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The Shofar, Vol. XXVI, No. 2, November 1950
This newspaper contains articles reporting the activities of BBYO organizations (B'nai B'rith Girls, B'nai B'rith Young Women, Aleph Zadik Aleph, and B'nai B'rith Young Men) around the country. It includes information about officers, community service and philanthropy, events, alumni, and conventions.
Date/Date Range:
Active Leadership
Aleph Zadik Aleph (AZA)
B'nai B'rith Girls (BBG)
B'nai B'rith Young Men (BBYM)
B'nai B'rith Young Women (BBYW)
Community Service
The Shofar (Publication)
20th Century
The Shofar, Vol. XXVI, No. 2, November 1950
ober, 1950
Is Your Chapter
for 1951 began
in September.
Send Yours In
pective or-
the duties
ich I shall
Official Publication of the B'nai B'rith Youth Organization
assure you
dual which
1424 16th St. NW. Washington 6. D.
eless, is at
Send address changes to The Shofar
e plans for
nd freedom
The Synagogue
Goldman Visits AZA
United Na-
In Jewish Life
has made
al progress
To Be Debated
Debate Committee
Open to All, Embraces Every
ink now of
Selects Subjects
build upon
By Mail Ballot
Form of Literary Expression
its Supreme
The AZA debate topic for this
Grab that paper, put ink in your pen, oil the typewriter. The
pledged to
year will be "Resolved, That
BBYO Jacob J. Lieberman Creative Writing Program is under
nited States.
cking of our
Synagogues (or Temples)
way. Beginning appropriately during Jewish Book Month, the
Should Become Centers of
program will embrace all forms of creative writing-poetry short
e that back-
Jewish Life." The topic has been
stories, essays, plays, book re-
he family of
officially designated and con-
w dedicated
YM. YW Discussion
views and radio scripts.
testants are given the "go"
An innovation in BBYO national
this pledge
signal to proceed with their
Program Will Be
projects in that it is not limited
plans and preparations for 1950-
to one form of literary expression,
called upon
On Free Speech
the Creative Writing Program is
part of one
51 debating.
named in honor of the chairman of
After much study and evaluation
our purposes
BBYM's and BBYW's will be
the B'nai B'rith Youth Commission.
are prepared
of subjects available, the debate
BBYO, and before that, AZA has
speaking freely as they discuss
our country,
topic was selected by a mail refer-
sponsored many national literary
"How Free Should Freedom of
programs, such as the sermon writ-
for it." Let
endum conducted through the na-
in the face
Speech Be?" The topic is the
tional debate committee and the
Frank Goldman, president of the Supreme Lodge of B'nai B'rith,
ing program, essay contests, book
that we may
took time out from a busy schedule to visit the 14th annual AZA Yom
one selected for the national
review programs, etc. This is the
AZA executive committee. This
Kippur Dance in Philadelphia. He is shown shaking hands with Bernie
first time that all literary styles are
BBYM-YW Discussion Program,
1 enter upon
procedure was necessitated because
Albert, godol of the Philadelphia Council.
incorporated into one overall pro-
a plan by which members will
e same high
the pressure of time at the national
convention did not permit adequate
be able to take part in informal
Will Be Published
deliberations on the topics sug-
Chanukah To Climax YM, YW
panels or round table discus-
The program is open to all mem-
I every one
sions with people from other
bers of BBYO, whether AZA, BBG,
tion and fun
parts of the country and Can-
BBYM or BBYW. All material that
des planning
The selected topic implies that
Children's Home Project
is worthy of publication will be
ture and for
a synagogue (or temple) should not
printed in one of the BBYO publi-
extension of
only serve as a house of worship
The BBYM and BBYW project of aid to the B'nai B'rith
The final discussion will be
cations. BBYO members have about
have been
religious school, but that
Children's Home in Israel will reach its peak during Chanukah.
held at the national BBYM-YW
three months in which to submit
should also sponsor cultural, social
material, for entries must be re-
Chapters which began projects in October and November will
convention, where a representa-
people jus-
and recreational activities.
ceived at the national BBYO office
et us look
strive to complete them at this time. In addition, new projects
tive from each district will par-
by April 1, 1951.
hope and
It is a particularly appropriate
subject for study and debate be-
may be started throughout the
ticipate. The representative will
The theme of the material is left
h has been
cause its theme is timely and sig-
BBG Story-Telling
receive a travel allotment equal
to the discretion of the author.
nificant in the planning and de-
Special arrangements are being
to that of a delegate and will
Since it will be published for BBYO
ur delibera-
velopment of the American Jewish
attempted to create contacts di-
and your re-
Gets Underway
participate in the complete con-
members, the material should, how-
community. With the re-vitaliza-
rectly between some of the chil-
ever, be focused on any topic of
divine bless-
The National BBG Story-Tell-
vention program, although not
tion of interest and concern in the
dren at the home and BBYM's and
interest to American Jewish youth.
and through-
secular aspects of Judaism has
BBYW's here. The children are in
permitted to vote.
