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The Shofar, Vol. XXVI, No. 1, October 1950
This newspaper contains articles reporting the activities of BBYO organizations (B'nai B'rith Girls, B'nai B'rith Young Women, Aleph Zadik Aleph, and B'nai B'rith Young Men) around the country. It includes information about officers, community service and philanthropy, events, alumni, and conventions.
Date/Date Range:
Active Leadership
Aleph Zadik Aleph (AZA)
B'nai B'rith Girls (BBG)
B'nai B'rith Young Men (BBYM)
B'nai B'rith Young Women (BBYW)
Community Service
The Shofar (Publication)
20th Century
The Shofar, Vol. XXVI, No. 1, October 1950
Is Your Chapter
for 1951 began
in September.
Send Yours In
Official Publication of the B'nai B'rith Youth Organization
1424 16th St. NW.. Washington 6. D. C.
Send address changes to The Shofar
AZA, BBG Uphold Korean Action
BBG Extends
New National Presidents
AZA Elects
CCC Project
Weiss GAG
Marion Litinetsky
Mid-Century Theme
Named President
Developed at Meet
Four jam-packed days of
committee meetings, delegate
AZA wound up its four-day
sessions, seminars, swimming,
Mid-Century National Conven-
boating, folk dancing and sing-
tion at Castle Heights Military
ing were culminated at the na-
Academy, Aug. 24, with resolu-
tional BBG convention with the
tions supporting the United Na-
election of Marion Litinetsky,
tions action in Korea, and rec-
Trenton, as national president.
ommendations to chapters that
Among the important actions
they investigate universal mili-
taken there were support of
tary training programs and the
United Nations action in Korea,
extension of the franchise to
the extension of CCC (Care
18-year-olds so that the national
Concerning Children) as the na-
organization may take action on
tional BBG project, and the
these matters in the future. The
final stamp of approval on the
convention selected an aid to
raise in annual national BBG
Israel drive as its national proj-
dues to $1.50.
Other newly elected national
Ronnie Weiss, Houston 19-
officers are Goldie Lipschutz,
year-old former national social
Chicago, vice-president; Elise
committee chairman, was elect-
Charness, Dorchester, Mass.,
ed Grand Aleph Godol in the
treasurer; and Betty Hirsch,
closing session. Other newly
Los Angeles, counsellor. The
elected officers are Clarence
national secretary will be ap-
Borns, Gary, Ind., Grand Aleph
pointed by President Marion
S'gan, and Dave Rothman, Pitts-
Litinetsky shortly. The na-
burgh, Grand Aleph Mazkir.
tional BBG convention was held
Grand Aleph Godol Richard
at Camp Pokono-Ramona, Flat-
Ronnie Weiss, GAG of AZA, and Marion Litinetsky,
national president of BBG, had an opportunity during
interest to both organizations. Weiss is from Houston,
Brownstein was elected Grand
brookville, N. J., Aug. 30-Sept.
3. Jewel Gordon, retiring na-
the national BBG convention to discuss matters of
Tex., and is former social chairman of AZA. Marion,
former membership chairman, is from Trenton, N. J.
Aleph Kohen Godol. He presided
at all the delegate sessions.
tional president, presided at all
the sessions.
The convention expressed its
National Dues Are Waived
AZA Sabbath
Resolutions supporting the
UN in Korea branded the inva-
hope for "speedy cessation of
sion of South Korea as a threat
hostilities" in Korea. Until such
time, the resolution supporting
For Members In Service
Observance Is
to the United Nations and re-
solved that "the decision of the
the UN continued, "B'nai B'rith
November 11
Security Council of the United
Girls pledges its complete sup-
BBYO members who enter the armed forces will be exempt
Nations towards immediate ces-
from national dues. In addition, BBYO members who become
port to the United States Gov-
The National AZA Sabbath will
sation of hostilities be heartily
overage while in the armed forces will automatically be vested
fall this year on Saturday, Nov.
ernment in whatever programs
11. Now is the time for chapters
endorsed, and that President
are established to assure
with membership in a B'nai B'rith lodge or chapter of their choice.
