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The Shofar, Vol. XXIX, No. 1, January 1954
This newspaper contains articles reporting the activities of BBYO organizations (B'nai B'rith Girls, B'nai B'rith Young Women, Aleph Zadik Aleph, and B'nai B'rith Young Men) around the country. It includes information about officers, community service and philanthropy, events, alumni, and conventions.
Date/Date Range:
Active Leadership
Aleph Zadik Aleph (AZA)
B'nai B'rith Girls (BBG)
B'nai B'rith Young Men (BBYM)
B'nai B'rith Young Women (BBYW)
Community Service
The Shofar (Publication)
20th Century
The Shofar, Vol. XXIX, No. 1, January 1954
Official Publication of the B'nai B'rith Youth Organization
30th YEAR
Office of Publications, Baltimore, Md. Send address changes
to The Shofar, 1761 R St., N.W., Washington 9. D.C.
YM-YW Group Calls For
Leadership Institute At
1954 International Parley
The BBYM-YW National Executive Committee will be asked to endorse recommenda-
tions calling for the establishment of an International Leadership Institute to be held in
conjunction with the order's International Convention this summer.
This was one of the major results of meetings in New York last week of national YA
leaders and district delegates. The week-end parley brought together national YM-YW exec-
utives in the east and delegates from districts One and Five. The YA leaders, meeting in
what was called a planning committee, submitted a series of
recommendations which will be transmitted to the full execu-
tive committee and to the national convention for ratification.
Delegate Cut-Off
Limited Funds
A COMMON BOND is their devotion to the Bonds for Israel campaign.
levying a special assessment on
Mimi Oelbaum, president of the BBG Southern Ontario Region, chats
Jerry Nelson, YM-YW national
Date Is March 31
all members in the region affected,
with Congressman Franklin D. Roosevelt, Jr.. during the Congress-
president, explained that limited
or by conducting fund-raising
The BBYO National Member-
funds forced postponement of a
man's recent visit to Toronto on behalf of the bond campaign. BBG's
ship Office announced this week
regular executive committee meet-
and AZA's in the Southern Ontario region have been active in the
Other recommendations of the
that March 31, 1954, will be the
ing this year, and that the plan-
planning committee, which must
cut-off date for calculating dis-
ning committee was organized in
await executive committee or con-
trict representation to national
its place. Executive committee
vention body action, were:
conventions this year.
AZA-BBG Executive
members will be polled by mail on
1. Creation of a sub-committee
Delegations to AZA, BBG and
the resolutions and recommenda-
Pillars One and Two of the
YM-YW national parleys will be
tions adopted by the planning
national YM-YW program.
figured on the basis of district
Committees Meet In
2. Proposals affecting the na-
membership recorded in the na-
Chief among these is a recom-
tional discussion program.
tional office at the cut-off date,
mendation to strongly emphasize
3. Seminar discussion topies.
the membership office said. The
Washington, Feb. 5-7
the order's regional structure, and
4. Apportionment of delegates
announcement stressed that dis-
at the same time de-empliasize the
on a regional basis where no district
tricts would receive no credit
district set-up. Purpose behind this
structure exists.
toward the size of their delega-
The AZA and BBG national executive committees will
recommendation would be to estab-
tions on the basis of membership
meet in Washington, Feb. 5-7, to consider a full agenda of
lish a direct line between the region
Institute To Follow
increases after the March 31
and the national structure.
The planning group proposed that
organizational problems headed by planning for the impend-
One of the most important tools
a three-day leadership training in-
ing 1954 encampments, Steve Wasser, International Grand
in the development of this process
stitute be held immediately after,
Aleph Godol, and Chuckie Turner, national BBG president,
of strengthened regional structures,
and in conjunction with, the inter-
gates. The three-day institute would
the planning group recommended,
national convention. A tentative
be open to all delegates and any
announced last week,
would be the hiring of part-time
date of the third or fourth week in
YM-YW member in good standing.
Other Topics
Notice Cards
executive secretaries by metropoli-
July was suggested.
