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The Shofar, Vol. XXVIII, No. 8, May 1953
This newspaper contains articles reporting the activities of BBYO organizations (B'nai B'rith Girls, B'nai B'rith Young Women, Aleph Zadik Aleph, and B'nai B'rith Young Men) around the country. It includes information about officers, community service and philanthropy, events, alumni, and conventions.
Date/Date Range:
Active Leadership
Aleph Zadik Aleph (AZA)
B'nai B'rith Girls (BBG)
B'nai B'rith Young Men (BBYM)
B'nai B'rith Young Women (BBYW)
Community Service
The Shofar (Publication)
20th Century
The Shofar, Vol. XXVIII, No. 8, May 1953
Have You Moved?
Send Your
New Address
The Shofar
Official Publication of the B'nai B'rith Youth Organization
MAY, 1953
Office of Publications, Baltimore, Md. Send address changes
to The Shofar, 1761 R St., N.W., Washington 9, D.C.
YA's Present
Check For
National Issues Will Be
The National BBYM-YW
marked the completion of
Aired At District Confabs
its first project in the name of
the Audrey Schwartz Me-
BBG's To Decide On
Workbook Lists
morial Fund to Combat Dis-
ease with the presentation
BB Home, Elections,
Vital 1954 Projects;
last month of a $1,100 check
Other Basic Issues
towards the purchase of a new
Full Study Urged
fluoroscope for the National
Jewish Hospital at Denver.
"Shall we continue the
Delegates to the 1953 na-
The presentation was made
Children's Home as a major
tional AZA convention will set
by Jerry Olesh, vice-president of
project?" "Are there any
BBYM 115, Denver, at dedication
rules of existing programs in
policy on every vital program
ceremonies of the hospital's new
need of change?" "What
conducted by the organization
wing. He was accompanied by
should be the qualifications
in the coming year.
Miss Joyce Feingold, of BBYW
for National President
Armed with the AZA "Work-
304, also of Denver.
book of National Issues at District
These and a host of other
Set up two years ago as an inte-
Conventions," out this week, dis-
gral part of the national Three
primary policy issues will be
trict delegates will hammer out the
Pillar Program, the YM-YW health
facing delegates to the four-
various issues at district conven-
fund is already well on its way
day national BBG convention
tions throughout the country next
towards completion of its second
at the University of Illinois,
month, in advance of the national
project-the purchase of a force
Urbana, Ill., Aug. 21 through
convention at the University of
pump for the whirlpool baths of
Aug. 25.
Illinois, at Urbana, Ill. The five-
the Leon N. Levi Hospital at Hot
All the issues delegates will be
day national conclave will convene
Springs, Ark. More than $200 of
called upon to resolve are contain-
Aug. 30, winding up on Sept 4.
its $1,500 goal has already been
ed in the BBG "Workbook of Na-
High on the list of issues facing
tional Issues for Use at District
AZA is selection of a new com-
Purchase of the fluoroscope,
Conventions," which will be in use
munity service project. Delegates
which will be used in the diagnosis
throughout the country next month
will be asked to decide whether or
of the "vicious killer
at district conventions. Much of the
not to continue the B'nai B'rith
represents a continuation of B'nai
spadework on the issues is expect-
Children's Home, or to inaugurate
B'rith's "community service pro-
ed to be done at the district con-
a new project in conjunction with it.
gram," a statement by Mert Brody,
CHOW TIME AT ILLINOIS. Hungry delegates to the AZA and BBG
The organization is now nearing
chairman of the Audrey Schwartz
(A summary of issues contained
national conventions will be served the most wholesome meals in the
completion of its $5,000 goal in
Fund, and Phil Brent, Three Pillar
in the workbook will be found in
spacious and beautiful dining hall at the University of Illinois. This scene
support of the Home.
(See BBG Page 3)
was photographed during the 1951 AZA convention at Illinois.
