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The Shofar, Vol. XXVIII, No. 2, October 1952
This newspaper contains articles reporting the activities of BBYO organizations (B'nai B'rith Girls, B'nai B'rith Young Women, Aleph Zadik Aleph, and B'nai B'rith Young Men) around the country. It includes information about officers, community service and philanthropy, events, alumni, and conventions.
Date/Date Range:
Active Leadership
Aleph Zadik Aleph (AZA)
B'nai B'rith Girls (BBG)
B'nai B'rith Young Men (BBYM)
B'nai B'rith Young Women (BBYW)
Community Service
The Shofar (Publication)
20th Century
The Shofar, Vol. XXVIII, No. 2, October 1952
Have You Moved?
Send Your
New Address
The Shofar
Official Publication of the B'nai B'rith Youth Organization,
Send address changes to The Shofar, 1761 R St. N.W.
Washington 9, D. C., Office of Publication, Baltimore, Md.
Girls Expand
Seen At National Conventions
Is Elected
Israel Aid
Phyllis Block Is
Entire Convention
Elected To BBG
Centers Around
AZA's Principles
BBG expanded its Anita
Don Newman, District 4
Perlman Scholarship Fund to
aleph godol, was elected grand
provide money for worthy
aleph godol of AZA at the clos-
girls to attend the projected
ing delegate session of the na-
B'nai B'rith Youth Encamp-
tional AZA convention in East
ment and set a goal of $1500
Lansing, Michigan, August
for the B'nai B'rith Children's
18-22. The Los Angeles aleph
Home in Israel at its seventh
served as national member-
annual convention held Aug-
ship chairman of AZA last
ust 25-29 at Michigan State
College, East Lansing, Michi-
MorriƩ Kross, Kansas City,
was elected grand aleph s'gan,
and Sidney Stahl, Dallas, as-
sumed the office of grand
The delegates elected Phyl-
aleph mazkir. Peter K. Rose-
lis Block of Baltimore to the
dale, Cranston, R. I., pre-
national presidency. Other
sided at the national conven-
newly elected officers are:
tion. The retiring GAG was
Myckie (Muriel) Fine, Chi-
elected grand aleph kohen
cago first vice-president;
Sandra Dunkin Portland,
The twenty-ninth annual
Oregon, second vice-president
convention of AZA featured
and retiring national presi-
the theme, "AZA Rededicates
dent, Renee Romick, Dallas,
Itself to Its Seven Cardinal
counselor. The new president
Principles." Speakers at the
appointed Jessica Schildhaus
convention directed their re-
and Ruth Abrams of Washing-
(See NEWMAN, Page 8)
ton, D. C., to share the office
of secretary.
The future establishment of
Leo M. Cherne
the youth encampment led the
BBG's to enlarge their schol-
To Be Given
arship fund SO that girls will
be assured of the opportunity
to attend the institutes and
Alumnus Award
conventions that will be held
Leo M. Cherne, New York
Above: Alephs from Detroit perform the Judas Maccabeus Playlet at the National AZA Convention.
City, one-time international
Earmark Funds
Below: BBG's gather for an informal song fest during their national convention. Both conclaves were
Half the monies raised for
held at Michigan State College, East Lansing, Michigan, in August.
now AZA oratory nationally champion prominent and
the Perlman Scholarship Fund
economist, writer, and radio-
will continue to be earmarked
for members who wish to con-
YM-YW Designs
Michigan's Governor Williams
TV commentator, was elected
by the 29th international AZA
tinue their formal education
convention as the second re-
after high school: the re-
"Work" Conclave
mainder will be assigned to
Speaks At Conventions
cipient of the Sam Beber Dis-
tinguished AZA Alumnus
the encampment scholarship
For December
Award. The first award was
fund. Chapters will continue to
Governor G. Mennen Williams of Michigan interrupted
presented last year to Philip
earn their $3.00 a year quota,
A "working" convention is
his busy schedule to welcome both AZA and BBG conventions
M. Klutznick, Chicago builder
and may designate the phase
designed for BBYM-YW
to Michigan State College by appearing before each conven-
and second grand aleph godol.
of the fund to which the con-
when it meets in Cincinnati
tion on the opening day. Governor Williams, who responded
Cherne was a member of
tributions should be given.
on December 24, 25, 26, and
to delegates' informal greet-
Rehoboth Chapter 89 in New
Should a chapter not earmark
27. The national executive
ings using his nickname
through America, the world."
York from 1927 to 1933. He
the funds, the money will be
committee has been asked to
"Soapy," impressed upon the
In asserting that no one had
served as aleph godol of his
divided equally.
vote on the Sheraton-Gibson
national convention partici-
a choice in entering the con-
chapter and subsequently as
Setting a goal of $1500 for
Hotel in Cincinnati as conven-
pants their responsibility to
flict, the governor suggested
junior deputy for New York
the B'nai B'rith Children's
tion headquarters, Midge
other AZA and BBG members
that a strong weapon against
State. He won first place in the
Home is an additional contri-
Skulsky, Montreal, national
who could not attend the con-
totalitarianism would be an
international AZA oratory
bution to the home over the
YM-YW president, has an-
"attack of ideals.' This he pro-
finals in 1931. He has main-
current program of mailing
He expressed the hope that
posed would be an added de-
tained his interest in B'nai
packages of needed art materi-
The four days of meetings,
the delegates would "not only
fense to a strong army and air
B'rith as a member of Reho-
als, recreational equipment
Midge says, will be devoted to
have had a pleasant time, but
both Lodge in New York and
and toilet articles which BBG
studying every phase of the
would have made wise judg-
He said, "We must perfect
he has been active in ADL
chapters have been carrying
national YM-YW program,
and launch an attack of demo-
ments to guide" them in the
out over the past several
from deciding how to select a
future. Assigning a share in
cratic idealism and ideas to
Leo Cherne is Executive Director
years. All monetary contribu-
national song to an intense
the conflict between democ-
pierce the iron curtain that
of the Research Institute of Amer-
tions to the home will be chan-
evaluation of the Three Pillars
racy and totalitarianism to
will return freedom and sanity
ica, an organization that interprets
neled through the national
of Service program.
BBYO, he said "You have a
to many parts of the globe."
economic, legislative and political
trends for more than 30,000 busi-
BBYO office. A decision on
Tentative plans call for ten
part because your tenets make
The governor's addresses to
ness executives, professional men
what the money will purchase
program workshops to follow
for brotherhood. democracy
the conventions were informal,
and representatives of our own and
when it is forwarded to the
the delegate sessions, where
and freedom." He added that
chatty presentations. At the
foreign governments. Under his
home will be made by the
any revisions in the present
what the delegates decided at
AZA convention he responded
leadership the Research Institute
national executive committee
program will be made. Mem-
the convention was "of signifi-
to humorous jibing among dis-
of America acquired and continues
(See CONVENTION, Page 4)
cance to all: America and
(See WILLIAMS, Page 6)
(See CHERNE, Page 6)
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The Shofar, Vol. XXVIII, No. 2, October 1952
This newspaper contains articles reporting the activities of BBYO organizations (B'nai B'rith Girls, B'nai B'rith Young Women, Aleph Zadik Aleph, and B'nai B'rith Young Men) around the country. It includes information about officers, community service and philanthropy, events, alumni, and conventions.