The training institute would in-
tan regional councils. These part-
The two-day convention would be
clude a program of training for
Convention workbook topics,
time employes would render semi-
attended only by duly elected dele-
(see INSTITUTE, page 6)
study committee reports, and proj-
Can Be Aid
professional services in assisting
ect evaluation will also rank high
the region and its component chap-
among the issues to be discussed
ters in better organizing them-
by the 23 members of the executive
To Mazkir
selves, recruiting members and
gathering information for expanded
Ball point pen, conventional
mailing lists and contacts.
Heaviest concentration will be on
point pen or typewriter.
Should Be Alumni
the encampments, with the commit-
They all can make for writer's
The group proposed that these
tees focusing their sights on a CO-
cramp if a chapter mazkir has a
part-time employes be alumni of
ordination of district and national
load of meeting notices to get out.
YM-YW, whose knowledge and
parleys. The AZA and BBG leader-
All the work can be done easily
close ties with the organization
ship will strive to eliminate over-
now, by using the new handy post-
would be assets in helping them
card meeting notice forms which
lapping in programming at the dis-
perform their jobs to the best possi-
are available from the BBYO Na-
ble advantage of the order. Funds
trict and national level as well as
tional Office. The card was de-
for paying these part-time execu-
prepare district delegates for a
signed by Arnold Lupin, Grand
tive secretaries, it was recom-
fuller participation in this year's
Aleph Mazkir, to help chapter
mended, could be raised by either
mazkirs with their work.
national encampments.
The card, announcing "It's An
There will also be a discussion
AZA Meeting," is a printed form
Children's Home
of national convention issues; con-
on one side with spaces to be filled
vention dates and a determination
in for date, time, place, and type
Story In This
of who will be eligible to attend the
of meeting, and can be an asset to
leadership institutes which were
any busy chapter mazkir.
The cards are available .with or
Issue Of Shofar
inaugurated at the 1953 national
without postage. The price for cards
The B'nai B'rith Children's Home
with postage is $2.50 per 100, $4.75
in Israel is about to add a new
Where To Find It
per 200. The price for cards with-
phase to its relatively brief but
out postage is $.75 per 100, and
eventful and important existence.
Aleph Godol's Message Page 3
$1.25 per 200.
A permanent home with all the
latest in modern facilities for hous-
BBG President's
conventions and will be continued
ing and treating scores of malad-
Page 7
at this year's encampments.
justed children is expected to be
B'nai B'rith Briefs
Page 8
AZA Issues
ready for occupancy by the summer
of 1954.
Chapter Chatter
Issues on the tentative AZA ex-
Page 7
Completion of the home will be
ecutive committee agenda include:
the fulfillment of a dream BBYO
Children's Home
1. Grand Aleph Godol's report on
has shared with the B'nai B'rith
Pages 4-5
Women's Supreme Council, which
2. Grand Aleph S'gan's report on
Israel Moss' Column
created the first home in 1948 to
Page 2
meet the needs of a war torn world.
YM-YW President's
3. Discussion of Encampment.
Today BBYO continues its sup-
Page 6
a-Reports by study
port of the Home, through mone-
tary contributions, gifts and moral
Page 8
b-Tentative Convention
support. To learn what the Home
UNDER ONE BANNER, these happy, healthy children march. The
YM-YW News
Schedule-to be submitted
Page 6
has done, what it is doing and what
B'nai B'rith Children's Home has enabled hundreds of kids just like
by G.A.G.
it plans to do-see pages four and
these to get a second chance to grow into healthy, useful adults.
(see EXECUTIVES, page 2)
five of this issue of SHOFAR.
For the complete story of the Children's Home, see pages 4 and 5.
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The Shofar, Vol. XXIX, No. 1, January 1954
This newspaper contains articles reporting the activities of BBYO organizations (B'nai B'rith Girls, B'nai B'rith Young Women, Aleph Zadik Aleph, and B'nai B'rith Young Men) around the country. It includes information about officers, community service and philanthropy, events, alumni, and conventions.