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The Shofar, Vol. XXV, No. 10, July 1950
This newspaper contains articles reporting the activities of BBYO organizations (B'nai B'rith Girls, B'nai B'rith Young Women, Aleph Zadik Aleph, and B'nai B'rith Young Men) around the country. It includes information about officers, community service and philanthropy, events, alumni, and conventions.
Date/Date Range:
Active Leadership
Aleph Zadik Aleph (AZA)
B'nai B'rith Girls (BBG)
B'nai B'rith Young Men (BBYM)
B'nai B'rith Young Women (BBYW)
Community Service
The Shofar (Publication)
20th Century
The Shofar, Vol. XXV, No. 10, July 1950
Executive Board
Adopts Program:
Plans for Year
Official Publication of the B'nai B'rith Youth Organization
The BBYM-YW National Ex-
ecutive Committee borrowed
from the Latin in adopting a
JULY, 1950
1424 16th St. NW. Washington 6. D.C.
new national slogan. "The Pro-
Send address changes to The Shofar
gram's the Thing." It is based
on the abbreviated form of Rec-
reation, Education, and Service
(Res), for several years the na-
AZA To Discuss Mobilization Effect at Meet;
tional BBYW program motto.
The adoption of this slogan is in
effect the establishment of a
Guests Urged To Attend BBG Convention
common program for BBYM
and BBYW, jointly administered
on a national level.
Talent, Festival
Cookie's Ready for BBG's
Plan AZA's Role
The New York meeting of the
National Executive Committee was
Nights Special
In World Crisis;
held on June 24 and 25 at the Hotel
Taft. Meeting after the national
BBG Features
organization had functioned as a
Epstein To Talk
joint enterprise for six months.
the Executive Committee devoted
BBG's are going all out in en-
Top priority on the agenda at
itself to adjusting administrative
couraging non-delegates to at-
the Mid-Century National AZA
matters relating to the effective
tend their national convention
Convention will be given to a
workings of the organization
discussion of the role AZA
at Camp Pokono-Ramona, near
chapters will play in the partial
The "Voluntary Dollar" plan was
Bushkill, Pa., Jewel Gordon, na-
mobilization of the country dur-
established to equate BBYM and
tional president; has announced.
ing the current international
BBYW dues. BBYM membership
dues is $2 a year, while BBYW
Scheduled to begin after lunch
crisis. The convention will con-
members have been paying $1 a
on Aug. 30 and to continue
sider not only how membership
year. BBYW was asked to make
through lunch of Sept. 3, this
may be affected by possible fu-
up the difference in receipts
ture developments, but also
through each chapter contributing
convention promises to be one
one dollar for each registered mem-
of the most memorable of BBG
ber. It was hoped that this plan
Registrations for both the AZA
would increase treasury receipts
and BBG National Conventions
without resorting to raising na-
must be received at the national
As opposed to last year's con-
tional dues. At the same time
BBYO office, 1424 16th St., N. W.,
BBYM and BBYW members will
vention, which was devoted to
Washington 6, D. C. by August 10.
be sharing financial costs equally
a leadership training program
Registrations will be received after
the program of the Pokono-Ra-
that date only in the case of in-
Suggestions were made to the
mona meeting is designed to be
dividuals who can show extenuat-
chapters for raising the necessary
funds through carnivals, dances and
of value to all BBG's. Included in
ing circumstances for the delay.
other activities by which money
the four-day meeting are swim-
may be raised. The plan is ex-
ming, boating, horseback riding,
what activities chapters can
plained in greater detail by Philip
hiking, seminars, business sessions,
sponsor as an aid to the mobili-
Zimmerman, national treasurer, on
a gala Festival Night and lively
zation action.
Page 5.
Talent Night. The national story-
draft of a national constitution.
telling program will come to its
Benjamin R. Epstein, na-
climax at Campfire Night, when
"COOKIE" at Camp Pokono-Ramona is ready to prepare favorite deli-
adjusting discrepancies between the
tional director of the ADL, will
each district's narrator will tell her
cacies for hungry BBG's at their National Convention. The dates are
present constitutions of the national
organizations, was presented to the
story before the entire group.
