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The Shofar, Vol. XXXII, No. 5, June 1955
This newspaper contains articles reporting the activities of BBYO organizations (B'nai B'rith Girls, B'nai B'rith Young Women, Aleph Zadik Aleph, and B'nai B'rith Young Men) around the country. It includes information about officers, community service and philanthropy, events, alumni, and conventions.
Date/Date Range:
Active Leadership
Aleph Zadik Aleph (AZA)
B'nai B'rith Girls (BBG)
B'nai B'rith Young Adults (BBYA)
Community Service
The Shofar (Publication)
20th Century
The Shofar, Vol. XXXII, No. 5, June 1955
Official Publication of the B'nai B'rith Youth Organization
32nd YEAR
JUNE, 1955
Office of Publications Baltimore, Md. Send address changes
to The Shofar. 1761 R St., N.W.. Washington 9.
August 15-19
Phil Klutznick To Address
Are Dates For
AZA Parley; Convention
BBG Parley
To Run August 25 To 29
B'nai B'rith President and AZA alumnus Philip M. Klutz-
August 15 through August
nick will be the major speaker at the 31st International AZA
19 are the dates which have
Convention at Camp B'nai B'rith this summer. The four-day
been set for BBG's 11th an-
parley, which will bring together 109 official voting delegates
nual International Convention
of AZA's seven districts, will be held August 25 through
to be held for the second con-
August 29.
secutive year at B'nai B'rith's
For the first time in the history
discussers and a limited number of
summer home Camp B'nai
of international AZA conventions,
B'rith, Starlight, Penna.
the top officers of B'nai B'rith will
To Address Banquet
meet at the same time. The Ad-
A total of 87 fully-accredited
Mr. Klutznick will address the
ministrative Committee of the
voting delegates will participate in
banquet meeting on the final night
Supreme Lodge will hold its meet-
of the convention. Also scheduled
New York
ing at Camp B'nai B'rith, August
Outstanding American-Jewish
humorist Sam Levenson will be
In addition to voting delegates,
one of the featured speakers at
arrangements have been made to
the BBG International Conven-
accommodate an equal number of
tion, it has been announced by
alternates, plus oratory finalists,
Hyman Chipkin, chairman of
the B'nai B'rith Youth Commis-
sion Program Committee, who
BBYO Groups
secured Mr. Levenson's services.
Levenson, who appears on radio
and television, will speak at the
Raise $7000
BBG convention on August
16. Further details, August
For Projects
this year's parley, along with an
THE WELCOME MAT is being readied for AZA and BBG inter-
BBYO's overall fund-raising
equal number of alternates. In ad-
national convention delegates and joint institute participants at
efforts stand at $7000 for the
dition, story-tellers and discussers
Camp B'nai B'rith this summer. Here are a couple of views BBYO'ers
current registration year, the
and guests will also take part in
attending the camp will be seeing. Above, a big sign at the entrance
National Office announced this
the proceedings. The convention
to the camp greets all guests. Below, looking across one of the
month. The figures include all
will immediately precede the BBYO
camp's two athletic fields. At right is one of the recreation halls.
monies raised by chapters for
(see BBG, page 3)
A number of cabins can be seen at left.
their national projects for the
period from Sept. 1, 1954
BBYO Joint Institute Program
through May 31, 1955.
for that evening are installation of
BBG has contributed the largest
officers ceremonies and the pres-
portion of this total-$3363. AZA's
entation to Samuel D. Gershovitz,
Set; Leadership In Democracy
fund-raising projects have netted
of New York, of a plaque denoting
$2231 and BBYA's share is $1359.
his designation last year as winner
Included in the BBG totals are
of AZA's "Sam Beber Distin-
And Jewish Community Featured
$1687 for its combined Leadership
guished Alumnus Award." Mr.
Training and Anita Perlman
Gershovitz is executive vice-presi-
Scholarship Funds. This figure was
dent of the National Jewish Wel-
More than 200 alephs and BBG's are expected to participate in this summer's six-day
swelled by $150 on the day the
fare Board. He was named winner
International Leadership Training Institute at Camp B'nai B'rith, Starlight, Penna. The joint
totals were being tabulated with
of the award at last year's Interna-
sessions, which will focus on developing leaders of AZA and BBG as future adult leaders in
receipt of a check from Jenny Zes-
tional AZA convention, and among
mer BBG, Dallas, Texas. The chap-
other actions to be taken by dele-
the American and Canadian Jewish communities. will be held from August 19 through August
ter earned the money by staging a
gates to this year's parley will be
two-night stand of a series of one-
selection of another winner of the
The Institute will be an inten-
eral topics as "The Emerging Jew-
seminars. Sabbath observances at
coveted award.
ish Community" and "Basic Con-
act plays. Both nights played to
sive six-day course of educational
the camp will culminate with Sat-
packed houses. The remainder of
Among other convention speak-
and recreational activities dealing
cepts of Judaism." Leadership
(see INSTITUTE, page 6)
seminars will fall into these two
(see PROJECTS, page 7)
ers will be the chairman of the
with problems concerned with lead-
B'nai B'rith Youth Commission,
ership in democracy and in the
categories: "Discussion Leadership
J. J. Lieberman.
American-Canadian Jewish com-
and Participation" and "The Indi-
Convention business committees
vidual and the Group."
will take up a variety of issues of
Prominent Speakers
Rabbi Tzvi Porath, BBYO Chap-
concern to the entire order-mem-
lain and Religious Consultant, will
The Institute program will fea-
bership, community service, Jewish
direct the Judaism seminars. An
ture a list of prominent leaders in
announcement of other specialists
(see KLUTZNICK, page 6)
both the American-Jewish commun-
ity and in the area of democratic
for the various phases of the Insti-
tute program is expected shortly
speakers. persons, leadership format and of and resource the guest six-
as staff
seminar leaders
Sabbath Service Opening
Where To Find It
The joint Institute will open Fri-
day session will be divided into
Aleph Godol's Message
day evening, August 19, with Sab-
Page 3
seminars, workshops and discus-
bath services and an Oneg Shabbat,
BBG President's
both of which will be directed and
Page 5
sessions Institute groups. workshops dance, singing,
will include
executed by a special Institute com-
Chapter Chatter
Page 5
on Israeli
mittee. Highlights of Saturday's
Names In The News
Page 4
literature, zine dramatics, arts newspaper and crafts, Jewish maga-
sessions will be four seminars on
Page 2
Judaism-"The Emerging Ameri-
What Do You Think?
can-Jewish Community," "Basic
BOATING WILL BE one of the many recreational activities to be
Page 2
ars raphy will publication, be divided public dramatics, speaking. between sessions photog- Semin-
Concepts of Judaism," 'Contempor-
enjoyed this summer by BBYO'ers attending Camp B'nai B'rith.
World Datelines
Page 8
ary Jewish Problems," and "Jewish
The view is even lovelier from mid-lake. A full athletic program
BBYA President's
on Judaism and Leadership, Juda-
Customs and Ceremonies." Guest
has been planned for both the AZA and BBG conventions and the
Page 7
1sm seminars will include such gen-
lecturers are expected to lead these
joint institute, along with the workshops and seminars.
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The Shofar, Vol. XXXII, No. 5, June 1955
This newspaper contains articles reporting the activities of BBYO organizations (B'nai B'rith Girls, B'nai B'rith Young Women, Aleph Zadik Aleph, and B'nai B'rith Young Men) around the country. It includes information about officers, community service and philanthropy, events, alumni, and conventions.