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The Shofar, Vol. XXI [sic], No. 8, October 1954
This newspaper contains articles reporting the activities of BBYO organizations (B'nai B'rith Girls, B'nai B'rith Young Women, Aleph Zadik Aleph, and B'nai B'rith Young Men) around the country. It includes information about officers, community service and philanthropy, events, alumni, and conventions.
Date/Date Range:
Active Leadership
Aleph Zadik Aleph (AZA)
B'nai B'rith Girls (BBG)
B'nai B'rith Young Adults (BBYA)
Community Service
The Shofar (Publication)
20th Century
The Shofar, Vol. XXI [sic], No. 8, October 1954
(See Pages 4 and 5)
Official Publication of the B'nai B'rith Youth Organization
31st YEAR
Office of Publications, Baltimore, Md. Send address changes
to The Shofar, 1761 R St., N.W., Washington 9.
Rothman Heads Slate Of
Miller, Lichter And Wasser;
Joint Service Fund Voted
Starlight, Penna.
Elliot Rothman of Pittsburgh became the 30th aleph in
the history of AZA to hold the post of Grand Aleph Godol as
delegates to the 31st International AZA Convention and Lead-
ership Training Institute at Camp B'nai B'rith here, Aug. 25-
31, embarked the order on a new concept of community service
involving "10,000 aleph work hours."
More than 200 alephs
delegates, alternates and in-
stitute participants - heard
AZA Highlights
major addresses by Rabbi
Highlights of the 31st Inter-
Arthur Lelyveld, National Di-
national AZA Convention, in
rector of the B'nai B'rith Hillel
outline form, are printed on page
Foundations and alumnus Max Kro-
8. For other convention news,
loff. a former GAG who now serves
see pages 4 and 5.
as National Director of Membership
for B'nai B'rith. A third address, by
alumnus Leo M. Cherne, noted New
vention will hear reports on both
York economist, was read for him
by Anita Perlman, a vice-chairman
Approval of a resolution sup-
of the Youth Commission, when
porting a continued "benevolent at-
Cherne was called out of the
titude of assistance" toward the
country on official business on the
State of Israel. In this connection,
ever of his scheduled talk to the con-
delegates agreed to get behind the
TOP EXECUTIVES FOR 1954-55 pose at the 31st International AZA Convention and Leadership Train-
all-out B'nai B'rith campaign to sell
ing Institute after their installation. Left to right, Howard Miller of Baltimore, Grand Aleph S'gan;
$7.5 millions in Israel Bonds.
Combined Fund
Elliot Rothman, Pittsburgh, Grand Aleph Godol; Steve Wasser, Schenectady, N. Y., Grand Aleph Kohen
Setting the age limit of AZA
Godol; and Jules Lichter, Baltimore, Grand Aleph Mazkir,
The convention, which adopted a
members "definitely at 14 to 21."
combined service fund for the 1954-
Provision was made for exceptions
55 year, also saw the election of
in cases of direct petitions which
Howard Miller of Baltimore as
are to be approved by the National
They're First
Grand Aleph S'gan and Jules Lich-
Director of BBYO.
11 AZA Newspapers
ter, also of Baltimore, as Grand
For 1954-55
Aleph Mazkir. 1953-54 GAG Steve
Membership Policies
Wasser was the unanimous choice
Also approved were these mem-
Two chapters in District 2 and
Tops In Contest
for Grand Aleph Kohen Godol.
bership policies:
one in District 4 have the dis-
The AZA combined service fund
Aleph Moreh is to be an'elected
tinction of being first to register
Eleven AZA chapter newspapers won top honors for
which includes the BBYO Grove in
for the 1954-55 BBYO year.
the Martyr's Forest in Israel and
Adoption of the new "Standard
First BBG chapter to register
being the best in the nation for 1953-54, judges in the annual
International New Member Pro-
for the new year is Chaim Weiz-
AZA Press Club Newspaper Contest have announced.