Aug. 30-Sept. 3. The camp is located near Bushkill, Pa.
set the keynote at the conven-
tion to be held at the Castle
National Executive Committee for
Folk dancing and singing will
its approval. It will be submitted to
Heights Military Academy, Le-
be the feature attraction at Festi-
the next national convention of
val Night, slated to reflect the
Trees Added in AZA Forest;
banon, Tenn., Aug. 20-24. His
spirit of many lands. Special at-
presentation will set the tenor
Mildred (Midge) Skulsky, Mon-
tention will be given the dances
JNF Presented $1600 Check
for discussion at seminars on
treal. was chosen national vice-
of America and Israel, with dances
the mid-century theme. Follow-
president of BBYM-YW upon the
of other countries interspersed
A check for $1600 has been presented by AZA to the Jewish
ing his presentation entitled
resignation of Charlotte Waterstone
National Fund for the planting of trees in the Lapidus Memorial
"At the Crossroads of the Cen-
of Detroit. Midge was national re-
Hungarian-born Klara Bolgar, pop-
cording secretary. Her former
uular Philadelphia songstress will
Forest in Israel, bringing the number of trees planted there to
tury," convention delegates and
duties have been assumed by Goldie
present a concert of songs of many
date to well over the 6,000 mark. The funds, turned over from the
guests will meet in seminars to
Green of Pittsburgh, District 3
nations at the festival night pro-
Jerry Safur Fund, were presented to Mendel Fisher, executive di-
discuss for themselves the theme
representative to the National Ex-
gram. A survivor of a Nazi con-
rector of the JNF, by Garson Rub->
developed by Mr. Epstein. The
ecutive Commitee.
centration camp, the concert singer
inger, District 1 aleph godol, in
has made her home in Philadel-
ceremony before an audience of
Mexico City AZA
seminars will be on Human
Arthur Henle. New York City,
phia, where she is studying under
BBYO and B'nai B'rith members
Rights, Israel, and Building a
national president, presided. He
the well-known Curtis Institute
in New York City.
Plans To Attend
Lasting Peace. Mr. Epstein will
opened the meeting with a report
voice teacher, Madame Marion
The money from the Jerry Sa-
devote his presentation to these
on the progress made by the organ-
fur Fund was turned over to the
National Conclave
main subjects.
ization since the national conven-
During the past year, she has
forest fund upon action taken by
tion. He recommended that BBYM
A representative of a newly
Louisville Play
been on a coast-to-coast broadcast-
the last national AZA convention.
(See YM-YW, Page 5)
(See FOREST, Page 7)
established Mexico City AZA
A special feature of the four-
(See BBG, Page 7)
chapter is expected to attend
day convention will be a dramat-
the National AZA Convention
ic presentation by AZA mem-
Time Out for Sports
this summer. The chapter is
bers from Louisville under the
planning to send a representa-
guidance of their long-time ad-
tive in order to forge a link
viser, Joe Bliss. The dramatiza-
with its brothers north of the
tion, "Report on Youth," is
Rio Grande.
based on a script by Jerome
Bayer written for B'nai B'rith Dis-
This is the first BBYO chapter
trict Grand Lodge No. 1.
to be organized in the Latin Amer-
ica countries, and. of course, its
(See AZA, Page 2)
first project is to create other
Spanish-speaking chapters. It was
organized approximately a year ago
by Ernesto Deutch, a student at
Membership registrations for
the Mexico University Medical
the year 1950-51 begin in Sep-
tember. This date was set by
When Deutch planned to organ-
BBYO in order for the registra-
ize a chapter in Mexico City, he ap-
tion year to coincide with the
proached Spinoza Lodge of B'nai
program year of your chapter.
B'rith there to be the sponsor. The
Those registering this Septem-
lodge quickly agreed to help form
ber will be considered members
the chapter, which began with 13
until August 31, 1951.
members and now has 20.
An adjustment of the dues to
Assistance came to the chapter
be paid the first year the plan
in the person of a former BBYO
is in operation has been made
staff member, Milton Cohen, who
for those people who had al-
was once director of the New
ready registered for 1950. They
England Region as well as a na-
will pay dues according to the
following scale: AZA, $1.00:
tional administrative assistant.
BBG. $1.20; BBYW, $.70: and
members during their four-day convention at Castle
Cohen agreed to become the ad-
BBYM, $1.35.
athletic facilities will be at the disposal of AZA Heights Military Academy, Lebanon, Tenn.
(See MEXICO, Page 6)
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The Shofar, Vol. XXV, No. 10, July 1950
This newspaper contains articles reporting the activities of BBYO organizations (B'nai B'rith Girls, B'nai B'rith Young Women, Aleph Zadik Aleph, and B'nai B'rith Young Men) around the country. It includes information about officers, community service and philanthropy, events, alumni, and conventions.