention. Story-tellers will
tion facilities at the academy, plans
receive the same mileage refund as
are being made to expand the re-
delegates, although they, as well as
creation program over that of last
other non-delegates, will not be
year. The school affords a huge
permitted to vote,
gymnasium where basketball games
The number of delegates allotted
will be played. There is also an
(See BBC, Page 3)
enclosed swimming pool with a
diving tower supporting spring-
YM, YW Executive
boards at three different heights
at one end. A glass skylight over
Committee Meets
half the pool gives the effect of an
outdoor pool. A lifeguard will be
on duty during all swimming
The National Executive Commit-
of BBYM and YW will be held
There are tennis courts, large
n New York City on June 24-25.
playing fields, and a golf course.
The purpose of the meeting is to
Equipment is provided for baseball,
make plans for implementing the
softball, and ping pong. Almost
recent national convention decision
every other summer sport is avail-
combine the organizations on
national level.
In order to participate in athletic
A full report of action taken at
AZA HAS HOT weather protection during its na-
sunlit academy pool that delegates and guests will
activities at the convention, each
the meeting will be carried in the
tional convention at Castle Heights Military Academy,
use during recreation periods. Those attending will
registrant is required to submit
issue of The Shofar.
Lebanon, Tenn., Aug. 20-24. This is the beautiful,
be housed in dormitories.
(See AZA, Page 7)
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The Shofar, Vol. XXV, No. 9, June 1950
This newspaper contains articles reporting the activities of BBYO organizations (B'nai B'rith Girls, B'nai B'rith Young Women, Aleph Zadik Aleph, and B'nai B'rith Young Men) around the country. It includes information about officers, community service and philanthropy, events, alumni, and conventions.