the proposed ing BBYO in Washington, Conference Henry Monsky Room in the
new Build-
gram of the Aleph Zadik Aleph,"
mann BBG of St. Louis. Ethel
The eleven papers which were+
was one of
which provides for, among other
Feigenblatt is president of the
named in the "Excellent" class,
series here. important these concept a
of decisions taken
things, an aleph-in-training pro-
eight-member chapter.
topped a field of 39 newspapers
For a complete listing of all
One of is the of
Irving R. Fox BBYM Cincin-
AZA Press Club winners, see
nati, is the first BBYA chapter
entered in the contest. Also named
munity chapters 10,000 work participate programs goal by such
hour which
Any aleph who has reached 18
page 7.
will in com-
or older and has been a member of
to register. The chapter has 19
were 21 "Outstanding" newspapers.
service of
AZA for two years, will now auto-
members. Chapter president is
This year's contest also featured,
certificates from the BBYO Na-
Irvin Greenfield.
United organizations Cancer Society, as Palsy the Association, Fund, American and
matically be eligible for life mem-
District 4's Marin County
for the first time, an "Honorable
tional Office.
AZA of San Rafael, Calif., is the
Mention" category.
Levied a 30 cent fee on entering
Three Certificates
others. The 10,000 hour goal has
alephs, to be known as a "National
first AZA chapter to get in
The newspapers and their editors
been apportioned on the basis of 25
in all three categories will receive
Three different certificates will be
School of AZA Fee," for the pur-
under the 1954-55 wire. Ronald
awarded this year-a gold certifi-
hours of work per chapter.
chase of an Aleph-in-Training Kit
Paul is the godol of the 16-mem-
which would include the Pledge
ber group.
New Column
(see PRESS, page 7)
Other Actions
Manual, Pledge Test and Parents'
All registrations were record-
Other action taken by the conven-
Letter of Information. Purchase of
ed in the BBYO National Office
in Washington.
Bows In Shofar
Where To Find It
tion included:
the kit would be completely
Aleph Godol's Message Page
Establishment of the Richard
Klutznick Scholarship Fund for
"Names in the News," a new
The president's message also
monthly column, makes its appear-
BBG President's
Leadership Training on the basis of
Message From Eisenhower
carried greetings to AZA's sister
ance with this issue of SHOFAR.
Page 6
voluntary chapter contributions,
The seven-day parley was the
organization, BBG.
A round-up of news of BBYO'ers.
Page 3
with a suggested minimum contri-
first international AZA convention
Delegates to the convention
prominent alumni, and B'nai B'rith
of $3.00
to be held at BBYO's new summer
named Samuel D. Gershovitz of
notables will be featured in the new
Names In The News
Page 6
committee bution *Agreement study per have chapter. the possibility
to executive
home here. BBYA and BBG had
New York, executive vice president
column. News of BBYO'ers will
Page 7
already held their international
of the National Jewish Welfare
stress their outside activities not
What AZA Means
leadership joint and feasibility" training
of international
conventions here.
Board, as AZA's "Outstanding
necessarily connected with BBYO.
To Me
Page 3
institutes on a
One of the highlights of the con-
Alumnus" of 1954. Mr. Gershovitz,
Chapters and individuals should
basis with BBG. A similar
vention was the receipt of a special
who will be officially presented with
address news items for inclusion
What Do You Think?
Page 2
study was ordered into the possi-
anniversary message from Presi-
a plaque in ceremonies early next
in the new SHOFAR feature to:
bility of joint AZA-BBG conven-
YM-YW President's
dent Dwight Eisenhower on the OC-
year, was a member of AZA in
"Names in the News," Shofar, 1761
tions. The 1955 international con-
Page 7
casion of AZA's 30th anniversary.
"R" St., NW, Washington 9, D.C.
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The Shofar, Vol. XXI [sic], No. 8, October 1954
This newspaper contains articles reporting the activities of BBYO organizations (B'nai B'rith Girls, B'nai B'rith Young Women, Aleph Zadik Aleph, and B'nai B'rith Young Men) around the country. It includes information about officers, community service and philanthropy, events, alumni, and conventions.