ing Program will be underway
The material must be original.
come a conscientious effort to
need of friends and the knowledge
next month as the first of re-
Chapter Selects
The Jacob J. Lieberman Creative
evaluate and determine the role of
to wish all
that there are people across the sea
gion and district conventions
A chapter will select one
Writing Program was inaugurated
y and pros
the institutions of the synagogue
who are interested in them. Chap-
last year as a book review program.
and temple in the life of the Jewish
ters could arrange for their mem-
are held. The program permits
member to represent it at a re-
It has now been broadened to in-
bers to write letters and send an
each chapter to present its se-
gional or district discussion pro-
clude more areas of creative ex-
occasional token to the children in
lected story-teller as a partici-
gram. Stress is placed on the
Differences of opinion have arisen
this "Cheer a Child" activity. Those
pant in the program. Each dis-
informality of the program,
Words Limited
among our Jewish people as to the
chapters interested in arranging
direct contact with the children
trict will select its best story-
which bars the preparation of
Essays and book reviews should
real function of our religious insti-
be limited to a maximum of 1,500
tutions. and the proponents of the
teller to represent it at the next
speeches or of "canned" de-
should write to Irving Canter, na-
words, and short stories and radio
various plans have presented im-
tional BBYO program director.
national BBG convention.
scripts should have a maximum of
pressive reasons for their particu-
1424-16th St., N.W. Washington 6.
e national
The National BBG convention
The discussion program is ac-
3,000 words. The length of poetry
lar viewpoint. It is, therefore.
D. C. Should enough interest be
ving their
this year decided that no one
tually "controlled conversation"
and one-act plays will depend on
fitting that the committee has given
displayed, Mr. Canter will trans-
the nature of the material.
lutions to
the members an opportunity to
mit requests to the proper authori-
person would be named national
among several persons inter-
Material should be typed, double-
h better
study this controversial subject by
ties in Israel.
story-teller. Rather, the story-
(See DISCUSSION, Page 7)
(See WRITING, Page 8)
can occur.
means of the debate.
it is prob-
Large Equipment
telling program will be present-
In the next edition of The Shofar
The home needs special large
ed at the next national conven-
e chapter
bibliography on the subject, rules
equipment, such as a motion pic-
tion as an entertaining and in-
Relaxing at Canteen
and regulations, and general hints
ture projector, a record player and
and information for debaters will
formative feature of the conven-
ng dues,
be published.
a public address system. Chapters
(See ISRAEL Page 7)
tion program. Each story-teller
will receive the same travel al-
ress on
me and
National Presidents Select
lotment as a delegate and will
participate in convention discus-
of the
Chairmen of Committees
sions and programs.
Each participant may select
and na-
any story of Jewish interest
10 Chairmen Named
Weiss Names AZA
that interests her. Original stor-
r has just
By BBG President
District Members
ies are encouraged, but the fact
ion. This
that a story is original will not
National BBG President Mar-
comes out.
National Committee Chair-
affect judges' decisions in dis-
S issued
ion Litinetsky has announced
men for AZA have been ap-
trict contests. The story-tellers
es eight
the names of the chairmen of
pointed by GAG Ronnie Weiss.
will be selected on the basis of
National Committees for this
The national chairmen will head
delivery and content. Stories
we are
year. The chairmen, represent-
committees composed of repre-
may be humorous or dramatic,
ing each of the seven BBG dis-
n form is
sentatives of each district. Their
tricts, are each assigned one
folk tales or the work of a spe-
function is to collect sugges-
cific author.
family dog
phase of the BBG program.
Each chairman, with her com-
tions and ideas for chapter pro-
Three impartial judges will
grams and to spread this infor-
mittee, will develop plans for
select the district story-teller in
d he feels
should ask
national programs from those sug-
mation to the various chapters
the run-offs. First, second and
he nearest
gested by the districts and will
throughout the organizations.
third place winners in the dis-
disseminate the information
The members of the national AZA
trict will be designated wher-
es of com-
through releases to the chapters.
committees are:
ever possible. Any BBG, wheth-
Interim: Grand Aleph S'gan Clar-
Relaxing time at the national BBG convention meant one thing-
that their
The national chairmen are Vice-
er she has participated before
snack at the canteen. Two BBG's carry on a conversation while
the causes
president Goldie Lipshutz, Chicago,
ence Borns, Gary, Ind., chairman:
Alan Gold, Louisville: Perry Scherz.
or not, may enter the program.
waiting their turn for service. Note the distinctive hats. The one at
(See BBG, Page 2)
the left signifies District 7. while the one at the right denotes that the
(See AZA, Page 6)
(See STORIES, Page 2)
wearer is from District 1 and also from Canada.
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The Shofar, Vol. XXVI, No. 2, November 1950
This newspaper contains articles reporting the activities of BBYO organizations (B'nai B'rith Girls, B'nai B'rith Young Women, Aleph Zadik Aleph, and B'nai B'rith Young Men) around the country. It includes information about officers, community service and philanthropy, events, alumni, and conventions.