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The Shofar, Vol. XXVIII, No. 1, September 1952
This newspaper contains articles reporting the activities of BBYO organizations (B'nai B'rith Girls, B'nai B'rith Young Women, Aleph Zadik Aleph, and B'nai B'rith Young Men) around the country. It includes information about officers, community service and philanthropy, events, alumni, and conventions.
Date/Date Range:
Active Leadership
Aleph Zadik Aleph (AZA)
B'nai B'rith Girls (BBG)
B'nai B'rith Young Men (BBYM)
B'nai B'rith Young Women (BBYW)
Community Service
The Shofar (Publication)
20th Century
The Shofar, Vol. XXVIII, No. 1, September 1952
Fill in the Ranks
Replace Every
Who Enters
The Armed Forces
Official Publication of the B'nai B'rith Youth Organization
Send address changes to The Shofar, 1761 R St. N.W.
Washington 9. D. C., Office of Publication, Baltimore, Md,
BBYM-YW Designates Cincinnati, Ohio, As Site
Of Biennial National Convention December 25
YM-YW Nears
Executive Committee Makes
Youth Commission Chairman
$2,000 For 3
Sends New Year Greeting
Plans at New York Meeting
Pillars Goal
BBYM-YW has selected Cincinnati as the site and De-
To Members and Friends of BBYO:
cember 25-28 as the dates for its second national convention
Greetings and best wishes for the New Year.
since the two organizations combined on a national level. A
BBYM-YW is rapidly ap-
May it, above all, be a year of peace. Then will
committee is now at work making arrangements for housing
proaching the $2,000 mark in
we indeed be able to hope that it be a year of plenty.
and meeting places in the
its Three Pillars of Service
The traditions of our faith teach us to take stock
centrally located Ohio city.
Fund. After about a year in
of ourselves, to indulge in self-analysis.
Initial plans for the conven-
BBG Registers
operation, the fund totals
Ten days of penitence usher in our New
tion were made by the national
$1,742. which will be divided
Year. Self-inventory leads to soul
executive committee at its
between the B'nai B'rith
purging, giving a truly fresh start to
10,000th Member
meeting in New York City,
Children's Home in Israel
the new year.
July 5 and 6. Although spe-
BBG registered its ten
and YM-YW disease research
In our work in BBYO a fresh start
cific schedules could not be
thousandth member this
projects. The latter projects
will give impetus to our efforts and our
prepared at the time, the com-
year, an all-time high in BBG
will be worked out through the
program. While I have been satisfied
mittee selected the site and
membership figures. BBG
cooperation of two B'nai
with the interest of our youth, a re-
date, developed the general
has grown rapidly in the
B'rith Hospitals, the Leo N.
newed interest will lead to greater
framework of the convention
eight years it has been a na-
Levi Hospital at Hot Springs,
J. J. Lieberman
and considered several recom-
tional organization and
Arkansas. and the National
Our prayers, however, will have to
mendations to refer to the con-
Jewish Hospital in Denver.
be directed to the subject of the world about us. Not
vention in its business ses-
Twenty-eight chapters have
that we can't pray for self-improvement and personal
contributed to the fund, and
strength. But the inventory of the world's status leaves
Of primary concern to the
much to be desired. Maybe, if this self-analysis taught
more money has come through
national organization is the
local BBYM-YW Councils, to
by Judaism were to spread, a much-desired improvement
state of its finances, upon
account for the large amount
in the world would follow. May it be so!
which hinge several projects
already received. YM-YW has
And to each of you, L'SHONO TOVO TIKUSEVO!
that might be undertaken if
for its goal an average of
May every blessing be yours.
funds were available. Among
Jacob J. Lieberman
$1.50 for each member. The
these projects are future pro-
goal was established at the
gram releases and a larger
last national convention of
BBYM-YW in Camp Achim,
Chapters To Re-Register Members;
travel fund which would per-
mit national officers to visit
Watervliet, Mich., in June of
local areas more frequently
Prospective Servicemen Included
and allow a greater represen-
Chapters began their efforts
tation of chapters at national
AZA and BBYM members who expect to enter the serv-
toward meeting the goal this ice this year are urged to re-register with their chapters as
winter, and the high rate of
all of BBYO swings into the new registration year of 1952-53.
Chapter Minimum
participation indicates further
Chapters begin re-registering on September 1. Those members
The convention will also be
accomplishments to be made
who enter the service between
asked to decide on a minimum
under the Three Pillars of
now and September, 1953, will
of next year, his dues will be
number of members required
Service Program. The success-
be credited with whatever
credited to his chapter for the
for chapters. The national ex-
10,000th BBG
ful beginning of the project
dues they paid before entering
period he is in the service.
ecutive committee is also rec-
moved the national executive
the service.
The chapter will then reim-
ommending that B'nai B'rith
committee of BBYM-YW to
passing the 10 thousand
In other words, a member
burse the member. However,
Young Men and Young Wo-
direct the chairmen of the
mark in one year is a mile-
re-registers for the entire year
he will stay on BBYO roles
men change its name to B'nai
program to investigate specific
stone in its development.
from September, 1952, to Sep-
and be considered an accredit-
B'rith Young Adults.
The ten thousandth name
projects which may be under-
tember, 1953. Should he enter
ed member throughout his
More specific business will
to be processed this year was
(See PILLARS, Page 8)
the service before September
develop from policy and pro-
that of 14-year-old Barbara
gram workshop-committees at
Lavine of Portsmouth, Vir-
the convention, which will con-
United Nations In AZA
ginia. She has just joined the
sider each phase of the BBYM-
Henrietta Szold chapter
YW program. Each workshop-
there, and like many BBG's
committee of the convention
she gives her reason for join-
will both evaluate the past
ing the organization as want-
year's progress and plan for
ing to learn to work with "all
the future at its meeting.
my Jewish friends."
"Take Home Value"
The ten-thousandth BBG
Again stressing "Take
has turned out to be like
Home Values," the convention
many of her BBG sisters.
will attempt to complete its
She will enter her freshman
official business early and
year of high school this fall
break up into implementing
and is in the ninth grade of
sessions on the last day of the
the Gomley Sunday Schol.
convention. This means that
She likes dancing and swim-
the first Combined Program
ming, and, incidentally, is
Release following the conven-
proficient in both. She re-
tion will be written essentially
cently won a jitterbug con-
on the spot, that channels for
test and last year she won a
informing chapters of na-
medal for swimming at the
tional programs will be devel-
Suburban Country Club Pool.
oped and that standing na-
She plays the piano also.
tional committees will have
Barbara learned about
Four new members from France, England, Germany, and Costa Rica are inducted into Bay State AZA
met for initial planning.
BBG through her cousin Ellen
in Worcester, Mass. These new members were inducted in a United Nations program conducted by the
Two national contests will
Rae Frank, who has been a
Worcester Council.
(See CONVENTION, Page 6)
(See TEN THOUSAND, Page 3)
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The Shofar, Vol. XXVIII, No. 1, September 1952
This newspaper contains articles reporting the activities of BBYO organizations (B'nai B'rith Girls, B'nai B'rith Young Women, Aleph Zadik Aleph, and B'nai B'rith Young Men) around the country. It includes information about officers, community service and philanthropy, events, alumni, and conventions.