who have not made plans for the
Truman's action in supporting
victory over the forces of ag-
The action is a result of a directive from the Supreme Lodge
celebration of the annual event to
the United Nations toward peace
affecting all B'nai B'rith services.
begin arranging special services
be fully approved and sup-
The executive committee of the
BBG had voted to raise its
such conditions as it may require,
for that day and for Friday night,
Supreme Lodge of B'nai B'rith has
(a) members may be accepted
Nov. 10. Other BBYO groups are
dues at last year's national con-
invoked a section of the consitution
who are less than twenty-six years
encouraged to join with AZA in
In addition, the convention
vention. However, that conven-
that is applicable in times of emer-
of age, who shall pay one-half of
preparing for this event. The mem-
pledged AZA's full support of
tion reserved the privilege of
gency. It reads as follows:
the regular annual dues charged
bers conduct services, act as can-
the war effort "as will best pro-
affirming the raise for this
"Sec. 130. Membership dues in a
by the lodge, until they reach the
tors and choirs, conduct special
lodge shall be uniform for all mem-
readings on this occasion and de-
mote the preservation of demo-
year's meeting. Final passage
age of twenty-six years, in which
bers except that, by action of a
event the amounts payable to the
liver the sermons,
cratic traditions and the sacred
(See BBG, Page 3)
District Grand Lodge and under
District Grand Lodge and to the
As an aid to members who are
hope of peoples all over the
Supreme Lodge shall be reduced
(See SABBATH, Page 6)
(See AZA, Page 6)
Source of National Oratory
(b) members who enter the
armed forces of their country in
BBYM-YW To Collect Art Supplies
times of national emergency;
Topic Is In Corwin Play
members who are honorably dis-
charged from the armed forces of
For Children's Home in Jerusalem
their country and who are re-
ceiving treatment in a veterans
BBYM and BBYW are launching their "Aid to Israel" drive
"Not So Wild A Dream," which has been selected as the
hospital while receiving such
this month with a program of collecting supplies for the B'nai
theme quotation for the AZA Oratory Contest for 1951, is con-
treatment, or who are attending
B'rith Children's Home in Israel. The drive will come to a climax
tained in the radio play "On a Note of Triumph," written by
colleges or universities under the
in November, so that supplies will reach the home in time for
Norman Corwin. It was first produced on V-E Day, May 8, 1945,
provisions of a national law or
to celebrate the occasion of victory in Europe. The public re-
governmental regulation, while
The home is the special pro-
sponse to the broadcast was phenomenal and it was awarded
so attending may be exempted
several citations for its outstand-
from payment of all dues and
ject of the B'nai B'rith Women,
News of Members
assessments to their lodge, and
who have encouraged BBYO to
ing merit as a radio drama.
In Service Wanted
The play takes about one hour
the following stanzas:
to the District Grand Lodges of
join them in this program. Ada
for radio presentation and it is
Lord God of test tube and blue
the Supreme Lodge for such
Belle Needel, Chicago, is chair-
BBYO members are asked to
members, and
not until the very close of the
man of the BBYM-YW pro-
send to the national office pic-
script that the quotation is used.
(c) the Supreme Lodge or the
tures and stories about members
Who jointed molecules of dust
Executive Committee thereof is
In the finale the narrator turns
and alumni who distinguish
and shook them 'til their name
empowered to vest with member-
The B'nai B'rith Children's
themselves in the Korean war.
aside from the audience and ad-
was Adam,
ship in the Order members of the
dresses a prayer and message of
Home is in Jerusalem. It is
Send all such material to the
Who taught worms and stars how
ope to the Deity, which contains
AZA who are in good standing
dedicated to the rehabilitation
Editor, The Shofar, 1424 16th
(See ORATORY, Page 7)
(See DUES, Page 3)
(See ISRAEL Page 5)
St., N. W., Washington 6, D. C.
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The Shofar, Vol. XXVI, No. 1, October 1950
This newspaper contains articles reporting the activities of BBYO organizations (B'nai B'rith Girls, B'nai B'rith Young Women, Aleph Zadik Aleph, and B'nai B'rith Young Men) around the country. It includes information about officers, community service and philanthropy, events, alumni, and conventions.