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The Shofar, Vol. XXVII, No. 3, December 1951
This newspaper contains articles reporting the activities of BBYO organizations (B'nai B'rith Girls, B'nai B'rith Young Women, Aleph Zadik Aleph, and B'nai B'rith Young Men) around the country. It includes information about officers, community service and philanthropy, events, alumni, and conventions.
Date/Date Range:
Active Leadership
Aleph Zadik Aleph (AZA)
B'nai B'rith Girls (BBG)
B'nai B'rith Young Men (BBYM)
B'nai B'rith Young Women (BBYW)
Community Service
The Shofar (Publication)
20th Century
The Shofar, Vol. XXVII, No. 3, December 1951
Fill in the Ranks
Replace Every
Who Enters
The Armed Forces
Official Publication of the B'nai B'rith Youth Organization
1424 16th St.. N.W.. Washington 6. D.C.
Send address changes to The Shofar
Seven Service Areas Open;
BBG's Story-Tellers At Convention
National Agencies Cooperate
Seven areas of service have been projected by the na-
tional BBYO program department for BBYO chapters' par-
ticipation in the defense mobilization of the country. The
defense program announced
this month by BBYO defines
specific projects pertinent to
the interests of BBYO mem-
Chosen YM-YW
bers and in the mobilization
of the community.
BBYO has cooperated with
Panel Topic
the Federal Civil Defense Ad-
ministration, the Red Cross,
USO and National Jewish Wel-
BBYM-YW has selected the
fare Board, and the American-
subject of intermarriage for
ism Department of B'nai
its national discussion pro-
B'rith to draw up a service
gram topic this year. Asking
"What Should Our Attitude
program that meets the spe-
cific interests of BBYO mem-
Be Toward Intermarriage?",
the topic will be discussed in
chapters, regions and districts
until seven district finalists
Ranging from projects to
are chosen for the national
aid servicemen away from
program to be held at the next
home to developing trained
1951 BBG Story-tellers are pictured in the lounge
Katzen, Winston Salem, N. C., District 5: and
national BBYM-YW conven-
personnel for Civil Defense in
of the Men's Residence of the University of Illinois,
Myckie Fine, Chicago, District 6. Seated in front
each city, the program arose
where they lived during the national BBG conven-
are Edith Lefkowitz, Nashville, District 7, and
The topic was one of several
from requests by each nation-
tion. Perched on the arms of the chairs, from left
Jean Goldman, Malden, District 1. Irma Kurtz,
circulated among the members
al convention of BBYO this
to right are Sybil Cohen, San Francisco, District 4;
District 3's story-teller from Jersey City, was
of the national executive com-
year that a total civil defense
Ruth Schlafman, St. Louis, District 2; Rochelle
absent when the picture was taken.
mittee of the young adult or-
program for BBYO be
ganization until the final selec-
AZA Is Mobilized
tion was made. The topic of
Incorporated into the pro-
Moral And Military Victory
intermarriage was preferred
gram are the "Smokes for
above others because of its
Servicemen" and scrap collec-
For Mid-Winter
close relationship to the imme-
tion campaigns already inau-
Remembered On Chanukah
diate problems of young men
gurated by AZA and special
Membership Drive
and women.
local projects already under-
In recent years, the story of Chanukah has been de-
It was announced in the re-
taken by AZA, BBG and
AZA will mobilize for an in-
scribed frequently as the counterpart of the struggle to create
cent issue of the Combined
BBYM-YW chapters through-
ternational membership drive
the new state of Israel, so frequently, in fact, that we often
Program Release of BBYM-
out the country. Emphasis in
between January 1 and April
forget the real reason for the
celebration of the holiday. It
YW, which was distributed to
the program is placed on each
30. A goal of 1500 new mem-
But basically, and more im-
is true that the Festival of
portant, we remember that
chapters last month. In an
chapter's cooperating with lo-
bers over the registration for
1951 has been set, and empha-
Lights or Festival of the Mac-
Chanukah did not reach the
article for the release, Sanford
cal agencies - B'nai B'rith
place it holds in our lives mere-
Blavin, Detroit, urged chap-
lodge and chapter armed
sis is placed on filling present
cabees, as it is sometimes call-
forces and veterans commit-
chapter ranks to 25.
ed, commemorates the rebel-
ly because it recalls the mili-
ters to begin the discussion
program immediately so that
tees, the Red Cross, the local
Again employing the slogan,
lion of an enslaved people
tary strength of the Hasmon-
the greatest participation can
Jewish Welfare Board repre-
"Fill in the Ranks," AZA's
against tyrants.
(See CHANUKAH, Page 7)
sentative and other local civil
present campaign was precipi-
defense agencies.
tated by the entrance of many
Talking It Over
members into the service and
A complete manual entitled
anticipates greater gaps in
"Activities on the Home
membership as compulsory
Front" is being published by
military training continues.
BBYO and will be in the hands
The seven AZA districts are
of chapters after the first of
now compiling estimates of
the year. The manual will pre-
goals each can reach in the
sent specific instructions for
membership drive. A running
chapters on how to contact
tally or thermometer will be
proper authorities for assist-
kept in The Shofar during the
ance in initiating any phase of
the defense service program.
A membership kit will be
Of interest to AZA and BBG
distributed to chapters soon.
members are the calls for Civil
It will contain a pledge
Defense messengers, Red
manual, a brochure of tech-
Cross entertainers and in-
niques for arousing interest
(See DEFENSE, Page 5)
in the chapter among prospec-
tive members, an AZA Inside
Information, material to pass
Original Literary
among prospective members,
Works Published
and a question and answer
Throughout this issue will be
sheet to use in pledge classes.
found original sermons, poetry
In the forthcoming issue of
and essays submitted by BBYO
the Combined National Re-
members in the Sidney Kusworm
lease of AZA, Don Cahen,
AZA Sermon Writing Program
San Francisco, national mem-
and the J. J. Lieberman Creative
bership chairman, has devel-
Writing Program.
More of this material will be
oped a preliminary program
Stanley Harris, District 2 BBYO director, (perched on desk) meets with delegates in his corridor for a
printed from time to time as
of membership activities for
bull session during the national AZA convention at the University of Illinois.
space permits.
(See MEMBERSHIP, Page 5)
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The Shofar, Vol. XXVII, No. 3, December 1951
This newspaper contains articles reporting the activities of BBYO organizations (B'nai B'rith Girls, B'nai B'rith Young Women, Aleph Zadik Aleph, and B'nai B'rith Young Men) around the country. It includes information about officers, community service and philanthropy, events, alumni, and conventions.