(See AZA Page 8)
BBYO's Contribute $3,000 For Home At Women's Parley
Symbolizing the strength of
Adults toward their $2,000 pledge
presentations. It was the first time
"This is certainly a fine gesture
which these presentations will rep-
the ties within the B'nai
for furnishing one dormitory in the
in BBYO history that three repre-
and we know that all of the women
sentatives had been invited to ad-
will be extremely appreciative as
Convention delegates were also
B'rith family, representatives
All three youth representatives
dress the Women's Supreme Coun-
well as touched by the efforts of
shown the new film, "The B'nai
of BBYO presented checks
spoke briefly following their check
cil. Their invitations read in part: cooperation of our young people
B'rith Home in Israel."
totalling $3,000 for the B'nai
Completing Pledges
B'rith Children's Home in
More Support For Children's Home
As the three national BBYO
Israel to the Women's Su-
organizations moved towards com-
preme Council last Sunday,
pletion of the overall fulfillment of
their pledges, the national office
April 26. The presentations
reported daily receipt of contribu-
were made at the biennial
tions from various chapters
meeting of the Council in
throughout the country.
Washington, D.C.
One of the largest of the recent
The contributions brought to
contributions was made by some 30
$5,000 the amount AZA, BBG and
chapters in the Los Angeles area.
BBYM-YW have contributed to-
Their $355 contribution, the pro-
ward their combined goal of $10,-
ceeds of a Southern Regional As-
000 for the support of the Home.
sociation Purim Ball, brought the
District 4 total to $645. The district
In a statement to the women,
has pledged $1,000 toward the fund.
national BBG president Phyllis
Block, representing BBYO, thanked
The $200 contribution made by
the Council for its sponsorship of
the Wilner AZA marked that chap-
the youth organization, and for
ter as the largest single contributor
in the current campaign. The funds
providing American Jewish youth
with an opportunity of serving the
represented the proceeds of its
annual dance.
Jewish community in America and
Other Contributors
Present Checks
Other contributions received this
month include:
Miss Block presented a check
for $1,000 as BBG's second install-
ment on its national goal of $2,600.
Seattle 73. Seattle, Wash -$80.
BBG's previous contribution was
AZA Northern Region, Portland, Ore.-
Charlotte BBYO, Charlotte, N. C.-$25.
Eugene Horowitz, aleph godol of
Dr. Israel Brown. Norfolk, Va.-$10.
Philadelphia AZA Council-$41.
Wilner AZA, Washington, D.C.,
Joseph Hirsh, Far Rockaway, Y.-$7.
representing national AZA, pre-
Abe Orlow Philadelphia-$5.
Pottsville, Penna.-
sented a check for $1,500, bringing
Martin Smith, W. Palm Beach, Fla.-S15.
to $2,500 AZA's contribution to-
Dr. Stanley Ginsburgh, Baltimore-$65.
ward its $5,000 goal. Horowitz's
chapter alone has contributed $200
FOUR MINDS AND HEARTS WITH but a single thought-the B'nai B'rith Children's Home in Israel. Mrs.
FDR, St. Louis-$5.
toward that amount.
Ben Rosenthal, outgoing president of the Women's Supreme Council, accepts BBYO's contributions for the sup-
Charlotte BBYO, Charlotte, N. C.-$25.
BBYM-YW's check for $500 was
Heart of America, Kansas City, Mo.-$10.
port of the Home at the women's biennial meeting in Washington, D. C. Eugene Horowitz, Aleph Godol of Wil-
Aleph Tomiede,Spokane-$25.
presented by Laura Bader, national
BBYM-YW vice-president. The con-
ner AZA (left) represented national AZA, Phyllis Block (second from right), National BBG President repre-
tribution brought to $1,000 the
sented the girls' organization, and Laura Bader, National YM-YW vice-president, presented a check on behalf
Louisville YW. Louisville. Kv.-$15
Essex County YW. Newark. N. J.-$14.25.
amount contributed by the Young
Sharet YW, Miami Beach, Fla.-$20.
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The Shofar, Vol. XXVIII, No. 8, May 1953
This newspaper contains articles reporting the activities of BBYO organizations (B'nai B'rith Girls, B'nai B'rith Young Women, Aleph Zadik Aleph, and B'nai B'rith Young Men) around the country. It includes information about officers, community service and philanthropy, events, alumni, and conventions.